By M.A. Egge

The government of Somaliland has clarified the fact that its move to summarily close the Egyptian Cultural Library in Hargeisa was mainly due to the fact that it veered from activities meant for its purpose and indulged in sinister motives.

The state also unequivocally underpinned the fact that another re-union with Somalia is extremely impossible and a mere pipedream.

The state re-affirmed to the international community and especially to the Arab world that the nation of Somaliland’s re-assertion and regaining of its independence and sovereignty over three decades ago was a foregone conclusion that would not be overturned owing to the peoples’ resolve.

The statements were expressed by the Minister of Information, Culture and National Guidance Hon. Ali Mohammed Hassan, popularly Ali Marehaan, as he spoke on the international Arabic world television channel Al-Arabiya, a major Arab Gulf media house.

The minister who happens to be the official government spokesperson reminded the world the reasons of how and why the union first entered in 1960 when Somaliland and Somalia were two different nations collapsed.

He was convictional that there was no way whatsoever a similar reunion may take place since the populaces resolutely decided the path of the nation and their aspirations, never wanting to return to making the same mistake again.

“The union we entered into with Somalia was a big failure and it is not possible for us to reunite with them ever again”, said the minister.

He said the country had already turned its page hence its resolve to join the international community as a peer with a de-jure stature.

On why the Government closed the Cultural Library of Egypt in Hargeisa, he responded that the closure of the Cultural Library was based on the fact that its operators were indulging in completely different sinister acts that veered from the original purpose of the center.