Hargeisa, 21 June 2009 – Kayd and its partners Redsea-online, Ilays, Sonyo and Havoyoco are pleased to invite you to the inaugural Somali Arts & Culture Festival, to be held in Hargeysa, Somaliland, from 22 – 26 July 2009. The festival has been named “Mooge Festival” after the celebrated and influential Somali musician Mohamed Mooge. The festival will incorporate the Hargeysa International Book Fair (HIBF).
Kayd promotes freedom of expression through art and culture in the Somali territories and aims to help create a democratic culture of tolerance and widespread appreciation of the diversity of Somali culture through the promotion of learning, literacy, performance events, and debates. It focuses largely – but not exclusively – on issues relating to gender equality and active citizenship, with particular attention paid to how they affect young people.
Through its projects, Kayd is addressing the importance of education in socio-political and economic development. Kayd evolved from the Somali Week Festival, which, for several years, brought artists and opinion-makers to London to present their work and engage with other artists and the general public.
Mooge Festival and Hargeysa International Book Fair 2009
We believe that any kind of change, whether it is about people’s beliefs, attitudes to social development, economic improvements and/or political awareness, can only happen through educational and cultural interventions.
The festival has invited a variety of different artists to share their expertise in using their tools to examine and challenge what they perceive as inequities. Both the festival and book fair will not just work with local artists and those from the territories but also with schools and civic groups.
We hope to highlight the need to strengthen and nurture the arts and cultural institutions that already exist, as well as encouraging the creation of new ones.
The festival will focus on poetry, prose literature, music and plays which will be presented and discussed by artists and audiences. Whilst the festival programming aims to celebrate creativity and discuss the important role that art can play within society in general, it will also explore how the artists have experienced acts of censorship.
Some of the topics that will be looked at are: whether different artists saw past acts of censorship differently; what the artists’ reaction was to such acts; and whether the artists, with the help of hindsight, now think that they should have made other choices at the time.
We are proud to have invited a range of guests including renowned artists, academics and commentators Mahamed Hashi Dhama “Gaariye” Maxamed Ibrahim Warsame “Hadraawi” Mahamed Yaasiin olaad (UAE) Macallin Dhoodaan, Prof: Salebaan Ahmed Guleid, Hassan Ganey, Musa Ali Faruur, Amina Cabdillahi, Sahra Ahmed, Kinsi Haaji Aden, Yusuf Sha’ir, Jamal Ali Hussien (Ivory cost), Mahamed Ismail “hudeydi” (UK), prof. Hussein Hassan Guuleed (Norway), Maxamed Baarood Cali, Prof. Daahir Maxamuud Xaddi, Ali Ahmed Rabi “Seenyo” Dr. Adan Yusuf Abokor, Jama Musse Jama (Italy), Siciid Jaamac Xuseen (UK) Mahamed Ahmed Kulu ( UK) Boobe Yusuf Ducaale, Abdi-nuur Allaale (Djibouti), Dr Maxamed Rashiid, Ibrahim Ismaacil Sugaal (Sooraan), Ahmed Sayid (sweden) Mahamed Hirsi (Sweden), Ciise Cabdi Ismaaciil (Samaale), Hassan Cabdi Madar, Dayib Askar, Abdirahman Yusuf Arten, Mahamed Hassan “Kayd” Sayid Ahmed( Sweden), Cabdillahi Awed Iggeh (UK), Mahamed Bashe (UK), Dr Xussien Abdillahi Bulhan, Abdalle Isman (Denmark), Mustafe A Nuur, Rashiid Sh Cabdillahi (UK), Ahmed Aw Geedi, Nimo Gabaydo, Dr Fadal, Dr Saad Ali shire (UK), Anab Wanweyn, Foosiya Hormuud,Mahamoud Ibrahim ( Norway) Faysal Aw Abdi “Anbalash” Mahamed Aw Ali Arten ” Haldeeq”, members from the local universities and readers clubsand many more.
Some of festival activities Wide range of books on display; authors will be available to sign books and talk to visitors. Visitors can browse and read at their leisure.
Visiting regional and Diaspora artists, plus local scholars and writers to discuss with general public topics including experience on cultural censorship, with poets and composers also presenting their work;
Young people on citizenship, human rights and personal freedom;
Women’s voices and presentation of 3 documentaries: Democracy,Peace-building and refugee lives in Europe;
‘Poetry in War and Peace’- New book on Somali artistic creativity in literature over last 200 years.
Biography which focuses on Mohamed Barud’s experience as former prisoner of conscience who was tried for high treason.
Local school classes of 30-40 students to attend Book Fair for an hour or more;Reader’s Clubs and how they will engage with freedom of expression;three plays; one on gender.

The international aspect of the festival is an important part of our continued development and partnership work with artists and organisations in Somali speaking territories. The two festivals should help to facilitate collaboration and exchange between Somali territory based artists and those from the Diaspora Kayd Somali Arts and Culture is very grateful to NOVIB Netherland, Daallo Airleness, Sorrag, Dahabshiil Money Transfer Company, Progressio for supporting this initiative.
How Can I Contribute?
You can support Kayd by becoming a member, donating money and/or volunteering to help with Kayd activities. To become member or to volunteer for Kayd (either for the Mooge Festival in Hargiesa or for Somali Week Festival in London), please email ayan_mahamoud@kayd.org and tell us your interest – whether your reasons for wishing to join Kayd as a member, or the festival you are interested in helping with. If you are able to donate to Kayd or directly to one of the festivals;
- You can deposit your contribution into our Dahabshiil Account D4256, Hargaisa.
- You can also donate online using your Credit Card through paypal. In this case, kindly
follow the following URL http://www.hargeysabookfair.com/donate
-or you can deposit your contrabution to our UK accound; Natwest, Payable to Kayd Somali Arts and Culture, Account Number; 21131457, Sort code; 501005 - or send a cheque to Oxford house, Kayd Somali Artist and Culture, Derbyshire Street, E2 6HG, payable to Kayd Somali Artist and Culture.
Join us at the exceptional festival in order to celebrate and explore the uniqueness of Somali art and culture.
For more information about the Festival’s Programme visit; www. kayd.org and http://www.hargeysabookfair.com or http://www.redsea-online.com More information about the program or/and stall please email to festival manager ayan_mahamoud@kayd.org
Best Wishes,
Ayan Mahamoud
Managing Director
UK Tel: 0044(0)7903712949/ Somaliland 002522 4022737/ Email: ayan_mahamoud@kayd.org
Kayd promotes Somali Art & Culture through a broad combination of poetry, literature, music, film and discussions. We wish to contribute to the creation of a culture of tolerance in the context of an appreciation of the richness of Somali culture.
Website: www.kayd.org company registration 06851116
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