By Goth Mohamed Goth

A three-day conference was held by Somaliland Road Development Agency of the Ministry of Transport, meant to outline ministerial work plans 2020.

Among those attending the closing of the three days meeting held at the Royal Hotel in Hargeisa was the minister of transport, the managing director of the Somaliland Road Development Agency, ministerial departmental heads, engineers and other staff aimed at outlining the ministry work plan for 2020 and reviewing the accomplishments of the past year 2019

Mr. Ahmed Yusuf Ahmed, the managing director of Somaliland Road Development Agency speaking at the closing of the three-day conference, said during the conference we discussed progress on road construction in Somaliland and the way the agency intends to operate in early 2020.

“To define, follow, and formulate an annual plan that shares responsibility, and for each and everyone to fully his duties was the purpose of the meeting, as you’re aware we have been tasked with managing the roads network in Somaliland thus we must work day and night since as we are in charge of the nation’s infrastructure,” the managing director said.

During the course of the meeting, we achieved success since those participating were well trained in their various work and after they shall begin their work straight away and what remains is the follow-up and monitoring since the whole structure of the 2020 work plan is has being laid out,” he said.

Eng. Abdurrahman Jama of the Road Development Agency said that the meeting was very productive and the participants expressed their views freely with the minister, departmental heads and other officials whereby we had the opportunity to discuss our past work and present the work ahead of us in 2020, based on experience in 2019.

Mr. Abdallahi Abokor Osman, Minister of Transport and Road Development, who closed the three days meeting said that the Ministry Transport and the Road Development Authority have jointly agreed to build a 63km stretch of the Erigavo and Burao road, in the beginning, this year.

“Among the things agreed upon during the meeting is the plans we have curved out and I, hope our plan for 2020 or the mission will be grander than the previous ones and we hope other projects will be implemented, God Willing and part of that is that we have agreed to construct 63km of the Erigavo road project in 2020, “the Transport Minister said.

He added: “We look forward to doing something great this year with the Berbera Corridor (the Berbera-Wajaale highway) that is currently underway on both sides of Hargeisa and Berbera, so we have been charged with monitoring and oversight.We are also planning to build a 22km for the Berbera Corridor (Hargeisa Bypass) in Hargeisa by 2020 according to our plan and which ease the city’s traffic congestion that will bypass the city of Hargeisa as listed on the second NDP2 plan, which includes reducing traffic jam in cities across the country. ”

The Transport Minister added that accountability shall be our first priority and followed by evaluations; He urged ministry staff to assert more efforts so as to put the plans in place.

“2020 will be a milestone and it is a difficult year for the assessment and follow-up we are making, in terms of the resources have and how we shall manage it, I hope we shall succeed by putting more efforts towards our goals and those who fail shall be held accountable for their failure,” the minister said.