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Somaliland: Coastal Guards Arrest Pirates


HARGEISA, 19 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Somaliland coastal guards at Lughaya near the border with Djibouti captured eleven pirates with their small boat and weapons.

The Somaliland’s Interior Minister told the media that the pirates were all from Puntland and have been trying to hijack ships off the Somaliland western coast. The minister said some of them tried to escape but were surrounded by the Somaliland forces. “All of them were arrested, no one managed to escape” said the Minister.

“No, they did not carry out any attacks when they were caught” the minister told to the reporters.

The minister said that it is clear all of them are from the neighboring Somalia’s region of Puntland. He mentioned that after interrogation it is clear that they are from Puntland and planning to carry out operations in the area.

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“It looks like they could not make their way because of the heavy winds” said the Minister.

Somaliland has been successful in its operations against the pirates in the past few years. Since last year, a number of pirates have been captured in Berbera and in some other areas of the country. Although the Coastal Guards do not receive any international support but Somaliland government managed to secure its coasts from piracy.

Lughaya is located at the border with Djibouti and this is the first time in the history that pirates try to carry out operations in the area.


Somaliland: Government Receives Guantanamo Prisoners


HARGEISA, 19 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Two Somalilanders who were prisoners at Guantanamo Bay arrived Somaliland today. The prisoners who arrived in a private jet were handed over to Somaliland authorities by officials from ICRC.

Although the media were not allowed to enter the VIP room at Hargeisa Airport, officials from Somaliland government have officially welcomed the prisoners and immediately handed over the to their relatives who were there at the airport.

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The two prisoners were Mohamed Suleiman Barre and Ismail Mohamed Arrale who spent years in Guantanamo Bay after they were caught by the American forces. The two were accused of having ties with Al-Qaeda network.


Somalia spy network exposed


NAIROBI, 19 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Two officials working with the African Union’s peacekeeping mission in Somalia, Amisom are reportedly under investigation, following reports that they are being used by a Western intelligence agency and South African Intelligence.

According to sources inside the African Union, quoted by a Somali news site, www.mareeg.com, the officials are involved in gathering intelligence aimed at undermining the Djibouti Process and assisting the West in the war on terror in East Africa.

The two, an intelligence analyst from an East African country in Amisom and a Somali-Tanzanian who works for UNSOA (United Nations Support Office for Amisom) as a Public Information Officer in Nairobi have reportedly been recruited separately to spy both on AMISOM and Somalis.

They are accused of gathering information for America’s Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and South Africa Secret Services (SASS).

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A source close to the investigation told the Nation that a routine counter intelligence operation showed a plethora of sensitive information on Amisom operations and its staff had constantly been passed to the two agencies.

“This is very damaging and could potentially harm our efforts to bring peace to Somalia,’’ he said.

Source: Nation

Somalia: Alshabaab Suspend UN Mine Action


Mogadishu, 17 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Somalia’s Islamists, Alshabaab issued an statement to suspend the UN Mine Action program in Somalia. The statement which was signed by the organization’s Office for Supervising the Affairs of Foreign Agencies accused the program of carrying out actions to mobilize the people against Alshabab.

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The statement said they have taken this decision after a comprehensive study into the actions and motives behind the organization.

Here is Al-Shabaab’s statement:

It is a clear fact that Mine Action pays the salaries of the TFG police forces. In addition to that, they have been attempting to disrupt the peace and justice by bribing various community elders and inciting them to rebel against the Islamic Administration. Furthermore, they have been surveying and signposting some of the most vital and sensitive areas under the control of the Mujahideen.

Finally, the articulate investigation uncovered the fact that Mine Action was secretly hosting and undertaking the work of organizations that have previously been prohibited by the Office for Supervising the Affairs of Foreign Agencies such as UNDP.

By the will of Allah, the Office for Supervising the Affairs of Foreign Agencies will continue to regulate and monitor the foreign agencies inside Somalia and protect the Muslims from any plots that may be against their religion industries, safety, and health.

Allah is our Protector and Provider.

The Office for Supervising the Affairs of Foreign Agencies
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen


Club promotes polygamy in Indonesia.


It is a scene of peaceful serenity. Rows of men kneel in deep prayer inside a large hall on the outskirts of Jakarta. The women sit just behind them, their heads bowed in quiet contemplation.

