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The Somaliland Independent Scholar’s Group


Political Brinkmanship: A Close Call for Somaliland

(29 September, 2009. Hargeisa Somaliland)

I. Introduction 

On 26th of September 2009, the ISG members met to discuss the implications of recent Agreement sponsored by the international community between the Somaliland parties and the subsequent historic  unanimous vote of the House of Elders on the 25th of Sept, 2009, to endorse it. The meeting was sponsored by the Social Research and Development Institute (SORADI). It was moderated by its Director, Dr. Mohamed Fadal. The Somaliland Independent Scholar’s Group (ISG) members are all long-term participants of Somaliland rebuilding and democratization process, who are considered to be highly competent to provide an objective analysis and strategy to address the issues at hand. The ISG members are: Abdi-shakur Sh Ali-Jowhar (Psychiatrist and political analyst: warkamaanta.com), Amina Mohamoud Warsame (Executive Director of NAGAAD); Abdilkadir H Ismail Jirde (Ex-Deputy Speaker and Member of Parliament- now travelling), Shukri H. Ismail (Former National Electoral Commissioner and Member of African Democracy Forum and Chair of Candle Light); Ibrahim Jama Ali -Raite (Member of Parliament and Lawyer), Fawsi Sh. Yonis (Somaliland Lawyer’s Association); Abdi Ahmed Nour (Forum for Peace and Governance-FOBAG), Bobe Y. Duale (Research Coordinator, APD), Haroon H Ahmed Qulumbe (ActionAid), Jafar Mohamed Gadaweyne (SONSAF); Mohamed Hassan Ibrahim (Researcher-APD), Suad Ibrahim Abdi (Researcher-APD); Wais Muse (Executive Director of  Samatalis Coalition of Human Rights)), Dr. Mohamed Fadal, Director of (SORADI);Muse Abdi Elmi (U. of Hargeisa; Dean Academic Affairs) Dr. Yusuf Kariye (Researcher in  Anthropology; Hinda Mohamed Jama (an Associate of Burao University).


Implementing the Agreement


II. Tension Diffused


The people of Somaliland won in this critical moment of the development of their nation. Through their steadfast stand to support reform peace and reconciliation they have brought about the victory we see today.


The Somaliland Independent Scholar’s Group commends the Guurti for choosing the path of dialogue and consensus building against a unilateral imposition. We thank Ethiopia, Britain and the supporting donor community to bring the political party leaders to a consensus agreement. We also thank the Somali well-wishers, who expressed their support to Somaliland from all over the world.


The tension has been diffused and the expression “win-win” situation is already in the media. However, the hard work is still to be done. The greatest achievement so far is that goodwill and cooperation between the opposition and the ruling party has been restored. A window of opportunity is opened; however, it may close sooner than we realize if not utilized. The ISG urges the Guurti to continue leading the process to put the implementation of the agreement on track. The ISG believes that the key to successful implementation of the international agreement is to disband the present NEC and to constitute a new National Electoral Commission (NEC) within the next two weeks.



III. Gateway to Implementation: Constituting a New NEC


After the necessary signature ceremony takes place, the Guurti needs to bring together the key stakeholders (the three political parties and the House of Representatives) in consultation with the civil society to work out a mechanism to disband the sitting NEC and to constitute a fresh new NEC. Institutions mandated to select the NEC members, ie the Presidency, the Guurti and the two opposition parties should not take more than seven days each to appoint their allocation of the members.  Our target date for the NEW NEC to be in place is on the 15th of October, 2009.


Why a new NEC?

The New NEC should be able to fulfil the duties it is appointed for effectively and diligently on behalf of the Somaliland people. During the tenure of the present NEC, the whole nation was trying to do its job and to cover its shortcomings: They were expected to organize and manage free and fair elections held on time in every five years; create a neutral ground for all stakeholders in the election, especially among the three competing candidates and their supporters; interact with the Executive Branch as an independent entity and provide it with objective and truthful information and assessments of election process; engage the media and other stakeholders to abide by their code of conducts; work with our international friends and donors and to make elections something the Somaliland people can be proud of to exercise their right to vote and not to view it as a source of conflict and uncertainty. The sitting NEC has failed in fulfilling the above responsibilities.


