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Somalia: UN Tries to Establish Identity of Looters


Hargeisa, 28 July 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The United Nations has suspended its activities in Somalia in the town of Baidoa town, southwestern Somalia after their premises were raided by armed militia.

The Al-Shabab militia has accused some branches of the UN of acting against the country’s interests. Nevertheless the UN’s special envoy to Somalia, Ahmadou Ould Abdallah, is still optimistic that the UN will continue to help Somalia, victim of a civil war. Abdallah responded to questions fielded by RFI’s Olivier Roger.

Identity of looters questioned

[Roger] Good morning Ahmadou Ould Abdallah

[Abdallah] Good morning.

[Roger] The Al-Shabab militia is now taking on the UN in Somalia, since they have looted several offices in Baydhabo. Will the UN withdraw from Somalia because of the raids?

[Abdallah] Personally my assessment of the whole situation is to not fall into the trap of giving free publicity to groups of people who seek to disguise their illegal activities under the banner of religion or politics. Therefore we are going to check who is behind the communique and raids before an assessment is carried out on what we plan to do. Moreover on our part, there is certainly no raison for the UN to desist from helping famine and disease victims. There is no reason.

[Roger] Do you know what happened in Baydhabo at the beginning of the week?

[Abdallah] It is certain that unidentified elements took cars and looted property. We are endeavouring to get more details, I want to find out exactly who is behind this. If it is an identified organization, then I will see how to contact them so they can return the property which does not belong to them and if it is another activity which has no links to organized political or religious groups, it will be another story. This is not the first time that raids have taken place. Recently in Mogadishu people stole an electricity generator weighing several tons.

[Roger] However the Al-Shabab militia has claimed responsibility for the closure of UN offices in Baydhabo claiming that the offices were acting against the interest of the Somali state. What do you make of such statements?

[Abdallah] Yes I also saw those statements but I do not want to give credit to a statement which we have not authenticated.

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[Roger] Why do those people pursue the World Food Organization for example? Could it be that Al-Shabab is using some UN organizations to grab goods meant for distribution to the population for themselves?

[Abdallah] It is a feeling shared by many which we will verify. Even in a stable secure country, food-aid is often misappropriated. You can therefore imagine, what happens in a country where security is precarious and extremely fragile. Somalia has been victimized by one part of its population which has taken it hostage and we are going to work out our response.

Lack of consensus in Transitional Federal Government?

[Roger] Precisely, how do you respond. Currently, you have attempted successful political response with the agreements of May 2008 which brought [Transitional Government leader] Shaykh Sharif [Shaykh Ahmad] to power. Obviously something has not been working for several months. We believed that there was a consensus behind Shaykh Sharif, but it is not working. Therefore what do you believe has to happen?

[Abdallah] First of all, I believe it is working. What is not working is that after 20 years of war, we cannot expect to achieve peace overnight. There are people who made the war including raids linked to the war, a way of life. These people and groups have sought to destabilize the government since 7 May and have not succeeded. The government maintained control. There is no doubt that it received foreign support such as the Afghan government and elsewhere such as Liberia, Sierra Leone and eastern DRCongo. However, it is a government that is determined to continue to protect the population and extend a hand to all those interested. A political dialogue is needed, which continues and that is what the government continues to pursue. However I do not believe that any Somali individual has the right to veto.

Possible UN military intervention

[Roger] For the past few months, the UN has been considering a possible intervention in Somalia, is a UN military intervention still on the cards or was the idea abandoned?

[Abdallah] A UN military intervention is still on the cards although right now it is not a priority. Our priority right now is to strengthen the government, its security forces, to train them, equip them and encourage the AU forces which are doing a remarkable job in difficult conditions, to help their Somali brothers.

[Roger] Is that working though when clearly the Somali government has difficulty maintaining control within Mogadishu where government buildings are established?

[Abdallah] It is certain that after two decades of violence a government will not function normally overnight even by African standards. It needs help in order to function and show that it is no longer going to be business as usual for each group under a different name who wish to impose their own laws, trade and activities.

The UN, in my opinion and also in my personal capacity, have a responsibility towards the Somali people and region, what is happening in Somalia such as abuse, violence, misery is unacceptable. The regional and international community are paying a heavy price with piracy being one element, acts of violence have proved it as well.

[Roger] Thank you very much Ahmadou Ould Abdallah.

