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SRSG welcomes UNPOS visit to Somaliland


HARGEISA, 5 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – A delegation from UNPOS, led by the UN Deputy Special Representative for Somalia Charles Petrie, visited Somaliland this week to meet officials, with a focus on the continued and strengthened engagement of UNPOS in Somaliland.

The delegation also met members of the Government as well as various political parties and civil society representatives to hear their viewpoints.

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The delegation held a constructive meeting with President Dahir Riyale Kahin.

The visit, and in particular the meeting with the President Riyale, was welcomed by the UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah who said he hoped it was proof of Somaliland’s determination to move towards peace and compromise.

“Somaliland has an impressive history of resolving its internal tensions peacefully and I hope this tradition will be used to address the current challenges,” said Mr Ould-Abdallah.

“For the past two decades Somalilanders have followed the path of dialogue and denounced violence,” he added. “I believe Somaliland can provide many lessons in finding peaceful solutions to the internal crisis.”

Somaliland: Playground for Alshabaab Terrorists, Al-Somali Regime, Al-Garoweonline Tabloid


HARGEISA, 5 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – The current chaotic democracy (or orderly autocracy) in Somaliland attracts familiar vultures. Among them, the blood-soaked Alshabaab terrorists, the besieged Somali regime, and the tribal-oriented Garoweonline news blog all take turns to lash out at Somaliland leaders, instigate violence in the country, and shed crocodile tears for its people’s unrewarded efforts to pacify and democratize their country.

Surely, after the religious cult Alshabaab mastered how to detonate gigantic explosives against innocent Somali civilians in Mogadishu under the false pretences of defending Islam—paradoxically Islam is under attack by the same lunatics who pretend to “defend” it—it [Alshabaab] horns its skills: how to create another deathtrap in Somaliland, an oases of serenity. For instance, Alshabaab’s top murderer Sheikh Mukhtar Abdurahman Abu Zubayr, a wanted criminal who hails from Somaliland, cajoles Somaliland people to revolt against their government—an insidious trap. That is, he demands Somaliland people to start hacking one another to death, instead of challenging their government through legal avenues. http://www.nation.co.ke/News/africa/-/1066/652376/-/136yhwqz/-/

But due to his sever case of selective amnesia what he conveniently avoids mentioning is: he was the brainchild behind the massive suicide bombings in Hargeisa, Somaliland capital, last year October 2008. Over twenty two innocent Somaliland citizens lost their life. See this article: Alshabaab: “The” Number One Enemy of Islam and Somali People http://www.awdalnews.com/wmview.php?ArtID=12037

Now, one wonders wasn’t Alshabaab’s deadly attack against peaceful Somaliland in October 2008 satisfactory for its bloodthirsty mission? Also, what is the main reason behind Mr. Abu Zubayr’s rants?

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Generally, because Somalis are far more loyal to their tribes than Islam or Somalia, Somali officials openly state: while Mr. Abu Zubayr’s Somaliland remains peaceful he wrecks havoc in Somalia. Alshabaab’s top ranks also instructed him to keep a low profile since their struggle against Ethiopia’s occupation ended. So in essence, he may desperately need attention because his terrorist career hangs by a thread. The irony is: Somali tribalism may put the biggest terrorist in Somalia out of commission.

Responding to Alshabaab’s rants towards Somaliland, the current Somali regime led by President Sheikh Sharif or the besieged Mayor of Mogadishu issues a stern warning to Alshabaab. How about getting Alshabaab off your back, never mind helping someone else? The Somali police chief, Abdullahi Hassan Bariis warns Alshabaab criminals not to tamper with “the northern provinces [Somaliland]” of Somalia’s affairs. http://hiiraan.com/news/2009/Sept/wararka_maanta3-7404.htm

But beneath the vacuous warnings from the teeth-less Somali regime which is at the mercy of Alshabaab and controls only few blocks of Mogadishu, much less exercise authority over Somaliland, a different picture emerges. Throughout the earlier fourteen doomed Somali regimes, whenever the former Somali warlords (or the current peace-lords) hit roadblocks stressing peaceful Somaliland as part of Somalia not only soothed their nerves but also helped them cling to their bullet-riddled offices.

Similarly, to obfuscate the reality on the ground and portray Somaliland as nothing more than “northern provinces” of Somalia, Mr. Bariis just like his failed predecessors entertains himself with a hypothetical authority that his besieged regime has over Somaliland. (Whatever rocks his boat!) The truth is: such an imaginary authority may allow him to keep his sanity helmet on temporarily, but what he is not confused about is: if he trespasses into Somaliland soil he will be camping for the rest of his life in the notorious prison Mandheera near port city of Berbara in Somaliland. Hence, for the Somali “officials”, claiming a jurisdiction over Somaliland is quit entertaining; stepping into its soil is a whole new ball game.

