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Is There Such Thing As “Perfect Marriage”?


HARGEISA, 30 August 2009 (Somalilandpress) – As a young girl, I used to build this beautiful yet fancy life of how my marriage would be, I would create a picture of Mr. Right and alter according to my fancy, how he will look like, behave like, treat me, how he would sweep my feet’s of the ground, how he would fall in love head over heals. How rich he would be and what kind of house or mansion I would live.

This is not something unnatural or out of context illusion by young unrealistic girl. It is something shared by all young girls around the world and from all walks of life and religious. Every girl has set of expectation about what kind of man and marriage she would hope to have. She perfects and polishing as she gets order and most of these fancies expectation gets stronger and more unrealistic as times closes by.

I left Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland when I was only 8yrs old, my family moved to one of the gulf countries, my father was engineer and I had three siblings. As the only daughter, I was given most of the attention and got away with having best of everything. As the gulf war took place, my father decided to take us to Egypt. Once there my parents made sure we all get the best education that can be found in Egypt. Since my mother was not educated enough she made sure I give 100% to my studies than doing chorus at home. But she also made sure on my weekends, I learn how to cook and take care of home.

Just like any girl coming out of puberty, your mother will start telling you that you are a woman and woman are created to be wives and mothers, that their first priority in this world are being homemakers. My mother told the happiness and most satisfying job of the world is making your husband happy and being good mother to your children. She told me education is good in woman’s life as she can take care herself and children incase something happens but not necessary for fieldwork. Because of this, as I get older and turned into young woman, I start building fancy life of what my marriage would be like and mostly important what kind of husband I would be married to.

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Once I started attending university, I was happy that I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to persuade degree, as many of the girls back home did not have that chance. I was also lucky enough to have parents who can afford to show me around the world and give the freedom to make my own decisions. Because I had this freedom, I learnt in early age what you make out of yourself and the choices you make in life are those that curves your future ventures. You will also know your limitation as woman of taking the right path towards life.

When I finished my university, we went back to Kuwait, there I got job with leading company. In this stage every mother wants her daughter to be married and settle in life rather than seeing her working. It is natural instant of parents to see their daughter to be happy settle in her own home. The pressure also comes from out society where once the girl is in her prime time, she should be married. But my parents did not want to force into marriage I was not content with. They want be to have the choice of meeting nice and gentleman who is suitable for me. I had expectations of what kind of man I would marry and my parents were satisfied with that.

From the time I turn 18 years, I already knew what kind of husband I would marry. He would be highly educated, handsome, working with big company or rich enough, understanding, caring, he would be someone who will love me to death and above all, he will be someone who will never allow me to be unhappy for a day.

During one of my trips to other gulf countries, which I used to go to visit my uncles for my holidays, accidentally I met a young man who was friend of my cousin. We became friends and start communicating constantly. I did not had much knowledge about him as it never strike me he could be one day my future husband, but as destiny had, once he proposed to me over the phone, I don’t know but there was something nice about him and I said yes, I told my mother, she was happy first that I finally found someone I am happy with but once the news reach my father that is when the tide turn, my father was furious and angry that I could be marrying this guy or even thinking about it.

Why was my father angry? This man was totally the opposite of the kind of husband I was hoping to marry, that he was uneducated, did not have a job, he was not from wealth of family. My father could not understand why I would throw myself into hell.

I was adamant as I believe I was happy and have high expectation of my marriage. It would be happy once, we could work together, build life and home that will suit our expectations. I will have the perfect marriage as we are in love with each other and nothing else matters. Finally my parents had to given in and bless our marriage eventhough they knew otherwise.

First year of my marriage was blissful and full of love and happiness, my husband promise to give me best of everything, to work harder so he could show me how much I meant to him. He was so full of promises, I was happy that I made the right choice of marrying him. I also thought since he is trying hard to sustain career, I could continue to work and support our new family.

As time goes by, it became apparent we are two different people. He did not want to fulfill any of the promises he made in the beginning, he was not willing to improve and persuade high education, he was not willing to work as I was already providing for the family, we already had child and I was working full time job while he was lazing around and hanging out with his friends.

I could not share this with my family, as I was ashamed of their we-told-you-so accusation. More over I was angrier with myself believing all the expectations that I had before my marriage and while in the beginning could just all come together and relying on fancy life that I could have perfect marriage where there will not be any hole or gap. I also realize that no one is perfect and nothing is ever 100% guarantee.

All the dreams and illusions we built as young woman are all false and unrealistic. Marriage is never perfect what consist of the compromises and sacrifices we made to keep our home together. I also realize that as wives we gave more than we get. I end up being the bread earner, a mother as well as the homemaker, a job and responsibility, which was, supposes to be the husband’s.

The more my life gets challenge, the more I grow up to be matured and stronger person. I was thankful to my parents to give me the education that helps me today to have the financial security to take care of my family and children. I learn to be independent and decision maker, I learned to face the world and take up any challenges that comes my way, I learn to be the best of my career and turn out to be someone my parents are proud of.

When was getting married, I was naïve and innocent woman who believe marriage is all about the man being the steering wheel of the marriage, that everything about marriage would turn out to be perfect. The husband takes care of everything and women are just the homemakers who would not have day to worry about anything.

My mother was wrong when she said education is secondary and woman’s place is her home, that used to be the old times. In today’s world it seems woman’s place is in the workforce especially in the Somali communities. Large number of women are out of their houses supporting their families and children while the men are chewing around and ignoring their prime responsibilities of being the bread earner and taking care of their families. It seems it is becoming trend even young men to find women who is working and can support herself and the family.

The only concern is that many of these women are not educated enough to find the right kind of job and end up doing businesses that are not suitable for them or bring harm and danger to them. As for me I am glad I have all the right tools to life comfortable life and not worry the financial security for me and my children. I am so glad that I went through this experience I was destined to.

I hope all the young girls of my sisters would not believe there is such thing as perfect marriage but more of preparing for the unknown and unprepared ventures that will come their way once they enter into the marriage, they will be ready and strong enough to handle an unexpected events and responsibilities that comes with marriage.

D A Hassan
Hargeisa, Somaliland
D A Hassan is a regular contributor to Somalilandpress and will be writing about the relationship. She has an extensive knowledge in the issue and will be helping young generations understand more about the relationship issues.

Midnight Forever – Part III


HARGEISA, 29 August 2009 (Somalilandpress) – On July 11, 2009 four prominent Somaliland citizens were kidnapped from a public highway and later on massacred in a tribal ritual. On August 6, 2009 Ali (Marshall) Gulaid died in a car accident on his way to Berbera.

