Children face killings, recruitment by armed groups, and sexual violence as conflict cripples schools, health services, and access to clean water
BUKAVU, Democratic Republic of Congo, March 15, 2025/APO Group/ --
The resurgence of conflict in the province of South Kivu, in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), has forced more than 850,000 people—nearly half of them children—to flee their homes. Many are living in precarious conditions, taking shelter in schools, churches, or in the open, with limited access to clean water and sanitation, healthcare, and education.
The ongoing violence in the province has led to a sharp rise in grave violations against children. Verified cases have surged since January 2025, marking an approximately 150 per cent increase compared to December 2024. These violations include sexual violence, killings, maiming, and the recruitment and use of children by armed groups.
UNICEF’s Representative in the DRC visited the eastern region earlier in March to witness firsthand the impact of the crisis in Bukavu and to assess UNICEF’s intensified response.
"I met unaccompanied children seeking refuge at the University Clinics—children who have lost everything. Their distress is immense, and every day without a stronger humanitarian response worsens their suffering," warns Jean François Basse, UNICEF’s Acting Representative in the DRC. "We are facing an unprecedented protection crisis. Children are being targeted. They are being killed, recruited, torn from their families, and exposed to horrific sexual and physical violence."
Fighting has also significantly limited humanitarian operations. The closure of Kavumu airport, located 25 kilometres north of Bukavu—a vital entry point for the delivery of essential supplies—and the closure of banks have disrupted field operations and delayed payments and distributions.
The health sector is overwhelmed, with overcrowded hospitals and shortages of medicine and equipment. More than 15 health facilities have been partially destroyed, while outbreaks of cholera, measles, and mpox are spreading. Since January 2025, 377 cholera cases have been reported, with a concerning spike of 146 new infections in late February, particularly affecting displacement sites and health zones in Minova and Uvira.
Education has also been impacted, with the closure of more than 1,000 schools in the province, disrupting the education of over 300,000 students. In Bukavu alone, 19 schools have turned into makeshift shelters for displaced families, highlighting the urgent need for alternative solutions to support both education and humanitarian needs.
In response to this critical situation, UNICEF and its partners are scaling up life-saving support for children and families. Efforts to reunite unaccompanied children with their families are underway, with 40 per cent already supported. Four operational “listening points” now provide psychosocial support and referrals to services to affected children and families.
Access to clean water and sanitation is also improving, with three purification stations supplying 180,000 litres of clean water daily. Meanwhile, UNICEF mobile teams are working in cholera-affected areas on disinfection, awareness-raising, and medical referrals.
UNICEF and its partners are also working to reopen schools, advocate for demining, and assess damaged facilities for rapid rehabilitation. Finally, UNICEF is reinforcing support for health centers to tackle mpox and cholera outbreaks, particularly through medical treatment, nutritional care, and mental health support.
"We call on all parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities, protect children, respect international humanitarian law, and guarantee rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access," said Basse.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
Way badan yihiin dadka u baahan in wax lataro haddii reer Somalilandnow.
Mataqanaan akhristayaal gabadha da'dayar ee layidhaa Faadumo Bixii. Faadumo waa gabadh dadeeda lagu qiyaaso 20 sano haatan, laakiin la labadeeda laxaad la. Waxay miino la qaraxday iyada oo todoba jira ah, kadib ayaa waxay fursad siiyay bisha cas oo xiligaa caawin jirtay dadka ku waxyeelooba miinooyinka.
Faadumo waxa loo qaaday dibada iyada oo biro loosoo galiyay labadeedii laxaadba oo ku go'an bowdada. Waxay jaanis u heshay inay kaqayb qadato shirkii lagu mamnuucay miinada ee kadhacay Swezerland sanadkii 1995 kii , waxaana lahorkeenay masuuliyiintii dunida dafaheeda kakalayimid oo latusay dhibta ay miinadu u gaysato bili aadamka Fadumana ay tusaale katahay.
My allah send ayan the mericle she deserves, she is a beautiful young lady who has so much to look farward to. I hope someone who can change this young lady’s life reads or hears her story. Ayan walalo my allah give you what you need and continue to succeed in life you are an inspiration to all.
As muslims, we have a duty towards helping to our vulnerable sisters and brothers, and Ayaan is not exceptional. Ayan is not only has the right to our help, but also has a right to our sympathy.
As prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) said, “By Him Whose hand my soul is, Allah does not bestow His Mercy except on merciful one.” The prophet replied, “Not only that each of you has mercy upon the other, but to have a mercy also upon all people”
May Allah help her,
Hargeisa, Somaliland
Xiligaa oo butrus qaali xoghaye ka ahaa qaramada midoobay wuxuu waydiiyay Faadumooy maxaa laguu qabtaa. Bal ufiirso akhriste jawaabtan qaaliga ah, waxay tidhi waxaan doonayaa in layga dhiso dugsi halkii miinadu igula qaraxday. Dugsigiina waa loo dhisay oo haatan waa dugsi hoose dhexe oo loo yaqaan " Fadumo Bixi Primar & Intermediate School" oo kuyaal xaafada Ahmed-Dhagax oo katirsan magaalada Hargeisa.
Fadumo haatan waxa ay laadahay cid kabixiya jaamacad, waxqabadkeediina waa mid ay moogan yihiin inta badan dadku. Laakiin wuxuu baaqi kuyahay maskaxdayda mar walba oon xasuustana waan ooyaa aniga oo kafikaray qiimaheeda iyo nolosheeda.
Marlabaad haynu u istaagno caawinta Ayaan iyo Faadumo Biixi
Fariintan sare waxa ay laxidhiidhaa Fadumo Bixi oo ah gabadh da'ar oo naafo ah oo ay miino kula qaraxday sanadii 1994 iyada oo 7 jir ah, halka maanta laga dhisay dugsiga loogu magac daray iyada. Sababna ay unoqotay dhisida dugsigaasi.
Faadumo biixi waa 21 la labadeeda laxaad laakiin kusocoda biro, gabadh garaad badan jecelna waxbarashada iyo inay nolol cusub u jeexdo dadka kadanbeeya.
Faadumo oo lagu marti qaaday shirkii lagu mabnuucayay miinada ee lagu qabtay Swezerland ayaa lawaydiiyay waxa ay jeclaan lahayd in loo qabto. Waxaanay codsatay in iskuul looga dhiso halkii ay miinadu kuqaraxday, xiligaana waxay ahay 8 jir la labadeeda laxaad ba.
Hadaba akhristayaal madareensanahay waxqabadka qaran ee faadumo bixii iyo sida ay maanta nolosheedu tahay.
feeling the pain…..may Allah give these people an opening!!!!
Please let us help her, I am willing to help but we need to organized in order for us to help.
My name is Abdi Jama and email address is
Yes we can all help her and we will.
This post is strickly for Ayaan please stop posting other links, videos and other stories.
well done Edna, you had always been an iron lady on achievements. It's the right thing to let the World know about ayaan, if we can't do any better for her but that we did for her , what could.