Meanwhile, just like Alshabaab and Al-Somali regime, Al-Garoweonline website—a mouthpiece for Puntland authority—is now obsessed with spreading disinformation about Somaliland.

Now sensing the current political crossroad in Somaliland may erupt soon into a massive fireball, an editorial “writer” wannabe for Garoweonlie just like Alshabaab reminds Somaliland people about their horrific ordeals during Gen. Mohammed Siad Barre’s regime, the former Somali dictator of the 90s. (Ooh how nice!) The editorial writer also reminds them the current Somaliland leader Dahir Riyale Kahin worked for the notorious National Security Service (NSS) of Gen. Barre.

But what the author doesn’t tell them is: President Dahir Riyale Kahin despite his current unholy political maneuvers, he is an elected leader. Nor is there a credible proof that links Mr. Kahin to any crimes he may have committed against the Somaliland people during Gen. Barre’s era.

Also, what Garoweonline doesn’t remind them is: Gen. Mohammed Hersi Morgan who hails from Puntland was in fact the criminal who brought Somaliland to its knees in the 80s. He was indeed nicknamed: the butcher of Hargeisa. He once wrote the infamous letter: “The Letter of Death” to the former Somali dictator Gen. Mohammed Siad Barre and purposed a campaign of obliteration against Northern Somalis.

The editorial writer’s crusade against Somaliland respects no bounds; reading between the lines, you will notice the author instead of encouraging Somaliland people to resolve their differences peacefully, just like Alshabaab, he goads them to rid of their current leaders violently. (How about uprooting the well-known corrupted leaders of Puntland, the human traffickers, pirate kings and tribal gangs—the Red Sea Mafia?) See Garoweonline’s tribal rants masqueraded as an “editorial”: http://tinyurl.com/l7njqr

But Garoweonline’s crocodile tears for Somaliland hardly amuse the average grade-five kid in Somaliland, much less persuade the grownups. This tabloid website’s fabricated stories never evade the watchful eyes of staunch Somaliland defenders such Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi either. In one of his articles entitled, “Reliability and Credibility of AllAfrica.com News Coverage in Somaliland and Somalia”, Mr. Al-Mutairi details how Groweonline spreads disinformation about Somaliland. See the article: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/112244

Too often, Garoweonline quotes “credible” yet unnamed sources in its articles (hello). Sorry to burst Garoweonline’s bubble but its sources are as credible as my ninety-years-old grandmother’s superstitious stories. (Give me a break!)

Some readers may mistake Garoweonline’s deceptive editorial for constructive criticism. But its villain attacks against Somaliland has very little to do with Somaliland people’s well-being and has more to do with Puntland’s unwavering efforts to annex parts of Somaliland territory, namely Las Anod, the provincial capital of Sool region in Somaliland.

Pathetically, Puntland argues: the people in Sool region have tribal lineages with those of Puntland. Isn’t tribalism what has destroyed Somalia, in the first place? Similarly, Garoweonline’s editorial could not even hide its true motives as it states, “They [Somalilanders] even supported a war of aggression against Somalis in Sool region – in 2007, when Somaliland troops violently took control of the key town of Las Anod in a military development…”

Garoweonline also defended the notorious war criminal Col. Abdullahi Yussuf—the butcher of Mogadishu—during his campaign of terror against Southern Somalis in 2006-2008 because he hails from Puntland.

To sum up, Alshabaab, Somali regime, and Puntland resolutely disagree on how to quell violence in Somalia but doubtlessly agree on one and ONLY one thing: Somaliland must not break away at any cost, whether that may result its people to disappear from the face of the earth or not.

Also, both Alshabaab and Al-Somali regime’s tug of war over Somaliland boils down to one thing: they both want to recruit young Somalilanders. Al-Somali regime wants to revive Somali unity that its warlords butchered to death. Also, Alshabaab needs recruits for a Somali nationalism that is missing both its arms and legs because Alshabaab amputated them in the name of enforcing its version of “Islam”.

Similarly, Garoweonline’s villain attacks towards Somaliland stem from Puntland’s failure to keep a tribal hegemony over Somaliland regions.

As for Somaliland, its leaders must settle their differences immediately because too many vicious vultures await its demise. Our leaders must prevent ringing the death knell for Somaliland’s demise.

Dalmar Kaahin

Editorial: It is Not the End of Somaliland


HARGEISA, 2 September 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Whenever there is a political standoff in Somaliland all the doom mongers crawl out of their sewers and start telling the world that this latest political confrontation is the one to signal the end of the Somaliland State! But is it?

It is hard to find many places in the world with the unique arrangement and problems that Somaliland has. To millions of people, it remains an important part of the Somali Republic. To millions of others, it is a sovereign and independent nation. This is why whenever the democratization process in Somaliland hits a snag it attracts comment from supporters and opponents inside and outside Somaliland. The supporters of Somaliland are almost always domestic whilst the opponents are mostly external. In other words, the pro-unity camp resides mostly in Somalia whilst the pro-independence camp hails mostly from Somaliland.

