A response to Jesper Carlsen Cullen’s piece titled” A third way for Somaliland and Somalia”
By: Mohamed A. Mohamoud and
Mohamed A. Duale
We write with reference to Jesper Carlsen’s piece titled” A Third way for Somaliland and Somalia” published on 19 January, 2012 on Somaliland Times and various Somaliland websites.
First, Mr. Jesper selected to discuss a topic that he is not familiar with thus a novice. However, we have to thank to Jesper for raising an interesting and important issue, which touches vital and pivotal issue for Somalilanders and that is the independence of Somaliland.
The central aim of Jesper’s piece is what he called “Loose Union” between Somaliland and Somalia, which he asserts is the third way option available for Somaliland and Somalia. Before analyzing Jesper’s piece, it’s of paramount important to first explain the historical facts and the union that issues that surround Somaliland’s experience during the 31 years of the fateful amalgamation with the South.
We hope that Jesper would gain knowledge of the history of the union that he is talking about in order to stop insinuating erroneous remedies “A LOOSE UNION”
Somaliland was the first Somali speaking state to become independent on 26 June, 1960 with more than35 Countries as well as the United Nations offering official recognition.
Compared to other contemporary de-facto states then in existence Somaliland became unique historical for having deferred its sovereignty and united with the Ex-Italian trust territory as a result of Somalilanders who started and struggled for the idea of a Greater Somalia.
The folly of this was that Somaliland rushed headlong in to immediate union-unconditionally and poorly prepared. The union was never legally ratified by the two States. Somaliland conceded the presidency, the prime minister, and the key ministerial posts.
The nationalist fervour in with which Somalilanders rushed into union with the Somalia in 1960 quickly turned to disappointment and dissatisfaction when it became apparent that their voice in the government of the Republic was marginal. In 1961 a group of young, Northern army officers that had newly graduated from military colleges in Britain rebelled against what they perceived as unfair treatment by the Southern dominated army leadership and their Southern political masters. This rebellion was quickly put down and the rebels rounded up and imprisoned, however the action of the young officers elicited widespread popular support in the North and the Northern ministers and MPs interceded with the government and the officers were released and reinstated
Right at the outset, the Somali sense of proportional balance was ignored. The South provided the capital city, the anthem, the flag and the constitution. The inequality started from the beginning. According to veteran Hasan Essa Jama, former SNM Chairman, It was not political merger but rather political take over, “The naivety of the political leaders of Somaliland in allowing the Southerners to occupy almost all the high offices of state inevitably resulted in a political takeover rather than a merger of equals. Soon, Somaliland was treated as an administered province and later as an occupied territory”.
While examination how the first friction between the two states started Ambassador Mohamed Osman Omer, who originates from Somalia, notes “The first friction between the two newly Independent territories started when Somaliland felt it had raw deal in the distribution of government seats allocated to it in the first united government in 1960, when the posts of the President and that of the Prime minister were both taken by the “South” while the Prime minister of Somaliland, Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, was named Minister. Somaliland regarded this as a belittling and humiliating.
In the context of the union experience between Somaliland and Somalia, it is also important to note that during the 31 years of union no infrastructure was constructed in the north, i.e. no roads, schools, hospitals, telecommunication facilities etc.
During the 31 years of union, Somalilanders experienced and suffered one of the worst human rights violations, which included summary executions, rape, torture, imprisonment or detainment without charges. More than 50,000 people were killed and 500,000 people were forced to flee from their towns. These acts flagrantly violated not only human rights norms but also humanitarian norms relating to the protection of victims of non international armed conflicts.
Mr. Jesper, whether you and your fellow Somali unionists like it or not, the fact of the matter is that Somaliland would never re-unite again with Somalia, whatever the circumstances might be. It is a political fact of life that Somalilanders would continue their journey for the quest of recognition even if it takes the coming hundred years.
