By Mr. Jama Ayaanle Feyte

Top representatives of the Somaliland National Party “Waddani” today(Tuesday) met with members of the international community and diplomats based in Nairobi, the Kenyan Capital.

Today’s meeting comes as a follow-up of other meetings the party had previously held with the international community and is meant to pave the way for fostering a close working relationship between Somaliland and our global partners.

Waddani as a political party in the meeting intended to provide a high-level forum to strengthen the current cooperation and development and discuss issues of mutual interest. Of course, the seven years that this regime ruled did not only alienate the people of the country, it also alienated our partners.

The Waddani officials during the talks with Somaliland international partners ways to support democracy and development. Officials said they deeply discussed the upcoming presidential election expected to take place on 13 November this year.

The diplomats promised continued partners’ support in the country’s democratization process as long as the road to the elections was cleared and discerned gaps filled.

“As long-term partners in Somaliland’s democratization process we are looking forward to continuing our support and engagement during these next important milestones,” the partners reiterated.

Mr. Jama Ayaanle Feyte is “WADDANI” Somaliland National Party Shadow Secretary in charge of Coordination with United Nations and International Organizations

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