Hargeisa- Reliable sources close to the presidency have confirmed to Somalilandpress that president Silanyo is due to leave for Britain today, where president Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud of Somalia is currently being hosted. Mr. Siilaanyo’s expected visit to Britain comes after British foreign office and Common Wealth Officially unveiled the agenda for the upcoming International Conference on Somalia which will be held in London. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud of Somalia arrived in London on last Thursday accompanied his Senior Cabinet members, including Foreign Minister Fowsia Hajji Aden. This comes after the British government has granted 3 million pound aid boost to Somalia.
It is unclear if President Siilaanyo will meet his Somali counterpart or whether he wants to discuss with British officials about UK’s threat alert on Somaliland security. Recently president Silanyo confirmed, during State of Union address that his government will participate every conference which serves the interest of the nation. Meanwhile, Somaliland’s Foreing Minister Mohamed Abdillahi Omer has returned from a short visit to Ethopia where he met with British Embassy officials in Addis Ababa, following UK’s threat alert on Somaliland.
Odayga is going to get his medication, wuxuu ogyahay baaba iska yar. LOL
Sister, you are so obsessed with the tribally motivated politics which has no place at all, in this modern day. Perhaps, you yourself need an urgent medication otherwise you wouldn't be here all the time. Obviously, you are related to the sympathizers of the doomed regime of Siad Barre. Anyway, don't waste your valuable time on something you won't gain anything.
Kaatumo-seeg citizen is last of the Mohicans.There needs to be a big reservation built in Sool for them, where they can indulge in tribalism and horse riding. Modernity is not for them.
Halima Wais, you are a very big Tribalist, I can tell by this things you mention. Siad Barre was Dictator not a elected leader and you seem to forget that your leader work for him at one point. So cut the BS. Admit their are some who wish to use the northern people tragedies as a free card to secede and take the whole north west for themselves and their specific benefit..
Halima, sis you don't only need medication for tribalist but you also need one for being hypocrite. I'm not related to Siad Barre, those whom I consider being related to me are my close families.
I quote : ''otherwise you wouldn't be here all the time'', have you been keeping tracks on me, and what does that say about you? Hhhh a lot of people would appreciate it, if you stay and focus on the topic instead of commentators and like they say PRACTICE what you PREACH
You are right Amirah, and i think they were prescribed by doctor Hassan
Hey inaader can you do me a favour & bring back your old name instead of the current one above, I personally get filled by pride when I hear or see the name KHAATUMO.
Woman-for-woman. Yes Somaliland women should take of those Wanlaweyn women and teach them a lesson.
This old fart has no clue.
who the hell is he gonna meet? he still hasn't learned his lesson. Last time he came to Britain for the somalia conference everybody shunned him he was one of the crowds who got refused entry. No one has time for this deluded leader who thinks he runs a country.
What the hell is gonna meet? This shows how narrow-minded and bad behavior you have. You should understand that he is the President Of The Republic of Somaliland even your Leaders in your Country respect him. Please have some respect.
cant wait for somaliland to bomb jubaland and clean it from darood trash in return for hag giving us recognition lmao
I have your woman under check!
@ Abdiwahab
Do you know where Jubaland is or are you just talking out your ass.
@Run Sheeg
What does that even mean.
Why because they refuse to be second class citizens, in your pretend state.
Inagada burger-land
I can see the last step taken to liberate north somalia. I hope it'll be done diplomatically
Ilyas why u don t liberate first Zoomalia from Habashi , Bantus who steal somali regions and traitos Somalis Djiboutian who decided to stay away from Walanweyn and Faqash and funny thing u welcome all their soldier in your own ground.Shame on u!No more BS somalinimo love.SL army always ready to teach again lesson to Faqash.
You need to respect your abti, and don't you dare calling them habashis boy. Keep praying for silaanyo to live longer, so that he can witness the fragile project is collapsing down with him to his grave.
You are not a somali, and you should leave our land to where you belong
@Halima Wais
you are a very big Tribalist, I can tell by this things you mention. Siad Barre was Dictator not a elected leader and you seem to forget that your leader work for him at one point. So cut the BS. Admit their are some who wish to use the northern people tragedies as a free card to secede and take the whole north west for themselves and their specific benefit..
Remember that fools always fail to respect others. Please tame your mind how to prropose and put rational point in comments
Who ELECTED Hassan Mahamoud?
He was SELECTED by a ROAD-MAP process which only included Puntland, Galmudug, ASWJ and Sharif's TFG.
Somaliland & Somalia Joined to form the Somali-Republic and this Union belongs to the Somali-people of 5-regions.
Hassan Mahamoud Went to Belgium and made the solemn promise to never again chase the dream of liberating Kilil and NFD he called these people foreigners who are happy with their governments…
Go watch the UN conference in which Hassan Mahamoud begged to have peace with Ethiopia and Kenya and declared anyone who wishes to free Kilil and NFD a criminal. The Nacal Abuug has spat on the face of every Somali who died to free somalis from oppression.
Dude if that is your President then you are the biggest disrespect to the somali name and history. You keep talking about traitors to the somali name look no further then your leaders
Ali Mahdi
Abdullahi yusuf
Hassan Mahamoud
To gain political leverage they all signed a treaty that declared Kilil and NFD Somalis are non of their concern alive or dead and their oppressors can continue to abuse them.
A rape victim and a journalist are convicted for insulting the government well i say Hassan Mahamoud is an insult to Somalinimo and i hope he steps of a land mine.
Rember that fools always fail respect others. Please tame your mind how behave
The US has asked the UN to lift the embargo, what going through your minds secessionist, does your flutter, do you feel like you are about to go into anaphylactic shock. He is going to a conference where the co-chair is the Somali president. LOL
The days of secessionist depression are on there way, they days of Somali patriots are coming.