When Mr. Jesper is talking about loose union, he ignores a fundamental and basic element of self determination and statehood, namely political consent. Citizens of a state must consent to be citizens of that state and they must consent to the political structures of such a state. Anything short of such consent amounts to coercion and negates the legitimacy of the state. The simple fact is that the people of Somaliland will not countenance any arrangement that does not recognize their independence and their right to self determination as a sovereign nation. They voted for this independence in 2001 when they ratified the ‘independence’ constitution by a margin of 97% in favor.
In the middle of his text, Mr. Jesper argues that “THE INDEPENDENCE OF SOMALILAND WOULD FUEL THE CONFLICT IN THE REGION”. To set the record straight, Somaliland’s case poses no threat to the peace and stability in the region as a whole, when it comes to colonial borders in Africa as well as the current political situation prevailing in the region.
According to an Africa Union fact-finding mission report about Somaliland in 2005, “Objectively viewed, Somaliland’s case should not be linked to the notion of “opening a Pandora’s box”. Somaliland’s recognition would serve the greater interest of the region and would contribute the stability and development of the region.
In the end of his text, Jesper argues that “ Somaliland’s governance record has been tarnished in recent years and that the November 2012 local council elections was characterized with multiple voting and bias in the National Electoral Commission. He further states that 20 people were killed during the election”.
First of all, Somaliland has a good elections track record having conducted five successful democratic elections ranging from local councils, parliamentary to presidential during the last ten years and termed properly free and fair by international election missions that observed them.
These elections prove the political maturity of Somaliland people as well as their model of democracy and state building. Nevertheless, there have been a number of Post-election violence, like the recent one where four people died and it’s also worthy to mention that there have been shortcomings and multiple voting during the 2012 local council elections.
This does not mean that Somaliland’s democracy is tarnished and every new transitional democracy is expected to encounter the above mentioned problems. Comparing Somaliland’s 2012 local council elections with the elections that took place in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Uganda, one can simply conclude that the post-election violence that erupted in Somaliland was the lowest and most negligible in the region.
According to Jesper’ remark that” Somalilanders are now sympathetic about loose union”; it is not only misleading and false but also artificial, because is not based on the reality on the ground.
One of the main reasons that Somaliland started negotiations with Somalia was to get International recognition and the negotiations have demonstrated Somaliland’s political maturity and that it has grown as a fully functioning state with all traits of democratic government.
Somaliland’s main obstacle in garnering the much needed 21 years quest for recognition emanates from the fact that Somalia remained a failed state during all this period thus a closed door for proper avenues of separation negotiations of two equal independent partners, STATE to STATE.
Let Mr. Jesper and his Unionist minded be reminded that Somaliland’s independence is non-negotiable and irrevocable. Somaliland leaders are bound by the Constitution of Somaliland, which mandates them to safeguard the independence of Somaliland.
Written by:
Mohamed A. Mohamoud and
Mohamed A. Duale
Somaliland Independent Intellectual Forum (SIIF)
Email: siifsomaliland@gmail.com
Hargeisa, Somaliland
somaliland F Y.
Puntland is not even a real name though, it is a stolen name that was stolen by darood rats like your father and his ugly father.
check map of the land of punt http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTvKa7ghX….
talk whne you change this fake, stolen name darood boy
Fantastic rebuttal of "Loose Union".
The Impasse to building a sustainable political relationship between Somaliland and Somalia has since 1960 remained the political greed of the politicians of Somalia-Italia(Somalia). We have sufficient historical events to interpolate and extrapolate the political nature of the politicians of the 2-STATES that formed the Union. The Union was tried it failed and caused the total destruction of both states.
The London agreement and subsequent Meeting between Silanyo and Sharif assured full international support for the 2-STATE dialogue process. The Government of Somaliland-Republic & the TF Government of Somalia-Italia-Federation or who ever replaces them namely(Road-Map Government) of Somalia-Italia-federation.
A Loose Union would function between two states that can trust each other. Somaliland-Republic survived unimaginable terror when the full force of the Military, airforce and police were used to cause 100% destruction of their state by their partner.
We are no where near discussing another UNION be it Loose or be it one that favors Somaliland, in reality what one needs to understand is there are over 200-Mass graves of women, children and elderly that have yet to be acknowledged by our former Union-partners.
