While global attention is focused on Somalia, the self-declared republic of Somaliland has been independent for 20 years without recognition by the international community.
This lack of recognition is an injustice to Somalilanders
Hanna, not her real name, born in 1992 in New Hargaysa the Somaliland capital celebrated her 20th birthday last 18 May, the Independence Day. Twenty years after independence, little has changed in her life. Because her country, Somaliland, neither has real independence nor unity with Somalia, nor effective administration to deliver basic necessities let alone guaranteeing better life for her. Fleeing from the abject poverty and President Silanyo’s government’s indifference towards the painful suffering of the people as well as the international blockade in the form of denial of recognition by the international community, Hanna perished in the Mediteranian Sea unnoticed trying to reach to Europe.
The exodus of youngsters aged 18-29 years, of both genders, in attempted escape from hellish conditions back home often turns their journey more or less into mass suicide. But due to inherent uncertainty, many of Hanna’s peers worry more about the future and the risky voyage to Europe is the pnly option that always comes to mind.
Somalilanders are law-abiding citizens who think the international laws are based on a concrete basis of conviction and justice. They prevented terror from ithe region and eliminated piracy from their seashore. According to an Aljazeera program , “pirates set up some sort of stock exchange for their companies that has drawn investment from Somali diaspora and other nations. They started 15 maritime companies and now are hosting 75, not in the capital of Mogadishu but Harardhere Stock Exchange making piracy a community activities. One piracy investor contributed a rocket propeller grenade from her ex-husband’s alimony and has made $75,000 in only 38 days. The growing demand and mounting risks pushed ransom from $2 million to $4 million to satisfy the rising number of shareholders. In the process, the piracy stock exchange has transformed the once small fishing village into a bustling town that earns a percentage of every ransom to be used on infrastructure including hospitals and public schools”. Somalis are doing everything they can to survive or to make money. Why not we? But we uphold the national and international laws and yet there is no appreciation.
Somaliland and Somalia joined together in 1960 as two independent countries. Somalilanders were unable to grasp how the world was led to believe Somaliland was seceding rather than restoring its sovereignty from Somalia, and thus becoming a liability on the region encouraging balkanization of African states. But this is not true. Somaliland is an indispensable factor for the stability of the whole region since 1991 by providing firm intelligence to war on terror.
President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech, ‘We pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty’ seems to be failing if not obsolete since the Obama administration is reluctant to extend assistance to hapless people of Somaliland.
The absence of recognition of Somaliland threatens the lives of ordinary nationals because its subsequent economic hardships have led to dramatic exodus of Somalilanders to EU over the past 10 years. Imagine living in a country without formal recognition and without Taiwan’s resources. However, still there’s cause for optimism. The Wikileaks revealed how Ethiopia’s late Prime Minister Melez was lobbying for Interim Status and had suggested Djibouti should recognize Somaliland.
The world, however, felt compelled to talk about the international isolation upon Somaliland people and its urgency to break. No one can morally justify the unwarranted suffering of so many innocent Somalilanders whose lives have been shackled and devastated by the inadvertent embargo. More recently, Prime Minister David Cameroon of the UK spoke out and called Somalia and Somaliland to have ‘exit’ dialogue about their future relations. The little unrecognized country took center stage globally as The New York Times posted a startling, fascinating news article ‘The World’s Next State’.
The world has moral obligation to save the fleeing masses by changing its attitude towards democratic Somaliland.
* Dirye is Somaliland activist and senior editor at the Democracy Chronicles Africa’s News Edition, dirye@democracychronicles.com
If the world recognizes your little triangle of Berbera, Hargeisa and Burao, the exodus of the young and the old of the Guban desert will not be abated. Most Somalis are against the division of Somalia into clan enclaves. Two-thirds of the population of former British Protectorate of Somaliland do not want to do anything with your separatist agenda and some are engaged in an open war with the corrupt administration in Hargeisa..
Also could the author explain what benefit will the world derive from the balkanization of Somali people and from creating many non-viable foreign aid dependent statelets in Somalia? Your argument for the creation of a country that does not exist in northern Somalia and equating it with Taiwan is not only senseless but is also laughable. Let us concentrate on how to unite our people and build our country as a whole instead of inventing a new one. There is no need for that.
if u are sure unionist are majority in Somaliland then why faqash and walanweyn refuse a referendum like civilised society under IC supervision for all people of former british protectorate . If more than 51% chose union again somalilander Will respect it so let's do it now. Lol are u afraid? Pitiful faqash they well know unionist are minority…
Unionism is a defunct concept in Somali-federal-republic(Somalia-Italia) let alone Somaliland-Republic which has enjoyed continued success and progress since reclaiming independence 18-May-1991.
