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Buhoodle Tribal Leaders Pursue Insanity Defense In Weekend Blast


Buhodle, 3 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) — At a press conference in Buhodle in the Sool region, tribal elders said that a man who recently claimed responsible for the weekend roadside bombs that killed two military personnel and wounded four civilians in Las Anod is insane.

The town elders, Garad Saleban Burale and Ahdar said the man who claimed responsible for the weekend blast consented to complete insanity and was not capable of such act. They have also denied the existence of Jabarti National Movement “JNM”, a new group the man has claimed to have created to fight Somaliland forces in the region.

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The man was named as Burale Yusuf, called one of the local radio stations same day as the blasts claiming to have carried out the attack that killed Somaliland infantry commander in Las Anod.

The following morning Somaliland forces led by colonel Ahmed Mohamed Adan raided one of the houses in Buhodle where Burale is believed to be staying;  they tried to seize him but according to reports he escaped with minor injuries from a back door. Three civilians were wounded during the raid.

Garad Saleban condemned the act and said his town has no connection with the attack and urged the civilians to maintain peace in the region and not to associate themselves with as what he described as “groups with self-interest” referring to a number of tribal organizations based around Buhodle and the neighboring Puntland.

Source: Somalilandpress

Somaliland-Ethiopian Colleges Merge


Hargeisa, 3 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) — On Sunday, November 1st, Lucy University College marked the opening of its new campus in Somaliland’s capital with ribbon-cutting ceremony that took place in Mansor Hotel.

New Horizon College, an Information Technology college invited Lucy University, an Ethiopian-based private institution to Somaliland and in early August the two institutions signed an agreement to merge.

New Horizon College was set up by Somaliland students who had studied in India and offered mainly IT and English courses. The merger with Lucy University has allowed the new institution to offer a wide range of courses, research programs and study options in four faculties; Economics, Management & Mathematics, Law and Computers.
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University provost Mr. Khadir Hussein was on hand at the ceremony to share his enthusiasm about the establishment. As one of the driving forces he recalls how their drive originally started, “many students are not so lucky when it comes to pursuing a complete education and so we reached out for Lucy University.” Mr Khadir, who owns a construction firm in Ethiopia, said they took advantage of the fact that Somaliland has ties with Ethiopia.

Professor Mohamed Abdullahi Duale, vice-president of Hargeisa campus, also addressed students, faculty, and guests about the new tertiary and how it was different to the existing ones. As well as offering undergraduate courses in four faculties the university will also offer diploma courses in IT and multimedia and language courses in the near future. Lucy_university

Professor Abdi Ali Adan, dean of economic faculty, also emphasized the need for students to be equipped with both knowledge and technical skills, and the personal attributes that allow them to achieve their career aspirations and excel in the world of business.

Other individuals who spoke on the conference included Muna Hussein Khalif, the president of Somaliland Academic Women Empowerment, who expressed optimism about the days ahead and the role women play in education in Somaliland society. She said she welcomes the new university and encourages girls to pursue higher education.

Other honorable guests included eng. Mohamed Hashi Elmi, UDUB party chairman, Mr Omar Jama Farah, vice-minister of Economy, Mr Abdulkarim Mohamed Muse, veteran Mr Osman awr Liqe, students, business executives and many others.

Other Ethiopian universities in Somaliland include Admas University College and Addis Ababa Medical College.

Source: Somalilandpress

Djibouti to send peacekeepers to Somalia despite threats


MOGADISHU, 3 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) –The government of Djibouti has announced that it will send peacekeepers to Somalia as part of AU peacekeeping mission in Somalia.

The interior minister of Djibouti Yasin Ilmi Buh said that his country
had prepared troops to be deployed to Somalia saying that the threats
by Al-Shabab Islamic Movement will not change their decision to send
troops to Somalia.
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He further said that his government expects these troops to take part
in the restoration of security and peace in Somalia.

He stressed that the army of his country would defend against any
attacks from the insurgents in Somalia and will do their best efforts
in stabilizing the country.

On the other hand the government of Djibouti has appointed its
ambassador to Somalia for the first time since the fall of former
central government of Somalia on 1991.

A ceremony to welcome a new ambassador from Djibouti to Somalia and
relaunching Djibouti embassy has been held at the presidential palace
known as Villa Somalia in Mogadishu on Monday.

The Somali Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ali Jama Jengeli spoke at the
ceremony, saying his government is warmly welcoming the new ambassador
and pledges to work with him.