Pre-Requisite to Future political relationship between Somaliland & Somalia:
1. Dissolution of the 1960 Union along the original territorial borders sharing state assets 50/50.
2. Acknowledgement and compensation of all atrocities committed against Somaliland.
3. Legislation in Somalia-Italia-federation passed to make the genocide part of school curriculum.
4. Withdrawal of Amisom.
5. Political consensus within Somalia-Italia.
Hassan Mahamoud's Road-May Territory Government has no foundation to continue to exist as soon as Amisom withdraw. Such a foundation-less Non-Entity is in no position to control a territory nor ever establish itself to exert any form of political influence outside the territory colonized by Amisom. It is another reason why a "LOOSE UNION" only serves to give legitimacy to an otherwise bankrupt Non-Entity.
The only Path to a sustainable peace is to revert back to the 26-Jun-1960 Borders anything else will create unresolved disputes.
EQUALS form unions and discus Union here we have TWO-POLITICAL systems that are politically asymptotic neighbors. Such a level of political difference can never be reconciled and the only solution to create a political relationship is to unite them as in the EU. A Horn of Africa Igad type or AU type relationship will be the only political medium where such distinctly different political systems can ever share a relationship.
Alternative is a War of independence and may the best man win in such a circumstance.
Keep repeating the some thing 100x. if you have real case to argue then bring
Let us wait to see where the 2-STATE dialogue process leads?
2- STATE dialogue will not happen that is for sure.
buuxiye, these dialogues between the internationally recognised autonomous regional government of somaliland and the new federal government are to entertain the masses of somali-weyn, but since the creation of autonomous regional administration of khatumo state(IGAD supported federal member state, galmudud jubbaland like wise) so in really there are talks, but there are not 2 state talks –
Buuxiye has given you the real fact and finding and it is not the repetition l think it touched you because you
can not urges this fact and it is real. l hope you have understood the realty. the Wise people says that when realty comes the cheating shuns away.
Jamal, for over 20+ years you have been saying it's real, and so far nothing and I mean nothing whent your way. In case your are not aware of it, Britain has announced that they will not deal with Somaliland any more as separate. They will deal with The Federal Republic of Somalia, as the representatives of of the people of Somalia, from Zeylac to Raskamboni.
The announcement came today 26-01-2013
Recognition of Road-Map government is done simply to Reject all Asylum seeing Somalia-Refugees from the world.
When there is already 1.5Million in Muuqdishu add another million to be returned… 2.5-3million Idps in a single city WOW… May allah help them.
Somaliland-Republic will always send Food and Aid donation as we did in the past in Muuqdishu and Gedo feeding Abgaal & Marehaan Orphans whose aid food was stolen by Vila Muuqdishu.
*** not them-you
Allemagan Always BS ur comment this clan want that other clan want that blabla.. If u are certain majority of Somalilander are unionist, let's do referendum under IC supervision from Zeilac to Taleex then 51% choice must be respected as civilised society Forget one moment clan. Nobody say 100% somalidander are for independence. Let's check if Awdal are unionist as u claim.. Do u know Motenegrin referendum in 2006 seccesionist win only with 55% Quebec unionist win only with 51% in 1995.. Both loser respect opposite side becoz they believe on democracy. Scotland Will get his referendun in 2014 from UK, same to Catalogna from Spain. Look at gap between civilised society and zoomalia with walanweyn and Faqash like u. Pitiful. No more BS somalinimo. Free first somali region occupied by Bantu and Habashi and threat Traitor Djiboutian that u welcome their soldier in Koonfur.
Hornid, honestly a 10 hears old kid would have laughed at your comment let alone any intellectual human being. How can you call referendum when you and I know that that referendum was only held by one clan, and only one clan. To insist on it that it was democratic, you have to be either a liar who doesn't fear Allah, or retarded.
Truth nacass the day u can make argument or sentence without Issaq let's me know Faqash boy..
