HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) — The first batch of 2010 ballot boxes made of transparent plastic have arrived in Hargeisa on Monday ahead of the forthcoming Presidential elections in Somaliland.
According to Hargeisa based newspaper, Geeska Afrika, the first batch have arrived from Denmark on Monday afternoon on a private cargo jet and were taken to the headquarters of the National Electoral Commission (NEC).
They added that the NEC is also expected to reveal the official number of legitimate voters in the coming weeks, it is expected roughly 1.1 million people would vote. NEC has said also they were expecting the new biometric cards inked for Face Technology to arrive within May 2nd from South Africa.
NEC has not yet revealed the number of polling stations and when the next batch of ballot boxes will arrive.
This comes hours after Special Representative for the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, issued a letter from his Nairobi office stating: “The issuance of new voter registration cards will begin the second week in May 2010. Somaliland continues to give priority to discussion and dialogue over violence.”
The general elections are expected to be held in June of 2010 throughout Somaliland. The elections are funded by a number of EU nations and the United States.

Photo: Geeska Afrika
Somalilandpress, 20 April 2010
Mashallah….. Viva Somaliland
Its good news, well done to the new NEC chairman, very compotent and proactive hope all Somalilanders support him because democracy is why we departed from Somalia and fought with the dictator.
All eyes is on Somaliland and this up and coming election MUST NOT, I repeat, MUST NOT be delayed nor cancelled.
Lets all pray to Allah that this election will be fair and free. Insha-Allah!!!
Let's hope it goes smooth, free, fair, and peaceful Inshaa Allah and that Riyaale and his henchmen don't come up with desperate last minute sabotage.
We can't trust this man, never mind voting for. Let's never put our guards down this time. We need to secure the border and look out for inside activities and every Somalilander should be the eyes and the ears of our country. Watch out for illegal activities during election. We hope he comes to his senses for the common good of the country.
This comes hours after Special Representative for the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, issued a letter from his Nairobi office stating: “The issuance of new voter registration cards will begin the second week in May 2010. Somaliland continues to give priority to discussion and dialogue over violence.”
Good to see Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah got hie piorities straight. While the world community continues to shower Somaliland with praise they shower the ineffective TFG with money, arms and trainers. I just hope the new voter registeration cards dont have "Somalia" on them instead of Somaliland.
Somalia never had an election and they never heard of thing called biometric cards there is no chance you will see that on it.
Come on sxb, this is a contract between Somaliland and a private firm in South Africa, Face Technology
Democracy Democracy, it is not the solution for our problems. It is not reflecting our religion and our culture and it is not for us.. this so called democracy it is made by other nations. For exm; if some one wearing a shirt and you like it that dosnt nacasserally mean it will fit you… but you will go out and look for something that suits well.. so, democracy is like that for us
So, as we africans or somalians or somalilanders we should com together and set up a system that is reflecting us in every angle Religion, calture, ect
therefore, i am not very optimistic about this up coming election moreover, all these three of them are lacking of leadership qualities and they are not after doing anything that will help our country. Infact they just after DOLARS ……
If you do not belief in Democracy that each citizen participate in, then you believe in the Al- sheitan type of rule?
Then, concentrate in South Somalia, we are known as Somalilanders where majority of us belief in capital "D" Democracy.
Democracy is not a solution!!!! OK. Please suggest something.
We should NEVER forget the young and brave men who fought died for the liberation and freedom Somali people in Somaliland enjoys today!
Yes the political system is not perfect and we must tackle corruption, offer greater freedom for journalist and solve the lack of economic development within Somaliland. However, I rather prefer present Somaliland than the past (69-91) ultra-corrupt, one party, communist dictator state of Siad Barre!!!
It's amazing that 1.1 million people had had registered to vote for the election. That shows we are serious about the future of our country and people. I congratulate the men and women who are working flat-out to make this election happen without any major bumps.
There is no need to cast out or bad mouth anyone else here. Please, refrain from being emotional or disrespectiful to others.
All Somallanders need to show patriotism and support a fair election. Those who are luckier and are not only going to be present for the election day at home, but also are registered and able to vote, should make sure they do what they believe is right for them and for their home country. Those of us who are, unfortunately, away and therefore can not vote, should encourage our families and friendsback home to go out and cast their votes fairly. And may Allah guide and protect our country men and women, and help them make the RIGHT choice in this election.
Salma I thought to were from Burao Northwest Somalia! Now you are a Somalilander?
What is your question exactly? In case you are not familiar with the geography of the country, Burao is the capital city of the Togdheer region, and was the capital city of Somaliland in the periods of 1991 and 92. I am not sure whether you are retarded and don't know much about Somaliland or you are trying to be sarcastic, but either way, it is not a good move.
Not necessary to leash out now…you have only asked for this enlightenment.