It could be afternoon prayers anywhere in Indonesia, a vast Muslim-majority archipelago, but this scene happens to be inside the sprawling headquarters of Jakarta’s newest club – the “Global Ikhlwan” polygamy club.

Tucked away in a leafy suburb a few hours out of Jakarta, the club was set up in Indonesia earlier this year, but has its origins in Malaysia. It says it has more than 1,000 members worldwide – as far away as Australia and the United States.

In Indonesia, the law allows men to marry more than one woman – but only under strict conditions, which makes the practice of polygamy less common here than in other Muslim nations. But that could change if the controversial new polygamy club is a success.

Peaceful environment

The club has garnered a great deal of criticism since its inception.
But in the hall, the only sounds you can hear that disrupt the quiet are the voices of young children filling the corridors. They are being taught to read Islamic scriptures, so that they can become pious Muslims from a young age.

There is also a small shop that sells Islamic and Halal food – even a production house which makes Islamic films.
But the main aim of the club is to promote the virtues of polygamy, as well as to support those who are struggling with their choices.

In one of the club’s rooms, the director of the organisation, Dr Gina Puspita, speaks to a group of young women trying to help them get over their jealousies and insecurities.

She admits she found it hard when her husband Rizdam took on a second wife.

“It was difficult for me in the beginning, but I knew it was because of my emotions, my desires,” she told me. “But polygamy is a way for us to find happiness and love in this world.

“There are a lot of advantages for women in polygamous marriages – we learn how to control our desires and their jealousies, and this brings us closer to Allah.”

Tight controls

But Dr Puspita’s stance on polygamy is firmly opposed by some groups in Indonesia. This country has strict rules about who is allowed to take on multiple wives.

The guiding principle of Indonesia’s marriage law is monogamy. Polygamy is tolerated – but tightly controlled.

You have to go through a number of steps to take more than one wife.

First, you have to get your first wife’s permission. Second, if she does not give you her consent, you must prove that she is either infertile, terminally ill, or not performing her wifely duties. And finally you have to get the permission of a religious adviser.

Although there are no official statistics for how many people in Indonesia are polygamous – because so many of the marriages go unregistered – women’s groups say organisations like the polygamy club could prompt more Indonesian men to take on multiple wives.

Activist Nursyahbani Katjasungkana is incensed by the polygamy club, and she uses the Koran to try to refute claims that polygamy is an acceptable, even desirable Islamic practice.

“When the scripture revealed to the Prophet Muhammad its direction on polygamy, it was during the time of war,” she says.

“I believe it was a direction to the Muslims of that time that all the victims of war or widows and children who lost a father or a husband have to be protected. That’s the message of the scriptures – it wasn’t really a command to men to have a second or third or fourth wife.”

But that is not an interpretation Dr Gina Puspita or her family accepts. Back at her house, she’s frying up some rice and chicken for her family for lunch. She cooks while Salwa, wife number three, chops up the vegetables. It is a picture of domestic harmony, an unusual family tableau.

Her husband Rizdam tells me this system works for them. “I think polygamy is better than monogamy,” he says to me as we share the lunch his wives have cooked for us. “There are so many advantages – for men, it teaches us leadership. If it difficult to manage one wife in a marriage – but four? It is much more difficult and it is a good educational practice.”

Sign of the times

Indonesian women’s groups are calling on officials to shut the club down.

But so far the Indonesian government has said it will only monitor the club’s activities – it won’t curtail it.

Indonesia prides itself on its reputation as a tolerant Islamic nation, but many of its people are pitted against each other in an ongoing ideological battle.

The current controversy over Indonesia’s polygamy club is a sign of the struggle this country is going through – how to be Muslim and modern at the same time.

Source: BBC News

POLITICS OF CAIN, One Hundred Years of Crises in Somali Politics by Prof. Bulhan.


Kayd Somali Arts & Culture is inviting you to the launch of a new book. Come and join us on the launch day to discuss this new book with the author: Professor HUSSEIN A. BULHAN. An opportunity of a lifetime where you will have the chance to debate, discuss and ask direct questions about the book.

The World has come to know the anarchy, war & death in Somalia from newspapers & TV reports. The book gives those who wish to understand the causes of this cataclysmic explosion of violence & implosion of rage must delve into Somali history from late nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century.

