The just transferred minister of finance is presumed to have declined the taking up the new portfolio of the education docket.
According to the BBC Somali services 9.30 pm bulletin ,Abdiaziz Samale has declined to accept his new portfolio following a major reshuffling of cabinet on Friday by President Ahmed Mohammed Mohammud Silanyo.
Samaale reportedly cited the fact averring that he “was not consulted” for the transfer issue, a fact that the BBC “had not yet personally confirmed” from him.
Several local reports indicated that “confirmations” are strongly pointed to the fact that the minister has declined the new job.
By the time we went to press we could not verify the facts with qualified certainty, however almost all local reports presumed the news as genuine.
By constitution the president is not required to consult with any official over expediting his duties of or in appointing, transferring or sacking anyone.
It is a presidential prerogative to do or not to do so.