Wel said Sahra
Sahra tell what took place in london sis? Update me
Their former protectorate said no more dealing with Somaliland your representative is the government sitting hamar and we're not forcing you anything but we're not going deal with you as separate and different identity from Somalia no more.
shirka Addis Ababa the press conference that was held by the British will give you all the details. I also have someone working in the state department who happen to be my family member.
I just seen it, thanks you. mac mac mac
hahaaha sahra if you ever run for office you got my vote and my unknown tribe's votes kkkkk
Puntland is not even a real name though, it is a stolen name that was stolen by darood rats like your father and his ugly father.
check map of the land of punt http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTvKa7ghX….
talk whne you change this fake, stolen name darood boy
And you think Somaliland is a real name? A name also giving to the south but seems to be claimed by you and your fellow separatists as if it was giving to you. It was never giving to you, the only name that was giving to you is ''Britain'', since Somaliland is a name for all Somalis. Maybe you should have called yourself Britain.
Do you even know the meaning of SOMALIA???
Somalia is Italian for Somaliland… You are the biggest Dimwit i have ever come across.
That is the plain truth.
British Protectorate == Somaliland
Italian colony ====== Somalia
2-Distinct Territories.
2-Distinct independence days.
2-Distinct Sovereign States
Think before you vomit on the screen!
Buuxiye…Calling me dimwit, while you are the one that differentiate Somalia from Somaliland in your arguments. Who is dimwit now?
kaboooooooooooooon, crazzzy single mother stop chewing mirre….
tr tr
get back to your Jamaican boyfriend, he is waiting in bed for you.
kabooooooooooooon, crazzy single mother chewing mirre. i am jamaican man with extra large leg.
no you are a darood dh!!o with a Jamaican drug-dealer for a boyfriend , Your ugly child is illegitimate.
Excellent article , I couldn't agree more. So,let me repeat myself again and again, for those of you who hate the ward Somaliland, whether you like it or not, Somaliland is here to stay forever!
Let’s use proper terminology here: there is no entity called Somaliland. European colonizers named each area of the land of Somali lpeople that fell under their control after their mother countries to show posession. For instance Southern Somalia became Italian Somaliland, Dejibouti became French Somali Coast and northern Somalia became the British Protectorate of Somaliland.
The arugument of these two gentleman boils down to 1) Our part of Somalia was ruled by a different white colonist therefore we are different than other Somalis and 2) we were massacred by by Mohamed Siad Barre therfore every Somali who is not from our tribe is responsible for the actions of that mad dictator.
Now, let us address each argument seperately. In the first argument, the people in the region is not from one tribe and is not different from other Somalis. The secession of the region is being led by 2 clans of one tribe. The majority of that tribe do not want to divide the country. Also, other major tribes including those of Sool regio, eastern Sanag and Audal do support the unity of Somalia. Now, do we ignore the rights of the majority of our to be hijacked by few Garadagland separatist? The answer is obviously no. As for the second argument, it is irrational to blame every other Somali on the sins of one mad man. Is it right that we hold every Syrian to be responsible for the savage actions of Bashar Al-Asad? Only idividuals can be placated in heinous crimes commited by government. And if we are doing so let us do it objectively. If we open the books against those who committed crimes against Somali many in both south and north of the country has to be brought to justice. There is no doubt that many individuals who today hold of positions of power in the adminstration of our northern region will be placated. A case in point will be Dahir Riyale Kahin a former top official of the notarious National Security Service who became the president of your adminstration although the man was working for the Barre’s government until the later fled to the border. Let us be oobjective and keep emotionalism and tribalism out of our discourse and analysis.
The argument of these two gentlemen boils down to a) we were owned by British master therefore we are different than other Somalis and 2) we were massacred by Siyad Barre therefore every Somali who is not from our tribe is responsible for that action.
Both above arguments do not hold water under scrutiny; the first argunent ignores the fact the whole project of secession of the region is driven by 2 calns of the major tribe in the region. The majority of that tribe do not want division of Somalia. Alo the rest of the major northen tribes such as those of Sool, eastern Sanag and Audal region want to be part of Somalia. Do we ignore the rights of the majority of our people in the region and allow few misguided emotional separatists to hijack everyone in that part of Somalia? The second argument blames innocent people of
Obviously you should ignore the repeated part of this comment. I am posting from mobile phone .My apologies.