What kind of NEC?

A NEC, whose members have integrity, proven work track record, across-party trust and a good national standing. The new NEC should also be gender balanced.  The above criteria need to be observed by the institutions mandated to select the members and the House of Representatives, which has the final approval of individual membership.



Possible Scenarios Arising from the Implementation Process



1. Win-Win Situation: The New NEC is Constituted on Time


All parties cooperate to use this window of opportunity to bring the Somaliland Presidential election process on track. The New NEC, with the requisite qualities to manage and to lead us to a successful free and fair election is constituted within the next two weeks. It approves the Terms of Reference of the Team of Experts and the international community recruits them. They deliver their assessment of the election preparation time before the end of October, 2009. The New NEC sets a date for the Presidential election on the basis of the assessment provided by the Team of Experts. The President and VP terms are formally extended as in the agreement. The technical support needed for the election (both technical and financial) is made available by the donor community. The political parties’ candidates exercise their right to campaign and to bring their message across to the Somaliland people. The people exercise their right to vote and choose a President and a VP. The elected President is inaugurated by February 2010. Somalilanders prove their resilience to maintain the path of peace and democracy and to pursue their aspiration to achieve their rightful place in the world community.


2. Our Worse Nightmare Situation: NEC Reform is Squandered

We do not learn from our past experience. We do not use the window of opportunity we have.  Personal and group interests overshadow cross-party cooperation and due diligence to reform NEC. Our worst nightmare is realized when forming the new NEC drags. Lack of cooperation and mistrust among the key stakeholders overshadows reason and progress.  The Team of Experts has no counterpart to work with and hence, their recruitment and engagement is delayed. No election schedule assessment and election date are in sight within the next two months. The bad guys regain the upper hand in the Somaliland election process.

3. A Catalyst Situation: Conflicting Expectations from the Server

Unrealistic expectations from the team of experts to work out miracles to come up with everybody’s wish list will definitely spoil the cooperation and goodwill we need in abundance to bring the election process on track. On the other hand acting maturely and accepting whatever the outcome of this last trial to clean up the mess we made, will pave the way for the election and will boost the moral of the Somaliland people and their confidence on their system of government. The team of experts may not change much in terms of numbers, but they are independent from and neutral to our fears and internal contradictions. We have no other option but to trust the process. Their first final verdict should be accepted as is, if we want to move forward. We expect the team to be cognisant of the baggage that comes with their assignment and hence should keep it strictly technical and deliver their result transparently and in the presence of the all stakeholders and the international community. We advise against any interim reports and we urge the key stakeholders to let them deliver a Final Voter Registration List.


4. An Unfortunate Situation: Engaging Team of Experts or Delivery of their Assessment and Final Voter List Takes Longer than Expected

Such a situation will have a similar impact as the worse nightmare scenarioThe window of goodwill opportunity will be closed. Personal and group interest will derail the election process. Worse still no National institution will be accountable for the Somaliland people. Fears of some sectors that the international community have no good intentions for the Somaliland state will get credence. The international initiators of this agreement need to do everything possible to avoid such a situation to arise and to be transparent about any difficulties encountered.



Summary of Recommendations and Action Sequence Chart


1. Recommendation

 1. The House of Elders continues to lead the process to ensure signing ceremony takes place as soon as possible and that political parties and the House of Representatives are clearly on board to keep the Agreement on track.

2. All stakeholders act proactively to move the election process forward and to avoid any action which contradicts the cooperation and goodwill attained and expected by the Somaliland people.

3. The key stakeholders expedite the process of constituting a new NEC and hence facilitate the Team of Experts to start its work.

