Minister of Internal Security Hon. Mohamed Kaahin Ahmed who is also the vice chairman of the ruling party Kulmiye and other top party officials have confirmed the government position pertaining the upcoming presidential elections.

Speaking to journalists at the ruling party headquarters in Hargeisa the minister revealed the how the talks between the opposition parties and the government progressed through the stages.

He confirmed that the president H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi had tried all in his arsenal to make the dialogue a successful outcome. However, he said that the two opposition parties Wadani and UCID had derailed the government’s efforts.

Minister Mohamed Kaahin added that the government will continue to engage the opposition to make sure the talks bears fruits.

He said that the opposition were trying to disrupt the talks with impromptu plans to create misunderstandings and further derail the talks.

The Interior Minister informed the press about opposition National Party (Wadani) have requested for a clandestine meeting with the President excluding the Welfare and Justice Party UCID.

He stated that during the duration of the meeting with the opposition the ruling party Kulmiye had put much emphasis to guarding the country’s constitution. He went further to say that no one will interfere with the current national political parties and the elections of new political organization that will participate in the election of three new national political parties, as allowed by our laws.

“The law clearly state the procedures and process of creation of new political organizations that will later become national political parties.  In the 2012 when the ruling party Kulmiye was a national party no one stopped the opposition party Wadani from ascending to form a new national political party. Today we shall not accept those opposing the new political organizations from competing in the elections to form new political parties”, said minister Mohamed Kaahin.

The minister refuted the opposition ploy not to accept the supreme court ruling about the holding of the elections.

He said “An elections case that was assigned to the supreme court on 26 February 2005, whereby the former president Rayale was forced to seek the courts ruling to hold parliamentary elections following a legal tussle with politicians. The courts ordered the holding of the House of Representatives elections.”

He accused the opposition parties of disrespecting the two speakers of both the parliament and senate respectively.

Minister Mohamed Kaahin stated, “These two chairmen of House of Representatives and Guurti are people of integrity and status hence the opposition parties politicians allegations that they are bidding for the president is unacceptable.”

Minister Kahin said the two speakers had put a lot of efforts and expertise to make the dialogue fruitful however the opposition have thwarted their mediation on the elections with cheap propaganda and malice.

The minister warned the opposition against side stepping the laws of the land. He revealed that the opposition parties had called for civil disobedience during the public demonstrations. They had even formed tribal militias to undermine the country’s peace and stability.

He went on to say, “It is very sad that the opposition parties have now become a law unto themselves for they have even created a parallel security apparatus with tribal inclination to reign havoc on Somaliland security.”

Internal Security minister confirmed that the government was ready to continue with the talks and reach consensus with the opposition parties.

The minister spoke following the collapse of talks between the opposition and the government about the formation and registrations of new political parties and the scheduling of the presidential election.