By Abdinasir Mohamed
Email: abdinasir4@gmail.com

Press release:- Somaliland Liaison Office Washington DC Ministerial visit


Hargeisa, 28 July 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Somaliland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Abdillahi Mohamed Duale was in a working visit in the U.S. during the period of July 13—24, 2009. The visit was in line with a periodic review of the relations between the two countries comprising a follow-up on pending issues and consultations on areas of mutual interest. The Minister was joined by Dr. Saad Noor, Somaliland’s Representative to the U.S.

The Somaliland delegation was received first by the President Obama’s advisor on Africa in the Executive building of the White House. It was followed by a substantive meeting with Ambassador Johnnie Carson, Assistant Secretary of State for African affairs and his senior staff including Deputy Assistant Secretary for East and Central Africa. The meeting was also attended by a high level official from the Department of Defense.

The two sides explored the current situation in the Horn of Africa region as well as the sub-region. Threats to security, i.e. religious extremism, terrorism and piracy were thoroughly discussed. The Somaliland side presented a comprehensive review of the challenges Somaliland faces in this regard as well as its needs to safeguard its security. Furthermore, the two sides discussed in detail Somaliland’s need for social and economic development and the role the U.S. may play to assist. Progress made thus far in Somaliland’s democratization program was commended, and the two sides agreed on the need for its successful completion. The U.S. side underlined the importance of holding the presidential election scheduled to take place in Somaliland in September 2009 on time. The Somaliland side concurred.

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The Somaliland delegation is pleased to note that the above discussions were among friends. They were cordial and constructive. The two sides were in agreement; they were on the same page on all the issues discussed. Therefore, contacts, consultations and visits will continue.

On the economic front, the delegation met with the Deputy Administrator of USAID and his East Africa staff and the World Banks’ Director of Operations and Strategic Planning. The purpose of the meetings was to review assistance from the two donors with the view of having them coordinate their programs for better results.

The delegation also met congressmen and senior advisors in the House and the Senate. Likewise, it held meetings with a critical mass of policy and development specialists including strategic planners, legal scholars, academics and journalists.

At the end of its activities the delegation was the guest of honor in a dinner and discussion event hosted by the Ambassador of South Africa in Washington. Other guests included the ambassadors of the countries of the South African Development Community (SADC). Earlier in the day the delegation had a meeting with Uganda’s Foreign Minister and his country’s ambassador to the U.S.

Dr. Saad Sheikh Osman Noor,
Somaliland’s Representative to the U.S.

Clinton set to meet Somali president in Africa trip


WASHINGTON, 28 Jul 2009 (Somalilandpress) — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton plans to meet the president of Somalia’s transitional government during a seven-nation trip to Africa next week, the State Department said on Monday.

Clinton will be the highest-ranking U.S. official to meet Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, signaling the Obama administration’s strong wish to bolster the fragile government in the lawless Horn of Africa country.

The meeting will take place on the sidelines of an annual trade forum with sub-Saharan countries being held in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, on August 5, said State Department spokesman Ian Kelly in a statement announcing the trip to Africa.

Kelly gave no other details of the meeting with Ahmed, who is struggling to take control of the nation from hard-line opposition fighters bent on overthrowing his western-backed government.
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Western security agencies have long feared that Somalia, with its large coastline and porous borders, could become a haven for foreign militants looking to attack the region and beyond.

The United States has offered military support to Somalia’s government, including more than 40 tonnes of weapons and ammunition, to help it fight insurgents, a senior U.S. official said last month. It has also offered training for security forces as well as logistical and financial help.

After visiting Kenya, Clinton will travel to South Africa, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Liberia and Cape Verde, where she is expected to reinforce President Barack Obama’s firm message that aid must be matched by good governance.

In a trip to Ghana earlier this month, Obama urged Africans to take a greater responsibility for stamping out war, corruption and disease plaguing the continent.

“In each nation, she will emphasize Africa as a place of opportunity, built on an ethic of responsibility,” Kelly said.

“This trip will highlight the Obama administration’s commitment to making Africa a priority in U.S. foreign policy,” he added.

(Reporting by Sue Pleming, editing by Paul Simao)

Source: Reuters

Somalia: A Convenient Cash Cow for all.