Now Somaliland has a new crisis! It seems that the president of Somaliland has ejected an organization that was helping the country with voter registration and other issues to do with the democratization process. It is reported that the opposition parties are outraged by the actions of the president and have refused to take part in the elections that are due to take place on the 27th of September 2009! It is understood that their anger stems from the fact that the elections were postponed three times already and that one of the major reasons for these postponements concerned the need for voter registration! We’re told that the parliament (or at least its Somaliland equivalent) has disagreed with the president’s decision but that members from his party have disagreed with the parliament and were consequently suspended. We heard that the president ordered the police to surround the houses of parliament and ensure that his evicted members be forcibly reinstated and allowed to take part in debates relating to the elections. We understand that the opposition parties have mobilized their supporters and that demonstrations have taken place in various parts of Somaliland (but mainly the capital and houses of parliament).

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The events and situations related above are all true and clearly confirm the political impasse taking place in Somaliland. However, no one was killed, no buildings were burned and no property was destroyed (save a couple of chairs in the parliament chamber). The way these events have been reported however is what causes many to believe that the end is nigh for Somaliland, but is it?

It is an election year in Somaliland. All political parties are positioning themselves in the most aggressive way possible. All parties want and hope to win. Therefore, the mud is sure to by flying, the accusations dispatched and the insults overflowing. The opposition talks about the secret service history of the president whilst the government supporters retort by mentioning the greed of the eighty-year old opposition leader. The opposition badmouths the president’s wife and talk about her alleged interference in government business, whilst the ruling party sneer at the political immaturity of the opposition. Furthermore, one group accuses the president of being a Somali mole whose ultimate aim is to sneakily return Somaliland to Somalia, whilst the other accuses the opposition leader of having covert dealings with the Somali Republic! In short, both sides are waging dirty political campaigns and spreading negative rumors about the other. Yet, again, nobody died!

The above was all about the internal squabbles in Somaliland and how a rumor and counter rumor is the order of the day there. However, this internal rivalry and political horse trading is also, unwittingly (or maybe indifferently), feeding the external pro-unity hyenas! Now observers from Garowe to Mogadishu to unpronounceable places further south are all (prematurely) declaring the death of the State Of Somaliland! Where in the past they would lay into the entire idea of Somaliland and insult its people, they now, having imagined a glimmer of an opportunity, are praising Somaliland and giving it brotherly condolences for a dream that was not fulfilled! Worse still, they patronizingly offer advice on the best way forward and how Somaliland and its people shall only prosper by returning to the Somali fold!

The pro-unity minority crowd are themselves divided between the government of Somaliland and the opposition. They are unsure of which of the two has the more fertile ground. On the one hand, there is plenty of mileage in referring to the president’s history as an ex- employee of the former Somali dictator and a dictator in the making himself! They can not pass this delicious opportunity to sneer and scoff at a people who defeated one dictator only to be assaulted with another of their own! On the other hand, there is much to be said about an opposition that seems to be outmaneuvered and outgunned. The sentiment seems to be something along the lines of ‘this man is going to bring you and your country down. Come and join us in the South and we shall overcome him by virtue of sheer numbers’.

Then there is the Free Press game. Apparently, the Ogre of Hargeisa has banned Free Press and like many African dictators before him, he is keeping his poor people in the dark! But does any country really need free press in the age of the Internet and satellite TV? Could the president of Somaliland ban the BBC for instance?

The best argument the pro-unity crowd have is the one about an elite group of Somalilanders holding the country hostage to their whims and opportunistic fancies. Yet this was said of the first president of Somaliland. It was said of the second president. It is said of the current president. It is said of the leaders of the opposition. It is said about many of the Somaliland businessmen. The first and second presidents are gone but Somaliland remains. The current president will sooner or later go and Somaliland shall remain. The leaders of the opposition will, in the future, be replaced by new leaders and yet, Somaliland shall continue to be.

Somaliland resisted against all the odds. It resisted against the former dictator Siad Barre with all his power and the support of the outside world. It resisted against a deadly civil war that has devastated Somalia. It resisted against the terrorists and their sympathizers. It will continue resisting everything that is against the humanity, democracy and injustice.

There is a Somali saying “When there is a disagreement, the stupid person thinks it is fighting”.

As long as nobody dies may the hyenas laugh, the opposition wags their fingers and the president rewrite the constitution. It is all good clean fun and it adds to the maturity and progress of Somaliland.

Somalilandpress Editorial

Somaliland: A Trip To The Unknown, back in Boston.


Boston, Sept 01,2009 (SomalilandPress)-Hello to my dear readers from the US. I have safely arrived back in Boston and I would feel incomplete if I did not publish a final article of “A Trip to the Unknown” for SomalilandPress.