The authors’ profile:
Professor H. A. Bulhan studied at Wesleyan University, Boston University, and Harvard University. Following service as tenured professor at Boston University and the Director of Family Therapy Program at Boston University Medical Centre, Prof. Bulhan started a health consulting firm whose annual revenues quickly grew to $25M USD. He returned to Somaliland to mediate a conflict in 1994-1996, subsequently remaining in the country to help in socio-economic rebuilding and trauma treatment. At the present, Prof. Bulhan is President of the University of Hargeisa and the Chief Clinician of the Maan-dhaye Clinic.

The Event:




Somali pirates held by Spain drop defence lawyers.


ADDIS ABABA, 17 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) According to ABC television, the two Somali pirates from the Alakrana [Spanish fishing boat hijacked off Somalia from October] who are remanded in custody in Madrid have decided to drop their defence lawyers calling him unqualified.

In a hand-written letter signed by both pirates and handed over to the management of the prison (of Soto del Real [Madrid Province]), the two requested a new defence attorny, although in the
document they only name Diaz Aparicio and not Begona Castro [female], the lawyer of “Raageggesey Adji Haman”.

Judicial sources say that the National High Court Criminal Chamber has urged the pirates to appoint new lawyers, with the warning that if they do not appoint a new attorny that the court will appoint counsel for them.

In statement to ABC, the lawyer Diaz Aparicio said that he does not accept the “line of defence” proposed to him by his client and which he did not wish to reveal because “making it public would harm” the
two defendants. Another concern factor for him is the procedural times because the crew of the Alakrana are still being held hostage. It appears that this case will not be going to trial till early March of 2010.

No surprise

Although he has not been [officially] informed of his client’s decision, Diaz Aparicio says that he has been aware of it for “two weeks”, when he met “Abdu Willy” and his partner in crime for the last time. Both face sentences of more than 200 years’ imprisonment for 36 crimes of illegal detention and one aggravated robbery involving use of weapons.

By Abdinasir Mohamed
Email: abdinasir4@gmail.com

Interview With Somaliland's Foreign Minister


ADDIS ABABA, 16 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Somaliland is a self-declared state lying between the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean.

It got its independence in 1991 from the rest of Somalia. In 2003, the people of Somaliland endorsed a constitution. In a referendum held the same year, they proved to the world that they no more want to live with the rest of Somalia. However, Somaliland did not yet get due recognition from the international community. Kaleyesus Bekele of The Reporter spoke with Somali land’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Abdillahi M. Duale. Excerpts:

How do you see the relationship between Ethiopia and Somaliland?

I describe the relationship between Ethiopia and Somaliland as a strategic partnership with regard to trade, security, diplomacy among other things. The relationship has been growing tremendously over the years. It is very important to note that Ethiopia is the only country that has got physical presence in Somaliland. There is an Ethiopian office where officials deal with trade and diplomatic issues. We have a bilateral agreement on trade, security and we have an extradition treaty. We also have a strong diplomatic relationship with our neighbor.

What is your ministry doing to get recognition from the international community?

Yes, Somaliland is not a recognized state. But it is a de facto state. Ethiopia and other countries are dealing with us as a defacto State. What we are missing is due recognition. I think Somaliland will eventually be recognized because we are a functional State. Because we have fulfilled all the requirements of a statehood as far as Africa is concerned we are not the only state which preferred separation. A case in point is Eritrea, which today is an independent State. Burundi and Rwanda, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Somalia. All these countries went their separate way.

Somaliland has its own defense force, police, currency and proper government. We have our own passport. We travel using our own passport. The Somaliland Ministry of Affairs has been establishing diplomatic ties with African countries as well as European countries. My ministry has been trying hard to convince the African Union that Somaliland should get due recognition. We are trying to promote the cause of Somaliland and the will of its people among the international community. We have offices in Ethiopia and in many other countries. Our diplomatic missions in Europe and North America are exerting maximum efforts in this regard. We also have a strong relationship with the African Union. We have repeatedly invited the African Union. A fact-finding mission of the African Union visited Somaliland and made an assessment and submitted its report to the AU.

What does the report say?

It is a very positive report. The report clearly indicates that the people of Somaliland support independence and that they are eagerly waiting for recognition from the international community. The fact finding mission learnt that the people of Somaliland do not want reunion with the rest of Somalia. Unfortunately, so far the AU is unable to give us recognition.

How are you dealing with the problem with opposition parties that you encountered in executing the upcoming presidential election?

