61692_7_Isaias_Afewerki_614x620According to the latest accounts from Eritrea, border clashes have reportedly led to dozens dead from both sides of the conflict. Various diaspora media and inside sources said the conflict started when Eritrean Defense Forces (EDF) exchanged fire against Eritrean opposition rebels (supported by the Ethiopian government.)

On Monday, Asmara claimed that Ethiopia “unleashed an attack against Eritrea.” However, Eritrean reporters said this was a “fabrication” and a “desperate attempt” by President Isaias to distract its citizens and the international community from the recent findings of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea.

Eritrean journalist Meron Estefanos said Ethiopia “has no reason” to start a conflict. “The shelling across the border was actually started by Eritrea,” She added.

Ethiopian political analyst Teshome Borago told SomalilandPress that Ethiopia is not an innocent bystander. “Addis Ababa is actively supporting Eritrean militants against Asmara,” Mr. Borago said.
“But My sources inside Eritrea said Eritrean army was chasing Eritrean deserters and refugees at the border where opposition militants operate,” he added.
Eritrean border guards usually let these refugees escape into Ethiopia, but this time Asmara decided to pursue the deserters and refugees deep into Ethiopia controlled territories, Mr. Borago stated. “Asmara probably wanted to change the world news media headlines about Eritrea and it achieved that goal.”

Other inside accounts revealed that Addis Ababa-backed Eritrean opposition fighters were helping the refugees escape but they were overwhelmed by the Eritrean army; which forced the Ethiopian army to join the conflict to rescue the Eritrean opposition.

The latest reports on Tuesday said the situation at the border is tense but calm.


  1. This article is utter rubbish. It’s obvious from Ethiopia’s changing responses over the past few days that they are trying hard to obfuscate the situation. Eritrea has learned from previous mistakes about letting Ethiopian lies set the narrative and this time around we have Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. So, if Ethiopia attacks again we will know about in real time. I would also recommend to all Eritreans who have smartphones along the border record the Ethiopians and post on YouTube and social media right away!! The world needs

  2. This article is utter rubbish. It’s obvious from Ethiopia’s changing responses over the past few days that they are trying hard to obfuscate the situation. Eritrea has learned from previous mistakes about letting Ethiopian lies set the narrative and this time around we have Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. So, if Ethiopia attacks again we will know about in real time. I would also recommend to all Eritreans who have smartphones along the border record the Ethiopians and post on YouTube and social media right away!!

  3. Isayas always lies and lies. He wants to be president for life, forever. he will start war with all his neighbors

  4. The conflict is starting when the eritrean army starting fire againsty the young eritreans trying to cross the border at the mid night.

  5. Who ever started the clash can’t be blamed on the crises. African Union at large and Igad member states were supposed to work on negotiations and sort out the problem long time ago. It is the time that borh countries think logically and set aside the personal vendettas. We need regional integration in order to catch up the rest of the world. In the globalised world regional blocks make sense and countries are joining their power to have a voice in world affairs.