The new Djibouti ambassador, Mr Dayib Dubad Roble, has said at the
ceremony that he was happy to be in Somalia on behalf of his country.
He said Djibouti is always determined to support Somali people and the
Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.

The Djibouti embassy, which was opened in Mogadishu, will be among the few other foreign embassies opened in the country recently including Yemen, Sudan and Ethiopia.

Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991 and Ahmed’s
administration holds only a few blocks in Mogadishu, with support from
the peacekeepers.

The U.S. considers Al-Shabab a terrorist organization and accuses it
of harboring suspects in the 1998 bombing of the American embassies in the
Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals.

By Abdinasir Mohamed
Email: abdinasir4@gmail.com

Source: Somalilandpress

Somaliland: Seven Suspects arrested for Yesterday's Attack


Las Anod, 2 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Seven people were arrested in connection with yesterday’s roadside bomb that killed Somaliland military commander in Las Anod.

The State Minister of Interior, Mr. Farhan Jama told the BBC that the suspects are civilians from the city and are  suspected of having ties with those who carried out the attacks. “They will be questioned” he said.

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“The city is under curfew at the moment and we are working hard to identify the perpetrators” he said. “They were Somaliland’s enemy of course” he concluded.

The minister did not give any further details and said they will wait the results of an ongoing investigations.

In other parts of east Somaliland, forces have been put on high-alert and threat levels were elevated.


Somaliland: The Alshabaab Beast Struck Again


HARGEISA, 2 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Last year, on October 29, 2008 Alshabaab terror group carried out a devastating terrorist attack against Somaliland. Over twenty-two Somaliland citizens—not Ethiopians or foreigners—perished in the blast. The majority of Somalilanders have never seen anything but peace because they were born after the brutal war against Somaliland ended in the early 90s. However, in October 29, 2009, they were shocked, dismayed, and traumatized. Alshabaab shattered their oasis of peace and tranquility. A new dawn of combating against terrorism with very little resource has begun. http://somalilandpress.com/9337/somaliland-a-year-from-the-terror-attack“>

Today, Alshabaab more than ever before gains a strong hold in Somaliland. Partially thanks to the U.S. efforts to blindly arm the current Somali regime which in return arms Alshabaab. See how the U.S. weapons are giving Alshabaab the upper hand: <a href=”http://tinyurl.com/ykpox2s“>

Again, in November 01, 2009 without a warning, the beast struck again. Callously and cowardly, Alshabaab sent shockwaves throughout Somaliland. Unknown to Somaliland streets, a new terror warfare of roadside bombs ripped through the streets of Las Annod, the provincial capital of Sool region in Somaliland. The blast sent shockwaves throughout the peaceful city of Las Annod; its residents were not sure whether they were in Mogadishu or in Las Annod.

The Alshabaab cowards targeted Somaliland top officials in the region. Mr. Osman Yusuf, the commander of Somaliland’s 12th infantry division was the prime target. And Alshabaab murdered the brave commander instantly. He died on the spot after remote controlled bombs were detonated against Somaliland forces passing through the city. <a href=”http://somalilandpress.com/9398/somaliland-roadside-bomb-kills-official-in-lasanod“> But is Alshabaab alone in its terrorist attack against peaceful Somaliland?

The answer to Alshabaab’s increased murder rate in Somaliland lies squarely within the enemies of Somaliland. That is, Gen. Mohammed Said Hersi Morgan—the butcher of Hargaisa, Somaliland capital— the violent NSUM and the pro-Puntland group from Sool region of Somaliland.

Gen. Morgan who commanded the Somali National Army the 26th division which was stationed in the North [Somaliland] before the collapse of the Somali regime in late 90s attended a meeting convened in Nairobi by the violent NSUM and the pro-Puntland group from Sool region, in October 2009. See a brief introduction of Gen. Morgan (or Gen. Murderer) and his involvement in the Nairobi meeting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammed_Said_Hersi_Morgan http://www.lasanod.com/details.php?num=2917“>

Little do most of people know that Gen. Morgan’s forces are already fighting in Kismanyo region of Southern Somalia under the guise of Islamic group: Hizbul Islam. Now, he wants to shore up support for the new pro-Puntland group and in return he wants a militia from Sool region to join his violent Hizbul Islam militia in Kismanyo—a militia that eventually will wage suicide attacks against Somaliland officials. http://tinyurl.com/ycyabxy“>

Meanwhile, the former Puntland vice presidential candidate, Saleban Ahmed Isse and Col. Ali Hassan Sabarey, a former commander of the brutal SNA, were elected as president and vice president of the new pro-Puntland group formed in Nairobi. Shockingly, despite violence consuming the rest of the Somali world, the primary objective of the conference was to wage a war or a Jihad against Somaliland security forces in Sool region.