The US has asked the UN to lift the embargo, what going through your minds secessionist, does your heart flutter, do you feel like you are about to go into anaphylactic shock. He is going to a conference where the co-chair is the Somali president. LOL
The days of secessionist depression are on there way, they days of Somali patriots are coming.
You are childish…
1984-1989 When My people young to old were in refugee camps in dulcade while Europa club was filled with your people dancing to Michale Jackson we had nothing and we are still here
My mind? The last bullets was fired last week, You have no money to buy foods for your citizen and pay salaries to few civil servants left in war zone and MPs who live abroad to top up their benefit from host countries. Where are going to find the money to buy arms? Beg foreign aid to buy arms to start a new war within, Who are going to fight? Kenya or Ethiopia. The people of Somaliland kicked your AKA Sayyid Sultan Siyaad Bare, Sayyid Mad Mullah and Little Sayyid Morgan with no address to live.
Sayyid = Wanna be close relative of Ahly Bayt but above are dark skins one Shiaa or Sufiis
somaliland and somalia
now we must remember that 95 percent of pople in somaliland voted to separate when somalia
was fighting , historically the north and south have respective diffenet historys somaliland with ethiopia and trade and south somalia with kenya and and trade , so whats the soloution
i would say is somalia compensation for land mines in 1990s clean up , vaild point and make up
3 state soloution with 3 head of states with individual agendas with no encroachment of land
what will stop the peoples of somali getting there hands on weapons if un arms embargo is lifted
it is not a reality that somaliland will take with ethiopia on there side, so
a demilitarized zone , compensation and 3 head soultion , it will not work any other way
as it is a trible country where the most important thing is which tribe camle produced the best milk
notion of a somalia for all is not viable
somalia is derived from italia
also a new capital is needed in new location like bossaso
somaliland waa xor ilaahay mooye cid wax yeeli kartaa ma jirto . xaquna iyaga ayuu la jiraa. Koofuri inta ay wax qabsan kaii waayday ayay handana rabtaa in ay been wax ku maamusho oo ay caalamka iyo umaddaba u sheegto.
lol, does he want the doors locked out on him like the other stupid. These ppl have their own countries and yet they are all sitting behind a white man who never set foot in their backward country but considers them all as a threat.
Waa kab iyo xaarkood these ppl.
@ Hanad
Look at this: from Run Sheeg
Woman-for-woman. Yes Somaliland women should take of those Wanlaweyn women and teach them a lesson.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are so many other disrespectful and outlandish things that have been said by your fellow secessionist.Yet you and other secessionist, who pretend to be on a higher moral ground, never once ask them to show proper edicts, which proves you are biased.
Your fellow secessionist go on stupid rants all time. While never once calling for them to show civility. Cut the BS Hanad.
Get your house in order before you preach to others.
Warlord Silanyo will be arrested before he makes to the Somalia conference. Mo Farah is now representing the northern Somalis and President Hassan has made that clear. I am with him, Mo Farah is more Somali than this lost Tigray with the huge belly.
I am not sure why they even going to a conference for Somalia when their imaginary state is unknown maybe Disneyland should host them an imaginary conference.
Also warlord Silanyo the Tigray will runaway from the issues in the three tribal triangular villages…because he knows the reality. This madness is going no where and since his appointment by Dhiigshiil, al Shabab and the two villages of Garadag and Gabiley; things turned for the worse for them.
Now they have no where to go; their colonial father is calling them and they will run faster than the speed of light….
This time UK is different though because in the last tribal elections they saw the truth that two sub-clans can't hijack the rest of north Somalia….its game over.
I have been personally lobbying the British government to change its stance and the next thing on my mission is to see them cut the funds from the tribal units of RRU and SPU.
You again. You go educate yourself before your benefit stopped. You are always contradict yourself. I believe even you haven't got who is your father due to contradiction in your life.
kkkkkkkkk Horjooge Siilaanyo, oo haysta Baasaboorka Ingiriiska ayaa qaatay amarkii dawladiisa oo ka cararay Hargaysa, sidoo kalena wasiiradii SNM oo haystay Baasaboorka Ingiriiska iyo Maraykanka iyaguna waaxay sugayaan diyaradii qaadi lahayd si aan loogu malayn, in ay taageeraan argagixida qabsatay Hagaysa, Somalia.
It is time to put an end to a longest running manafuctured of a repeated lies of the 20th century ,carried out against our brothers and sisters of nothern somalia by so called somaliland leaders." We somallland will soon be recognized" has became their repeated lies in an attempt to stay in power. After 20 plus years of seeking recogniton, not single county has recognized So called Somaliland.
We hope , with the recognition of President Hassan Shiekh and his goverment by the international world, should once for all send a clear and load messege to everyone with doubts that so called Somaliland's idealistc request for statehood is one big fat lie.
dadkani waa wada xasidiin waxay diidan yihiin somaliland all of u ar hater cadabata kudhaca kuwiina cayeya madaxweynaha somaliland viva somaliland and viva maxad weynaha somaliland Somali maxaa yaala gaajo Iyo qadhmuun soo banafaya!
Muxuu soo doonayaa?
I like it more when I see these hater and failed clan federalists joining in arms to degrade SL. I hope the white man will deliver you all that you want cos they dont care whether u call yourselves Zoomalians or Somalia.
All You separatists should should ask each other a question How Long, How Long How Long?
While you're wondering I am gonna round up all your emotionally and vulnerable young beautiful girls and marry them off. At least I am entitled to marry four woman.
In the Long run my little sprinters will be roaming the streets of Hargeisa.