Mr. Aden Abdirahman Diriye , the Somaliland Ministry of Agriculture Sallexlay district coordinator inspected various development projects being implemented in the area by the Ministry.
The Ministry of Agriculture district coordinator flanked by the Chairman Sallaxley Farmers Cooperative, Mr. Omer Warsame who briefed him on the pressing challenges and plans to boost agricultural productivity in the district.
The Ministry of Agriculture district coordinator visited Mr. Deeq Ahmed Ali farm ,which daily supplies vegetables to Hargeisa and Wajaale and proves our land is suitable for farming and the cultivation of agricultural products, which our society has a great need for.
Mr. Aden said , “Investing in these smallholder farmers—many of whom are like Mr. Deeq Ahmed Ali ,and others through providing them with irrigation and other much needed materials to boost agricultural productivity in the district.
He added, “Only through local grown agricultural produce can free ourselves from importing food from other countries.
The Ministry of Agriculture led by the coordinator for Togdheer region Mr.Abdirisak Abdillahi Ibrahim has been busy this week helping implement a project the agriculture ministry was working in conjunction with FAO. The project seeks to assist 5 districts in Togdheer region. They are Qudhac-dheer, Boodhley, Booraamo Beer and Kaba-dheere.…
A delegation from FAO and the European Union went on a working trip to Togdeer Region and inspected the farmers in Beer and Kabadeere. The Co-ordinator of the Ministry of Agricultural Development in Togdeer region, Abdirisaaq Abdillahi Ibrahim who led the delegation, gave a report to the officials of the…
President H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi witnessed on Monday the 17th of October the swearing in of cabinet and deputy ministers, parastatal heads and their deputies who were recently appointed and confirmed by the parliament. The oath of office was administered by the Chief Justice, who is the president of the Supreme…