Somliland-Republic is Muqadis with Yomal qiyama
brother hornid, qal daan are minority. How can we allow minority to break down somalia? Never never never
@Hornaid… You better be careful for what you ask for. If a referendum comes, rest assure at least (minimum) 70+% will choose union. Bare in mind that this time you will not be able to first, corrupt the system and vote two times or more which happened on the latest so called ''Somaliland election''. Second, it will not be exclusively an ''Is@@q'' participated referendum. Third, within "Is@@q' clan, more and more people are speaking out against the separatisms. You (separatists) will have no chance I'm afraid. And it is for that reason why the ''Is@@q leaders'' are keen towards negotiating with the south.
Gosh..look who's talking..despicable and disgusting derogatory uncivility comments goes nowhere.
That is true.
I have a lot isaaq friends, most of them do not utter the name somaliland. They believe in Somalia, in unity of Somali people.Long live Somalia, death to clan seperatism.
You want the world to recognise a tribe which holds another tribe than another tribe than another tribe as hostage?
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk isaaq are drunk, waa dad marqaansan. Hawiye, Darood, Dir will never allow isaaq to break down Somalia!!!!!
haha an other puntland gzr hateful article again….he faq sh boy get a life.
all african are trying to flee out of africa not just somailanders…..
Same old same old. These guys cannot get over it. It was absolutely hilarious to refer back to meles as he was the last hope they can cling onto. Funny enough, meles was not going to recognise them, but was trying to get dgibooti to do the dirty work for him. Somalilanders thank meles for that, think he is a great man, he did a positive move, and that little thing will always be a favour to the "somalilanders".
Is body snatching halal? I want to dig out meles corpse because the Ethiopian stooge (SNM) are still stuck with grief, pain and struggling with how to cope.
Did your mother suck issaq d!ick in down town garowe
This is the most pathetic thing I have ever read in my entire life. This is truly sad.
Half the people in Hargaysa are high on khat, the other half is high on hate. No surprise.
what is it with you reer-garoowe and insulting people who are better then you. Atleast those in hatgaisa are not killing and thieving refugees
@3hunna…Clearly you are not aware of the killings your clan (Is@@q) are inflicting on the non-Is@@q people who clearly don't want to be part of your ''Is@@qland''. If you think you are better than reer-garoowe or anyone ells, then leave those (Awdal & Khaatumo) alone who clearly don't want to be part you.
If I could be or change my self into vampire or snake I could have succed every ugly Faqash like geexer and ext . you call somaliland small triangle three city country, if it is that so small why you don't forget it why you are so obsesed with it. all these years you called its people every name of the book . what kind of logic you have between your ugly donkey ears.Life is change so move on, forget about somaliland. period.
I think your mind stack somewhere unknown, no one is after or interest somaliland region it's in your brain saying to you "everyone is after somaliland region". in reality no one, i mean no one cares somaliland region most somalis are busy building their country.
@Hodan, no one wants you or your people sis. If you (Is@@q's) separatisms want so badly a secession then take Waqooyi galbeed and make it ''Is@@qland''. Other than waqooyi galbeed, you have no say in it. As long you leave the people of Awdal and Khaatumo alone, we are happy for you (separatisms) to go. Is as simple as that!
Berbera District
Gabiley District
Hargeisa District
Gaaroodi District
Howd District
The articulated masterpiece reveals true reporting in what's happening in Somaliland
and that the IC could no longer ignore the quagmire of Somaliland political quest.
MR Dirye please keep posting such highly appreciative reports.
Anyone who comes here will see those who speak of unity mean not a shred of it! Just read their comments! Somaliland is FREE, we gave our blood for it to be so and it shall remain so through liberty, equality and the rule of law, and if pushed to it again you will find us more vigorous to defend this land more so than our fathers and mothers before us, for it is their blood that flows thru these veins and this blood has been growing stronger by the day! 22 Years of Freedom too sweet to relinquish to likes of you!
loool this what you call an empty article written by a narrow minded separatist! , but let me give you one more point, somaliland means dhulka somalida or land of the somalis which belongs to all Somalis mainly 4 tribes: Isaaq, Harti, Gadabursi and Isse. The reality is those who are running away from their Country (Somalia) are only small minority and don't represent the majority of the region. most of them are war criminals and have no reputation among Somali population, like Siilanyo the head of former house of Morgan. however, Isaaq people are natives of Somalia and we don’t want loose just like we don't wanna lose any part Somalia's borders.