Mr. Isse, who lives in Toronto, the heart of Canada, calls for a deadly war against Somaliland security forces. Shamelessly, he instigates a tribal warfare between Somaliland tribes. He even invites the wider Darood tribe of Somalia to fight against Somaliland. Listen to his interview: <a href=”http://tinyurl.com/yhvpxm4“>

Similarly, Garaad (a tribal chief) Jama Garad Ali from Sool, a participant in the meeting, threatened to wage a war against Somaliland if it doesn’t leave the region. He stated unambiguously, “We must fight against Somaliland by any means necessary”. Well, the first roadside bomb has been delivered successfully. And welcome to Las Annod, the new Mogadishu of Somaliland. Listened to the Garaad’s interview:

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Additionally, just like Alshabaab, the NSUM’s terror attacks against Somaliland were first reported in 2008. In the past, the NSUM admitted that its military wing led by Col. Cabdul Casiis´s (Garam Garam)—one of the henchmen of Gen. Morgan—launched grenade attacks against police station, in Las Annod, in 2008. In this attack, two innocent police officers were wounded. See the details of what NSUM is all about and its violent terror campaign against Somaliland, in my article entitled, “Somalia: When NSUM’s “Mission Report” Fails “The” Mission”.
Also, some people argue that the NSUM closely works with Alshabaab to destabilize Somaliland. And as stated clearly in the following article, the NSUM of course collaborates with Alshabaab. The article states, “NSUM waxay aaminsanaayeen…in Jaal dhaw oo dahsoon lala noqodo Xarakooyinka dagaalka…or the NSUM advocates for working closely with Alshabaab (Xarakooyinka)”. http://tinyurl.com/ybcmg9t“>

In fact, a new organization called Jabarti National Movement (JNM) claimed the terrorist attacks against Somaliland security forces in Las Annod. The leader of the NJM, Buraale Yusuf states that his group fights along with NSUM to destabilize Somaliland forces and both groups are responding to the meeting held in Nairobi recently. But actually, no other group other than Alshabaab is sophisticated enough to carry out roadside bombs. So this group either works with Alshabaab or receives training from Alshabaab.

Shockingly, the current Somali regime, Puntland, and Alshabaab cannot agree on anything; but they agree on one and only one thing: Somaliland must not succeed in its quest for independence. That is, whether it is a terrorist attack or a massive earthquake that halts its independence, Somaliland must not succeed.

The unholy coalition between Alshabaab, Gen. Morgan, and NSUM coupled with U.S. naïve policy of arming only the current Somali regime which in turn arms Alshabaab while U.S. inadvertently leaves Somaliland vulnerable to attacks, indeed bears fruits—poisonous combination.

What the U.S. needs to understand is: arming Alshabaab unintentionally gives this terror group the upper hand and compromises Somaliland’s security. Clearly, now the balance has shifted in favour of Alshabaab. This is something the United States never intended to happen.

What now? It is never too late, is it? The United States of America has the responsibility to stamp out Alshabaab. But the strategy to contain this terror group has never succeeded partially because as it seems to be the U.S. always takes the wrong side. And just like a boomerang, its naïve policy comes back to haunt the U.S.

In an open warfare, Somaliland forces could annihilate Alshabaab terrorists. But in terror warfare, Somaliland lacks: the resource, training, and experience to combat terrorism. This is something that Alshabaab is fully aware of; and this is where the U.S. support is desperately needed.

Somaliland people will not succumb to Alshabaab’s demand. Whether they get help from the International community to fight Alshabaab terrorists or not, Somalilanders will resiliently recover from the devastating terrorist attack that took the life of the commander of Somaliland’s 12th infantry division, Mr. Osman Yusuf. My God bless his soul. He didn’t die in vain. And the terrorist cowards who murdered him will sooner or later face justice.

