During his presentation Samatar addressed the question of why it is so difficult for Somaliland to acquire recognition
Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar spoke at Burco University on January 4, 2014. The presentation was part of a series of one-sided debates, lessons and discussions with officials and elders; and Isak and Gadabursi intellectuals in Burco, Hargaysa, Gabiley and Borama. He said his second visit was a follow up to his previous trip to Somaliland in June and July of 2013. He did not publish his findings about Somaliland, but has become a vocal and staunch fan of Somaliland, often describing himself as the “free ambassador of Somaliland”. The entourage accompanying him to these gathering includes Isak government officials and some segments of the Gadabursi tribe—primarily a few tribal elders and intellectuals.
During his presentation Samatar addressed the question of why it is so difficult for Somaliland to acquire recognition. He explained that one of the obstacles to recognition is that the recognized government of Somalia is opposed to the division of the country and continues to tell the international community that Somalia is one. Secondly, Somaliland has no friends among “heavy weight” nations to help them achieve recognition. In addition to these issues, Somaliland has not presented an actionable strategic plan to persuade other nations to recognize them. All they have to date are roving “representatives” with empty briefcases.
In order for Somaliland to attain recognition, Samatar advised the government of Somaliland to consider four important steps as they begin to formulate strategic plans. The first step involves the creation of a political message as it pertains to Somaliland’s quest for statehood. The message should focus on the consensus of Somaliland tribal groups in approving secession from Somalia. Somaliland leaders should then carefully select a broad spectrum of knowledgeable and capable personalities representing all the tribes of Somaliland to lobby abroad. The message should be designed to help convince influential countries that can help Somaliland achieve recognition. The third step is to establish a national commission specifically designed to guide the strategic plan to achieve recognition. Professor Samatar said the commission should be backed with sufficient investment and all the resources necessary to conduct its work effectively. The fourth step should be the creation of an organization called Global Solidarity for Somaliland—largely consisting of members of the Somaliland diaspora to fund and lobby for recognition in key countries around the world. In addition to these steps, he called for improving the quality of Somaliland’s “representatives” in various countries. He said capable individuals who can debate with, and convince the political elite of these countries should be appointed.
As it stands today Somaliland in the words of the professor is under “quarantine.” Without access to bilateral relationships (country to country relations), multilateral relations (as a member of the United Nations, African Union, World Bank and other global and regional organizations) and without being part of the international system Somaliland is unable to interact effectively in this era of globalization.
Despite the professor’s bias for approval of Somaliland, some of its tribes, including the Dhulbahanta, Issa, Warsangeli, and Fiqi Shini have come against recognition of Somaliland. The Dhulbahanta—who hold a vast amount of territory in eastern Somaliland—are opposed to Somaliland, with the exception of few individuals who shuttle back and forth between Somaliland and Puntland. The majority of them have a strong desire to be part of a federated Somalia. The Dhulbahante are against Somaliland and are currently in a standoff with Somaliland militia in several towns. The majority of both the youth and elders of these tribes are opposed to Somaliland. Many of the youth of these tribes were orphaned by the ruthless invasion of the Somali National Movement of the 1980s. Subsequent incursions by Somaliland militia have exasperated relations. The professor overlooked renewed civil war in the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions; and the wrongdoings of the highly centralized tribal government in Hargeisa.
Samatar’s assessment is confined to the ruling clan (Isak) who are providing various kinds of support, including the help needed to get around the country. He did not travel to the territories of those tribes opposed to Somaliland to evaluate their concerns and ambitions. The professor traveled only to areas of the ruling administration for fear of being rejected by angry tribes.
The future of Somaliland depends not on lobbying abroad but on internal consensus and country-wide approval of whatever is determined by the majority to be most desirable for the future of the country. The ruling tribe has not been willing to give other tribes their true share of the “pie”. The professor opted to lobby for the ruling tribe and is no longer an impartial figure. Somaliland should not be recognized by the international community as such recognition would renew internal strife and empower a single tribe that is ready and eager to trample over the territory and resources of all the others. It is very unlikely that the tribe in power in Hargaysa would follow everything that the professor advises, but Somali unionists should be aware that Samatar has been gradually duped by the lopsided single-tribe state leadership of Somaliland, and is now purveying their one-sided party line.
Jaafar Jama
Garbage article. Djibouti is worst tribal Isse one clan state but rear Koonfur praise them as their own brother hypocrite;. For SL Harti just play tribal card of Darood nothing more but why we separate somalilander among clan while we do not for other countries like Ethiopia Habashi rules or Kenya bantu rules who are majority of population. Where do u see in Africa country 100% of people agreed to stay together? We must respect colonial border as per AU regulation.
Stupid article. the so call harti who aposed to somaliland must claim the harti of ethiopia and if that is the case all the african tribes whom live two side of a a different countery shell unite. in that matter somalia border should be redraw. stupid stupid….. harti makes 2% of somaliland people and more then half of them believe in somaliland's nationhood….stupid stupid article
shame on you, you've a V so you have no right to talk in tribal tongue..kii kuwaas qabiilkiiisa tahat.