The problem arose from the voters registration process. By the way, Ethiopia is the first country that came to us for mediation. Dr Tekeda Alemu, Minister of State with the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is a very good friend of Somaliland, came up with possible peaceful solutions. We are trying to peacefully resolve the problem.

Some media reports indicate that Somaliland has great potential for speedy economic development. What are you doing to realize that?

Look at the map of Somaliland. We are situated in a very strategic geographical position. We have a great potential for the development of a fishing industry on the shores of the Indian Ocean. We have the Port of Berbera which is of a paramount importance for the region. We have a hydro-carbon potential. We have vast sedimentary basins which are very promising for the discovery of oil. We hired foreign companies which conducted geological mapping. We have prepared exploration blocks which are ready to be given to international oil companies. We know that previously foreign companies discovered oil reserves many years ago. The exploration work was discontinued because of several political problems.

Now, Somaliland is a very peaceful country. Our door is open to foreign companies who want to come and work with us. In this regard, we are holding talks with several foreign companies. International companies which want to prospect for oil in Somaliland are most welcome. Investment companies can come to Somaliland and could work with us in port development, oil and minerals exploration and developing fishing industry, which is untapped so far. There are a lot of opportunities.

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Tell us about the Port of Berbera

As I said, Berbera port can play a vital role in bringing about economic development in Somaliland. It is a port which Ethiopia and Somaliland could utilize together. We are inviting foreign companies to come and invest on the port to develop the port infrastructure. We are discussing with our Ethiopian counterparts on how Ethiopia could better utilize the port. Currently, the port is handling Ethiopia’s cargo. Particularly at this moment, food aid is being transported to Ethiopia via the Port of Berbera. We are discussing with Ethiopian officials the possibilities that Ethiopia could utilize the port in a better way. We are also deliberating on ways that we could jointly upgrade the road that links Ethiopia with the port.

There are ports of Djibouti and Mombassa in the region and Berbera could complement economic growth in the region together with these ports. We know that there is a competition and a competition is good for anyone. We believe that Berbera port will play an important role in fostering economic growth in the region.

I have heard that your government has hired a lobbyist group which is working on a document which insists that Somaliland should be granted recognition. The document is reportedly submitted to the US government. Your government expects the US government to introduce a bill on Somaliland that supports the independence of Somaliland. What is your comment on this?

The fact is that Somaliland has so many friends. We have many African, European and American friends. We have friends from the media and international organizations who are friends of Somaliland and support the cause of Somaliland. We have many friends who are lobbying for Somaliland.

These groups believe that Somaliland has a legitimate and legal case to ask for recognition. So these groups have committed themselves and are lobbying. Yes there are many friends who are promoting the case of Somaliland. We have friends in Ethiopia, in IGAD, SADC and ECOWAS. Our friends are saying, “Look Kosovo has got its independence! Why not Somaliland?” But we don’t have enough financial resources to hire a lobby group.

Tell us about your involvement in fighting terrorism and your cooperation with Ethiopia in this regard

As I said earlier, our relationship with Ethiopia is a strategic partnership. That is very, very important and everything comes under that strategic partnership. That includes security. In areas of cooperation, security is the most important issues to the region. The spread of terrorism and fundamentalism is a threat to the region. We need to be stable if we have to bring about economic development to the region.

There is a great cooperation between my country and Ethiopia in fighting terrorism. We have an extradition treaty. Anyone who committed a crime in Ethiopia cannot hide in Somaliland. We are actively working on that. We closely monitor terrorist activities in the region. We are alert in patrolling our coastal areas. We also patrol our border areas. We actively exchange information with Ethiopia. I can say there is a full-fledged mutual cooperation with Ethiopia in fighting terrorism because there is amutual interest.

Since 2002, there were 29 terrorist plots in Somaliland, including the one that targeted the Ethiopian office in Hargessa in October last year. Sucide bombers attacked The Ethiopian office, the presidential palace and UNDP. This is the only time that they succeed because we are always alert. We have foiled many other terrorist plots. It is not a peculiar problem to Somaliland. Ethiopia is also a victim of terrorism. Yes, we are closely working with Ethiopia in fighting terrorism. We are very proud of our involvement in fighting terrorism.

Ethiopian Airlines has suspended flights to Hargeissa. Did you speak with official of Ethiopian airlines on the possibility that it can resume its flight service between Addis Ababa and Hargeissa?

