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Somalia’s al Shabaab, squeezed in south, move to Puntland


Somalia’s al Qaeda-linked militants are moving north into the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, long regarded as a relatively peaceful area, after having been squeezed out of their strongholds further south, the president of Puntland said.

Until now, Puntland has largely escaped the worst of the upheaval in Somalia, which has been deprived of an effective central government for the past two decades.

The region is rich in energy resources and oil exploration companies are sizing it up. If the militants were able to establish a permanent presence in the area, it might discourage such exploration efforts.

Although militant numbers are still limited, the authorities fear al Shabaab could gain better access to weapons coming across the Gulf of Aden if it successfully regrouped in the area.

“Their presence has intensified since international forces pushed them in the south. The fighters are coming from the south,” Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamud Farole told Reuters at the weekend.

“We believe that there are … more than 400 (fighters) in those areas,” he said in Garowe, Puntland’s administrative capital, on the sidelines of a visit by the European Union ambassador to Somalia during which a $200 million aid package was announced.

Under pressure from African Union (AMISOM) peacekeeping troops and Somali government forces, al Shabaab has lost many of its major urban strongholds in south-central Somalia since it launched a rebellion against the Western-backed government in 2007.

The rebels, who want to impose their strict interpretation of sharia Islamic law across the Horn of Africa state, withdrew from the capital Mogadishu in August last year and lost their last major bastion of Kismayu six weeks ago.

Farole said most of the fighters have taken up positions in the mountains west of Bossaso, an area that is hard to reach because of its difficult terrain.


Farole said the authorities had captured two shipments of explosives from Yemen in the past few months. In the most recent seizure, the boat had been laden with rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank mines and other munitions.

The incident raised concern about possible cooperation between Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and al Shabaab, which formally merged with al Qaeda earlier this year.

“It was enough to destroy Puntland,” Farole told Reuters in the courtyard of the main government house where Somalia and Puntland’s flags were displayed.

“It is easy to ship arms and ammunition and explosives (from) that area,” said Farole, who believes AQAP and al Shabaab share links.

Farole said he needed international help to train and equip his security forces, lamenting how such support was focused solely on the Mogadishu government to help it fight al Shabaab.

The EU’s special envoy to Somalia, Michele Cervone d’Urso, said he was worried about the security situation in Puntland.

“While AMISOM is advancing in the south, al Shabaab has not been defeated … they have been moving to other areas, including the mountainous areas of Puntland,” he said.

“There are significant areas of Puntland which are difficult to control for these security forces, that’s the main challenge there and hence they’re able to find specific areas (that are) potential safe havens,” he said.

Since withdrawing from most of the territory they used to control, al Shabaab has resorted to asymmetrical warfare tactics, and has launched deadly suicide and car bomb attacks across Somalia. (Writing by Yara Bayoumy; Editing by James Macharia and Andrew Osborn).


SOMALIA: Former Somali Prime Minister calls Puntland authority ‘oppressive’


This week, the former Prime minister of Somalia, Abdiweli Ali Gaas has called on the Puntland authorities not oppress the people and the media, reports Horseed Media.

Abdiweli also called the regime of Abdirahman Farole not to delay the Presidential elections in January 2013.

“…During my visit to the major towns and cities in Puntland, I had the opportunity to meet with the people of Puntland, including elders, politicians, the civil society and the youth… the people that I have met with, have informed me and I have also witnessed myself, that there are many social and political challenges in Puntland…” says Prof,Abdiweli during a press conference in Galkacyo, yesterday.

He added “…Today there is no freedom of expression in Puntland, in every democracy there must be a freedom of expression that is the basic rights of the people…”

The former Prime minister, who hails from Puntland, has called on the people of Puntland to safeguard their security and stability.

He says the civil society in Puntland are not allowed to voice their concerns or organize political gatherings, while the media is routinely harassed and can’t freely report about the facts on the ground.

Last month the Puntland government shutdown Horseed FM an independent radio station in Bosaso.

In his press statement the former Prime minister called on the Puntland elders to convene in a national conference in order to protect and restore the unity of Puntland State of Somalia.

The statement of the former Prime minister comes just weeks after major clans in Puntland refused the government’s plans to postpone the Presidential election in January 2013.

