To build local capacity and ensure project sustainability, 25 local companies will be trained and equipped with tools and machinery
ASMARA, Eritrea, March 13, 2025/APO Group/ --
The African Development Bank Group ( and Eritrea have signed an agreement for $19.5 million in grant funding for the Desert to Power Eritrea 12MW Mini Grid Project.

Desert to Power: The African Development Bank Group, Eritrea sign agreement for 12 MW mini-grid project
Eritrea’s Minister of Finance and National Development, who is also the Bank Group Governor for the country, Dr. Ghiorghish Teklemichae, signed on behalf of the government during a 10 March signing ceremony. The Bank Group’s Deputy Director General for East Africa, Dr. Léandre Bassole, represented the institution.
The financing, to be sourced from the Bank Group’s Transitional Support Facility (TSF), will support the rollout of mini-grids that will generate 12MW of electricity across the regions of Teseney (6MW), Kerekebet (3MW), and Barentu (3MW).
The project will be implemented by the national Ministry of Energy, the Eritrea Electricity Corporation (EEC) and local companies under the supervision and guidance of a design and engineering technical consulting firm to be contracted.
“We are proud to say that Africa is working with Africa to bring change to Africa,” Minister Teklemichae said during the signing ceremony. “This is for the good of our people and we are ready to work with you.”
The project is expected to provide improved energy access to more than 235,000 Eritreans, 20 percent of them women and youth. Beneficiaries will include residential households, small-scale farms, agro-processing zones, and water supply systems. The project will additionally benefit over 160 schools and 90 health centers in the Gash Barka region.
To build local capacity and ensure project sustainability, 25 local companies will be trained and equipped with tools and machinery.
“The African Development Bank, your Bank, is here to work with you for you,” Deputy Director General Bassole said in his opening remarks. “Our main objective is that we will accompany countries to drive their own development.”
“Capacity building and knowledge transfer are critical to the success of the project’s implementation,” Deputy Director General Bassole said further. “This will be a continuous process.”
The project is aligned with the Bank’s Interim Country Strategy Paper 2022-2024 for Eritrea (, which prioritizes developing quality and sustainable infrastructure to support agricultural value-chains for economic diversification and structural transformation.
The project also advances the objectives of the 2018 Eritrea National Energy Policy, which aims to increase electrification rates and ensure that renewable energy contributes 20% of electric power by 2030.
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Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB).
I'm elated to hear the great news.
what happend to free of speech? I though you were begging riyaale to get the free of scpeech. why didi you delete my comment?
Just listen to the silence of those who were rejoice at Somaliland's recent difficulties. When will they ever learn that Somaliland is here to stay, and the strength of the nation is its citizens.
i am who i am im somaliland
i am for lif and beyond still is part of Somalia like it or not. Somaliland is better and peaceful than Somalia untill recently. Somaliland is half democracy nation in Africa. Somaliland is also my home but for me there are no different between the two. I’m somalilander by location and Somalia is also my country.
To be honest, it look like you see as relegion. Because it was were I grew up, i don’t want anyone to harm When government igrone the rights of it citizen, sometimes you ask does it worth it to support at all.
Riyaal iyo Dowladiisa waxa lagu haystaa dadkii Hargesa Polici ku toogteen iyo safarkii la jarjajer oo dalaabo laga qaadin.
Omar, pick one, Somaliland or Somalia, because the union is over, dead, gone, finished, kaput, maafish, sheekadaasu way dhamaatay.
Somaliland is a sovereign state. Somaliland is here to stay. Somalia is another country.