ADDIS ABABA (Somalilandpress) — The Foreign Minister of Sudan, Mr. Deng Alor, who is currently in Addis Ababa for the annual African Union Heads of State summit gave a brief interview with members of Somaliland media.

Mr. Alor spoke extensively about the current situation in the Horn of Africa, and in particular the issue of Somaliland’s de-jure recognition and the deteriorating situation in Somalia.
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Mr. Alor, the Sudanese Foreign minister stated “It is imperative that African leaders take stronger steps in addressing the deteriorating situation in Somalia. There are high level discussions all across Africa on what to do about Somalia; There is peace and progress in Somaliland which has given hope to the people there, but why can’t the same be achieved in Mogadishu?”

Sudan plays a key role in IGAD and the AU, and has shown its willingness to participate in several attempts to alleviate the worsening situation in Somalia.

Responding to a question from the Somaliland media regarding Somaliland role as an example to Somalia in bringing about peace and democracy, Mr. Alor remarked “Yes, it is possible for Somalia to achieve similar things; stability, peace, dialogue, inclusion, and so on, to give the people hope, but, once again, we come to the same question, if this possible in Somaliland, why not in Somalia?”

On a similar theme, Mr. Deng Alor addressed the question of why some African nations seem reluctant to face the issue of Somaliland de jure recognition. Mr. Alor responded in the following manner, “firstly, the African Union has to abide by its rules and regulations, having said that, no one in Africa is ignoring Somaliland. That is hard to do, when you take into consideration the remarkable achievements over the last 20 years, compared to the situation elsewhere in the region. But, frankly many African nations would like to see the issue resolved by Somaliland and Somalia. Nevertheless, it is obvious that ultimately, the will of the people has to be accepted.”

After decades of civil war, the people of southern Sudan will shortly participate in a referendum to decide their political future, as a sovereign state or to remain a part of Khartoum.

Source: Qarannews, 4 February 2010
Picture: Somaliland reporters, Moha and Mohamed ‘Rambo’ from Geeska Afrika greet Sudanese Foreign minister – Deng Alor.


  1. Alle kuwa goitaanka doonaya caqli yaraa xataa suudaan miyaad rajo ka raadisay.
    War Nidaam qabiil ku saleeysan dadka dowlad ha ooga dhigin.

  2. Somaliland was an independent entity before it united with Somalia. The unity was legally incompelete. Now the problem with Somaliland's recognition is tied to the internalional laws. There is a dire need a to convince as many countries as possible to achieve this goal.

  3. Isu sheega Nidaam Qabiil ku salaysan idinkaa dhaqme'e. U fiirso magaca aad webkan ku soo gashay wax kaleba iska daayo.

    Waar kuwan in badan baa wadnuhu istaagi doonaa marka Somaliland ictiraafkeeda lagu dhawaaqo!! Alxaasid maayifilax. Alxasad akala quluubuhum.

  4. Abdi, you are an ignorant. Is this your contribution to the debate? You must the pride of your family.

  5. Darood, af-ingiriisiga ma taqaanid, ninkani isagaa Somaliland iyo Somalia ka hadlay..Wuxuu yidhi Somaliland nabad baa ka jirta oo dadkii rajo siisay, ee maxaa Somalia ku dhacay. Kolay ma oga in adigoo kale Somalia ka buuxaan. Iska daa meeshanuu rajo ka raadino, ee bal dantaada ka tali..

  6. Daarood: Waxaan la yaaba markaad Somaliland wax ka sheegtid waayo maanta kuuma taalaa taasi, waxa kuu yaala inaad meydka dhulka wadhan ka hadashid, waxa kuu taala inaad 20 sanno oo dagaal ku jirtiin soo afjartid, waxa kuu taala inaad sidan Xayawaanimada ee xataa caruurta u leyneysiin iska deysiin, ma garanayo damiirka ku siinaya inaad ka hadashid meel maanta lagu tilmaamayo " The Best Sucess Story Africa has it" bal dib isugu noqo markaad wax post gareyneyso kana fikir in badan hadii kale Websiteyadaa Puntgland kaga hadal kuwaasi ayaa wax kaa dhageysaniye.

  7. You don't need to reply to darood, look at his name, he has no right to talk about unity or nationalism. Hepocrite/munafiiq.

  8. LasAnood was save city before so Somalidiid army came and now those who are creating this problem are elements from hargaisa ruling party to find ways to delay their election. SSC people are Somlies and they do not want to be part of Somalidiid so the sooner you leave Las Anood the Sooner it be save.

    • ali that is day dream. we have a say duul maa guuro daad baa guuraa. it is you dulbahante not many who are against somaliland one leg in putland for the sake of money and selfishness.

  9. Runta waxay tahay inay qabyaalada ugu raja badantahay. waayo somaalida isma rabto anymore. wa in taas ay girtaan reer konfurta markas ayay qorsho sida ay dagalka u joojiyaan heli doonan. Ila inta ay isku dayayan inay dad 20 sano is gowracayay oo is nacay inay hadana weli khasbaan inay hal dowlad wada xukunto nabadgelyo ma imanayso.

  10. i reconise somaliland, we have oil in puntland farming and rivers in the south and red sea and the indian ocean with raxanwayn darood and hawiye as major population…you having an UN seat is like djibouti having an UN seat…WHO CARES

  11. Somaliland free from somalia 100% for ever is what we need we need one somaliland.
    one love to somaliland.
    one love by somalilanders
    and peace and love to somalia.