Many times, when asked about youth and the true meaning it has, brains may go void. Impossibility is that we could not find a common understanding of what it is all about.
I am surprised when I see someone as old as forty-five claiming to be youth! If our forty-five is still youth, what about our twenties! Doesn’t it mean, “youth has no age” as Pablo Picasso once said? However, my concern is not to define youth nor to pin-point their life-long gains, but rather to shed some light on the challenges youth of today face almost all the time.
Youth is such a treasure to our nation. We could imagine how aching it is when we lose the things we hold dear of which youth is the number one. The tragic incident that took place in Hotel Shambo has touched my feelings so much so that I thought I was among those killed. It completely left me traumatized.
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While I was reading the coverings about that unpleasant moment, I came across the headline, “They Killed My Hope“. Once I finished the whole story narrated by Hawa Siyaad, the mother of a 24-year-old final year medical student, it was like watching a horror movie. This very agony has engulfed her first-born baby. Her only light was snuffed out and was butchered on her witness. What so heartbreaking! Young people are ended such unholy ways nowadays.
Likewise, thousands of our young people dreaming of better life abroad often drowned in oceans around Africa. Their flesh and bones have been favorable food to sharks and barracudas. These youth whom we believe in are the candle of tomorrow’s darkness but they simply risk their lives and run away from their homelands in search of the “American Dream”. They are mostly young men and women who lost hope and direction in life.
Little do they realize that their destiny has already been written by Allah and whatsoever they dream to have is under His command. We are shamefully alerted by the crocodile tears we shed for our loved ones. It has just been like this for the last two decades. This is not permissible whilst there is humanity that teaches us to feel for one another.
More emphatically, there are so many other problems that youth of today face from day to day bases that need to be addressed urgently. It will not be unfair if I say youth have lost trust in the older generations but I will say this, the youth of today lack role models and voices to represent them. If it would have been there, say one or two, then they are not with us today. The cream has traveled the furthest of distance and lives in the other corners of the world. Truth be told, youth have rarely seen a perfect role models in our society in today’s generation.
More so, this reminds me of another story. Happiness is to my Kenyan classmate who recounted his success story in writing with me as he is about to publish his first book, “The Power of Thinking Big“. He once told me, “the pens and pads will no longer matter much unless we find decent role models whom we put our trust and surrender for help.”
By the way, this is not an extraordinary example, but the paramount of him per se, is that the part models played in his life has shaped almost his way of thinking. On the contrary, a good number of Somali youth are taking the bitterness of what they call role models, the warlords and the like.
Notwithstanding, we always blame “everyone” for our bafflement and shortcomings in life. Our scapegoat is the government which we accuse for not providing us decent jobs and lazy lifestyle. To me, this is not very true because there has never been a government in the history of mankind that has employed her all populace. That is impracticality! It is only here in Africa that we think our governments as source of income when in fact the matter is totally different.
In conclusion, we need to be little bit more creative and join hands together in order for us to we work for the betterment of ourselves and that of our country.
Let’s embrace our old generation, show them respect and that we can dream big and think beyond the imagination’s reach. Let’s prove that we can accomplish a near miracle goals in life. Let’s all stop the excuses that there will be a “coming hour”. What a “coming hour” youth? We all know in no doubt that life’s choices are limited. Here, there are only two options: to either choose to live in prosperity or poverty. Remember the decision is yours. So take the right one my dear youth and hopefully the light will shine on us on the end of the tunnel and our country will be forever grateful to our generation.
By Abdikadir D. Askar (exclusive to Somalilandpress), 4 January 2010
Abdikadir D. Askar is a youth activist based in Uganda. He writes both in English and Somali. He wrote about political and social matters thus far. He can be reached at

Bravo mr Askar! I enjoyed reading that, Somalis talk so much about politics, X said this Y did this, finally something fresh, hard hitting and much needed!
Cheers Mr Askar, keep up the good and positive spirit.
My Friend Abdikadir Dayib Askar, really u did a great job. Thanks brother, how you love and u care ur country & ur ppl. i know ur really a good citizen, who deserves everthing good thing. InshaAllah allah will reward u for the advice that u give us. thanks lot again.
The youth are the future no doubt, thanks for your word of wisdom Askar. I am certain a lot of young boys and girls will agree with you.
The question is, how do we make role models, is there school for them?
Somaliland has a lot of bright men and women over shadowed by tribal warriors and corrupted leaders.
thanks My Bro Asker for his effort and wisdom he really declare more crucial issue in youth and how they are proud every society in the world
thkns my friend abdikadir yr effort is so g.d so my words of advise is go on yr effort ever u will sucuss yr goals ,appreciate yr countryfor ever and i hpe u are de leader of de fucure in our counrt …………..thnks
hi, Askar, it is a wonderful and heart touching peice of work, keep it up , the sky is the limit for you, i know you can do a lot like these things. thanks and cheers.
Ahmed Shawky
hi askar thanks you did good job. really what attracted is how you narrated the situation of that place, it seems that you were there. keep writing
Real interesting article !
Well Written. Keep up the good work
A very well-crafted piece of writing. Abdikadir, you have really touched our hearts and sensitized our brains. In you, I see our tomorrow's leader. You truly deserve to be rewarded for all that wise words you wrote. If our reward can't reach you there at this moment, God has reserved it for you brother.
I really liked your talent in writing, keep up my brother.
We need young people with critics like Abdikadir D Askar. If we could have thousands like him, we would have reached far better than we are today. I hopefully except our youth to think positively and ake a step ahead. To Abdikadir I say, you really did very commendable work. Please don't stop inspiring your counterparts. My Allah bless you.
Oh my goodness, this is a fantastic piece of writing. It seems that the writer knows what he's writing, when writers express like this, they say, they write from their hearts. Certainly, Abdikadir has written this essay from his heart.
All you talk of is a splendid and very true. Be it, the issue of Islamists' inhuman acts, lack of role models, Tahriib and unemployment problems are the prime reasons of our demise today as Somalis.
If we need to better answer those questions, help others achieve their potentials and tackle those problems, we ought write and tell others that we can do something worth-doing. I congratulate you for the well job done. Thumbs are up for you brother.
Your Sister,
Hodan Gamuute
Hodan I was curious why I was so attached to this piece of writing or article but I think you have found the answer, you said it there, he wrote this from his heart, no wonder I felt it deep.
Plus I was so sick of Somalis always writing about politics, its good to see something new and refreshing.
Cheers to you Mr Abdikadir and the ambassadors of the future – the youth!
Well done Askar. People like you should try to reach out the wider audience, particularly the youth. There are, of course many out there already, but few have a clear idea of what their goal is or how to achieve that goal. You are already doing good job by writing such illustrative article on our youth today and thus our future leaders of tomorrow, but, as you would agree with me, good is not enough to alleviate our youth today, whose hope seem to fade under such political, social, and financial state of Somalia.
Dhalinyaranimadu waa niyadda. Qofku intuu niyad (moral) hayo waa dhalinyaro, da’duu doono ha noqdee!!