The people want the democratization process in Puntland, but the current political environment in Puntland is everything but democratic, says Prof. Abdiweli, he advised the Puntland government to serve their remaining term of two months peacefully.

Abdiweli Ali Gaas, has warned the government of Abdirahman Farole (an Australian citizen) not to create instability in the region.

Abdiweli Ali Gaas who is now a MP of the Somalia’s Federal Parliament, refused to comment on the reports that the Puntland President’s son Mohamed Farole has sent forces trained by Saracen to surround his residence, during his visit in Bosaso the commercial capital of Puntland.

Last week, hundreds of the Puntland’s Maritime Police Force surrounded the villa Mr.Gaas was staying in Bosaso city, completely blocking all the roads leading to the residence. These forces are trained by a company called Sterling Corporate Services also known as Saracen.

The forces later abandoned their positions after local residents and armed militias supporting the former Prime minister gathered near his home in Bosaso.

Recently, the Controversial South African private military operator Sterling Corporate Services, aka Saracen International, has lost its anti-piracy contract in the semi-autonomous Somali region of Puntland.

The termination comes in the midst of strenuous criticism by the UN’s Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) of SCS’s handling of its United Arab Emirates-funded contract to train a paramilitary Puntland Maritime Police Force.

In July, the SEMG published a 350-page report on the security situation in Somalia, sharply critical of the actions of Sterling and the maritime police under its control.

The report highlighted several incidents where Sterling operators – whose nominal brief was confined to training and advising the maritime police force – were involved in military actions against Faroole’s enemies.

Also noted were documented tortures and other incidents of human rights abuse allegedly perpetrated under the command of the mainly South African Sterling corps.

On this basis, the monitoring group called for strong action by the UN Security Council.

Notably, it wanted Sterling/Saracen “designated” along with other companies and individuals in the opaque network connected to the Puntland operation, and subjected to “targeted measures”.

Yet, Saracen continues to operate in Puntland, the company’s assets which includes light airplanes, helicopters and armored vehicles are still stationed at their military camp near Bosaso Airport.

Khalid Yusuf


Somalis welcome formation of new cabinet


Many Somalis expressed optimism after Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon announced his cabinet nominees on Sunday (November 4th) and called on members of parliament to give their vote of confidence to the new administration.

Parliament is expected to confirm the new cabinet in the coming days.

“After many long years of chaos and destruction in this country, the Somali people have high hopes for this new government to improve the security, political and economic situation in the country,” said Mogadishu-based political analyst Hassan Mohamed.

“I hope the new government will be more efficient and capable than its predecessors because Shirdon has chosen people based on qualifications and expertise,” Mohamed told Sabahi. “They are highly educated, as they hold high degrees and most were expatriates who studied and lived abroad. We hope they can apply what they have learned to lift the country out of its current situation.”

The new cabinet is the first to distribute ministerial posts equally among Somalia’s five main tribal groupings, marking an expansion of the 4.5 quota system that was used to select the current parliament. Under that system, for every seat allotted to the four major clans, a coalition of minority clans received half.

“This is the first government that achieves social justice among the Somali tribes,” said Mohamed Omar Dalha, former minister and member of parliament. It is the first time in 20 years Somalia’s minority clans receive equal representation in governance, he said.

The new cabinet has two ministers from each of the four major clans — Hawiye, Darod, Dir and Rahanweyn — and two from the minority coalition.

Dalha said Shirdon’s cabinet is different in another aspect as well. “First of all, it is the leanest Somali government ever, as it is comprises only ten ministries,” he told Sabahi. “Secondly, the most independent ministry — the Foreign Ministry — is headed by a woman for the first time in the country’s history.”

Political analyst Ahmed Hashi said he hopes the new government will succeed in improving the security situation and bringing back stability to the country.

“Other important issues include holding a national referendum on the new constitution, dealing with refugees who are stranded in nearby countries, moving ahead with political reconciliation with Somaliland and reviving the national economy,” he told Sabahi.

“As for foreign affairs, the most important issues awaiting this new government are winning donor confidence and restoring Somalia’s position as an effective actor in regional and international forums, from which it has been absent for many years,” Hashi said.

Hundreds of Somalis demonstrated Monday in the main streets of Mogadishu to show their support for the cabinet, Somalia’s Shabelle Media Network reported. The demonstrators, including women and children, gathered in the Hamar Weyne district, chanting slogans and holding pictures of the prime minister.