4. The international community need to stand behind this agreement and monitor all stakeholders to fulfil their roles. The international community is also is expected to make the Team of Experts available in time to work with the new NEC.

5. The International community is requested to make available the financial and technical support needed for the forthcoming Somaliland Presidential election.

6. The people need to be informed to ensure peace and have confidence that the election is going to be   free and fair.


2. Sequencing of Implementation Activities: See attached chart. 


Ethiopia vows to continue oil venture amide rebel threat.


September 29, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — Despite Ogaden rebels repeated warnings against foreign oil exploration in Somali region, the Ethiopian Ministry of Mines and Energy vowed to continue the oil project.

Two weeks ago the Ogaden National liberation Front (ONLF) threatened foreign oil firms to refrain from engaging in oil exploration in the region or face harsh consequences.

However Ethiopia’s ministry of mines and energy down plays the threats saying that every empty threat by the Ogaden rebels cannot obstruct the ongoing oil venture.

“There is no any serious security threat in the region that could lead to closure or endanger foreign oil firms” said minister Alemayehu Tegenu.

Ethiopian forces launched an assault against the rebels after the 2007 attack on a Chinese-owned oil exploration field which killed 65 Ethiopians and nine Chinese. Addis Ababa now says the ONLF has been defeated.

“The group, unlike it bluffs, is so weaken at this point and doesn’t have capacity to carry out attacks” he added.

ONLF’s latest warning came after a Malaysian oil firm reportedly resumed drilling at the region.

In a statement it issued on September 16, the rebel group said “No business should be conducted in Ogaden, until there is a political solution to the conflict,”

We “will not be responsible for any collateral damages that occur from its engagements with the Ethiopian army,” it added accusing oil companies of “disinheriting the Ogaden people of their natural resources.”

The rebel group in the past directly threatened Petronas , the Malaysian state-owned company, which is one of more than a dozen international explorers hunting for oil and gas in Ethiopia.

Source: Sudan Tribune, Sept 30, 2009

Ambulance offers hope in war-torn Somalia.


MOGADISHU, Somalia (CNN) — Chaos and death on the streets of Mogadishu: unfortunately, it’s nothing new in the Somali capital.

Government forces are fighting against insurgents on this day in September in a bloody battle that leaves 30 dead. Dozens of wounded Somalis are taken out of the danger zone, some of them in the back of insurgents’ pick-up trucks.

One of the trucks races through the streets, zig-zagging to the echoing booms of the ongoing shelling. The truck comes to an abrupt halt, stopping at a rare sight in the Somali capital — an ambulance, waiting at the heart of the chaos to ferry the dead and the injured to the hospital.

The wounded are transferred onto the ambulance. People shout and run as the mortar attacks continue. One woman screams over and over for her son.

The ambulance is one of seven medical vehicles paid for with donated funds from local and expatriate Somalis. Residents can simply call for the ambulances without charge, and the vehicles will be dispatched to the scene.

“It is amazing,” said Rufai Salad, one of the founders of the ambulance service in the Somali capital. “We have this toll-free number, 777, that you dial. Someone is giving you a free call and then coming and giving you free help.

“People here find it hard to believe it is real.”

Life Line Africa, a local Somali charity, started its ambulance service in Mogadishu in December, bringing a small amount of order to the lawless country that is in the midst of a brutal Islamist insurgency.

Apart from the short-lived rule of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006, there has been no genuine central authority in Somalia since the collapse of Mohamed Siad Barre’s repressive regime in 1991.

Now, the United States and other Western powers are propping the U.N.-backed transitional government forces in their attempt to fend off the insurgency, particularly Al-Shabaab — a Somali militant group that has ties to al Qaeda.

Basic amenities in Somalia, like electricity, water and sanitation – and even luxuries such as wireless Internet facilities — are provided by enterprising businessman, which is partly how the ambulance service came to life.