Ethiopian Airlines has never operated commercial flights in Somalia. It only began to fly to Somaliland after independence. Unfortunately, Ethiopian Airlines suspended operation to Hargeissa because of a forced measure related to security. We deliberated with officials of the Ethiopian Airlines and we agreed that we need to improve the efficiency of the security system at the Hargeissa Airport. The government of Somaliland is diligently working on that. We have taken serious measures. The Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation is working hard to ensure airport security.

We will invite our Ethiopian brothers and to look at the improvements made in enhancing security. I hope Ethiopian Airlines will resume its flight to Hargeissa.

What is your message to the international community?

My message is brief and clear. The people of Somaliland had established a constitutional state. The people of Somaliland have made it clear that they want to live on their own. They expressed their hatred for the illusion of creating a Greater Somalia. They are eager to see Somaliland recognized by the international community. So we plead that we need to be given due recognition.

I also call upon international companies to come and invest in Somaliland. I also call upon the Ethiopian business community to come and visit Berbera port. They can also see the business opportunities in Somaliland. The people of Somaliland are peace loving and friendly. We have a firm commitment to work with any country and to bring about economic development in the region.

Source: East Africa Forum

Killings of Jewels of Somali Nation


Pretoria, 16 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) – Knowledge production in any country costs a helluva lot. It’s an admitted fact by all men of civilized nations. University of Pretoria held a graduation ceremony recently for masters’ students (LLM). While sitting in the graduation hall at the university of Pretoria, a vague sense befell me given the recent heartbreaking news which occurred in Shamow Hotel in Mogadishu, in a similar gathering where twenty four Doctors, teachers, members from the civil society, graduating students and university staff wrapped in happiness, passed in a suicide bombing.

At the end of the day the fundamental question regarding the bombing continues to haunt us all. Perhaps the issue can be reduced to a simpler explanation: “the angry youth failed by life” whereas the larger question that confronts us as thinking people is to find out where the evil originates?.

In that crowd at University of Pretoria I sensed that with information, the degree and depth of our responsibilities grows further and deeper. The suicide and murder of others points sharply to the divided politics of our time and the dejection that haunts our youth and future leadership. It is clear that what was to be a significant step into the future progress of a nation was twice the reversal of that progress. The bombing continued to hold us hostage to our ideals and our national identity; it confirmed the rooted divisions that convince the young that politics is a place to misplace your soul and not to help your country men.

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As I left the hall at the University of Pretoria I became convinced that the suicidal bombing in Shamow Hotel on the 3rd of Dec 09 was not a forlorn act of an unhappy man but an organizational outcome of the enemies of our common humanity be either you in Japan, Africa, Europe, or Brazil. The attack was against our common humanity, civilasation and nothing else.

Indeed, murder at mass scale is what had happened in Shamow Hotel. We like to think of ourselves as civilized human beings whom understand the value of human life but these recent attacks have led me to examine my own beliefs about the quality of our lives as the people of the civilized world. We speak so profoundly of human rights and development but yet the enemy’s minds and thirst for blood has vanished in their brains. No doubt that many children as the result of these recent attacks will remain orphans and desperate but this are the realities of time.

The nerves touched were not only mine, Dr. Edna Adan who arrived at the graduation hall in University of Pretoria to receive a chancelor medal for her to contribution to humanity betterment, condemns this brutality “I strongly condemn to the deepest of my human heart and sense the atrocities that are not only inflicted to the families of the killed students, doctors and teachers but also to the people of Somalia and humanity at large, my heartfelt sympathy and Du’aas goes to the families of the killed ones, May Allah grant them Janatul Firdowza to those who died in Shamow, May the Almighty Allah cure all those wounded…amin” amin amin. Dr. Edna.

I trust and believe Somalia will rise from the difficulties of the day and become a great country with abundance of lawyers, scientist, and economists than the ones we have been robbed of, untimely.

Saeed Furaa
South Africa

Somaliland Can Outlive Than Any Dying Somali Regime


BURCO, 16 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) – To surprise of any interested to endless Somali crisis, Somaliland as expected survived from any destruction schemes from its enemy because of its intact social values. Now it is nearly 20 years since the collapse of tyrant regime of Siyad Barre who died in Lagos 1993 in exile, before his burial in his home town Garboharay.

Starting from that time Somaliland courageously built complete governmental institutions without any outside hand, forming de facto state, in which majority of Somaliland citizens unanimously indorsed to recreate that what was called Somaliland British Protectorate, withdrawing from act of union with south.