A political victory for women

Maryan Aweys, former minister and current member of parliament, said the appointment of two women to prominent positions represents a huge political victory for Somali women who have struggled to obtain political rights.

Shirdon nominated Fowsiyo Yusuf Haji Aadan as deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, and Maryan Qasim Ahmed as minister of development and social affairs.

“This is a positive sign and a nod to the important role played by Somali women in all areas of life as well as rebuilding their nation,” Aweys told Sabahi.

Zahra Abdullahi, a women’s rights activist, said Somali women have regained some of the political rights they had prior to the civil war, adding that she could see women heading other important ministries in the future such as the Ministries of Finance and Interior.

“Although the participation of women in the new government is less than 30%, women have been able to reach the highest positions. This is a positive step forward and they should never, at any time, give up their rights,” she said.

Aadan described her nomination as “historic” for Somalia and a victory for Somali women. During a speech after her nomination, Aadan thanked Shirdon and President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud for the appointment.

“This is a step that shows that the political situation in our country has turned a new page that will lead to success and prosperity,” she said.


Congratulatory messages pour in for Somali women ministers


Congratulatory messages have began pouring in for Somalia’s first ever appointed woman deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister.

Women groups across east Africa have welcomed the naming of Fowziya Yusuf Haji Adan as the new deputy prime minister and foreign minister in Somalia’s new permanent government.

Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Said announced his cabinet on Sunday in the Somali capital Mogadishu, citing that this was the smallest cabinet in Somalia’s history — half of the previous transitional administration.

“After long discussions and consultations, I have named my cabinet which consists of only 10 members. Among them is a female foreign affairs minister for the first time in Somali history,” the prime minister said.

In her first press conference at the Somali Villa, Ms Fowziya acknowledged her historical nomination and hailed it as a “glory day” for Somali women.

“My nomination as the Foreign minister is historic for the Somalia and particularly for the women of Somalia, it turns a new page for the political situation of our country and will lead to success and prosperity,” she said.

Mr. Shirdon also named another female to a ministerial position in an effort to improve women representations. Maryan Qasim Ahmed, who previously held the now-gone women’s minister, takes the role of minister of development and social affairs. Many women organizations across the East Africa community, who have large Somali populations, have praised his appointees.

Amina Hersi Mogeh, a prominent entrepreneur and millionaire Somali woman based in Uganda, was among the first persons to send congratulatory message to newly appointed foreign minister. Amina, who runs one of the largest cement and hardware distributors in Kampala, as well as chains of shopping malls and supermarkets, happens to originally hail from Somaliland like the minister.

In her message, the award winning business woman stressed that appointing Fowziya for the foreign job was a smart move. She reiterated that along with her academia background and life long experiences, Fowziya, possessed the right attitude, dedication and skills to deliver fruitful results. She described her as an educated and forward looking woman.

Amina extended her an invitation to both Nairobi and Kampala, where she runs her successful and award winning business chains.

She finally called on the Somali people to embrace and extend an arm of support for the first female Somali foreign minister and deputy prime minister. She equally congratulated Ms Maryan, the Somali government and its people.

Fowziya formed her own political party in Somaliland before she was barred and did not advance to the next stage of the process. The Somali president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, a long-time friend is believed to have played a role in her appointment.

Photo: Award-winning entrepreneur Amina Hersi Moge congratulates Fowziya Yusuf Haji Adan (Hadhwanaagnews)


Somalia picks cabinet, balances old guard with newcomers


Somalia unveiled a new cabinet on Sunday, keeping a delicate balance among rival clans as it tries to shake off years of conflict that still plagues the country despite a recent push against al-Qaeda-linked militants.

The formation of the government is the culmination of a regionally brokered, U.N.-backed effort to restore central control and end close to two decades of fighting that has killed tens of thousands of people.

In September, Somalia inaugurated President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud – elected in the first vote of its kind since warlords toppled military dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, leaving the African nation without an effective central government.

Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid, chosen by Mohamud because he is untainted by clan rivalry, will have to tackle corruption, the Islamist insurgency and piracy off the coast along strategic Indian Ocean shipping lanes.

“Taking into account the current situation, I have appointed a lean, effective cabinet that can lead the government in this difficult situation and that can bring full, reliable peace,” Saaid told reporters and officials at the presidential palace as he unveiled his 10-minister cabinet line-up.