After all, the cats are out of the basket in the open. At least, corruption in Somalia, at the expense of the humiliation, pain and death of hundreds of thousands of innocent Somalis sacrificed and exchanged for cash by the UNDP, The Somali Transitional Government and the new cat in town, known as AMISOM had formally established the Joint Corruption Team (JCT) as clearly and officially published in their July 25th 2009 declaration as published in various internet sites including Hiiran Online, and carrying the seal of the Somali government, the United Nations and AMISOM. The Somalis have already called this GWA or “Guddiga Wadajirka Al-haram” .

The half page declaration, ( clearly and strictly says that the only reason this Joint Corruption Team is to consume the recent pledge by the Somalia donor community in Brussels, the famous $250,000,000.00 dollars !. The team is planning how to steal it, jointly!

Most Somalis are unaware that the recent US government pledge of $10,000,000.00 never made to the end users, that is the foot soldiers. It did not even make to the Somali officers. It never past Kampala, Uganda !. This is a fact. The money was siphoned off using a sophisticated process involving what is called “backfilling” the Ugandan government military. Not to the Somalis!.

According to some sources the money simply went to corrupt Ugandan officers who claimed and presented fictitious documentation alleging they ‘gave’ the Somali military some guns and ammunition or so, and that the money should be used to ‘refund’ the Ugandan government! The documents show TFG senior officers as witnesses, apparently , who would get some of the spoils of the loot by the Ugandan military of this US government $10M grant. Well, action speaks for itself. Where is the money now? Any one can ask the US Embassy in Kenya.

It is amazing how human beings get used to what they do, such as corruption in a lawless country, that a serious official team (JCT) would nominate themselves for the only purpose of consuming Somali funds. And perhaps setup another new team for the next big payment!. This shows that in Somalia, everything is not only possible, it is even an open business crime. The only undeclared activity of the UNDP, AMINSOM and the TFG is perhaps the business of exporting and selling human flesh from Somalia. Be it in human organ parts or live ones for global experimentation. There is rumor that such business in a mass scale does exist in Somalia indeed.
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There are claims that some have seen footage of government combatants who, during combat confusion engagements with the rebels intentionally shoot and wound innocent civilians but the legs, mostly children, take them into cars that never go towards the direction of the hospitals and disappear. I have seen footage of hired guns hiding inside combating soldiers of both sides and are there to shoot any one and whisk them off while alive and disappear with them. Their organs only to appear exported by various Khat traders planes through Kenya and Dubai. The nature and rate of crime in Somalia, both by the big organizations and street gangs is not only very bizarre but definitely alarming. With AMISON, UNDP, NGOs, Al-Shabab and Khat traders in Somalia’s game of opportunity and mayhem, there is no future for Somalis and Somalia.

Now that the Ugandans lead AMINSOM, it finds Somalia a convenient cash cow where they can keep designing structures to consume the donor pledge of the last $250M, it is business as usual. The Somali people and the international donor community needs to seriously understand the AMISOM, UNDP, most UN/NGOs organization are part of the problem, not genuine but are direct profiteers, opportunists and scavengers of the Somali carcasses. Somalis in their own part also need to know that Al-shabab, TFG corruption and the notorious Khat traders are the root of their problems. Purge Al-Shabab, elect true peaceful Muslim non-Khat chewing TFG officers, and hang all the Khat traders. Otherwise, the least devil of the rest might be Al-Shabab but only if they can stop and stamp out Khat in Somalia. Because Khat is enemy # 1 for the Somali people.

Girma Gizaw

British bush survivor's dad feels 'robbed'


Melbourne, 27 Jul 2009 (Somalilandpress) — The father of a British teenager who survived 12 nights in the Australian bush is locked in a feud with his son over the money made from television appearances.

Richard Cass, 54, said the relationship with his 19-year-old son Jamie Neale had turned “murderously nasty” over the cash he received for recounting his story, he told UK newspaper The Mail on Sunday.

The Mail on Sunday said Neale received $A100,000 for the television contracts they both signed, but the teenager has yet to hand over Cass’s slice of the money.

The north Londoner became lost on July 3 in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.
“I feel I have been robbed by my own son,” Mr Cass is quoted as saying.
“I was so glad when he was found but it’s gone from being such a feelgood thing to being murderously nasty.

“The son I found isn’t the son I went out to look for.
Mr Cass said he was not sure if he may not be on speaking terms with his son “for a very long time”.

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“He knows he’s got to give me some of the money and I will be happy,” he said.

