During the midnight of March 12, 2016, Sado Jama Adan was arrested and detained in solitary confinement. Sado has been living in the Sahil region for most of her life, she is a mother of 10, and she has never been convicted of any crime before and her criminal record was clean. Sado is a typical Somaliland mother that has the quality of being superior of social life.
This civilian woman has being charged with military court is very weird. The Somaliland government system is still acting, and working, like it was in the Siyaad Barre era. Whether its the judiciary, legislative or executive system. Amnesty International has launched campaign of an appeal. Siyaad Barre and Silaanyo regime also share many similarities. One of them is arresting and torturing women. Three years ago the Siilaanyo regime arrested a young woman for allegedly harassing a cabinet member. After growing public outcry, she was released under certain conditions.
Due process has not prevailed in Somaliland since Siilaanyo took power. The fair just must have triumphed to our beloved country. The Somaliland constitution clearly states the right of Somaliland citizen. Article 25(2) No person may be arrested, searched, or detained, except when caught in flagrante delicto, [53] or on the issue of a reasoned arrest warrant by a competent judge [54]. Again article 27 (1) also clearly stats, any person who is deprived of his liberty has a right to meet as soon as possible his legal representative [57], relatives or any other persons he asks for.
The reasons behind her arrested are still not clear, the bail denied and her lawyer has not been able to have access to her file, her family members will not able to be present at the court hearing. The constitution gives full rights including the right to meet with her lawyers, the right for her family members to attend the hearing, and any other person that she asks for. Without giving her her rights the regime is accountable for their actions and Somaliland has not place for violation of human right.
Finally, I would like to ask those who are involved in the case of Sado Jama Adan, for the following appeals.
- To immediately transfer Mrs Saado Jaamac Aadan’s case to a civilian court, and try her in line with international standards for fair trial;
- To allow Mrs.Saado Jaamac Aadan immediate and regular access to her family and a lawyer of her choice;
- To ensure that she is not tortured or otherwise ill-treated.