Allemagan for 2020 President of Federal Republic of Somalia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s use proper terminology here: there is no entity called Somaliland. European colonizers named each area of the land of Somali lpeople that fell under their control after their mother countries to show posession. For instance Southern Somalia became Italian Somaliland, Dejibouti became French Somali Coast and northern Somalia became the British Protectorate of Somaliland.
The arugument of these two gentleman boils down to 1) Our part of Somalia was ruled by a different white colonist therefore we are different than other Somalis and 2) we were massacred by by Mohamed Siad Barre therfore every Somali who is not from our tribe is responsible for the actions of that mad dictator.
Now, let us address each argument seperately. In the first argument, the people in the region is not from one tribe and is not different from other Somalis. The secession of the region is being led by 2 clans of one tribe. The majority of that tribe do not want to divide the country. Also, other major tribes including those of Sool regio, eastern Sanag and Audal do support the unity of Somalia. Now, do we ignore the rights of the majority of our to be hijacked by few Garadagland separatist? The answer is obviously no. As for the second argument, it is irrational to blame every other Somali on the sins of one mad man. Is it right that we hold every Syrian to be responsible for the savage actions of Bashar Al-Asad? Only idividuals can be placated in heinous crimes commited by government. And if we are doing so let us do it objectively. If we open the books against those who committed crimes against Somali many in both south and north of the country has to be brought to justice. There is no doubt that many individuals who today hold of positions of power in the adminstration of our northern region will be placated. A case in point will be Dahir Riyale Kahin a former top official of the notarious National Security Service who became the president of your adminstration although the man was working for the Barre’s government until the later fled to the border. Let us be oobjective and keep emotionalism and tribalism out of our discourse and analysis.
The argument of these two gentlemen boils down to a) we were owned by British master therefore we are different than other Somalis and 2) we were massacred by Siyad Barre therefore every Somali who is not from our tribe is responsible for that action.
Both above arguments do not hold water under scrutiny; the first argunent ignores the fact the whole project of secession of the region is driven by 2 calns of the major tribe in the region. The majority of that tribe do not want division of Somalia. Alo the rest of the major northen tribes such as those of Sool, eastern Sanag and Audal region want to be part of Somalia. Do we ignore the rights of the majority of our people in the region and allow few misguided emotional separatists to hijack everyone in that part of Somalia? The second argument blames innocent people of
Horrific somali, your somali needs a massive improvement.
The army regime used military Leaders from the North (who later joined SNM) to massacre the Majertns, they killed civilian and mined water sources like wells and Bircas. Yet we hear no cries, secession and the like from there. I wonder what is wrong this people, who even ignore the people they massacred in many town in the North.
We say no for self decorated clan to decide the fate many clans and people in Norther Somalia. Somalia one and will remain one.
Those Unionist should know that SNM did not kill any Majeerteen or other Somali clans, but the people of Somaliland will kill whoever comes to their country, and we will destroy them without any hesitation at all. We are peace lover people, but whoever starts problem will face the consequence. Let me make sure for those: Puntlangizer, Gee and Allemangan if you try to create problem in our land we shall come to your den. Somaliweyn is history and you should forget it, if you want to safe your skins and that of your people.
A cat stood before mirror and regarded herself as a lion, then she went for a war to smash who ever she had problem with. Later she realized the reality and went to hide out. I am self confident person who waved the blue flag in the middle to Borama sever time in the presence of your cats.
There is nothing wrong for a group of people to demand secession. But your started with hate, Zionism . You should have also confined your secession to the tribe you were fighting.
SNM anad UCS leaders should be brought to world justice for their role in cleansing other tribes.
I feel I am obliged to point out that many of you have completely misunderstood the very concept of journalism. Clearly, the original article is NOT expressing an opinion, nor suggesting that the so-called 'third way' is the resolution to the question of Somaliland independence. The writers of this article do not understand the huge difference between journalism and opinion and most certainly not in a position to respond.