I dedicate this article to the loving memory of the 4 victims of the Somaliland’s 7/11 whose murder will unite a nation to defeat lawlessness

Cali Maxamuud Nuur AKA Cali Bagaashle (Businessman)
Daauud Xaashi Jaamac (Engineer)
Mawliid Xasan Omar (Businessman)
Cali Aw Omar Barre(Educator)

And in loving Memory of Ali Gulaid (Marshal)

Revenge for the murder

Ugly Revenge is the nomad’s mantra. For him an eye for an eye is insufficient, too little, too late. He wants two, three, four eyes for the one his kin lost. He wants it today before the dead is cold. He wants it done in much more excruciating pain, in much more disgustingly inhumane manner as those eyes “taken” from his own. This is what I call the hyperinflation of hate that turns the hearts of men and women dark, hard and cold. This is the raw emotional material that hate groups of all societies mold into genocide and mass murder. It is explosively volcanic with the added potential of viral spread. It is here that the process of dehumanization of the “other” finds a fertile soil and grows to its nightmarish potential. The vector that carries this raw material is the ugly tribal revenge seeker.

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It is with this background in mind that I first address this most extreme fringes of my people who has become possessed by the demons of vengeance and who dream of basking in its blooded glory. I speak directly to those who murdered Ali Aw Omar and those who plan to murder other Ali’s in the never ending cycle of tribal revenge and counter revenge.

To these hate mongering tribal fringe I say: if your heart is already taken, and your soul is a prisoner to the master of darkness (Shaitan), if he has already locked up your ears and my words feel remote, inaudible, naïve, simpleminded and cowardly, in this case pray with me the two Rak’at of Salaat al Al-Istakhara (the prayers and supplication for guidance and counsel). Allah (SWT) is the most strong, the most wise and the most powerful, He will deliver you from the clutches of the demon. He will open your ears to me and soften your heart to my words.

And now that you have purified your soul think with me:

When you murder a traveler who is an innocent non-combatant, when you orphan the children of a farmer tilling the dry parched land for few grains to sustain his family, when your spear of vengeance pierces the heart of a man who has never done anything wrong to you or to any human or to any of God’s creatures….. When you engage in such a dastardly act knowingly, willing and deliberately do you still remain a Muslim? Read with me these ayaat (Quranic verses) before you answer:
“4:93 (Asad) But whoever deliberately slays another be¬liever, his requital shall be hell, therein to abide; and God will condemn him, and will reject him, and will prepare for him awesome suffering.” Sadaqa Allahu Al Cadiim.

And I ask: When you torture a man, when the screams of pain of those who has fallen prey to your tribal frenzy pleases your heart, in that most awful of times are you really human or an animal in the shape of a human?

When you seek out and ambush the old, the weak and the unarmed in your despicable frenzy of tribal sacrifice do you feel brave like a lion? or are you merely a despicable scavenger?

To the scribes of tribal vengeance, to those who whisper death in the silence of the night, to those who preach and incite hate, to those who organize gangs of psychopaths to spread murder and mayhem upon the earth, to those high priests of the Gods of Vengeance I say: Do you think distance will absolve you from the crimes that you conceive, encourage and perpetuate? Do you realize that your tribal ancestors are Mengele, Hitler, Pol Pot and most emphatically not Sh Issa, Sh Samaroon, Sh. Isaaq, or Sh Darood. Do you realize that you are a stain on the good name of all human kind?

Psychopathy is a disease that exists in all human societies. And everywhere the murdering psychopath is hunted down and brought to justice. Except in our own society where we turn a blind eye to them. We give them shelter. We feed them. We incite and encourage them to “kill the other”. We secretly celebrate “their manhood” and on we openly support them by denying that these crimes even took place; just like holocaust and genocide deniers everywhere. We give these murderers and psychopaths the power of life and death in our society. Consequently we condemn ourselves to eternal misery in this world, and eternal hell on the other. And then we wonder why are we so far behind the rest of mankind in all areas of man’s endeavors. Think about this the next you hear in Gabilay “ Walee waa nin rag ah” (that is a man’s man).

The matter is simple. A crime has been committed. A most terrible crime. The perpetrators of this crime are known. They must be brought to justice now. This is how you tame wild tribes and force them to make peace not war. We must disown these murderers. We must ensure that they don’t literally get away with murder.

And on the other hand those who hear whispers in the dark about future attacks of terror should denounce them and warn the nation about it. This is how we gain back our humanity and our pride in ourselves. This how we become a good Muslims. This how we could build a nation. And this is how we can defend ourselves collectively from the criminal fringes of our nation.

A psychological Fracture

The murder of Ali Aw Omar and his colleagues pose an existential question for all of us who like him travel that vital road to be part of the nation that we are helping to build. Can we be safe in our own country? Should we be resorting to traveling in armed conveys in our own backyard? Should we be looking for alternative ways of survival. These are surely rational questions that demand honest answers. This murder has caused a psychological and physical fracture in the this young nation of Somaliland. It would be no exaggeration to conclude that the impact of this murder and the impact of the response to it by the current administration and those that follow it will determine to a great degree the fate of Somaliland as a viable state.

But at this point in time the people of Awdal find themselves in the unenviable position of finding a rational answer to an irrational proposition. A Somali proverb maintains “nin aan waran kaagu gelin, weedhaadu ma gashu” (those who have not felt the pain of your spear, cannot grasp the wisdom of your words). It is a proverb like many other Somali proverbs that has a tribal cutting edge to it. It defines the “us” and “them” and in the raw terms of violence and volatility. And so the default course of action of a tribal group in defending its members has always been to resort either to tribal murder revenge or to build up tribal militia and prepare for tribal wars.

The times are different though. And by now we should all realize that there are no tribal solutions to the issue of the security and safety of the citizens of a state, none whatsoever.

We have already considered and debunked tribal revenge murder as a rational option for achieving the safety of a tribe. Indeed just the opposite is always true. We have shown, to those who have been blinded by the emotions of the moment, the immoral nature of this most horrible of all options. Let this be clear to all and sundry. Anyone who participates in tribal murder in any shape or form has forfeited his faith, and his humanity in the service of the ancestral god-the tribe. He is not one of us. He is the enemy of all of us.

Raising tribal militia and waging tribal war “to save the tribe” has been the more commonly accepted and often preferred option of a nomadic society in defending its own. Once again we must understand that it is an illusory option; a non starter in today’s world.

Tribal wars are financed by the feeble mechanism of donations, not by robust taxes. It is fought by amateurish militia who left their farms, sheep and camel to wage war for a day or two not by a standing army. These logistical and ideological constraints make tribal wars short, nasty and brutal.