I suppose the trip home is most fresh in my mind, so let me start with that. In my first article, I explained that I planned to fly to Hargeisa with Air Ethiopia as I had heard negative rumors about flying to Hargeisa with Daallo. Well, Air Ethiopia has been unofficially renamed “Air Inshallah”, and it seems that Daallo is in fact a much more reliable alternative for traveling to Hargeisa. Should I have the chance to return to Somaliland in the future I will most likely look for a flight on Daallo, complete with the chickens and lack of air conditioning. What matters is knowing you will arrive. When passengers showed up at Egal Airport on Thursday as scheduled, we all checked in our bags, received our boarding passes, and after waiting for some time were finally told that the flight would not be leaving today, but should hopefully leave tomorrow. When tomorrow came, nobody knew if the plane would leave or not and we were told not to go to the airport unless summoned, and that it may leave Saturday but the status was uncertain. With help from my dear Somaliland family and to make a long story short, the Air Ethiopia flight left eventually, more than a day later than expected. In the US, such a situation would leave everyone in an uproar, completely enraged and screaming and probably threatening to sue whoever would be willing to listen. But in Hargeisa, we all just went home and agreed to try again tomorrow. Nobody attempted to get a refund or even a free meal. I had brought some sambusa with me to the airport, expecting to have to wait, and in typical Somali fashion other passengers dug right in, sharing my food without even asking permission. One woman had tea, and we had a remarkably pleasant time waiting for the mystery flight. When the plane finally took off and successfully landed in Addis, the other passengers and I shared heart-felt goodbyes and exchanged email addresses.

Upon arriving in the States, one difference I noticed right way is the abundance of entertainment options that welcome you here. From movies to clubs to BBQs to sailing, I feel excited and overwhelmed by the possibilities of how to spend my free time. In Somaliland, I have to admit that social opportunities are lacking. Since there are no regular dance or music venues, no movie theatres or big sporting events, one of my favorite sources of entertainment (and I assure you I’m not alone on this one) was attending weddings, especially at Panorama. I learned about some great Somali wedding traditions, such as preparing dates that are wrapped in meat (muqmad) which the bride’s family offers the groom to open as a symbol concluding the wedding ceremony.

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One magical thing about being in Somaliland, at least for me, was the general and contagious sense that if basic needs were met, anything else was extra. When things did not work out as intended, you knew it would be okay and work out eventually, that you were just following the natural path of the world. And it didn’t matter anyway, as long as you and those around you were safe and healthy. This made things that might just be expected elsewhere, from tea to clean clothes to fruit juice to fresh water and good company, gain extra value so you really appreciated them. I have been trying to cling to this attitude despite my physical relocation, but I can feel it slipping away from me as I merge again with this fast-paced society. Just yesterday I was driving here in Boston and I went the wrong way. I could feel my blood pressure rising with frustration as I drove around aimlessly. Then I remembered Hargeisa, where driving around aimlessly was one of my favorite past times. Why does doing the very same thing seem suddenly so different?

As I write the last lines of my last article, having already left the country, I just want to extend a deep and sincere thanks to the many people who have helped make my stay as wonderful as it was. The hospitality extended to me was incredible, the attitude contagious, the experience priceless. I hope to return to Somaliland soon. I also send my encouragement to the people of Somaliland and all of Somalia. I hope that peace becomes your faithful friend, that the scheduled elections yield positive results, and that the country moves in a positive direction, whatever that may be. Ramadan Karim and thank you for reading.

Emily Huston

Somaliland Bashers: Clean Up Your Mess.


There are numerous individuals and groups who endeavor constantly and tirelessly to undermine the inevitable recognition of Somaliland. These individuals/groups are predominantly from Southern Somalia—the most dangerous place on earth. As rationality commands, these Southerners should have spent their time and energy cleaning up their mess and putting their home in order. Instead, they waste their precious time and energy opposing the inevitable recognition of Somaliland by publishing countless baseless articles; convening hall meetings; attempting to lobby unproductively on the parliaments of their respective country of domicile; becoming excited and energetic whenever they hear the slightest disagreement between Somaliland’s parties; wishing and hoping to witness the demise and destruction of Somaliland. One of his political cartoons, the unbiased, intelligent, and renowned artist in our time, Amir Amir, depicts vividly and succinctly this predicament. Mr. Amir drew a political cartoon portraying a group of Southerners riding a buss on fire while apposing and criticizing Somaliland’s independence. This moving political cartoon demonstrates brilliantly the lack of vision and priority of the Southerners.

Every Somalilander astonishingly wonders why Southerners waste their precious time opposing or criticizing Somaliland when their home becomes a slaughterhouse; when their boys and girls are dying in every minute on the streets of Mogadishu and elsewhere; when murder, rape, hunger, disease, and malnutrition becomes part of their daily living. The answer to this question reflects not only the Southerners’ inability to reshuffle their priorities, but also their loss of vision, which resulted their enduring tribulations and predicaments. Furthermore, this blatant lack of vision and priority generates the inability of the Southerners to create peace in their midst for the last 18 years, let alone to construct a viable and functioning governing system.

