Somaliland has an Education in Emergencies Working Group (EiEWG). It will works under the auspices of the Somaliland Education Sector Committee (ESC). The purpose of the Education in Emergencies Working Group is to ensure strong coordination and collaboration of EiEWG partners working in Somaliland.
The Education in Emergencies Working Group serves as:
• A coordination and decision-making body on key Education in Emergencies priorities and actions in Somaliland;
• A body for guidance to achieve common understanding and harmonized approaches;
• An information sharing and advocacy body for resolving arising issues related to education in emergencies Responsibilities of the Education in Emergencies Working Group
• Facilitate appropriate humanitarian coordination mechanisms; ensuring coordination with international/national NGOs MoE, UN agencies and other relevant actors
• The Education in Emergencies Working Group will work with Ministry of Education (MoE) to prioritize the needs, activities and address key Education in Emergencies issues at Somaliland.
This must be in line with the MoE strategic plans
• Represent the interests of the EiEWG in discussions with the Somaliland Inter-Sectoral Coordination Group on prioritization and advocacy;
• Ensure that the National Education Cluster Coordinator, MoE and OCHA field officers are informed of Education in Emergencies Working Group specific developments in the region.
• Secure commitments from Education in Emergencies Working Group participants in responding to needs and filling gaps, ensuring an appropriate distribution of responsibilities within the Education in Emergencies Working Group with clearly defined focal points for specific issues where necessary;
• Ensure that participants within the Education in Emergencies Working Group work collectively, ensuring the complementarities of the various stakeholders’ actions
• Ensure effective links with others sectoral partners and coordination with international/national partners who may not be directly participating in the Education in Emergencies Working Group;
• Together with the MoE recommends project to be implemented and agreed with all the partner to address duplication.