What Really Causes Corruption in Africa?

What are the causes of corruption? Why do people choose to be corrupt rather than honest? in Somaliland, corruption has been a topic of discussion and in most cases in Mosques, the Imams, are preaching and praying that corruption has to be eradicated, in classrooms, university lectures and parliaments, but has there been a discussion on what really causes corruption in our beautiful land of the brave?

It’s only by finding out the root of the problem that the main problem can be solved.

A comprehensive dossier, or reports out this week have exposed that the entire Eu institutions are all corrupt, the very people that lectures and preaches,the rest of the world about anti corruption and promoting equality transparency and accountability.

So this is not an African problem or issue any more, it is worldwide syndrome. The most corrupted country on earth is the USA, all their congress and senators are millionaires, to be politician in the USA you need to be a shrewd, business minded person. They act like gangsters talk like Mia, and steal other country’s natural resources gas, oil gold and minerals. The very people that dominate American Foreign Policy are the biggest crooks of all the U,S stock brokers, bankers arm dealers the hawks and war mongers, The C,E,O oil companies,

All they do for a living, is to sanctioning illegal and in moral wars, in order to illegally occupied sovereign countries by toppling legitimate governments in the process and replacing, with useless weak, and undemocratic hand, picked,puppet authorities the so_ called green zone protection, government, which is friendly to their Geo business interests.

Since The economic melt down caused by the bankers,of the U,S and and Europe the bankers, bail out made the already rich, richer and the poor, the poorer, forcing many families homeless, welfare cut, and unemployment is all time high in mainline Europe. So now we all know who really benefited, from the Libya and Iraq war, and subsequently controls Libya and Iraq oil fields.

, Whilst the rest of the country in Iraq and Libya falls into the hand of warlords, jihadist, extremist, and in complete anarchy. Well this is the price innocent people have to pays for the wrong doing of others, driven, and motivated, by greed, money and power, by any means necessary.

So therefore it is vitally important that we should strive and inspire to create a fair,and just society based on Islamic values, whereby, we support and look after the needy and the most disadvantage in our communities.

In conclusion Somaliland political leaders  of all parties, needs to understand  the people that  put them  in power  expect delivery and value for money not, a   cheap political point scoring,  and squabbling.

By:   Ali A. Ismail  Dheeg  Burco___ Somaliland


  1. Corruption is a weapon of mass destruction. It is a cancer that kills the nation and leads the nation into hell. We need war on it. We have to eliminate corruption, eradicate nepotism, improve our ruling behavior, orientate the people, observe and enforce the rule in letter and spirit. bSiilaanyo and his administration must understand this.

  2. I totally agree with you Mr. Kuluc that Silanyo Adminstration about this, what about his predecessor Mr., Dahir Kahin Riyale? was his adminstration coruuption free in the 8 years he was in power? The answer is YES he was corrupt and incomptent who just happend to be in power by luck after the deaath of Egal and no development or progress for 8 years wasted and stagnation.

    I know we have to move on and look forward in future but in order to do that you have to reflect back on the past to learn from those mistakes. Presently, there is somewhat coruption and equally there is huge development if we are balanced in our debate and be honesst with each other and I agree 100% that we should do something about and bring our leaders to account and if found get rid them and shame them publicly so that we have a progressive society who will have confidence in thier government who are tarnsparent and care the future of our country and generations to come.

    • We are not talking about the past. Past is past,and history is a merciless judge. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.

  3. Fantastic article! Nigeria is the richest oil and gas country in Africa but still one of the poorest countries in the world. Corruption is a big problem in Africa where politicians steal all the money and send it to Europien banks.

    China take this problem very serously and execute politicians for coruption. But we should first of all make laws for our polictians who manages our money and resources. China wich will become the world richest country in 2015, and their politicians are not aloud to live in luxurous hotels. What if Somaliland one day with oil and gas gets better economy , will our politicians also become richer?

    Corruption is a problem because we dont want one person to be rich, we want 3.5 million Somalilanders to be rich, healthy and strong.