Dalmar Kaahin

Views expressed in the opinion articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the editorial

Somaliland: a beacon of hope – Ethiopian Foreign Affairs


Press Release from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

Addis Ababa, 2 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) — There was more positive news coming out of Somaliland this week. It is to be recalled that a short while ago, the political situation in Somaliland was a source of great concern. There was a real possibility for Somaliland to loose the stability and peace that it has managed to maintain for the last decade and a half. These would have been tragic and unfortunate and out of character for Somaliland political elites. It is to be recalled also that previously Somaliland politicians had demonstrated great wisdom and skill to avoid political crisis. For instance, the last Presidential election which was won by President Riyale could easily have led to serious conflict between the major political parities because the margin of victory by the ruling party was only 80 votes. Nonetheless this did not lead to violence or political instability in Somaliland.

This time in the run-up to the next presidential contest, sharp disagreements emerged between the ruling party and the two opposition parties, in particular over matters surrounding the system of voter registration and the extension of the presidential term until election is held. After protracted negotiations, and with the support of Ethiopia and the United Kingdom both of which sent delegations to Hargeisa, the three parties finally signed an agreement resolving most of the outstanding issue.

Now they have also managed to nominate new members to the electoral commission and this have been approved by the parliament. This paves the way for the holding of successful elections shortly. This latest development can be seen as a demonstration of the common sense of Somaliland’s political class, showing their willingness to put the interests of Somaliland first.

It also underlines the value of addressing any problem that may arise through dialogue and discussion. The point was emphasized by the fact that yesterday (October 29, 2009) was the anniversary of the three Al-Shabaab suicide car bombs which exploded in Hargeisa a year ago, leaving 24 dead and over 30 injured at the UNDP office, the Ethiopian Trade Office and the Presidential Palace.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.

Bahrain MPs press for Israel ban


Manama, 2 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) — Bahrain’s parliament has approved a bill banning its citizens from having relations with Israel.

The elected lower house passed the bill but it needs to be ratified before becoming law by the upper house, whose members are chosen by the king.

There has been popular criticism of the Bahraini government’s recent moves to establish ties with Israel, which are strongly backed by the US.
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Analysts say the bill is likely to stall at the secondary approval stage.

Jalal Fairooz from the al-Wefaq bloc said the bill laid out a fine or up to five years in jail for Bahrainis found guilty of holding talks with Israelis.

Conservative lawmaker Nasser al-Fadhallah said it would be “embarrassing for the government” if the bill was postponed or blocked because it would be obstructing the will of the Bahraini people.

Bahrain does not have diplomatic relations with Israel but Bahraini officials visited Israel in July.

The country’s foreign minister caused a stir in 2008 when he suggested the creation of a regional organisation including Israel and Iran where the two could discuss their differences.

US President Obama’s administration has been encouraging Arab governments to make steps towards normalising ties with Israel to encourage it to agree to a peace deal with the Palestinians.

In 2005 the Bahrain government closed its office that oversaw compliance with an Arab League boycott of Israeli goods as part of a free trade agreement with the United States.

Bahrain is a majority Shia Muslim country, ruled by a Sunni Muslim executive government and has a very small Jewish population.

Source: BBC

Money Transfer Business in The Horn of Africa, Has Launched An "ecash" Service


Hargeisa, 1 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) — Dahabshiil, the largest international money transfer business in the Horn of Africa, has launched an “eCash” service that will enable Somalis to pay for goods and services at participating vendors, gas stations, hotels and restaurants.

Analysts say providing Somalis with the ability to make and receive electronic payments has the potential to revolutionize the way money is transferred.

“It’s a miracle, really just a major development,” Bashir Goth, a Somali analyst, blogger and the editor of Awdal News, told The Media Line. “Remember this is a country that for the time being doesn’t even have a banking system. Now suddenly people can have debit cards and within minutes Somalis overseas can send money home. It’s amazing and will facilitate a lot of business.”
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Ahmed Egal, a Somali businessman, agreed that the Dahabshiil move was a major event in Somali banking history.

“For someone in Somalia who gets a monthly transfer from someone abroad, this new debit card system can serve as an excellent way for the recipients to access the money,” Egal told The Media Line. “At the moment there are basically lots of female money exchangers who sit in the markets with huge stacks of cash. The benefit with this system will simply be not having to stand in long lines, and on the other end not having to wait to see if the funds have been received.”

Dahabshiil’s eCash service, initially launched in the breakaway Somaliland region, will provide Somalis with a card they can use to withdraw cash or electronically purchase various goods and services. While the initial launch focuses on larger consumer vendors with electricity and Internet access, Dahabshiil has plans to allow Somalis to use the service to pay Somali tuition fees. The system, which is encrypted and requires both PIN and signature authorizations, will be fully integrated with Dahabshiil’s already dominant global remittance system.

