By Goth Mohamed Goth

Mr. Jama Ayaanle Feyte, Somaliland-born politician, Journalist, and Horn of Africa political analyst has been recently appointed as the New Shadow Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has once again been appointed as the Somaliland coordinator with United Nations and International Organizations in a press statement released today by the leading opposition political party “WADDANI” Somaliland National Party.

He plays a leading role in coordinating patriotic efforts of the dedicated diaspora space lobbyists of Somaliland in North America, Europe, and all over the World, He is also constantly engaged in their consequential activism to advance Somaliland’s cause.

Mr. Jama Ayaanle Feyte, is actively engaged in the imperative initiative of the die-hard diaspora activists towards protecting and preserving national history and at the same time educating young generations in the Diaspora of Somaliland of origin about the true history of the Republic of Somaliland.