Tribal wars have only a time limited tactical goal of killing many of the “other” and looting their property. The purpose is primarily to gain an ephemeral psychological boost to the self esteem of the aggressor tribe. This lasts only long enough until the “other tribe” regroups itself for a day or two of a vengeful blood bath and recaptures its own injured self image. Tribal war uses the tactics of a guerilla warfare of hit and run. But unlike guerilla wars it has no strategic objective of holding land, creating a state or taking power over an existing state. The end result of tribal militia wars is therefore one of constant, circular, short, nasty, battles that go on and on intermittently for generations in a devastating manner that keeps the whole region in perpetual poverty as trade, farming and animal husbandry come to a stop and as the resources of the tribes involved are depleted by a mini arms race.

Now if a thousand years of Somali history has not convinced you that tribal militia and tribal wars cannot serve the safety and security of any one, if 30 years of war in Somalia that has succeeded only in wiping out the Somali people has not convinced you of the futility and ridiculousness of this option then there is something seriously wrong with your mind and your thinking process. You need to seek remedy for your intellectual blindness. And if your are happy with your blindness you must ensure to take all necessary precautions to prevent it from infecting others around you for it could be lethal to those you love.

Our old deadly ways

With this knowledge in mind it is disheartening and unfortunately expected even if strange that both sides of the Kalabaydh divide have decided precisely that a tribal solution is the only option available to them. The demonization process is in full swing. Objective analysts on both sides of the divide are feeling the heat of being marginalized. Tribal scribes are busy yarning new conspiracy theories, new psychic injuries, new lists of grievances and injustices. Old symbols are being resurrected and recruited for the tribal cause. In Gabilay the SNM flag has surpassed in status and affection the Somaliland flag. It is everywhere. On the Awdal side the blue flag of Somalia appeared out of nowhere after two decades of absence. The naïve may consider these newly dusted symbols as a manifestation of Somali Nationalism and Somaliland Nationalism battling it out in the plains of Kalabaydh. Nothing could be further from the truth. The symbols may be different but they are meant to say the same things: “I am of this tribe and I am seeking out allies that can help me best you and exterminate you in the battles that are to come.” Both symbols are a dagger pointed at the newly minted Somaliland identity for they take the nation backward a thousand years into the filthy swamps of tribal immorality and death.

There are three ideologically related solutions to the problems of insecurity created by tribal warriors, all involve the building of a state that can claim sole monopoly on violence like all states do: A reinvigorated Somaliland State, a reborn Somalia State or a de novo Moslem State of Somalia are the only three options on the table. Choose your pick. Any one from Somaliland has the democratic right to choose any of these options. It is clearly immoral, and manifestly dangerous, to advocate for tribal solutions at this point in the history of the nation and that of mankind.

The people of Somaliland has rejected religious fundamentalism outright. And in 1993 the vast majority opted for a Somaliland State. Most unfortunately the Somaliland state has been weakened by inept administration. The legitimacy of the state has been undermined when the government of the day failed to uphold the laws of the land, as it was sworn to do, when they embarked on naked corruption and open pilfering of the public purse, when they decided that to simply ignore the national consensus and the national constitution, to outlaw the free press, to delay or cancel the electoral process unless they could be assured victory beforehand.

The result of this decay of the Somaliland state is the strengthening of tribal identity and tribal wars with all their gore and blood. This is the problem that lead to the death of Ali Aw Omar and his colleagues. This is the problem that needs a solution that is non tribal and non religious- a political solution.

Making Sense of the Senseless

We need to stop here and make one critical observation. The last time that there was this level of violence in Kalabaydh was in the dark days of 1988-1991. Then, as is the case now, a president was trying to hold on to power illegally by all means necessary. Then, as is the case now, those who were in power thought it was in their best interest to create a deadly vacuum of tribal rivalry and tribal allegiances to find for themselves a space to maneuver. Then, as is the case now, the survival of the nation did not matter in the least to those in power.
It is because of these considerations that I came to believe that the most imminent risk to the life of any Gadabuursi today is the current administration of Somaliland and its pursuit of absolute power. Just as this administration is the most imminent danger to the life of every Somalilander. The massive extent of injustice, corruption and hatred this regime has created is sufficient to lead to the implosion of the state and the death and destruction of the people who live in. The hope of the Gadabuursi and that of rest of Somaliland today rests on the victory of Saylici or the victory of Mohamed Rashid.

A Call to Action

And so my fellow Somalilanders, men and women of all political persuasions, in this darkest moment, when murderers are on the brawl, when the regime failed to provide even the most basic law and order, when available meager resources are being diverted to arm tribal militia just as the drought stricken and hungry dye in isolated huts and in street corners, in this darkest moment when all seems lost, there is one more battle to be waged.

One more stand against tyranny, against the slaughter of innocence. Let the streets of our cities and villages swell with thousands of peaceful marches and calls for change. Let seven days of every week be the Glorious Thursdays of revolt. Let us break the death grip of Rayaale, Cawil and Cabdillahi around our necks before they reduce us all to a crumbling dirt of primitive tribes massacring each other. Let there be a glorious people’s revolution. We will die anyways as we must. Let us choose to fall fighting this good war, for this just cause. Let this be our revenge for Ali Aw Omar.

Dr. Abdishakur Jowhar
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ethiopia Backs Somaliland President Dahir Riyale Kahin


(Somalilandpress)-The recent visit of the Ethiopian delegation to Hargeisa, Somaliland capital, may be disguised as a routine diplomatic tour to strengthen the relationship between Somaliland and Ethiopia, but the rosy pictures painted by Hargeisa could be misleading. In fact the visit could be the prelude for a devastating political storm gathering momentum in Somaliland.

We are now learning that the Ethiopian delegation led by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Tekeda Alemu arrived Hargeisa to mediate the Somaliland government and the opposition parties’ political gridlock created by the upcoming presidential election’s possible fiascos. But the truth is: many Somalilanders are sceptical about Ethiopia’s involvement in their internal affairs. But never before have foreigners attempted to mediate Somaliland’s quarrelling groups.

After Ethiopia pulverized Somalia to dust in 2006-2008 and launched a brutal campaign of terror against the Somalis in the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia, hardly anyone in Somaliland or Somalia receives Ethiopia’s crocodile tears for Somalia or “good-will” towards Somaliland as an honest gesture. Both Somaliland opposition party leaders bitterly protested against Ethiopia’s atrocities in Somalia. Ever since then, Ethiopia viewed Somaliland opposition parties as hostile.

Yet another reason that Ethiopia is not keen on the idea of Somaliland opposition parties winning election is: if either Somaliland opposition party leaders Mohammed Ahmed Silanyo or Faysal Ali Warabe win the election, the winner would put lots of weight on resolving Somalia’s crises which held Somaliland hostage for almost two decades. This is something the current Somaliland regime is reluctant to do.