Failing and exhausted, Southerners should have spent their time and energy unearthing the secrets and expertise of Somalilanders. Put it bluntly, they should have learned from Somalilanders the means and the measures needed to acquire in order to create peace, stability, tranquility and functioning governing system. Somaliland irrefutably succeeded not only to create a functioning governing system, but the first democratic state in the Horn of Africa: the president of Somaliland is elected by a popular vote; their parliament is elected democratically; there are three contending political parties; there is a free media; their disagreements are resolved peacefully and democratically, not by assassinations, murder and suicide bombings as Southerners. If Southerners failed miserably and painfully to create peace and tranquility, why don’t they learn from Somaliland? The answer to this question demonstrates further not only their lack of vision and priority, but their confusion and bewilderment. That is, they fail to realize the framework and the solutions that Somaliland provides for them.

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We, Somalilanders, feel the pain and the suffering of our brethren, Southerners. There is no one single Somalilander who enjoys the agony of Southerners. However, when one reads an article written by a Southernerer criticizing Somaliland, or encounters such individuals, one wonders what is wrong with our brethren? I say, nothing is wrong with them. They simply lack vision and priority, which creates and reinforces their confusion and bewilderment. Therefore, I would advice every Somalilander to appreciate this horrible reality that our brethren are facing and be patient with them. Whenever you encounter a Southernerer who is criticizing Somaliland, you need to realize that s/he is simply confused, dazed, and desperate.

Ismail Hassan

Ethiopian, Somali forces plan fresh attacks on militant groups.


MOGADISHU-(Somalilandpress)—In a new drive to oust Islamists officials of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia [TFG] and those of Ethiopian troops last night held lengthy talks in Beled Weyne, Hiran Region [central Somalia].

The meeting discussed plans to attack Bulo Barde and Jala Laqsi which are also in Hiran Region.
Officials from both sides agreed that they would launch joint attacks on these towns as government forces are reported to have suggested that Ethiopian troops take the role of disarming the groups that are currently in the town and also arrest their remnants.

Ethiopian officials are planning to deploy their troops all the way to areas that are near Middle Shabelle in order to assist the TFG forces as agreed with senior officials of the TFG.

Sources close to the meeting told Somalilandpress that the army general leading the Ethiopian forces in Hiran Region asked traditional elders to work towards the attainment of peace in the region, adding that there are many people who are currently subjecting the residents to a lot of suffering.
By this, the Ethiopian officials were referring to groups that are opposed to their politics in Somalia.

Rivals of the TFG and Ethiopian troops are also planning to launch a counter attack in Jowhar, Middle Shabelle [southern Somalia] according to military sources.

These attacks are being planned by the top strategists of Hisb Al-Islam and Al-Shabab who are want to defend themselves against the attacks from Ethiopian troops who have crossed the border into Somalia and are currently in control of Beled Weyne.



Lost Faith In The System


HARGEISA, 31 August 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Since declaring its independence from Somalia in 1991, Somaliland has set up its ownGovernment institutions, written its own laws and constitution, and held credible elections. No government in the world has yet recognized Somaliland’s independence and for 18 years the territory has been left in legal limbo—a country that does not exist. During that time Somaliland has gone a long way towards building security and developing democratic institutions of governance.

Somaliland is unrecognised state that managed holding three elections peacefully without registering the voters; among those elections, the first presidential election includes, which its results was ruled by the court verdict. It was believed that Somaliland finished a clannish based political process and moved to ballot based power climbing. This political system promotes individualistic participation and diminishes collective representation based on the clan. Also the introduced democratic model didn’t omit absolutely for the traditional governance system which is based on clan values and it is final product of combination of tradition, religious and western democratic governance system. The new system was expected it would have been improving the overall governance mechanism in the country as well as socio-economic indicators.

Since the last parliamentary election, a number of political and electoral related disputes were observable and gradually they were increasing and escalating. The conflicting parties polarised new tactics that enables them precede the arguments from their own perspectives; It was reported that Somaliland witnessed more then ten electoral disputes variant from one to another but have common factor of pursuing each one’s own needs, concerns and interest. from the first arguable decision between opposition and ruling party was related to the nomination of a new electoral body, since then the conflicts wasn’t de-escalating until recently over the abandonment of voter registration lists and the expulsion of Inter-peace staff person from the country. On the other hand, this tension is the worst, it happened at crucial period while Somaliland presidential election was due to happen in two months time.