He appointed Fozia Yusuf Haji Aden as foreign minister, the first woman to hold such a senior position. “It is a victory for Somali women,” she said.

Somali, Ethiopian and African Union peacekeeping troops have pushed the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab insurgents out of the main areas they took over in their five-year-old revolt, encouraging many Somalis to return to rebuild their country. But the militants are still capable of launching attacks in Mogadishu.

Saaid retained three ministers who had served in former President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed’s transitional government, among them Abdihakim Haji Mohamud Fiqi as the minister for defence.

“What we are trying to do is address the demands, the concerns and the expectations of all the different components and players in Somalia,” Saaid told Reuters on Saturday after meeting the EU’s special envoy for Somalia.

Mohamud said not all sub-clans could be included in cabinet. “We made the cabinet 10 to save Somalia – those (sub)clans who missed themselves in the list should know that they are not hated,” he said.

Parliament speaker Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari said the cabinet line-up would go before parliament as soon as possible for approval. (Additional reporting by Yara Bayoumy in Nairobi; Writing by George Obulutsa; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

By Abdi Sheikh and Omar Faruq


Somalia forms new government, woman named foreign minister: official


New Somali Foreign Minister Fowsiyo Yusuf Haji Adan (AFP, Mohamed Abdiwahab)

Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Said announced the members of his new government on Sunday, noting that a woman has been named as foreign minister for the first time in the country’s history.

“After long discussions and consultations, I have named my cabinet which consists of only 10 members. Among them is a female foreign affairs minister for the first time in Somali history,” the prime minister said.

The new foreign minister, Fowsiyo Yusuf Haji Adan, hails from the self-declared independent state of Somaliland and lived in Britain for a long time.

“My nomination as the foreign minister is historic for the Somali country and particularly for the women of Somalia, it turns a new page for the political situation of our country and will lead to success and prosperity,” she said.

Another woman named to the new government, Maryan Qasim Ahmed, will take the role of minister of development and social affairs. She had previously served as women’s minister.

Abdihakin Haji Mohamud Fiqi was named defence minister. He had previously held the same post.

Somalia has been in political chaos and deprived of a central government since the fall of President Siad Barre in 1991.

The new administration brings eight years of transitional rule by the corruption-riddled and Western-backed government to an end.

Said himself was appointed in October by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

His new cabinet will now have to be approved by the Somali parliament.

Several Somali clans were excluded from the new government, a potential issue in a country where clan balance is vital in political life.


New Somali prime minister appoints leaner cabinet


Photo: Ministry of Public Services Development Maryan Qasim (left) and Foreign Minister Fowziya Yusuf Aden

Somalia’s new prime minister has named a leaner cabinet as the country attempts to establish its first fully functioning government after decades of anarchy.

Abdi Farah Shirdon on Sunday announced the appointments of 10 cabinet ministers, downsizing the executive from the previous 18 in the transitional government whose mandate ended in August. He said his government would restore security and rebuild Somalia’s economy.

Shirdon appointed two female ministers, including the first female Foreign Minister Fowziya Yusuf Aden as well as Maryan Qasim who was appointed Public Services Development minister. Somalia has been ravaged by war for two decades after warlords overthrew a longtime dictator in 1991 and then turned on each other. The government, backed by African Union troops, is currently battling Islamist extremist rebels linked to al-Qaida

Here are the names of the new cabinet

1. Ms. Fowzia Yusuf H. Adan – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs

2. Mr. Mohamoud Hassan Suleiman (Awil) – Minister of Finance

3. Mr. Abdihakim Mohamoud Haji Fiqi – Minister of Defense

4. Mr. Abdikarin Hussein Guuled – Minister of Interior and National Security

5. Mr. Abdullahi Ilmoge Hersi – Minister of Information and Telecommunications

6. Mr. Abdirizak Omar Mohamed – Minister of Natural Resources

7. Mr. Abdullahi Abyan Nur – Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs

8. Ms. Maryan Qasim – Minister of Social Services

9. Mr. Mohamoud Ahmed Hassan – Minister of Trade and Industries

10. Mr. Muhiyadin Mohamed Kaalmoy – Minister of Public Works and Reconstruction

– AP

EU grants $200 million to Somalia for security, education


The European Union has given Somalia 158 million euros ($200 million) to improve education, the legal system and security, its new envoy said on Saturday, as the Horn of Africa nation tries to recover from more than two decades of conflict.