However, through the eyes of the Ethiopian rulers, having a lasting peace in Somalia is not in the best interest of Ethiopia, despite its shrill about insecurity in Somalia.

On the other hand, surely, Somaliland people are not hostile towards Ethiopia and wish to have business relationships with Ethiopia’s landlocked population, but Somalilanders don’t appreciate Ethiopia poking its nose into their affairs, nor do they trust it. That is a fact.

Many Somalilanders are now convinced that the Ethiopian delegation delivered a message from the Ethiopian Prime Minster Meles Zenawi to Somaliland President, Dahir Riyale Kahin. That is, Mr. Zenawi using his experience of how he crushed the Ethiopian opposition groups during the 2005 election disputes promised Mr. Kahin that Ethiopia would send troops to Somaliland to quell any upraising against Mr. Kahin’s government if election violence erupts.

Also, Mr. Zenawi may have assured Mr. Kahin no matter how much he [Mr. Kahin] rigs the election, or how many times he postpones it, the International community can do very little. Take Ethiopia and Kenya’s election scandals as an example. Not surprisingly, I warned about Ethiopia’s meddling into Somaliland’s affairs a year ago.

Last year, in January, I wrote a piece entitled, “Somaliland: A Democratic State In East Africa Or A Tinderbox Waiting To Explode?” In this article I predicted that a failed election will lead to a failed state. See this link: http://www.somalilandtimes.net/sl/2008/312/78.shtml As I have mentioned in the article, Ethiopia will be a major player in Somaliland’s election scandals. And the game just began. See also: Somaliland regime “Hostages to Peace” documentry by Human Rights Watch http://www.hrw.org/en/node/84296/section/9

The truth is Somaliland faces formidable challenges: for one thing, unresolved internal tribal feuds in the Gibbilley region and Alshabaab terrorists bent to bomb polling stations in September 27, 2009 presidential elections remain an impending disaster. For another, election scandals and foreign interventions lurk around the corner. (See articles about tribal feuds and Alshabaab terrorists:
http://somalilandpress.com/7172/somaliland-elections-formidable-challenges-terrorism-tribalism/ and http://www.awdalnews.com/wmview.php?ArtID=12037 )

In short, the elections and politicians will come and go, but violence ensued election disputes will linger for years, create tribal animosity, and set the clock back. That is why we have to understand what is at stake: it not just the “election” or “Mr. Kahin, Mr. Silanyo or Mr. Warabe” that will suffer but the entire nation could crumple faster than a block of ice melts in a harsh desert.

We all must be vigilant and not fall into the diabolical tribes of tribal feuds, Alshabaab terrorists, and Ethiopia’s crocodile tears.

The opposition parties must outsmart the current Somaliland regime to rescue our nation from falling into a dark abyss.

As for the ruling party, just revisit our dark history; if any junta leader could rule Somaliland with iron fist, Gen. Mohammed Siad Barre, the former Somali regime president from 1969 to 1990, would not have died in exile. That is Mr. Kahin, his vice president Mr. Ahmed Yassin, and the rest of their cliques must not repeat our ugly history.

Dalmar Kaahin

Moderate Islamists receive arms from government


Two planes carrying weapons, small guns and battle wagons including ammunitions for Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a landed at Dhuusa Mareeb and Ceel Dheere districts of Galgaduud region, in central Somalia.

These weapons are reportedly to be part of the US support to the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and it’s aimed at supporting the groups that back the government forces against the Insurgents.

Reliable sources confirmed to Somalilandpress that Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a is currently mobilizing its fighters to seize areas controlled by Al-Shabab militants.

Sources indicate that these weapons could not be transported via roads due to fears that Al-Shabab fighters who are reported to have been searching public vehicles that use roads linking Mogadishu to other central regions, could seize them.

The military cooperation between Somali government and Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a group has been strengthened for the past months following the meeting between the senior leaders of the government and the officials of the group.

Both sides are united in fighting against Al-Shabab and Hisb Al-Islam groups in southern and central regions of Somalia.

Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a Islamic group has recently vowed to launch heavy attack on the Insurgents and was planning to capture several regions of Somalia including Hiiraan and Middle Shabeelle region.

By Abdinasir Mohamed
Email: abdinasir4@gmail.com

Islamist groups vying for control of Southern port city


Kismayo, Somalia (Somalilandpress)-A major rift has formed between Al-Shabab and the Raas Kambonii Brigade over the control of Kismayo, the capital of Lower Jubba Region in southern Somalia, and residents are anticipating armed clashes.

The two militant Islamist groups had banned together to drive the Jubba Valley Alliance, the now-defunct militia allied with the Transitional Federal Government and headed by Col Barre Hirale, out of Kismayo in August 2008. But now, the two groups are vying against each other over the control of Kismayo city.

The Kambonii faction, which is headed by Sheikh Hasan Turki, says that the mandate of Kismayo’s Al-Shabab-dominated Islamic administration has expired. But Al-Shabab insists that the administration should continue to rule Kismayo.

The disagreement started when Sheikh Ahmad Madobe, one of Kambonii’s senior leaders, wrote a letter to Al-Shabab demanding that it hand over control of the Kismayo administration, arguing that the transfer of power was long overdue. Al-Shabab rejected the demand, saying it would rather fight than hand over control of the Kismayo administration to Kambonii.

Sheikh Ahmad Madobe, who has a lot of support in Waamo regions of Gedo, Lower Jubba, and Middle Jubba, sent a distress call [[ON WHAT DAY? THIS WEEK?]] to towns in his home region, including Afmadow and Dhoobley. He has now mobilized his fighters to stage military maneouvers from Dhoobley, which lies close to the border with Kenya.

In response, Abdirahman Muhammad Ali (Filow), the commander of Al-Shabab forces in Lower Jubba and Middle Jubba regions, has put Al-Shabab fighters on heightened alert and ordered them to execute anyone found engaging in activities against Al-Shabab.

Over the past few nights, leaflets signed by Kambonii members declaring that there is no administration in Kismayo and advising Al-Shabab to leave the city have been found scattered in the port city. It appears that fighting might break out in Kismayo between the two Islamic groups.

Senior leaders of the two groups have not issued any statements.

Anole, an armed Islamist group that has close links with both Al-Shabab and Raas Kambonii, has been trying to mediate between the two. Worried that armed clashes will lead to the weakening of Islamist forces, Anole does not want the two factions to come to blows.

Al-Shabab and Kambonii jointly created the current Islamic administration in Kismayo last year with the understanding that its tenure would be temporary, lasting six months. Kambonii supports the establishment of an all-inclusive administration elected by the people, but Al-Shabab insists on continuing to rule the Kismayo administration.

Sheikh Hasan Turki, the father of armed Islamist movements, has mediated between the two groups, but several attempts to form a broad-based administration have failed.