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However, the existing pre-election disputes and political conflicts attracted the eyes of the local and external stakeholders. These tensions are being perceptive to Somaliland stability is in dangerous, rather then expecting it was improving socially and economically. Since last parliamentary election was held peacefully, Somaliland witnessed a wave of political dispute which was involved by political parties and ruling party, NEC or donor agencies. However, the election related disputes could happen at any stage in any place of the world Regardless the strength and weakness for particular state. But, the consequence will vary over the states; the volatile states like Somaliland will likely having severe consequence rather then established countries;- it would have been a threat to rule of law, governance structure, peace and stability and human right record. If not taken proper measures at righteous time, for Somaliland it wouldn’t be possible maintain its stability as well as the process of democratisation. The repetitive and escalated arguments are symptoms predicting incredibility of the elections that lacks fairness and freedom.

What are the current election related problems in Somaliland?

Somaliland witnessed number of election related crisis. Key stakeholders were playing an influential role for the existence of the crisis. Precisely, Key stakeholders lost their faith in the process of democratic governance and they failed to integrate the framework of governance system with human right, democracy and peace context. The escalation for the current crisis were contributed by the ineffectiveness and weak institutional capacity regardless to Executives, legislatives and judiciary and also opposition political parties, they operate under poor governance conditions

In this case, Somaliland electoral stakeholders are identified all interesting parties that have either have direct engagement or indirect involvements, Donors, Somaliland Governments, Political parties, citizens, civil society organisations, supreme courts, legislatives, international observers etc. therefore, except the international observers which engaging the elections at voting day, but all other above groups have contributed the disputes escalating that endangers the stability and the rule and law.

Somaliland Government and ruling party

I deliberately focus on this article the contribution of donors, political parties, NEC, legislatives, supreme courts and Somaliland governments to the escalation of the electoral based conflicts. First I should start looking down what the Somaliland government has contributed to the current political crisis?

Somaliland government failed to frequently hold periodic elections. The current government’s term expired and was extended accordance to a provision in the constitution that is disputable. During its mandate, it arrived into power through consensus reached by key stakeholders which was mediated by elders and intellectual people from Somaliland. It should be praised for the losers accepting for court verdict as well as consensus built and substituted it for surviving peace in Somaliland. The government of Somaliland was to be there to serve not to rule, it presently seems that it encoded vice-verse; it is there because of to rule not to serve. I am trying to identify the role played by the Somaliland government and its ruling party for the escalation of the election based conflicts?

If the responsibility of the current problem is to be divided for its stakeholders the government would receive the big portion. This reflects to my beliefs, I know that for other stakeholders aren’t pleading guilty free. Enlightening how significantly the government should be blamed for the existing political crisis particularly on voter’s lists. The constitutional responsibility for the government includes holding periodic election at every five years once. This means that the financial, Technical and logistical arrangements for the elections should be available in order the elections to be hold periodically. It is constitutional, it wasn’t stated that international community should contribute financially and technically to Somaliland electoral process in order to be conducted a periodically. There isn’t a way that Somaliland government should avoid to be blamed that it failed to conduct a periodic elections without relying on the financial support of the international community.

The voter registration task is like a project which has several progressive cycle that needs before passing the next cycle the first one should come into finishing ; if one cycle isn’t finished or omitted before it get finished, it wouldn’t be possible for the project achieving its goals. Vice verse, if one cycle is considered has more significance then others the project will fail. Therefore, it wouldn’t be possible for Somaliland government argue that the production for the voter’s list isn’t reflecting to free and fair election while the process was abused at initial stage before the government’ eyes. It failed to ensure and monitor that actual registration tasks are in compliant with the objectives of the registration. Therefore, if the registration has failed produce a list that is fair, because it is a mistake that was done in the process of registering the voters.

Why the government shouldn’t abandon the registration process while it was reported multiple registering is undertaking or underage registration? The same is true for the NEC why they don’t suspend temporarily for the tasks of registration after Sahel? Why Sahel wasn’t considered as pilot for the project and should be reviewed by all key stakeholders for the outcome before they go into other regions? Why inter-peace shouldn’t be expelled from the country while the staffs of the registration company were withdrawn from Somaliland? Why presently they are expelled? If all these interventions weren’t taken, they are indicator showing that registration failed at initial stage not its final stage of production of final lists. It is the responsibility and duty for the government safeguard the interest of the country as the president currently emphasising that abandonment in the registration safes from Somaliland fall post election conflicts.

If the above measures were taken at its convenient time, by now, we would have fair registered voters and accurate lists that allow us hold a credible presidential election. Somaliland then becomes a model for the post conflict countries. The people analysing the political conflicts in Somaliland argue that the current problem isn’t based on efficiency or effectiveness of the voter registration project, they say it is conflict of interest between opposition political parties and ruling and government party. If the current produced lists was reflective to the interest of government they would have accepted and indicate it as credible and accurate lists, and the same was true for opposition parties.

