By Goth Mohamed Goth

Hargeisa-The ruling party KULMIYE executive committee has today has announced that they have solved one of the hurdles that was blamed for the numerous postponement of the third ruling party convention which is said to have being caused by an impasse among party delegates on how to award delegates party positions by which one of the camps insisted it should be awarded through regional representation while the opposing side insisted it should be through tribal quotas and which seems to have been the only viable alternative is to  increase  the number of delegates taking part in the convention from the current  941 delegates to 1162 delegates .

The meeting held today at the private residence in Hargeisa of the Vice President Hon Abdurrahman Abdullah Saylaci in which resulted to heated deliberations among the members of the ruling party Steering committee were all present, moments after the meeting ended it finally became clear they have agreed as a last resort to the allocation of party delegates through tribal quotas.

They committee members through voting agreed to bring aboard additional 221 new delegates from the present number of 941 and finally to a total of 1162 delegates after long heated debates lasting several hours.  

With new changes ruling party rules, KULMIYE loyalists hope it will be a lasting solution to long running and recurrence of the party’s internal wrangles.

The number of party delegates numbering at least 1162 shall be allocated through tribal quotas.

 1-  Habar-Jeclo 240

2- Habar Awal 240

3- Samaroon & Isse 196

4- Arab 146

5- Garxajis 136

6- Harti 136

7- Gabooye 24

8- Tol-Jecele 22

9–Ayuub 22



  1. The question is why equal number of delegates (240) has been allocated to HJ and HA? Does this mean that HJ and HA are more than Garhajis or Harti or Gadabuursi in population wise? Or is it that Kulmiye party is a coalition-led party – a party that really does belong to two tribes (HJ & HA)? The true picture of any party comes to a platform after some political preparation or programe. The is no eventuality more disgrace for any political party than the platform that Kulmiye has finally landed itself.