Now, local residents are increasingly fearful that fighting will break out between the two armed groups.



Riyale is ultimately Accountable for the Current Constitutional Crisis in Somaliland.


Aug 27,2009(SomalilandPress)-Somalilanders elected Dahir Riyale as their first elected president after a long-drawn-out contested election of 2003. The people of Somaliland entrusted Mr. Riyale with the crucial task of ushering the road to a real change based on fairness and justice among the people both in social and economic development, furthermore, to distribute meager resources in all regions, districts, and villages throughout Somaliland equitably. However, after competing his elected five years term and two unconstitutional extensions totaling seven years in power, the president and his ministers squandered and used the limited revenues collected from the poor as regressive taxation and allowed big companies and proprietors to avoid paying their fair share of taxes for their own personal and political gains. The president has nothing much to show of tangible and concrete achievements while in power. The administration in their briefings and press releases often argues that they accomplished a great deal in terms of democratization and good governance and always sates and stress that three consecutive elections were held while in power. But, often fell short to state the fact that it was their responsibility and national obligation to hold those elections and not as political expediency. As such the most anticipated second presidential election would have been held after the first five years term of his presidency expired as delineated in the constitution.

Peace and stability that endured in Somaliland for the last nineteen years was not a product of this administration, but rather a continuum of processes that lasted for more than twenty years and included an armed struggle, genuine reconciliation among the clans initiated by the victorious Somali National Movement (SNM), the Council of Elders GUURTI and the establishment of durable public institutions by the two preceding administrations. It is well established fact that the current administration was elected with all means of governance in place including strong military and police force to maintain peace and stability to continue its mandate. However, as of today and with the lapse of long seven years in power the Somaliland Armed Forces has no rank and seniority to execute their national duties to defend the country. It is mystifying to many people why the president has allowed his military forces to be without ranks, although he is the commander in chief.

If the hard fought peace and stability that distinguished Somaliland from Southern Somalia for nineteen years is lost at the behest of Riyale and his administration and should his administration goes ahead with its presidential election without the full participation of all political parties and attested voter registration in Somaliland, a well thought case ought to be filed at Huge the seat of the International Criminal Court (ICC), spear headed by Somaliland Diaspora against the Government of Dahir Riyale for thwarting democratic processes, violating of International Human Rights, and ushering Somaliland to abyss.

After completing his full term of office and subsequent two extensions, it is apparent that the Riyale Administration is adamant about staying in power to exploit any plausible tactic. Henceforth, it is incumbent upon the Somaliland Diaspora to sought and petition for the support of their respected elected politicians round the world to facilitate them to file a strong case against the Riyale Administration in order to bring him at the International Criminal Court (ICC) to face charges if violence and disorder reign in Somaliland after nineteen years of stability due to his penchant for power an means necessary and belligerent and dictatorial tendencies.

Not long ago, the whole world had witnessed the then contested Kenyan election of December 2007 and its violent aftermath. Currently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is perusing to press charges but, waiting for the Kenyan government to establish special tribunals to take legal action against those politicians accused of masterminding and behind the violence that brought mayhem and destruction to many properties and the death of more than 1500 people.

The Government of Somaliland and its leaders ought to be cognizant of the consequences of their defiance to held free and fair elections using the voter registration list regardless of its limitations. The just completed and published voter registration list by Interpeace it the only feasible way that would facilitate a verifiable free and fair election results free of rigging. If the government goes ahead with it is unwarranted plan and held the impending presidential election without full and unhindered participation of all political parties contesting it, would undeniably cause a rebellion among the disenfranchised citizens, and the outcome would undoubtedly bring turmoil, violence, and chaos not only in Somaliland but throughout the Horn of African region. The peace and stability that the people of Somaliland had forged and protected for nineteen years is momentous than appeasing one man dictatorship and his cohorts who would like to see it destroyed by any means doable. The Riyale government is tirelessly working to provoke the people of Somaliland towards utter destruction and forcing them to act in an undesirable manner to facilitate him to declare that Somaliland is in state of disorder and chaos to enable his administration to extend his unlawful stay in power.

The opposition parties should not compromise with the fundamental constitutional issues that would undermine their credibility and that of the country. Under no circumstances should the opposition consent a compromise that would allow the president to stay in office after the second extension expires on September 27 2009. and execute the recent agreement among the three political parties. In light of the above matter it is unwise for the opposition to consent a third extension if the international mediators exert pressure on them. The most prudent way to go ahead after September 27, 2009 and held free and fair presidential election is to appoint a care taker government to allow an equal opportunity and plain field for all presidential aspirants.
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If Riyale and his administration continue their typical unyielding position as far as this election is concerned, he must take into account that he and only he should bear the full responsibility of any perilous consequences resulting from such fraudulent and concocted election. The Riyale administration is creating and sawing the seeds of general and discontent fear among the people of Somaliland to support his agenda to stay in power indefinitely which is unacceptable to political parties, peace loving world and all Somalilanders.

Riyale should keep in mind that the watchful eyes of all Somalilanders inside and outside the country and that of the international community is watching upon his actions and the manner in which he reaches a just resolution for current constitutional crises in Somaliland in which he is ultimately accountable for it.

Fowzi Kamal

Somalia President Defends US "Cooperation"


MOGADISHU, 27 August 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The Qatari Arabic television of Aljazeera held 40-minute interview with Somali President Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad, correspondent Fahd Yasin in Mogadishu. Interviewed him.

Yasin begins by asking the president about the fall yesterday of the (Beled Xaawo) town on the Kenyan-Somali border to the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a Islamic group after the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin [Mujahidin Youth Movement] evacuated it, and the government’s relations with the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a. He says that this is part of the recent clashes between the two, and adds: “The current position is that all must support the government because without the presence of a central government to control all the Somali areas there will be further bloodshed. The attempts to implement the shari’ah law on individuals and groups and impose this on the people by force will lead to many problems. We believe that Islam orders us to uphold unity and reject disunity. Their current interpretation of Islam is a wrong interpretation.”

Asked about his previous stand in support of the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a, he replies: “We supported them because they came under attack by the Al-Shabab. This is our duty because we are responsible for protecting them.” Asked if there is no contradiction in an Islamic awakening movement like his movement supporting a Sufic group, Shaykh Ahmad replies that all Sufic movement in history called for the Islamic religion. He adds: “In my capacity as president, I must deal with people without any discrimination. That is what Islam demands. Islam orders us to treat people kindly.”

Yasin asks Shaykh Ahmad about reports that the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a group is supported by the Ethiopian forces and regime, and if his government contacted Ethiopia to stop Ethiopian support for the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a, given that the transitional government does not control the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a politically or in matters of security, he says: “Of course any interference in any Somali groups by any state is considered interference and we reject it. We have made our position clear to the Ethiopian government and others that no state should support them except their own country, and we are prepared to deal with them and support them.”