Therefore, the decision that is abandoned for the lists of registration was irrational and illegal for three main reasons:

It is relevance to a particular project cycle, while the project was deviated from its objectives at initial implementation stage; the Somaliland government didn’t engage the process of rectifying to avoid such problem happen at final stages.
The approach that decision was reached symbolises partiality while the key actors was ignored in the process determination.

determining going election without registering the voters isn’t a decision that was based on public interest as it was based on preferential results that is unfavor for the ruling party and the decision didn’t consider the negative impact that it could have for the entire nation.

To opposition party’s roles and responsibility for the current crisis

Kulmiye and UCID are the only registered opposition parties in Somaliland. The opposition parties are legitimate institutions that have obligations and rights in the political mainstream, without them no democratic system is prevailed across Somaliland. The Somaliland political analysts assert if the institutional capacity of the opposition parties has been stronger then the ruling party, a weaker government wouldn’t have ruled over the citizens. The opposition parties are to monitor over the government that violating the charter, shape public politics and policies, while recognizing and respecting the authority of the elected government. This is possible because of democratic societies commit to the values of tolerance, compromise and cooperation.

The role for the opposition parties in the current crisis

If the current problem is that all key actors losing their faith in the democratic system and weak capacity in their institutions contributed the deterioration of the political circumstance. Therefore what roles have the opposition played in escalating the current problem? The opposition parties have direct responsibility to the postponement of the elections, because, the electoral process are shared responsibilities; shared responsibilities are defined as collaboration between two or more persons or bodies performing the same kind of activity in the creation of the content of an item.

The contribution of each may form a separate and instinct part of the item or the contribution of each may not be separable from that of the other. Therefore, each part should be held accountable for its contribution positively or negatively. The opposition receive their share of responsibilities in three ways; 1- being a part of the primary actors of the conflict, 2- annexing their power desire to the political conflicts 3-The style they manage to the conflicts.

1- The opposition parties either proactively or reactively engage to pre-election disputes, therefore they become one actor in the conflicts. the context of the electoral disputes have an influence to cross-cutting issues that is indistinguishable from one to another, E.g. election schedule, term for the presidency and the power arrival process are integrated issue that if one part deviates from its path, it effects to the second part. In this scenario, if the opposition engage in a dispute it effects to cross cutting issues. Contrary to pre-election disputes; if there has not been a dispute, or disputes are managed positively (win/win situation), the election is not postponed, the term for the presidency will be legitimate and the power is arrived through democratic elections. In this case, neither of the two sides will be blameworthy.

2-The opposition parties are criticised annexing their power desire to the conflicts or the problems, in the above case, the opposition parties often address on the impacts of the disputes instead of the causes and effects of the problems (a power arrival process). This type of concern is interoperated that oppositions are deliberately engaging the arguments in order to topple down the current government undemocratically. E.g. biometric registration lists, Siilanyo was the one preferred an election without registration instead of it is being postponed, as the government endorsed recently going election without registration, the opposition’s position automatically changed to other way round.

3- The style of conflict management: intolerance itself is a form of violence and obstacles to the growth of true democratic spirit. The aggressive style that opposition utilize in the process of conflict mitigation is based on non-charter provisions while they accuse the government mishandling the provision in the constitution. Good example is that the suggestions made by the two opposing sides in resolving the power arrival process; ruling party is suggesting that an extension should be made for the term of the current government, which is based on an article in the constitution restricted to a particular condition that is being unfit to the present situation. The second suggestion is forming a caring government that rules over the country during the transitional period, the second part is not referred from the charter and it is a baseless proposal that needs first to be legalised.

My points of view is, the two opposing suggestions are based on provisions in the constitution, but one of them has a reference in the charter although it can not be asserted that it fits for the present condition, but the next suggestion is wholly unconstitutional and innovative resolution that needs to be legalised, the sad thing is that oppositions that were to monitor the infringement of the charter asserted the one that has not constitutional reference.

Opposition parties should act responsible by showing their supporters and external world for their tolerance during the conflicting period by emphasizing on finding concrete solutions for the causes and effects of the problem, they avoid addressing the impact of the problem instead of its route causes. They should blame themselves that weak government is ruling over the country because of they are not strong enough to compete with the existing weakness that this government posses.

Way forward

Opposition parties should arrive to the power through ballots not violence, before they climb the power they should demonstrate that they are different from the ruling party and their administration by strengthening their internal democracy and improve party’s governance. Then they can easily win in the ballots. I have therefore, several points suggesting for opposition parties improve their weakness to be able to change the current administration they are:-

Develop alternative Dispute resolution strategy which enables proactively resolve the conflicts being reactive to imposed resolutions.

Avoid focusing the power destination instead of political process or arriving the power undemocratically regardless the illegal extension for the term of the presidency that was caused by electoral postponement in the expense of the long term future and stability, tolerance and democratic governance.