“I want him to make that step that will enable us to reconcile. I feel terrible that this dark incident has now blighted Jamie’s return from the dead.

“I would back down in that I don’t want to lose contact with him but it would gnaw away at me. I feel betrayed.”

Cass said there was “an argument in Australia that says why should taxpayers pay for very expensive searches for idiots, especially foreigners, who don’t take proper precautions,” adding: “I feel tremendous sympathy with that view.”

Neale’s story made headlines around the world. Not yet well enough to fly, he is expected to remain in Australia for a further six to eight weeks.

The teenager said: “I do not plan to get into a public slanging match with my father and will deal with any issues in private.

“I had an agreement with him regarding his involvement in the ’60 Minutes’ interview — he wanted his flights and the rescue party paid for.

“I agreed to that and intend to honour that commitment. I am yet to receive the ’60 Minutes’ money — it is due next week — but what I do with it is a matter for me.”

Some have accused Neale of staging his survival feat to secure a lucrative media deal but the teenager said his extraordinary story was not a hoax.

He set off for a solo hike on July 3 but got hopelessly lost, eating only seeds and weeds with just a lightweight jacket for warmth in freezing overnight conditions.

Source: 9News (Australia)

The Bum and the Khat Affect (Short Story)


Hargeisa, 26 July 2009 (Somalilandpress) – In khat circles there is a well known argument that once a man finishes chewing he suddenly gets an uncontrollable urge to be with and around beautiful women (they call it the kac sii tuf theory). For most chewers, of course, this is a simple fantasy that is unlikely to ever be fulfilled. But for Ali BM things were different.

In Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland as in many other parts of Africa, men that drive their own cars and are known to have a bit of money are always popular with the ladies. Ali BM was such a man.

Today, like every day, he was chewing in his usual place. He looked at his bag of Khat and noticed that he was almost running out. He wanted to top up his khat and maybe stick around for an hour or two more. Alas he knew his reputation and good name would suffer if he were spotted still chewing at such a late time! After struggling with his thoughts and cravings for a few minutes he finally decided to give up and head home.

Once home, he had a quick bath, changed into his nicest pair of trousers, put on his best shirt then showered himself with his most expensive bottle of perfume. Ali was planning to go out to dinner with a beautiful lady. Initially, It was not clear if this was due to the K.S.T theory or if Ali had planned this dinner in advance! However, once he was in his car and started to drive aimlessly around the Hargeisa streets, it became obvious that Ali was planning to randomly pick his queen tonight.

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This was Ali’s lucky night. It was dark, cloudy and rainy. People were scampering along the sidewalks and trying to get to their destinations as quickly as possible. Ali, on the other hand, was cruising and looking out for suitable prey. Since all the people were walking ahead of him and he had no chance to check out their faces on such a dark night, Ali had to adjust his criteria for choosing his lady tonight. ‘They’ll all have to be judged on the state of their bottoms’, he said to himself and started chuckling.

The rain was a godsend and Ali had a perfect chance to assess all the candidates as they scurried to the nearest shelter. Some resembled flags fluttering in the wind. Others reminded him of wobbling jelly. Some bottoms looked like a couple of badminton shuttlecocks whilst others looked like a pair of satanic pumpkins!

Finally, as he scanned the roads ahead and considered the various bottoms ambling about, Ali noticed a beautiful pair of bottoms gliding around in unison. They were beautifully similar and they moved to the beat of the hip-hop song Ali had blaring from his car sound system. Left, right, left right left. Left, right, left right left. It was beautifully mesmerising and Ali wondered if he was still slightly intoxicated from his earlier khat session.

He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him and that he was suffering from some sort of optical illusion. Surely nothing could be so perfectly round, so symmetrical and move with such grace. What’s more, it was not just one bottom but TWO! The hallucination was still continuing and Ali thought he spotted beauty, wisdom, virtue and intelligence in the way those two bottoms were bouncing around in the air as their owners distantly walked to their destination.

Ali started to slow down as he drew parallel with the owners of the heavenly bottoms and shouted the words “inakeena aan roobka idinka sii qaadee”! One uttered an incomprehensible exclamation and, upon hearing her gruff voice, Ali got ready to hear some endless insults. Instead, she commenced to pray for him and praise him for being so kind and helpful. Ali was still uncomfortable with her husky voice and told her (and her friend) to hurry up and get in the car.