In the Somali equivalent of a public-private partnership, clan elders and local businessman donated the money to fund the ambulance service, helping fulfill a crucial need.

The ambulance drivers are well compensated, earning about U.S. $200 a month in a country where the average yearly income is $130, according to the United Nations.

Life Line Africa’s monthly budget for its Mogadishu ambulance service is $3,200, including fuel, running costs and the salaries of the 10 drivers. They hope to increase their driving staff to 14.

Salad, 24, is an information technology officer for the Somali president’s office, but volunteers his time to help keep Life Line Africa running.

His enthusiasm about the ambulance service obscures the very real danger he and his drivers face. Part of the problem, he explains, is trying to stay neutral in a war zone.

“We did have one driver killed by Al-Shabaab,” he admits. “They told us that it was because we were carrying government soldiers to hospital. But I said to them that this is what we do – we are working for all of you.”

And it’s not just the insurgents that Salad and his drivers fear.

“We had to take the body of a Syrian ship captain who had been killed by pirates to the airport,” he said. “The government and African Union soldiers opened fire on the ambulance. We were later told they’d received information that the insurgency was planning on using an ambulance to stage a suicide attack.”

“But what can you do?” he asks. “Our driver ran away and then later was allowed to come back for his ambulance.”

Salad says the relatively high pay is not the real reason his drivers are willing to take the risks they do.

“If you go to the area of the fighting then the combatants [from both sides] say ‘You must carry us to the hospital or we will kill you,'” he says.

“It is so dangerous but when we see the problems of the people, we’re trying to find a way somehow, to keep on working.”

Source: CNN, Sept 29, 2009

West London Somaliland Community: The Annual Report


HARGEISA, 20 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – West London Somaliland Community (WLSC) has been created two years ago in order to be a real community organisation that not only provide service but also build a sense of community among the Somalilanders and create an environment that encourages participation and development.

As a single nationality organisation, the organisation wants to be closer to the Somaliland community to build the trust so it will be able to build a sense of a community, which in its turn will allow us to deal with the sensitive issues and remove the cultural and social barriers.

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The establishment of West London Somaliland Community is also an opportunity for Somalis in general to address their diversity openly and start to build understanding and respect for it, which is conducive in understanding and valuing the British diversity as well as integrating meaningfully to this society. The aim is also to encourage a culture of tolerance among the Somalis in general, which will allow them to respect their differences and in general the human nature diversity so to make possible to create a situation where commonalities can be build on.

Since the creation of the organization two years ago, it undertook important steps to lay down a strong foundation for a community owned organisation. Many activities have been carried out in order to achieve the goals set and the organization is moving ahead with more projects in the near future.

WEst London Somaliland Community publishes its Annual Report From April 2008 to March 2009 and share it with all the stakeholders as well as other Somalis living worldwide. You can download the full report here:

WLSC Annual Report

Fresh Appeal For Sanctions On Eritrea


HARGEISA, 28 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The east and Horn of Africa regional bloc Igad has once again expressed its disappointment at the international community’s failure to take practical action against Eritrea.

Mr Kipruto arap Kirwa, the peace and reconciliation facilitator in Somalia, told reporters in Addis Ababa that Igad had “conclusive evidence” that Eritrea and al-Qaeda were supporting and financing militant groups in Somalia.

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Go beyond words

Mr Kirwa called on the international community to take immediate and effective action, to go beyond words and act against all spoilers in the region. Igad and the African Union recently made strong recommendations for sanctions against Eritrea and other entities, “aiding, financing and facilitating resources for the al-Shabaab and other negative entities”.

The resolutions were tabled before the UN Security Council in June. The US has also pushed for an immediate endorsement of the proposals. However, other Security Council members: China, France, Russia and the UK, are divided on the resolutions.

Sea blockage

The resolutions had proposed air and sea blockage in the region to prevent the flow of arms and foreign combatants to Somalia. They also proposed freezing the assets and imposing travel ban against individuals involved in the Somalia crisis.