Asked with which group he prefers to deal, Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a group or the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin, he says he deals with all movements and all sectors of the society as president of the Somali people. Asked what achievements he has realized for the Somali people since he took over seven months ago, he replies: “There are great achievements that many might not know about. First of all, the government moved to the capital after the elections, and this is a great achievement because its presence in the capital demonstrates its seriousness in establishing security in the country. Secondly, the Al-Shabab and the Islamic Party prepared a plan to pounce upon the government, but the government was able to survive and pass this stage. Thirdly, the most important aim of the Somali people is to find a government to rule them by Islam. God be praised this has been realized. We have improved the administration – the banks and financial institutions – and improved relations among the various sectors of the Somali society, and they had never experienced this before.”

Asked about “what you have described as terrorists and foreigners who entered Somalia,” and when they arrived in the country and if he had known about their entry, he says: “Most probably they appeared during the reconciliation talks in Djibouti because this was a period of struggle and transition to a new authority. After the withdrawal of the Ethiopian forces, they found an opportunity to enter the country and they infiltrated the ranks of the resistance and began recruiting youths and others.” He says he cannot specifically say when they entered the country.

Asked if he does not feel that his rhetoric and his statements about terrorists and foreigners are similar to the rhetoric and statements of former president Abdullah Yusuf, given that he rejected Yusuf’s claims in the past, he says: “To begin with, all the acts that the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin and others are perpetrating, in terms of bombing and the killing and displacement of people are considered acts of terrorism. The Al-Qa’idah’s rhetoric, including that of Usamah Bin-Ladin and Ayman al-Zawahiri and their call for overthrowing the government, and the new policy that Al-Qa’idah is implementing in the Islamic world is a proof that what we say is right.” He adds: “A short while ago, we spoke about the infiltration of terrorist individuals and groups of Somalia and when this happened. This declaration and these acts, as well as the recordings that we have now and the positive response of the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin to this call do not require much explanation.”

Asked if he had known during his leadership of the Islamic Courts that the persons who planned the attacks against the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998 were present in Somalia as the United States claimed, he says: “Not at all. Moreover, it might be true and it might not be true that they were present because the Islamic courts did not control all areas. We had no information on this.” Asked to react to Western reports that he had personal relations with these men, he replies: “This information is baseless. We know how the Islamic courts began and spread,” adding that the Al-Shabab Movement was not present during the time of the Islamic courts.

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Asked if he does not think that “he was a terrorist” by US standards and that he should have known these men, he says: “This was not my responsibility. I was fighting for the cause of my homeland and I am still fighting for it. I cannot influence the US views and I think your question should be addressed to the US administration.”

Shaykh Ahmad says: “We want security and stability to return to Somalia. The Al-Qa’idah organization does not believe in this. If you speak on any form of a Somali state, be it Islamic or non-Islamic, they will not support you. The US government now realizes that its war against the Islamic courts and the Somali people is not being fruitful. The shari’ah principle is a legitimate demand and the Somali people will never concede this in any case whatsoever. Therefore, the United States is reconsidering its attitude towards Somalia.”

Asked if he agrees with the United States that the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin is a terrorist group, he says: “Their actions and ideological principles make this description appropriate to the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin because they cannot approve of any Muslim outside their organization. This never happened in Islamic history. Differences in views happen among Muslims and among the members of the same family. This never reached the extent of holding other Muslims to be infidels or kill them. This group in my opinion is holding people to be infidels, killing them, and permitting the shedding of their blood and the transgression on their honour. It is inventing various methods to terrorize the people. It seems that they want to rule people by terrorizing them and this tarnishes the image of Muslims.”

Asked if those who belong to the Al-Qa’idah organization in Somalia are violating the Somali law, he says: “No doubt Al-Qa’idah organization is a terrorist organization. It uses all sorts of terrorist methods, including bombings and terrorizing people and killing them. Regrettably, their ideas have nothing to do with Islam because Islam cares for Muslims and spares their blood, their honour, and property. This group hurts Muslims more than others. No doubt this organization is a terrorist one and it plays a negative role in its attitude towards Muslims and Islam.”

Asked how he succeeded in having himself elected president given that be has an Islamic background, Shaykh Ahmad says this is due to God’s will, adding that when he was in the Islamic Courts he never tried to be a president but “I wanted to play my role as a Somali citizen who wants to restore security and stability to Somalia,” and adds: “However, fate has led me to this place.” Asked if he still considers himself an Islamist, he says: “No doubt I consider myself Islamist and I am proud of my Islam.”

Asked what topics he discussed with the Ethiopian prime minister during his recent visit to Addis Ababa, he replies: “We agreed with him that this government is not an enemy of Ethiopia and is trying to realize Somalia’s interests, and that the Somali interests are the most important at this stage. The painful legacy of the past battles and tragedies must be shaken off.”

He says: “Our relations with Ethiopia are within our joint interests. As Somalis and Somali government we want stability in Somalia. I think that the Ethiopians and the Ethiopian government have the same vision.” Asked how he can treat the sensitivities that the Somalis feel towards Ethiopian, he says: “Such sensitivities do not exist because what we want is security and stability in Somalia. We do not give Ethiopia any negative role in Somalia. Since they are neighbours, it is more appropriate to reach common grounds with them.”

On relations with Eritrea, he says: “Regrettably, our relationship is extremely bad. The Eritrean government interferes in the Somali affairs and rejects this government and the continuation of dialogue among the Somali people. We had never expected Eritrea to have an agenda in Somalia except the restoration of peace and security to Somalia because the Somalis played a role in Eritrea’s independence. We thought they would return our favour but we discovered that they wanted to use the Somali territory against Ethiopia and Somalia and to perpetuate instability in Somalia. Therefore, we have no relations. This is the only state in the African Union that did not recognize this government. “He says if they want normal relations, they must stop interfering in Somali affairs.

Asked how his government was able to improve relations with the United States, he replies: “I believe that the Americans themselves felt that the danger that threatened the Somalis might harm the Americans themselves. If the anarchy that has been prevailing in Somalia for the past 16 years continues they will have to pay a heavy price. They realized that this government can control the situation. Therefore, we felt that the US administration was interested in supporting this government.”

Asked to react to the notion that his government will now be prepared to “cooperate with the United States concerning the so-called war on terrorism and strike at the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin” and if this “led to his meeting with Hillary Clinton,” he says: “Not only this, because there are other big and strategic political and economic interests, in addition to the problems of the pirates and the terrorist groups and international terrorist organizations like Al-Qa’idah. However, the basis of this cooperation is that each state has its own interests. Our interest is to restore security and stability to Somalia and have sufficient support to enable us to restore peace and security to Somalia.”

