Djibouti, February 14, 2014

When we talk increasingly resumption of dialogue at the highest level between the government and the opposition after nearly a year of political deadlock, repression intensified again.

  1. The NGO AL-BIRI, dissolution and devolution of its assets

Vesting of assets of the NGO Al-Diwan Al Biri to-Zakat Foundation and its school under the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training. Moreover, the NGO Al-Biri was the subject of an administrative dissolution there a few months.

The NGO BIRI AL-AL-BIRI Charitable Association, founded in 1994, the Republic of Djibouti, is the only association of the country by his commitment, selflessness, seriousness, enjoys a status board to the United Nations . Unfortunately once again it is the independence and community involvement Djiboutian citizens who are sanctioned by the administrative dissolution but also and especially the losers are the beneficiaries: orphans, mothers, …

  1. Arrest and detention of Mohamed Daher Robleh

Mohamed Daher Robleh, independent worker, arrested, detained incommunicado at the premises of the SDS in July 2013, a victim of torture, humiliation and abuse, stripped of his Djiboutian nationality by a Presidential Decree dated September 2, 2013, a was arrested at 14:30 at his home by police February 12, 2014. Since it is held in the Criminal Police Brigade and contact is prohibited. We do not know the charges against him.


3.       Death of a 17 year old

Omar Hassan Yusuf, a young high school 17 years, son of a member of the CDU political party affiliated with the USN, the opposition coalition, attacked by unidentified individuals is decided as a result of his injuries in hospital General Peltier on the evening of 12 February 2014. We are still waiting the outcome of the investigation.

The ODDH calls for public authorities:


Ø   To comply with the constitutional provisions on the protection of citizens, respect for fundamental freedoms, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of rights.


Ø   At the unconditional release of all political prisoners, cessation of prosecutions and harassment associations and citizens suspected for their hypothetical close to the opposition,

Act for democracy, dignity and justice.

The President of the ODDH

Farah Abdillahi Miguil



  1. The government is really pushing us to the ranks of the opposition. They have to accept the new reality on, the ground, the age of public resources looting, impunity, arbitrary detentions is coming to an end.

    IOG & his party are getting ready for a 4th term in 2016 and want to silence all dissent before then. They don't realize they're just precipitating their fall.

    I am losing hope in a smooth transition to democracy & I hope we will be mature enough to keep divisive politics & tribalism away in our fight against this ruling mafia. As a Djib, I deeply believe in peace so let's resist peacefully (strikes, sit ins, civil disobedience etc…)

    Notre ennemi c'est un système, c'est cette clique corrompu jusqu'aux os, restons unis & soudé pour nous débarrasser d'IOG et de sa clique, dans la PAIX!