By Goth Mohamed Goth

H.E President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Silanyo today issued a Presidential decree # JSL / M / WM / 249-3775 / 012016 enacting the Forestry and Wildlife Protection Act No. 69/2015 into law.

The Presidential press statement stated as follows:-


In accordance with –Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland and Article 75 of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland.

After putting into consideration- Decision by Somaliland House of Representatives to pass bill no. GW / G / KF 29/673/2015 dated 21/12/2015 hence approving the Forestry and Wildlife Law Protection Act No. 69/2015.

President approves Protection Forestry and Wildlife of the Republic of Somaliland Act No. 69/2015 into law meant to provide for the protection of Wild animals, birds and plants and for matters connected therewith.

Hussein Adam Egge (Hussein Deyr)

Presidential Spokesperson