By Goth Mohamed Goth
Prof. F.E. Geedoole has for the second time this year declared a pessimistic warning both the country and the region at large. Its effect have already affected the coastal areas and felt in areas spanning four regions.
Speaking during while briefing MPs in the national assembly today said, “The country is reeling against the fear of impending locust infestation getting out of control and wreaks havoc on agricultural lands not only in SL but in the whole of the Horn region and other parts of the continent if urgent and appropriate action to contain the menace is not taken.
Prof. Geedoole went on to say, “The locust infestation has not only confined in the western coast of Somaliland but has also spread to other districts Balidhig, Las Qoray, Kalbare, Hagal, Bulhaar, Eel Sheik, Abdigeedi, Lughaya,Western Lughaya , and parts of Selel in Saylac region where the insect have been breeding and we expect the situation might still worsen next month.
“We have established two offices one by the ministry and the other on is been FAO which are currently coordinating their efforts with Locust control center in Cairo and Addis Abba to monitor and counter the spread of the infestation”, He Stated.
The agriculture minister briefed the MPs on plans to revive the International Desert Locust Control which was closed during the war after consulting with EU officials regarding the revival of the center and we expect tomorrow to meet with officials representing International Desert Locust Control organization who flew into the country from their offices in Cairo, Addis Abba and Rome to discuss the best way to approach the situation.
Lastly Prof. Geedoole said, “We in Somaliland lack the means to spray the pest from the air and as you’re aware we do not possess such aircraft,may be the Addis Abba center has that capabilities on the other hand we also think window of using such capabilities are over considering the problem now affects the pasturelands now but we are confident we shall come up with ways to deal with this problem.
This is a hard working minister. He is always visiting remote inland places. Even though these visits carry political message that the government will improve their lives we haven't yet seen the government delivering anything whether it is service or farming knowledge transfer.