Adhere to provisions in the constitutions generally not endorsing particular provisions while ignoring the others

Strengthening governance and democracy in the party level and the tolerance culture horizontally or vertically ( in the party or interacting to other parties)

Increasing and improving the participation level of their supporters to be able to differentiate themselves from the ruling party

opposition parties should be responsible institution that takes government to be accountable through sensitising the community


To be Continued …………………………

Written by Ibrahim Saed Hussein

Somaliland: Parliament Security


HARGEISA, 31 August 2009 (Somalilandpress) – There have been some scurrilous reports from certain journalistic bankrupt websites that Somaliland “armed forces” have seized the Somaliland parliament. According to this particular website, that only a few days ago reported the false news that the Somaliland President, Mr. Kahin had sacked his very active and able defense minister. For shame, if there is no news, then make it up and then distorted the facts. Of course, that is par for the course in their corrupt locales, after all, once a pirate always a pirate in Pirateland.

First, all the Somaliland Police Force are in charge of the Parliament security. They can only enter the internal offices if they have been requested by the Speaker or the chair of the session in progress.

Secondly, during the recent security operation on Saturday, August 29th, 2009, the police conducted their security patrol with minimum fuss, there were no arrest, and no member of the Parliament was in any dealt that impinged their dignity.

Thirdly, no reporters were beaten or manhandled. It was an orderly patrol that was designed to protect the well-being of the parliamentarians and ensure the safety of all those present at the complex.

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Sadly, Somaliland’s enemies have resorted to fabricating news in order to try and besmirch the nation’s reputation for peace and democracy. In this era of uncorroborated news, in which most of these bankrupt website do not even have a reporter in the locale, lies and fabrications are used to spread falsehood disguised as journalism.

The Somaliland Police Force has always conducted themselves with valour and honour, and has in no way breached their role as the custodians of law and order.

The same cannot be said for the authorities in whom these anti-Somaliland and morally bankrupt websites operate.

The advice to those who are interested in Somaliland and would like to get a balanced view of the situation, based on true journalistic values of balance, research and confirmation, is to avoid reading articles that begin in the following manner;
Somalia: Somaliland or include the phrases such as secessionist or headlines that enclosed in quotation marks, because, it is one hundred percent certain that these kind of articles are propaganda pieces masquerading as journalism, fabricated by anti-Somaliland elements who have neither the resources nor credibility to write fair, balanced and objective articles.

These kinds of websites are akin to the so-called gutter press, in fact, they are much worse than that and everything they write should be regarded as lies and fabrication or at the most taken with a pinch of salt.

By: Ahmed Khayre

SomalilandPress Ka Daawo Rabshadii Maanta Hargeisa Ka Dhacday


Hargeysa (Somalilandpress)- Ciidamada Booliska Somaliland ayaa rasaas oodada kaga qaaday, kuna kala kaxeeyay boqolaal ka mid ah dadweynaha ku dhaqan …

Hargeysa: Ciidamada Booliska oo Rasaas ooda kaga Qaaday Boqolaal dadweyne ah


Hargeysa (Somalilandpress)- Ciidamada Booliska Somaliland ayaa rasaas oodada kaga qaaday, kuna kala kaxeeyay boqolaal ka mid ah dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Hargeysa, kuwaasoo ka gadoodsanaa Inqilaabkii shalay ay ciidamadu ku qabsadeen xarunta Golaha Barlamaanka, iyada oo maanta ciidamada Golaha ay xukuumadu soo laban-laabtay.

Dhinaca kale shirgudoonka Golaha Wakiilada iyo Xildhibaano laba dhinac ah kala ayaa kulan albaabadu u xidhan yahay ka yeeshay khilaafka ka soo dhex cusboonaaday.

Ciidamo xad-dhaaf ah oo isagu jiray Booliska noocyadiisa kala duwan sidan Birmadka, USP-da iyo ciidamada Qaranka oo iyaga loogu talo-galay inay dalka ka difaacaan cadawga dibada ayaa ka dhex muuqday ciidamadii la keenay maanta Golaha Wakiillada.

Dadweynaha gadoodsanaa ayaa iyagu ku dhawaaqayay erayo ka dhan ah xukuumada madaxweyne Rayaale hormoodka u yahay, iyaga oo madaxweynaha kaga dalbanayay dhawaaqoodaas inuu is-casilo oo xilka isaga dago. Taasoo gayaysiisay inay in ugu dambayntii ay ciidamadu kala kaxayntooda u adeegsadaan Rasaas iyo Budhadh.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, xaalada wadanka gaar ahaan caasimada Hargeysa ayaa maalmahan u dambeeyay xaaladeeda isbedel wayni ka muuqdaa, iyada oo gidaar kasta iyo goobaha lagu kulmoba laga hadal-hayo dhacdadii Golaha Wakiilada Xildhibaanada ka tirsani ay buuqa kaga dhex abuureen iyo ficilka uu ku talaabsaday Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Saqadhi oo isagu Golaha Wakiillada ciidamadiisa ku qulquliyay.