The new aid programme follows the election in September of a new Somali president, the culmination of a regionally brokered, U.N.-backed effort to restore central government control and end fighting that has killed tens of thousands of people.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, elected in the first vote of its kind since Somalia slid into civil war in 1991, is grappling with corruption, an Islamist insurgency and piracy along the country’s strategic Indian Ocean shipping route.

“After 21 years, the government is finally rebuilding the systems of a functional state at local, regional and central levels,” Michele Cervone d’Urso, the EU’s special envoy to Somalia, told Reuters.

“The EU is more committed to work directly and in partnership with Somalis. We will ask the implementing agencies to work more closely with the government and civil society.”

A suicide bombing in the capital Mogadishu on Saturday highlighted the challenges faced by the new Somali leader .

The development aid package, the largest EU programme ever approved for Somalia, will go towards strengthening the judiciary, broken state institutions, the Somali police force and the country’s blighted education system.

Some funds will be used to bring home Somali professionals abroad to help improve education standards.

In the past, Western and regional states have pumped in millions of dollars of humanitarian aid to help Somalis affected by conflict and frequent natural disasters. African governments have sent troops to combat al Qaeda-affiliated militants.

Somalia’s residents have complained that most aid organisations have operated from neighbouring Kenya with little involvement on the ground, which has bred resentment.

President Mohamud called for more aid, and for assistance to be channelled directly through the new government.

“Although there is global economic crisis, our new government has been requesting the world to increase funds and change the ways Somalia has been getting funds in the last two decades,” Mohamud told a news conference in Mogadishu after the launch of the aid programme.

“We requested them to have direct a relationship with Somalia.”

Despite being on the back foot, al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab militants still control swathes of rural southern and central Somalia. Pirates and local militia groups are also fighting for control of chunks of territory. ($1 = 0.7785 euros) (Additional reporting Abdirahman Hussein; Editing by George Obulutsa and Rosalind Russell)


Suicide bombers hit Somali capital, three dead: witnesses


killing a security guard who stopped them entering the building, locals said.

It was not clear who was behind the bombings but Al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab insurgents have conducted similar previous attacks and remain a serious security challenge even after being forced out of their strongholds.

The blasts rocked the restaurant, popular with Somalis returning from abroad in the hope that the country’s darkest days are over, damaging cars and scattering the area with body parts.

“Two suicide bombers opened fire at guards at the gate and as soon as they entered two successive blasts took place,” Mogadishu resident Farah Hussein told Reuters.

“I cannot go in but I see three dead people in front of the gate. The guards fought the bombers and denied them access. The bombers blew themselves up at the gate,” Hussein said.

A Reuters witness saw the two bombers’ bodies and that of a guard.

Al Shabaab was driven out of Mogadishu late last year and is struggling to hold territory elsewhere, under attack from Kenyan, Ethiopian and African Union forces trying to prevent Islamist militancy spreading from Somalia.

But the insurgents are still capable of striking inside the capital.

In September, al Shabaab suicide bombers attacked a hotel where President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was giving a news conference alongside the visiting Kenyan foreign minister. Both were unhurt but eight people died.

Saturday’s attack took place some 5 km (3 miles) from the presidential palace where, earlier in the day, Mohamud hosted the European Union’s special envoy for Somalia, Michele Cervone d’Urso.

Source: Reuters

Somalia: Journilist 17th killed; Somali journalist dies of wounds


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A radio station editor in Somalia says a journalist who was attacked by gunmen last week has died of his wounds, bringing the number of journalists killed in targeted attacks in Somalia this year to 17.
Gunmen shot Mohamed Mohamud Turyare, a reporter at Shabelle radio, last week as the 25-year-old walked home. Editor Mohamed Bashir Hashi confirmed Monday that Turyare died of his wounds Sunday.
Though Mogadishu is safer than during years of warfare from 2007-2011, journalists face more danger than ever. Analysts believe journalists are being targeted by al-Shabab militants but also by business and political leaders unhappy with journalists’ coverage.
Though it is growing stronger, Mogadishu still does not have a fully functioning government. No one has been arrested for any of the 17 killings this year.