Eritrean top officials on the list include Yemane Gebreab — head of political affairs and presidential adviser at the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) party, Ali Abdu — Information minister and Teame Abrehasillase — Intelligence chief. They are among the individuals allegedly involved in arms smuggling activities in Somalia.

Source: Daily Nation

Somaliland: A New Way Forward Toward Peaceful Elections


HARGEISA, 28 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The Somaliland House of Elders recent endeavour to resolve the political stalemate regarding the forthcoming Presidential elections has met with some success.

After an all night session, 77 members of the House of Elders voted to extend the mandate of the incumbent President, Mr.Dahir Rayale Kahin until one month after the Presidential election date. The new election date will be set after consultation between all three political parties, subject to the resolution of the technical issues related to the voter registration program and its tools.

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In a move welcomed by both opposition parties in Somaliland, as well as, the international community and donor nations, the Somaliland House of Elders once again returned to the winning formula of dialogue, discussion and consensus.

In a related matter, all three Somaliland political parties, UDUB, KULMIYE and UCID have agreed to a six point proposal put together by the International donors to Somaliland’s election process, including the USA, EU, Ethiopia and several other interested parties.

These six points are as follow;

1. Changes in the electoral commission should be made.

2. The election server should be re-instated and technical experts will come to Somaliland to fix the server´s problems.

3. The date of the election will be set by the commission and the technical experts and it is a technical matter.

4. To work together.

5. This election as well as future elections should be based on voter-registration.

6. The three political parties should issue a joint statement.

Once again, Somaliland has proved its democratic maturity in resolving issues that would have sunk and continue to plague other regions on the Horn of Africa.

By: Ahmed Kheyre

Somaliland is rescued by foreign friends and a watchfull media


(SomalilandPress)-With its latest decision to extend or should I say reject the extension, depending on where one stands on Somaliland’s slippery political landscape, of the President’s term of office; the Somaliland Guurti (Upper House of Elders) have loosened the noose on all parties.

As the political crisis tightened, the President placed himself into a foxhole, thinking that this will protect him from the many snipers that demanded his head. Equally ineffective, the opposition leaders also ended up making empty howls and toothless snarls when responsible action was needed.

Bereft of any leadership capacity, the House of Representatives (The Lower House) ridiculed themselves for their rowdy escapades and street behavior while the Election Commission sheltered itself in house of straws, waiting for the winds to come and blow off the roof or even their heads at anytime.

As the major stakeholders and the greatest losers if the explosive situation was allowed to develop into a civil war, it was only the people of Somaliland led by the business community, the Sultans, traditional elders and other notables that showed wisdom and tried to rein in all the political players before the situation deteriorated into chaos and the tribal genie was out of the bottle. However, it seemed that this time Somaliland’s famed bottom up remedy was not working and that the situation was in need of the top-down foreign concocted potion that had been tested with varying degrees of success and failure in other regions of Africa.

It was therefore the six-point proposal put forward by Somaliland’s foreign friends that the Guurti House endorsed as the ultimate remedy for the Somaliland problem and all the stakeholders including the people upheld them as Somaliland’s Six Pillars of Survival.

Congratulatory cables poured as the Guurti and Somaliland people at home and abroad had breathed a sigh of relief. But the question still hanging on everyone’s head is whether the problem is over? Did each and every one of the political players achieve their goals? The answer is NO and YES. It is NO because neither the President nor the opposition leaders achieved what they wanted. It is also YES because the self-imposed nooses have been temporarily loosened from their necks and they have been given a new chance to either make a real progress and work for the country’s interest or start another episode of their farcical game. We shall see if they seize the opportunity or they become like the fool who was lost and when he was found and he saw the people celebrating said: “Maxaa la igaga farxi berriba wan lumiye”( Why do they celebrate because for sure I will lose my way again tomorrow).