Shaykh Ahmad says that the anarchy in Somalia has harmed the Somalis to a great extent and it also affected the neighbouring states and world countries.

On Somali reconciliation, he says it is continuing and “contacts are being held with those who are against us.” He adds: “Certain groups have joined the government, such as the Party of Islam as well as the Ahlu Sunnah wal Jama’a group.” He says his government “enjoys a wide scale popular support, but terrorist attacks against the government have prevented us from maintaining close contacts with the Somali people. Now we want to build state institutions – army, police, and others.” He says he cares for relations with world countries, especially the Western countries to help the Somali people, “because we cannot repair the destruction in Somali all by ourselves.”

Asked why he shook hands with Hillary Clinton in front of a large audience, despite his Islamic background and his being from a religious family, and if this was “a political requirement,” he replies: “No doubt those who understand the rules of the shari’ah and the current needs and circumstances will understand this.” He says there are many shari’ah rules on this issue. He adds” In view of the circumstances, those who understand Islam will understand that this is the right way.”

Asked about his plans to effect reconciliation with Shaykh Hasan Dahir Aways and others, he says he still entertains hopes that the reconciliation will be reached, noting that “they do not want reconciliation or understanding with us.” He also says that he is prepared to talk with any group or person who wants to hold talks with the government, including the Al-Shabab al-Mujahidin. On the issue of the Puntland autonomous region and the president of the province’s claim that Shaykh Ahmad’s government does not believe in the federal system, he says we have no problem with them, and that this “government was based on the federation covenant,” adding: “We have not changed anything.” He says that “his claim was based on misunderstanding.”

Asked when the AU forces will leave, he says the AU forces want to realize security and stability, noting that the government plans to strengthen the police and the army. Asked why the African forces continue to guard the palace, he says that the government is coming under attacks and they are protecting the government, adding that “we intend to train our forces to enable them to carry out this task.” Asked about claims that the AU forces are shelling civilians from the Palace area, he replies that the armed groups intentionally open fire from the market place and from residential areas, adding that sometimes, “we are forced to return the fire and we sometimes miss the target, and we regret what happens to innocent people, but we try as much as possible to hit only the fighters.”

Answering a question, he says there is no tribal fighting because the entire Somali people support the government and there is a “large-scale international backing for this government, which is determined and which has a plan to restore security and stability,” noting that there are also plans to reconstruct the country. On the economy in Somalia, he says improvement in economy requires security, noting that the recent drought has exacerbated the poor humanitarian conditions. He says the humanitarian assistance that arrived to the government was distributed to those affected.

Asked about reports on a cabinet reshuffle, he says this is natural and the prime minister has the right to do that. He says neither his own tribe nor others oppose the government.

On Arab relations, Shaykh Ahmad is asked why the Somali government rejected Arab assistance that was conditional on reconciliation and, subsequently “you withdrew your request” for assistance, and if the matter was resolved later on, he replies: “Not at all. It was not resolved. I do not know why the Arab governments do not want to help Somalia. We had expected that they would contribute towards restoring security and stability and the establishment of the Somali state. So far we do not know the reason but the problem is still there and the request is still suspended.” Asked why he does not visit the Arab states so that the Somali issue can be presented to Arab heads of state, he says he has been endeavouring to visit Arab states and urge them to help Somalia but “nobody has met our request.” He says Somalia has good relations with Yemen and “we hope to visit it shortly, God willing.”

In conclusion, Shaykh Ahmad says: “The Somali people have been suffering from lawlessness for the past 19 years and this government represents a genuine opportunity for the Somali people. The continuation of anarchy will weaken the Somali people. We want our people to continue their support for the government. We ask all those who have relations with the opposition to approach them because many Somalis joined these organizations, which are trying to undermine the government in this country, and this will only lead to bloodshed and anarchy. Everybody shares responsibility, not only the government. What we need is effective participation.

“To the Arab world, we say: You have a moral, religious, and historical obligations to help the Somali people, who are trying to overcome this crisis. It is not right for you to wait until this government controls all the areas without your support. We appeal to you, from this forum, to back the government and the Somali people.”

Abdinasir Mohamed

Somaliland Genocide Back To Haunt


HARGEISA — A mass grave containing the remains of at least nine bodies thought to have been killed during Siad Bare’s rule were found on Thursday after heavy torrential rains in the out skirts of Hargeisa, in the Boqol Jireh district.

The people buried here were part of hundreds of thousands of people that have been killed in Somaliland after Somalia’s dictator Siad Bare’s military operations. In 1988, Somalia’s military junta hired Rhodesian (Zimbabwe) mercenaries that were acquired by United Arab Emirates to bombard Somaliland’s three major towns – Hargeisa, Burao and Berbera, an estimated 50, 000 were killed and more than 800, 000 people were forced to leave their homes.

barbed wires were often used to tie victims together

Many of the refugees fled to neighbouring Ethiopia. Those who survived the bombings or the deliberate starvation by denying them food were often rounded up, tied together using barbed wires and gunned down from a point-blank range. If that method did not work, they would often tie them together in barbed wires and run bulldozers over them and were left to rot in the streets where they bulldozed.

Genocide: Children fell too under Siad Bare

Officials from Somaliland’s department of defense were present and quickly sealed the area to protect the graves before their relocation and proper burial.

Several mass graves as well as corpses containing the remains of civilians have been found across Somaliland since the fall of Somalia’s dictator regime in 1991.

Two decades on, the 1988 Somaliland genocide will haunt the world for generations. The only justice Somaliland seeks is to be part of the international community as sovereign nation and not be forced into a union with a country that only knows how to kill it’s own civilians. Somaliland might be living in peace but Somalia continues to carry out the genocide it’s own for in its own turf today.

Somalilandpress | August 2009 (first published May 2009)

The Somaliland Government must Change the Course.


The Somaliland was successfully won the mind and the hearts of international community, building by high-quality democracy institutions, respecting the world order, and working hard with friends of peace lovers around the world. In fact, diplomatic progress dramatically was changed recently when Somaliland government increased the abuses of its citizens and changed its behavior.

For the last couple of months the head line was not virtuous, politicians were arrested, human right groups were in forced to have new leaders, media groups were survivals rather pointing out the government’s messes, and to be held a free and fair elections were neglected. The Somaliland’s political science toward to the world was modified one that based on not consultations and absolute not fulfilling the demands from the international community.

To be part of the world’s most messy countries, the government declared war international community and lead Somaliland to be one of the declining states when it comes the security and diplomacy. The world’s super powers were worried about the Somaliland’s progress and security. The best known news media around the world was clearly verified for the last couple of days the apprehension. The well recognized politicians in Washington DC are indicated their alarm.