In a region with limited penetration of traditional banking, simple electronic money systems have grown recently in a number of east African markets, with a number of countries offering mobile services in which money can be sent, received and stored using cell phones.

No such services have reached Somalia, however, despite an estimated $1 billion sent to Somalis each year from family and friends in the U.S., UK, E.U. and the Gulf. The vast majority of that money is sent using Dahabshiil.

By Benjamin Joffe-Walt,The Media Line news agency

Somaliland: Roadside Bomb Kills Official in Lasanod


LASANOD, 1 November 2009 (Somalilandpress) – A roadside bomb killed one military official and wounded four early Sunday morning in the Eastern town of Las Anod. Mr. Osman Yusuf, the commander of Somaliland’s 12th infantry division was the intended target, he was instantly killed.

The four injured, two military personnel and two  bystanders were also rushed to local hospitals and are said to be in an stable condition. 

An eye witness from the city told Somalilandpress, two remotely controlled bombs were used in the attack, first one missing its intended target – second blast causing all the damages.

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Somaliland police have been put on high alert and reinforcements are said to be on their way to the city to take part in the investigation.

There is no official statement from the government and there is no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast but Somalia’s Al Qaeda linked hardline group, Al shabaab is believed to be behind the attack while many suspect militias loyal to the Puntland state could also be behind. Puntland and Somaliland have fought over the control of Las Anod in many occasions and in the past radical militia loyal to Puntland have carried out similar attacks.

The attack comes two days after Al shabaab threatened to attack Somaliland and other countries in the Horn of Africa including Djibouti, Uganda and Kenya.

On Thursday, Somaliland marked one year since deadly blasts rocked the capital, Hargeisa, that left 24 people killed and more than 30 others wounded.


Source: Somalilandpress

Government rules out ransom deal


London, November 1 2009 (Somalilandpress) — The government has insisted it will not make a ransom payment to Somali pirates who have kidnapped a British couple.

Paul and Rachel Chandler, aged 59 and 55 and from Kent, were taken hostage by gunmen as they sailed their yacht in the Indian Ocean early on 23 October.

A ransom demand of $7m (£4.3m) was made in a phone call to the BBC on Friday.

The Foreign Office said the couple were “blameless tourists” but said no payment would be made nor advice given to relatives on how to make a payment.
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A spokesman for the Foreign Office added: “We are aware of reports that a ransom demand of $7m has been made. [Her Majesty’s Government] HMG’s policy remains clear: We will not make substantive concessions to hostage takers, including the payment of ransoms.”

‘Entirely unjustified’

The Chandlers, of Tunbridge Wells, had been travelling to Tanzania from the Seychelles. Their yacht was later found in international waters.

In the phone call to the BBC one of the pirates said: “If they do not harm us, we will not harm them – we only need a little amount of seven million dollars.”


Rob Macaire, British High Commissioner, Kenya, told the BBC: “We are not in direct contact with whoever is holding the Chandlers.

“Our main concern is to make them understand that what they are doing is entirely unjustified and that they should release the Chandlers immediately and unconditionally.”

Armed pirates boarded the Chandler’s yacht, the Lynn Rival, in the Indian Ocean while they slept.

Mr Chandler’s brother-in-law Stephen Collett has previously insisted that the couple are “not rich people” and that most of their money is tied up in their yacht.

‘Divisions’ reported

In an interview with the BBC, a local Somali official said through a translator that he believed a number of groups were involved in handling the couple.

He said the pirates had “many cars” and had hired extra people to help them.

He added that divisions had emerged among the groups and while all wanted a ransom paid, others wanted the release of pirates recently detained by European Union warships.

Earlier, the BBC’s East Africa Correspondent Will Ross said in previous cases pirates had begun negotiating with an extremely high figure, and then settled for far less.

In a phone call on Thursday, the Chandlers said they were first moved from their yacht to a container ship, the Kota Wajar, which had also been seized by the pirates.

It is thought they were then moved to another ship anchored off the eastern coast of Somalia on Friday.

The BBC’s security correspondent Frank Gardner has been told by Whitehall officials that the government has appointed a hostage negotiator who is on standby to deal with the case.


map shows somalia and seychelles with key locations

Source: BBC