Yo mama has V yet she tought you life so behave yoself
Ya hurma Ismahan, you have come from the most respected women on earth, so ignore responding to the bantu. His bantu mother did not teach him manners.
You bantu boy I was expecting you to teach us about what qaran means. What happened to you? Could you not locate your Bantupedia. One more request. How do bantu men treat their bantu women apart from the insulting practice you have just shown us?
Thanks my team boy
This site should change its name.
Excellent article. Truth hurts ugh awe
Certain articles don't even deserve commenting. This is one of them. NO comments.
Mr. Mohamed I have never seen you applaud for any article on this site. It seems that you want everyone to think like you think, which means no thinking and that is what we, as thinkers, don't like it.. So either put your thinking, though not feasible , in pen and contribute in public or just keep your mouth shut
Mean no harm
People evaluate situations differently.Guess everyone deserves to express opinions as it seems
Somalilandpress's approaches to publishing garbage like this is dumb…dumb.
The fool who wrote this piece calls Somaliland security forces: "militias", yet Somalilandpress posts his garbage. This is qashinpress.com.
The people who own this site only care about traffic for their Google Adsense account nothing more. The more traffic they generate, the more Ad dollars from Google. That's all they care!
I hate clan division and even mentioning them in article. While the world went to the moon Somalilanders still stuck with clanish nonsense. But we all know that people do not change their ways of doing things within two decades. Moreover treating each well and share equally our resources is fair and it makes everybody happy.
Naa Layla furaash huuno ma siyaasiyad baa tahay?
Isse Waraabe,
I did not get what you mean by (furaash huuno), I think it is insult . However, if I answer last bit of your question I am not politician, I am just simple person who knows the difference between wrong and right.
Layla no it's not an insult. it just that i sleep in the day and by night i am waraabe, really.
Not sure Isse Waraabe, once upon a time we had a neighbour who was soldier and many of our neighbours confirmed that they saw him at night when he tranformed into hyena. I was very young even has not started primary school yet. I did not know what to believe. Also I was growing up I heard from many people stating that clan of Somaliland their men became hyena at night time , Which is rubbish how can human being change into animal at night?
Layla i don't know how it happen but it really is true some of us can change to waraabe.
I can show you how if u are intrested?
Sometimes one must consider the thinking of its opposition. It is not much, and it's largely fictional, but, if this is what they tell each other to make themselves happy, then we have nothing to worry about. Prof. Samatar makes very valid points, and they must be taken aboard. The author on the hand is just getting carried away by his rhetoric. No doubt there are some communities who do not want to be minorities in both Somaliland and Somalia, and that is understandable, but In Somaliland, minorities have flourished and prospered, it is only those who have tied themselves to Somalia who have become neglected and as always the pawns in someone's chess game.
Saleebaan Xaji,
I agree fully with all you said. We should listen and learn what our opponents argue about and try to come up with convincing ideas . Persuasion is always the better option. Of course, no consideration in every crap.
@ Jaafar Jam
Stop consulting Bantupedia and start reading the history of Somaliland. That will hep you understand better Professor Samatar's lectures.
Bro Somaliland has no history wtf u talking bout:)
here comes the author of Banupedia. Since you know that Somaliland has no history, can you also tell us what Ulusow and Uhuru have in common?
Wat does have anything to do with this topic…smh wat do u do for Somaliland since all u do is come online n dis ppl..give me a sit of Somaliland history or a book name wait there none
The author began writing his article with clannish kindle, he continued with clannish tone and ended it with clannish suggestions. This show this guy is stuck up with 4 century mentality and is out of touch with current international issues. He even alludes to Professor Samater not taking members of his clan to the lecture hall of Burao university, what a clannish loser!
loll, 4 steps prof. samatar? somaliland can't achieve the first step.
This is article is written by someone who is obsessed about clans. He will never succeed because, he has nothing else to write except clan bashing.
secondly, this website is so desperate and this is way it accept is kind of garbage article to be posted on its website.
Somaliland is beyond this hateful article, and this kind of hatred will never change anything when it comes to its Allah given right to be a sovereign state.
The article the talks about the truth and I understand the seperatists do not like to hear the truth, Samatar made a good point that all the tribes in the North need to unite in order for any recognition to have any chances, South Sudan would have never gotten recognition if Nuer tribe were opposed to succession, its the truth. One has to look the reality on the ground, the people of SSC are overwhelmingly opposed to succession and so are some of the professor's own people. One cannot deny that the Isak tribe are the majority in the North, but majority cannot also force others to accept their agenda which is to divide Somalia.
Where else do you see one tribe takes all other than Somaliland? Let us be frank and call spade a spade. Ignoring those who have the main say of the entity's destiny is a big mistake that makes the incorrigible and rapacious tribe scratch their head when time comes.
If it takes 200 years, we are waiting for reconition.Never ever give up Somalilanders please. We know what had happened in the past. We made one mistake, we did not recovered,Not again.