He was looking in his rear-view mirror as the car doors opened and the two new passengers got in. Ali almost chocked on his own saliva! The heavenly bottoms had beards and what he thought were dresses and hijabs turned out to be white robes and head coverings! Ali took a real good look at both men then commenced to slam his hands against the steering wheel and laugh at his own foolishness. ‘Take us to the mosque at the end of the road, brother’, said one of the heavenly bottoms. Ali nodded his head and started the car as he carried on loudly chuckling to himself.

This was a few years ago. Ali had proven that the K.S.T theory actually works but has not touched one stick of khat ever since.

By: Rooble Mohamed
Hargeisa, Somaliland

Ethiopia and Kuwait sign air transport accord


Hargeisa, 26 July 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The Ethiopian and Kuwaiti governments signed on Tuesday a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which would enable the two countries to strengthen the air transport cooperation between the two countries.

According to the public relations department with the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the air transport agreement increase the twice-weekly flights between the two countries to seven flights per week. The existing agreement allows carriers of the two countries to operate two flights per week. Ethiopian Airlines operates two weekly flights to Kuwait. However, there is no Kuwaiti airline that flies to Ethiopia.

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The new agreement also allows unlimited cargo flights between the two countries. Based on the new agreement, Ethiopian can increase its flight frequency to seven days a week.

CAA and the Kuwaiti civil aviation authority first signed an air transport agreement in October 1998. Last may, the authorities agreed to replace this air transport agreement with a new one. Accordingly, the authorities signed the new MoU at the Addis Ababa National Palace. The agreement was signed by Gobena Guangul, acting general director of CAA, and Mr. Sawaz A.Al-Farah, president of the Kuwaiti Civil Aviation Authority.

Source: The Reporter

Chinese hack film festival site


Chinese hackers have attacked the website of Australia’s biggest film festival over a documentary about Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer.

Content on the Melbourne International Film Festival site was briefly replaced with the Chinese flag and anti-Kadeer slogans on Saturday, reports said.

In an earlier protest on Friday, Beijing withdrew four Chinese films.

Melbourne’s The Age newspaper says private security guards have been hired to protect Kadeer and other film-goers.

She is due to attend the screening of Ten Conditions of Love, by Australian documentary-maker Jeff Daniels, on 8 August.

‘Vile language’

Chinese authorities blame Kadeer, leader of the World Uighur Congress, for inciting ethnic unrest in Xinjiang – charges she denies.

Hey, we’re an independent arts organisation and it’s our programme!
Richard Moore
Head of the Melbourne International Film Festival

Earlier this month, around 200 people died and 1,600 were injured during fighting in the region between the mostly Muslim Uighurs and settlers from China’s Han majority.

Kadeer, 62, spent six years in a Chinese prison before she was released into exile in the US in 2005. In 2004, she won the Rafto Prize for human rights.

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Richard Moore, head of the Melbourne International Film Festival, told the BBC that he had come under pressure from Chinese officials to withdraw the film about Kadeer and cancel her invitation to the festival.

He said the attacks on the festival’s website began about 10 days ago.

“We’ve been subjected to a number of these attacks and we can see behind the scenes on our website that there are hundreds, well, if not thousands, of people from outside of Australia trying to get into our website and trying to damage us,” Mr Moore told the BBC’s World Today programme.

“This has been going on… since obviously the call from a Chinese consular official who told me in no uncertain terms that I was urged to withdraw this particular documentary from the film festival and that I had to justify my actions in including the film in our programme,” he went on.

“Hey, we’re an independent arts organisation and it’s our programme!”

He said police were investigating the website attacks, which appear to come from a Chinese internet address.

Source: BBC News

Malaysian oil and gas giant Petronas to drill in Ogaden


Addis Ababa, 26 Jul 2009 (Somalilandpress) — The Malaysian oil and gas giant, Petronas, is to start drilling the first exploration well in the Ogaden basin.

Petronas will soon start drilling two wells in its concession area in the Genele block. The company has hired a Dubai based company, Weather Ford, which will conduct seismic survey and drill the exploration wells. Recently, Weather Ford started mobilizing its drilling crew, drilling rigs and machines for conducting seismic surveys in the region.

Reliable sources told The Reporter that Weather Ford has agreed to drill exploration wells in the Genale block, block 11 and 15. Sources said Weather Ford is mobilizing its crew and drilling rigs. Weather Ford is engaged in oil and gas exploration work in the Middle East. Petronas conducted various surveys in the Ogaden. However, it did not drill wells.