These frequent meetings for discussing future interest of the people, after miserable unification with Southern Somalia, we are people of most high in humanity sacrifice for our life for the rest of Somali speaking people, brought out nightmare of Greater Somalia. But we Somaliland national have fallen into deceptions, so it is time make introspections, as we did.

Sheikh Shriff Sheikh Ahmed former Chairman of Union of Islamic Court in 2006, started to follow the footsteps of his predecessor soon after he replaced Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed claiming being President of when once used to be Somali republic, turning blind eye the reality on the ground, while he is struggling to survive or evade from stronger Islamic groups which he was belong to before, where he met from daily attack, so far as last four of his ministries and number of his other cabinets killed this operations against his regime, Somaliland doesn’t support either He or Them.

Also there correlations plotting to undermine stability of Somaliland including tribal affiliation concept carriers of Punt land, who by hook and crook, embark on destabilizing Somaliland national territorial integrity through tribal lineage linkages, but these individuals are too frail to fend themselves except to broker blood other Somalis via scam of illegal exporting immigration to Yemen, or other means, and great exodus to even international water to pirate shipping movement on the sea, in addition to that tremendous human abductions continuing this areas to any foreigners if they land on the soil, if there is no huge guarding convoys, and demand log of hard money of ransoms to be paid for their release.

Furthermore, Somali Transitional Federal Government led by Sheikh Sharif now, seeks save haven under AMISOM Troops of Uganda and Rwanda, can’t trust any Somali soldier defend whether it is his powerless or his deceptions, that means Sharif can never stand his Somali legs on the ground, TFG circulate only three kilometers surroundings of Ville Somalia guarding by AMISOM soldiers.

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Relatively Somaliland comprehensively is peaceful nation where there is no any form of conflict enjoying greater success of democratic and rule of law, during last 10 years more than three competed elections were conducted including presidential poll, at the same time there is great economic recovery from hash hours of wars with former Somali cannibal government, in Somaliland every thing is secured by the people who unwillingly don’t accept any instable conditions with supporting rule and regulations of begot government from them.

Mr. Dahir Rayale Kahin is the president of the Country, elected second 2004 in the office after sudden death of predecessor Mohamed Haj Ibrahim Egal, and presently standing third time to be elected long with opposition parties leaders of Kulmiye and UCID Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Silanyo and Mr. Faysal Ali Warabe respectively leaders of these parties. For the first time in Africa Somaliland used prerecorded system of registration for Poll participations in computer computered server technology which is used so far in small number of nations in worldwide.

Fortunately many time Somaliland election methodology is disputed, while the tenure of president has expired, stalemate rises among the parties assuming that the time came to level Somaliland democracy and stability but immediately it is solved and agreed defusing the deadlocks the last one was the people’s registration in computer server which unprecedented sophisticated technology in the world, which has it is own errors, finally it has been reached an agreement for not to create rather anti-existed political platform already formed.

Consistently this is political maturity begotten by intellectual leadership of Somaliland peace lovers, despite untenable wars go on in southern Somalia, every nominated leader claims being representing even Somaliland ignoring peoples’ self-determination though he misrepresents slight portion of Mogdisho, but with blinding ovations from international community led by UN ascribed to him arguing “He is the recognized by UN and AU.”

In additional to that few somalilanders called from Diaspora, are beautified the format of every failing leadership formed for South, Somaliland people these can not represent them decisively, UN behaves double-standard for Somaliland issue with provocation against rights of Somaliland nationals, for this case, I am recommending UN bodies inside Somaliland must be closely heeded for their undermining the existence of the sovereign nation of Somaliland. But closest friends of Somaliland left first call of recognition each other preferring covert diplomatic relations, being scared about enemy of Somaliland.

Finally gullible war-lords in Somalia select to gorge on the desserts at the party out Somalia rather to be real solvers of Somali problems, taking amphetamine(Khat) to hallucinate being leaders democratic elected entire undefined Somali speaking people, unlike Somaliland, this nation will outlive then chaotic southern despite plotting conspiracies against it from every group without exception, killings of dozens of citizens and including also foreigners committed by these groups during last 6 years in Somaliland is proof enough.

By Mustafe Hassen Ahmed
Email: msuxfi@gmail.com

Views expressed in the opinion articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the editorial