Somalia is capable of rebirth and will one day stand on its feet again meanwhile Somalia territorial integrity and sovereignty must be respected by any means necessary and IC has no right to divide Somali people…..
. …….. end of story……….
Despite what the hate-mongers like PuntlandGeezer(PIS), Wiil Soomaaliyeed, et al the dream of Somaliland is here to stay and continue. The longer these haters poke Somaliland and its people the wider the gulf will be between the Somali race. I just have one advice for these mindless thugs who blind themselves from the true facts of Somaliland, just mind your businesses and let these people alone. You're only just rubbing in the wound so to speak.
Well done Deriye and to your well written article.
Fine we will leave you alone. But you should also leave Awdal and Khaatumo state alone
Take Waqooyi galbeed and make it ''Is@@qland''. Other than waqooyi galbeed, you have no say in it.
Berbera District
Gabiley District
Hargeisa District
Gaaroodi District
Howd District
If you (Is@@q's) separatisms want so badly a secession then take Waqooyi galbeed and make it ''Is@@qland''. Other than waqooyi galbeed, you have no say in it.
Berbera District
Gabiley District
Hargeisa District
Gaaroodi District
Howd District
how about take sool or shut up
Kaboon….I'm sorry but you have no right in offering something you never owned. Like I said, you have no say on outside Waqooyi galbeed province.
If you separatisms want so badly a secession then take Waqooyi galbeed and make it ''Is@@qland''. Other than waqooyi galbeed, you have no say in it. As long you leave the people of Awdal and Khaatumo alone, we are happy for you (separatisms) to go. Is as simple as that!
Berbera District
Gabiley District
Hargeisa District
Gaaroodi District
Howd District
Waryaa still they cannot seccede. A clan can never become nation, country. Xamar government will never sign their recognition. Hawiye, Darood, Dir, Rahanwain, minorities are against clan secession.
Country will not be break down by isaaq.
Isaaq is minority in Somalia, so we can and will not allow a minority to break down Somalia. I tell my isaaq brothers and sisters to smell the coffee, there is no such thing somaliland. Only Somalia exist on the map.
Long live Somalia
Somaliya hanoolaato
Midnimo hanoolaato
Well said
Somaliland haters please read your history books carefully! Somaliland was a country since before 1884-5.
Remember the new FLAG of Somaliland Republic in 1991 was not a present.
Be wise and save the innocent Somali children and stop the meaningless war against your citizens. Please clean your house rather than talking about Somaliland. Or just dream and keep butchering.
Somaliland has gone to far. Samada ayay aaday…..kii sugaayow walaal samir. Ninkaan quusan naftiisaa quus ah. Somali literature. By the way do you speak Somali………
White guy speaking af somali
Lool @ Somaliland before 1884. Mate pleas don't embarrass yourself more than you already did. Before 1884 the region had Suldaan/empires, the same way the south had suldaans/empire before 1889. You separatists are becoming more pathetic as each year goes by.
If a referendum comes, rest assure at least (minimum) 70+% will choose union. Bare in mind that this time you will not be able to first, corrupt the system and vote two times or more which happened on the latest so called ''Somaliland election''. Second, it will not be exclusively an ''Is@@q'' participated referendum. Third, within "Is@@q' clan, more and more people are speaking out against the separatisms. You (separatists) will have no chance I'm afraid. And it is for that reason why the ''Is@@q leaders'' are keen towards negotiating with the south.
2-Sovereign STATED UNITED… 2-STATE dialogue has been agreed… 2-Independent States will result.
Referendum only addresses a single issue Union-Vs-Recognition.
-93% of Somaliland have already voted in a referendum for Independence.
– Somalia-Italia the second state in the union only needs to respect the democratic decision of the majority.
Buuxey, everyone knows that the so called referendum was fraud. You can say what you want, but the facts are there for everyone to see. And everyone including the IC is aware of it.
Truth1 bro if all wishes were horses beggars would ride. What a petty pathetic statement.
In 2001 it was 97%. That % wont go down.
you country somalia is erupting and foeign troops are protecting your people but somaliland there is a government ,we have a currency of our own ,flag and national anthem alhamduillah . fix your country instead of begging african countries to help you .
This sad picture should be associated with Pirateland, never Somaliland. Who ever tries to fool people with this picture, must be someone from pirateland. Somaliland will never allows innocent people to die on its shore tin order to make money out of this crime. The whole world knows where this kind of images and crimes take places.