In 2004 Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau (ZPEB), a Chinese company, was contracted by Petronas to do seismic survey and drill exploration wells in the Gambella block owned by Petronas.

Petronas acquired the Gambella block, covering about 16,000 sq. km of land, in June 2003. ZPEB collected seismic data on 1500 km. Accordingly, in 2005 ZPEB drilled the first wild cat well in Jikaw locality, only 175 km from the Ethio-Sudan border. The company drilled the second well in Jakaranda locality in 2006. Both wells were dry. Petronas spent 32 million dollars for the drillings and testing. ZPEB withdrew from Gambella after it finalized its work in 2006.

However, the same year, Petronas hired ZPEB to conduct seismic survey in the Ogaden basin. In July 2005, Petronas acquired three blocks in the Ogaden basin – Genale block (24,420 Sq km, Kallafo 30,612 sq.km and Welwel-Warder 36,796 sq.km). In 2006, ZPEB started collecting seismic data in the three blocks.
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In October 2006 South West Energy hired ZPEB to do seismic survey in the Ogaden basin. In December 2005, South West Energy, a company owned by an Ethiopian businessman, acquired a Degehabur block covering 21,187 sq. km of land. In January 2007, ZPEB commenced collecting seismic data in the Degehabur block.

On 24 Apil 2007 the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) attacked the Abole exploration site in the Degehabur zone of the Somali Regional State. Seventy-four civilians, including nine Chinese, were killed in the attack. Seven Chinese workers were abducted by ONLF fighters. However, they were released after two weeks. Following the attack in May 2007, ZPEB evacuated all its employees working in Ethiopia.

Although the Ethiopian government tried hard to convince officials of ZPEB and SINOPEC to resume operations the companies declined to send their technicians back to Ogaden. ZPEB had terminated all the projects in Ethiopia.

It is to be recalled that Petronas agreed to develop the Callub and Hillala gas fields and paid the Ethiopian government 80 million dollars. The agreement was signed in 2007. However, the company has not started work on the project. Sources told The Reporter that it was related to security issues.

Petronas had a plan to build a gas treatment plant. The company planned to construct a gas pipeline that stareches from the gas fields all the way to Djibouti. The total investment cost is estimated at 1.9 billion dollars.

A senior company official said the natural gas reserve in Calub and Hilala was estimated at 118 billion cu.m. adding that it was a small reserve compared to other reserves. It requires a lot of money to develop the natural gas. So the company is saying that it must discover additional reserves and build a gas treatment plant,” the official said.

In a related news, Pexco, a company based in Malaysia, started seismic survey in its concession in the Ogaden. White Nile, Lundin, South West Energy, and Afar Explorations are in the process of starting seismic survey in their concession areas. Pexco has conducted airborne magnetic and gravity survey in the Ogaden basin. The results of the magnetic and gravity survey were evaluated by the ministry.

Source: Ethiopian Reviews

New Book On Somaliland Hailed a Major Scholarly Success


Hargeisa, 25 July 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The South African Institute of International Affairs (Wits University) and the Nelson Mandela-initiated Institute for Global Dialogue have co-published a new book entitled Somaliland: an African struggle for nationhood and international recognition.

Authored by Unisa’s Prof Iqbal Jhazbhay of the College of Human Sciences, this book has received a number of accolades.

Internationally-acclaimed father of African studies, Prof Ali Mazrui, in his foreword to the book, describes this newly-published book as “a major scholarly success”. Founding President of the Somali Studies International Association, Prof Hussein Adam, refers to this inter-disciplinary study as “the first substantial study covering both the domestic and international dimensions of Somaliland’s quest for nationhood and recognition … a timely and brilliant analysis.”

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This new published manuscript stands out as the first South African authored study of the Somali predicament. Prof Jhazbhay “contributes significantly to our understanding of the Horn of Africa in the context of wider international forces. It also contributes to a number of different theoretical concerns — ranging from the role of culture in nation-building to the emerging forces of radical Islam, and from the nature of post-war reconstruction to the dilemmas between self-determination and regional integration.”

Unisa’s Department of Religious Studies and Arabic is the only South African academic department which offers a graduate module and advanced research on Islam and politics in the Horn of Africa.

Click Here for more information on the book

Click Here to download the foreword to this book