Today, the world confirmed any consequences that caused this dispute would be held on its responsibility the Somaliland government.  It is the first time in a week the international community delegates come to Hargiesa and touch politically taboos and norms and open a new discussion to cooling down the argument among the Somaliland political parts.  Visiting will show the government a huge diplomatic sit back if it is not fulfill the international demand which is really making a free and fair election.

All and all, The Washington DC pictures were wonderful and remarkable when president visited. In fact, the lunch between the president’s delegation and officials from state was the key of the future Somaliland.  At that time, more than five best political news papers wrote their front pages the tales about Somaliland.

Although Somaliland was included today the watch list, and seriously concerned about the government’s violation of human right and freedom of media, and elections, but the government, on the other hand, can make unbelievable and extraordinary move now to solve and changed this course proving that to the world again when it comes the interest and the unity of the people of Somaliland, we are serous about it. 


Somaliland: Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater


The English wisdom (Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater) teaches us what is important in life; what to treasure and what to throw away. Our people in Somaliland are travelling through trying times which are testing the character of our people. I have no doubt which way they will go. There is no doubt they will pull through. However, our collective advice is to tread carefully and not allow the delaying of elections erode vital issues such as peace, cohesion and stability.

For the past 18 years there was peace and stability in Somaliland unlike most parts of our country. The government of President Dahir Riyale Kahin has been in power for 7 years since 3rd May 2002. His government’s biggest achievement has been continuity and stability. This is by no means a minor achievement and our people should guard their achievement with their lives.

It is easy to condemn but nothing is ever achieved by condemning anyone. In Somaliland the election has been delayed many times owing to a number of reasons. But that is now water under the bridge. What is now important is how soon and when to hold the election without complicating matters. Moreover, there are a number of issues that need to be taken into consideration.  

Patience and time are needed
Opposition parties in Somaliland who are anxious to take part in the election should also set their eyes on how to make the elections safe and without repercussions. Winning an election would be meaningless if anarchy descended. For that reason, the most important task which the opposition parties should be pressing hard for is: voter registration.

Voter registration: a must!
Without voter registration there can be no election. Voter registration is important to differentiate between voters in the registry and those who had not bothered to register so that on polling day only the registered would be allowed to vote. Also the importance of the campaign is to help plan how many voting stations and poll-workers are needed and to gauge voter turnout and so forth.

How long should it take to register voters?
The government and the opposition parties in Somaliland should jointly decide on how long it should take to register all voters eligible to vote. It is not for me to say here how long it should take but to successfully register voters may take up to 12 months.
Resources and logistics
Voter registration campaign shall require resources such as capital, manpower, and transportation. By now these issues should have been resolved. However, Somaliland needs to appeal to the world community to find funds for the campaign to register voters.
Election immediately after voter registration
Once the campaign to register voters has been concluded successfully the election itself should be held within three months. The three months limit would allow time to plan and prepare polling stations, assign and train polling-workers, invite observers etc.
Work together to achieve a peaceful election
Rather than make a lot of hoo-ha about the delay of the election which would serve no purpose, our people should work together to achieve the conduct of a peaceful and transparent election. To do so the government and the opposition parties should appoint emissaries to work out a timetable to conduct a campaign of voter registration and a date for the election itself.
Demonstrations are unhelpful
There is nothing to be had from staging demonstrations. Demonstrations can also cause instability and worse can lead to mob rule. Anyone who comes to power through staging mass demonstrations can be thrown out of power by using the same method.  Demonstrations can also cause counter demonstrations and usher in a cycle of violence. The best way for opposition parties who have something to offer is through hard work and perseverance.

What would a year cost to conduct voter registration?
Haste is the work of the devil. The opposition in Somaliland will be equally blamed if things get out of hand. At least a year is now needed to conclude voter registration. The opposition would be wise to accept that it is always to the incumbent’s advantage to decide when to hold an election.

An opposition party of the highest order
When it comes to the virtue of patience an opposition party which merits the highest admiration is the MDC (Movement for Democratic Change) party of Zimbabwe. This is a party which has continued its journey despite having been cheated of victory for four elections. Why do it? There can be no reason other than love of country.

Why free and fair elections are important?
The aim to join politics is to serve and to help further one’s society and its interests. The purpose of elections is the wish and choice of the public to reign to either retain the serving or allow the elected take the mantle. It is also to allow the transfer of power peacefully when the public have voted for a change of leadership. Those who did not win the election are required to give way and allow the incoming take the seat. This is in the best interest of the country otherwise one may make a mess of things or a mockery of one’s society.

Rigging elections is un-Somali
One of the things which is never part of our character is rigging elections. The answer lies in the nature of our people. Somalis are from an open society where everything is known and nothing can be hidden.  For that reason rigging elections is not only un-Somali and impossible within our society: all the more reason why the issue in dispute in Somaliland is not over rigging an election.

A message for Dahir Riyale and his government
By now voter registration should have been concluded and the outcome of the election should have been known. However, that is not the issue now. The government should work with the opposition to establish the timetable for voter registration and the actual date for the election. The government should also find the funds and put in place the logistics to register voters. Above all, the government should show genuine willingness to conduct the election once the voters have been registered. President Dahir Riyale should be careful not to go down in history as the man who [on his watch] presided over the collapse of Somaliland. He should know better that if the country goes down there will be no power to hold on to.

We care about our people in Somaliland and we have reason to be concerned what is happening there. Elections are important. They serve to renew society and governance. However, without voter registration there are pitfalls which make holding elections impossible. There is no way of knowing voters and the number of voters which is a major requirement for holding elections.

Somaliland has always been proud to conduct its affairs by itself within its confines without outside involvement. Governments in the region and the world community can only do so much to help those who throw their own country into the furnace. A year and three months is a small price to pay for the wellbeing of one’s country and society. Our people should be careful not to jeopardize their achievement. They should work together (government, opposition and the public) to pave the way to a peaceful and transparent election. Somaliland should tread carefully not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Somaliland should pull itself from the precipitous!

Finally, we have a message here for individual Somalis who hate Somaliland. He is a moron who does not know what Somalis mean to one another. It goes without saying that the wellbeing of Somaliland is the wellbeing of every Somali and the message for those who love unity among Somalis is: Unity cannot come by wishing ill to our brothers and sisters in Somaliland. Unity will come one day when we have a government and a leadership which can make possible Somalis from different communities and backgrounds living side by side in peace and harmony working together to further our nation, its interests and wellbeing. Our people in Somaliland should be commended, not vilified, for administering themselves over a long period of time when there was only mayhem and anarchy in much of the rest of our country.  

Abdullahi Dool