By Goth Mohamed Goth

Mr. Farhan Aden Haybe, the chairman of Somaliland Civil Service Commission met with the ministerial director generals and the managing directors of governmental agencies at the headquarters of the civil service commission.

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and discuss it with 1) Establishment of the Ministry of Labor and the Independent Institutions 2) Complete the registration of employees of the public sector and the release of the list of employees of the ministry and each organization 3) Draft law of the government employee’s role and the rights to the general directors and 4) The new structure of the Ministries and Agencies and how to implement it.


They also discussed the strengthening of the ethics committee of the ministries and government agencies and the importance of public sector workers to be informed about the social media and the law of the civil servant clearly defining the steps to take any member of a public servant who slander, insult, and humiliate on the social media of officials holding public authority, members of the national government, and other members of the national political parties. . The civil service commission equipped ministerial director generals with a list of each ministry staff Lists for conformation and to ensure that they are complete and integrated to the Data Storage Office of the Workforce.


Speaking at the opening of the conference, the Chairman of the CSI initially said that the meeting was important and useful for the national interest and development. We started with his statement: – “The president is in charge of the nation, and he has chosen us to be his representatives in running governmental departments. You know the ministers are politicians who are busy, but the most important role in the work is that of the directors who are left to run the day to day business of the ministries thence the need for the civil service commission to consult with you so as to achieve the development and progress towards the development of the community we serve and at the same time achieve and implement what the President had pledged to the people.

He added that for we shall change the current payroll system and that we have added the civil servant’s ID to the payroll sheet as of the month of July 2019 and the signature of the director of personnel as in accordance with the new system adopted by the civil service commission. The departmental heads participating in the meeting also made their contributions.

Finally, the provisions of the Labor Code are discussed directly with the DGs. Following analysis, a panel has been set up to ensure that the role and rights of the general directors can guarantee the current status of the staff that is complemented and submitted to the cabinet to review and submit to the parliamentary JSL to fulfill his duties legally.

All the points mentioned were adopted after intense deliberations in;


  • Strengthen the staff of the ministries and departments as part of the document defining the work of the department which is shared with all the stakeholders in the conference.
  • Implementation of the new structure to a realistic and realistic change in the working order and staff
  • Employees’ copies of a copy are given to each party
  • Changes in wage and division of finance and staff sectors and how they work together.
  • Creating responsibilities for low-level work responsibilities that provide a role for each employee

These and other important aspects of the work and staff have been discussed and have been put into place and some have been brought to the board for a meaningful interpretation of members of the Labor Agency and the members of the Board of Directors selected.