BURAO – 14 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) — Thousands of people displaced by fighting in Somalia are ending up in the relatively peaceful neighbouring territory, Somaliland.

Once part of Somalia, it is now a self-declared republic in the troubled Horn of Africa region, and has been seeking international recognition of its independence since 1991.

Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Adow, in Burao, the main city of Togdheer province, says the complicated nature of local politics is blocking relief efforts.

Somaliland is a former British protectorate in north western Somalia.

In 1960, it gained its independence and united with what was then Italian Somaliland to form the Somalia republic.

In 1991, it declared independence after Mohamed Siad Barre, the Somali military leader, was overthrown.

Political unrest

Tension over the Somaliland presidential election, which was due to have been held on September 27, has given rise to fears that the self-declared territory could become a failed state like its neighbour Somalia.

The polls have been postponed indefinitely due to serious differences between the political parties since 2008.

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The complicated nature of local politics is blocking relief efforts in Burao
This uncertainty has led to increased concern about Somaliland in the international community, and a flare-up of political animosity within the territory.

Recent violence, particularly in the capital Hargeysa, has shown that the crisis in Somaliland has changed from being political to one of security and stability.

Despite the unrest in September, Somaliland has a relatively stable democracy.

It has a population of 3.5 million people, according to government estimates, and is a relatively stable democracy even though it has not been internationally recognised.

This is partly because it has developed a unique hybrid system of government.

The row over elections – largely seen as a test for this fledgling nation – threatens to divide it.

Source: Al Jazeera and agencies


  1. Dear Readers, al jazira is just focusing on bad things in somaliland not because it cares about these poor refugees but to blame somaliland on everything even Palestine if it find a link in their single minded biased policy. Click on "send feedback" on their report page and let them hear ur feedbacks

  2. If we good to our brothers and sisters who left their homes in Somalia, we don’t care what Aljazeera says about Somaliland. Somalis can’t be refugee in their home land and they have the rights to stay as long as they want.

    All they have to do is not to cause any problems for us. If any Somaliland politician is blocking food that was going to displace, that politician should be dismissed. Somalilanders even sent food to Mogadisho.

    I remember Amoud had sent some kinds of help to Mogadishu and all Somalilanders should help out our children who are in need. We should all know that regardless of political difference, we do care from one another. What Somaliland or Somalia gains is gain to all Somali population.

  3. Ayanle you are one naive person

    Somaliland is not Somalia and "Somalis" can be refugees in Somaliland they're two different country, the refugees from Somalia are welcome as long its acknowledged that this is Somaliland not Somalia

  4. Warfaayow wallaal amba waan jeclaa inuu warfiicani subaxa waabari ka yimaado wadankii. Waxyaalo badan oo la isku qaldayaa jira hasi ahaatee qofba si uu u fasirto. Calmadaha Somalia, Somalilanders, Somalis, iyo Somaliland midwalba micnogaara ayey leetahey.

    Somalia waa wadankii burburey Somalilandna weyka mid aheyd. Imika Somaliland weyka baxsantahey oo taala iskumaheysto.

    Somalis waa kalmad guud ahaanba ka dhexeysa guud ahaan somalida dhamaantood. Markaa marka Somalilanders iyaguna waa somalis. Dhaqanka iyo siyaadana inla iskuqaldo maaha. Siyaada waalagukalategey oo nina caadkama saarna dhaqankuse waa maguuraan. Dadkuna waa wada Seedi,Abti, wallaalo ama gacal-xidid.

    Dowlada Somalilandna qofna qofkama xigo. Muwaadinkuna wuxuu xor u yahey inuu wallaalkii marada hadeyka beylahdo usheego iney maradu kabeylahsantahey taasi xumaan maaha, waa wax isku sheeg.

    Ma ogid inaan iniguba noqon hogaamiyayaasha Somaliland ee mustaqbalka iyo inaad adiguba noqon ilaahbaa og. Cidkale waxkuma heysto aanka aheyn dowlada iyo macaaradka Somaliland. Marka laga reebo Faysal Cali oo isagu iila muuqda siyaasiga kaliya ee daacada ah intooda kale Maraduweyka beylahdey.
    Allah ha unaxariisee hogaamiyeyaalkale ayey Somaliland soo martey uuka midahaa Cigaal. Meelbuu soo gaadhsiiyey hadana Riyale ayaa kumeelgaadh sharigu u siiyey dabadeedna ladoortey.
    Sadexdii sano ee u danbeeyey ka hor Somaliland marokama beylahsaneyn. Su’aasha se meesha taalaayi waxa weeyi madowlada dowrnin oo budhcada oo cirka laga soo hindhisey danbiyadii aygeysteen ineywax kaqabato kariweysey maradu maka meylahsentahey.

    Somaliland markii horeba beelo iskutagey oo nidaansameystey bey aheyd. Hadiise nidaamkii loo hoqaansamiwaayo oo danbiilaha sharciga la horkeeni waayo cadaaladana lagu dhaqmiwaayo, qofku maanu xaq ulaheyn inuu aayihiisa ka ficiro.

  5. Aynle walaal maxaad boodhka isugu qarinaysaa maad aad yar u tidhaahdid(tiraahdid hadaad walaweyn tahay) I dont believe in somaliland somaliduna waa one country sida dadka qaarkiis, why do you have to go through hoops to drive home this expired idea of Somaliweyn iyo Somali waa isku dad. I got news for you brother man Somali isku dad maaha shaqana iskuma laha isku af xataa kuma hadlaan waxaana taa kuu cadaynaysa koonfur xamar ama boosaaso afka lagaga hadlo wuu ka duwanyahay kan laga isticmaalo waqooyi, baydhabo iyadu af kalay ku hadlaanba oo waa af maay maay mana aha af soomalia markaa xagaa inaga yara dhiga doodan jilicsan ee afka ku saabsan, waxaad kaloo ku doodaan Somali waa isku dad oo wey is xigaan taasina waa been waayo haday isku dad yihiin xamar iyo boosaaso maanta sida hargysa ayey ahaan lahaayeen waa hadiii dadku isku mid yahay, tan xididka aad sheegayso micno weyn ma samayso sababta oo ah tirada dadka kala guursada koonfur iyo somaliland ma badna oo waa dad yar oo tirsan marka loo eego tirada dadka reer somaliland ee iyagu kala guursada taas oo boqolkiiba gaadhysa 96% ugu yaraan. waxan ka socda somalia waxba

  6. kama galin somaliland oo waa dal kale sida itoobiya ama jabuuti hadii uu dagaal ka dhaco waxba kama galin somaliland farahana inay la gasho internal conflict oo dad iyo dal kale ka dhaxaysa waa faduul loomana baahna, somalia arrimaheeda u gaarka ah waa mid jirta ninka u dhashay ee yaan somaliland lagu habsaamin inta ay somalia gubanayso

  7. warfaayow: haku xiiqin, Aynle waa reer Borama. Wax baan u kale caddayn amase sidaasay iyagu u arkaan.