One party, however, that has emerged as the biggest winner is the Somaliland media which have regardless of their political inclinations stayed focused, held their torch on the issue and refused to let the politicians off the hook. It was through their vigil and constant reporting on the developments as they unfolded that kept Somaliland’s friends updated and enabled them to make a timely action. I applaud Somaliland’s media, both print and online, both conventional press and blogosphere, regardless of being pro or against the government for keeping us informed and enlightened. My congratulations specially go to those reporters who worked against the odds, who patiently waited in vain for hours and days before closed doors, who were selectively segregated and denied the opportunity to cover major events in government houses. I say to them keep up the vigil and know that as the Americans say it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings.

Bashir Goth
Email: bsogoth@yahoo.com

A Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland.


HARGEISA, 27 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Many Somalilanders, living in the country and abroad, have been warning the nation for several years that president Riyaale is not committed to Somaliland cause for independence but he is a committed betrayer who is digging deep grave for Somaliland sovereignty and recognition to destroy it for Somalia. The sequence of the subversive, political developments in Somaliland undoubtedly prove that what has been warned of before has materialized. Dahir Riyaale is a national traitor whose dictatorship has nothing to do for power-love but for bringing down Somaliland. Dahir Riyaale, his supporters, and foreign conspirators, who are in the treason together, have been plotting against Somaliland independence since the beginning of his wrongful presidency in 2003 with the final objective of plunging Somaliland into civil wars to create a situation similar to that of Somalia where lawlessness and anarchy reign for 19 years. These anti-Somaliland groups believe that civil wars is the only weapon to kill the dreams of Somaliland people for independent Somaliland assuming that it would create a desperate situation that leaves Somaliland people no option or choice other than reuniting with Somalia unconditionally.

Dahir Riyaale, Ismael Gelleh, the dictator-at-dusk of Djibouti, and the changing leaders of the failed state of Somalia have been involved in a Destroy-Somaliland-plan for the last 7 years. This devised political conspiracy against Somaliland independence has four-step plan designed to succeed in bringing down Somaliland. To succeed in killing Somaliland independence, the order of this Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland is set up as follows:-

1. Discarding and abandoning Somaliland constitution to create a subversive dictatorship in the country eliminating the powers of the judicial and legislative branches and blocking or disrupting their constitutional services with coercive police force.

2. Ruining and bankrupting Somaliland economy with massive corruptions and bribes to weaken national sustainability, survivability and viability so that the country can not stand on its own feet.

3. Undermining and secretly fighting Somaliland recognition during visits to foreign countries creating suspicion and hesitation in countries that would otherwise recognize Somaliland. The country would be recognized by now if not damaged.

4. Holding onto the power of the country blocking presidential elections with all costs and with limitless term extensions by bribed Guurti members until civil wars are created in the country that turn it into failed state where violence and anarchy reign so that Somaliland people live in despair that forces them to reunite with violent Somalia unconditionally. Riyaale`s deafening silence about Eil Bardaale armed clashes is a part of this conspiratorial plan.

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It is clear now that the traitor, Dahir Riyaale, and his anti-Somaliland groups, with the help of worthless penny-chasers who do not care the people and the country, have succeeded in carrying out the first three steps of the Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland and now they are actively involved in implementing the fourth step. Without the existence of this Four-Step Plan to Destroy Somaliland, Somaliland would never be in the current heart-breaking political situation. Because Dahir Riyaale is committed to bring down Somaliland, he has to reject all national and international calls to respect the constitution of the country and he has to purposefully breach all agreements intended to solve the political impasse. One should not or must not expect that Dahir Riyaale and cronies are willing to hold fair presidential elections in the country knowing what they have done to it.

The only solution to save Somaliland from total destruction is, as recommended by many, to immediately remove Daahir Riyale and his regime from power as soon as possible with an organized and prepared popular uprising (Kacdoon Qaran) led by the Opposition Parties and other opposition movements targeting the residences, offices, and barracks of clan-based presidential police of Dahir Riyale and his regime. Now it is time to choose liberating uprising over killing silence. It is the nationalistic, patriotic duty of the armed forces and police to support the national uprising for Somaliland salvation. After removing Dahir Riyaale from power, the Opposition Parties have to form an interim government of national consensus that restores Somaliland reputation around the world and that paves the way for democratic presidential and parliamentary elections in one year.

During this struggle for Somaliland cause, Somaliland politicians and writers should be careful of using statements like: “It is the end of Somaliland”, “It is the beginning of Somaliland destruction”, “It is over for Somaliland.” Somaliland is a country and a nation and will survive well the current unfavorable situation. This nation survived the atrocities of Siyad Barre`s Regime and will defeat the current treasonous regime headed by Dahir Riyaale, even if necessary with the sacred blood of its sons and daughters as done before. No nation disappears from the surface of the Earth but sometimes faces difficult time. These statements will only give political victory to the enemies of Somaliland and it is wise to stop. Long Live Somaliland!.

Ibrahim Hassan Gagale
Email: ibrahim_hg@yahoo.com
September 27, 2009.
Views expressed in the opinion articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the editorial

To Save Somaliland We Have A Duty To Start The Change Process Immediately


HARGEISA, 27 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Many of us, who are praying for change to happen in our motherland, are advised to start the change process wherever they are. Let’s change for good. I will agree with early Cabdulahi Suldan timo Cade, when he poet in one of his advice (tribilesm is destruction ) that if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. In the same way, Somalilands should first take a look at themselves and start the change. We have role models to copy or follow their ideas.

If a small percentage of us start this change process wherever they are and be consistent, then there could be hope to revive Somaliland . We have to remember that we have a choice to either save Somaliland or sink Somaliland . To save Somaliland we have a duty to start the change process immediately. Every little positive effort will matter a lot. Failure to save Somaliland disastrous.

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But I must caution people that, there will be no quick fix to Somaliland as problem. Changing the entire Somaliland system will be a difficult project; therefore we should be prepared for a tough project. Many of us will resist changes. Change itself is difficult. Many of Somalilanders who are below 30 years have known no other system except the present day Somaliland system. Therefore changing more than half of the population will be tough and challenging. This is the more reason why any person that desires change should start changing his/her environment in any small way that is possible.

The grassroots will be a good starting point for changes. Change comes not from the top down but from the ground up. Management of people at the grassroots is very essential for any successful change. Revolutionaries all over the world have high sense of patriotism and have introduced positive changes to the lives of their people. Same should apply to Somalilands seeking to start quiet revolution or change. Henceforth it will be ideal for Somalilands to be thinking of individual/private sector led change of the Somaliland system. There are a lot of changes that the civil society can spearhead. Also changing Somaliland is burden for all of us, therefore the earlier we start changing our nation the better for all of us. May God bless Somaliland

Democracy is not compatible with police or military dictatorship. In a democracy, the desire of the people is supreme, there is complete freedom of expression and there is no barrier of cast, creed, community, minority, majority, religion and language in a true democracy. Democracy is not possible without the full participation of every section of the people of the country where a village will be the basic unit. Hence a democratic person should work only for the reservation of the democracy instead of for the interest of his political party.

I don’t think this crisis has created by one person or two but more than that. Yes,Riyaala, leadership and Udub is on top to take the responsibility of some of the problems but Electoral Commission have their share of creating this mess.

By: Amiin Dahir

Somaliland: Opposition Calls for Mass Demonstrations Say They Will form their own government


HARGEISA, 25 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The Somaliland opposition parties say they will form their own government if the House of Elders extend for the current government on Friday. In a press conference, the leaders of the opposition called the members of the Guurti to suspend the current motion and take part in the mediation process in order to end the current standoff.

The opposition parties also called the Somaliland population to come out for a country wide demonstrations in order to stop the Guurti’s meeting and show their support to the opposition parties.