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Djibouti: Friends of Djibouti Association Campaigns for Free Elections in Djibouti


London, 6 February 2013
A concerted campaign to raise awareness of the issues in Djibouti has been launched in Europe by Friends of Djibouti Association, a non-profit organisation, founded at the end of 2012 to encourage a peaceful change of the current political course in Djibouti.
The first campaign is focussing on the parliamentary elections that are taking place on 22 February 2013. This is a critical time for Djibouti and its people who want to have a real democratic and transparent electoral process for the first time in many decades.
Djibouti, a small but strategically important country in the Horn of Africa, achieved good progress and economic growth during the past decade. But in the recent years there have been growing signs of frustration and protest among Djibouti people as they face worsening living conditions, human rights abuses and, after 30 years of one-party rule, little hope of democratic change. Recent arrest of the leader of the opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Renewal and Development (MRD), Daher Ahmed Farah (DAF) is an example of repressions the political opposition suffers in Djibouti.
In the past months, Friends of Djibouti have been active approaching US and EU officials, international NGOs and the international media, drawing their attention to the human right abuses and corruption in Djibouti. Letters outlining the current issues facing the country have been sent to the US Secretary of State, the US Ambassador to Djibouti, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and EU Commissioner for Development.
Friends of Djibouti have had an encouraging response from the office of Baroness Ashton, who during her recent meeting with the Djibouti Prime Minister expressed intention to send an EU Electoral Expert Mission to Djibouti for the elections in February 2013.
Letters encouraging international election observers to monitor the Djibouti parliamentary election have been sent to the Carter Foundation and the African Union.
Over the coming weeks, Friends of Djibouti will be approaching UK MPs, MEPs and other European politicians.
Aicha Dubae, spokesperson for Friends of Djibouti Association, said: “The West recognises how important Djibouti is to maintaining stability and security in the Horn of Africa and in helping to combat piracy. We hope that the Western leaders will put pressure on the Djibouti Government encouraging democratic process, the rule of law and the respect for human rights, and, in doing so, help Djibouti fulfil its real potential”.

Friends of Djibouti

Somalia:Faith in Somali judiciary hard to find after Abdiaziz jailed


“Let’s have faith in our judiciary system,” Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamed told an audience Monday at London’s Chatham House, the foreign affairs think-tank.

A day later, press freedom and human rights advocates are struggling to find such faith, after a court in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, sentenced to one year in jail a woman who claimed she was raped by security forces and a freelance journalist, Abdiaziz Abdinuur, who interviewed her.

They were convicted for insulting the government, according to news reports. Local journalists told CPJ that Abdiaziz’s trial was flawed, with the defense obstructed from presenting several witnesses and little evidence provided by the prosecution.

Human rights groups have said the trial of the journalist and his interviewee was politically motivated, designed to deflect reports of rampant sexual abuse by Somali security forces, according to international news reports.


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Borja Bergareche/CPJ European Consultant


Link: http://www.cpj.org/blog/2013/02/faith-in-somali-judiciary-hard-to-find-after-abdia.php


Somaliland: President Siilaanyo to visit UK


Hargeisa- Reliable sources close to the presidency have confirmed to Somalilandpress that president Silanyo is due to leave for Britain today, where president Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud of Somalia is currently being hosted.  Mr. Siilaanyo’s expected visit to Britain comes after British foreign office and Common Wealth Officially unveiled the agenda for the upcoming International  Conference on Somalia which will be held in London.  President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud of Somalia arrived in London on last Thursday accompanied his Senior Cabinet members, including Foreign Minister Fowsia Hajji Aden.  This comes after the British government has  granted 3 million pound aid boost to Somalia.

It is unclear if President Siilaanyo will meet his Somali counterpart or whether he wants to discuss with British officials about UK’s threat alert on Somaliland security. Recently president Silanyo confirmed, during State of Union address that his government will participate every conference which serves the interest of the nation. Meanwhile, Somaliland’s Foreing Minister Mohamed Abdillahi Omer has returned from a short visit to Ethopia where he met with British Embassy officials in Addis Ababa, following UK’s threat alert on Somaliland.


Somaliland: Security Threat Exaggerated Say’s Deputy Information Minister


Somaliland government has responded to the announcement made today by the American government travel warning which dissuaded citizens against visiting the country.

The Somaliland Assistant minister of information Hon Abdillahi Mohamed Dahir (Cukuse) dismissed in the strongest of terms allegations of the existent of present dangers and security threats to foreigners in the country during an interview with BBC Radio Somali service.

“We have not changed our position regarding security which off course always remains a top priority to us as a nation, let not exaggerate on the victories attained in the war against Al Shabaab by assuming that the new ground gained from the militants means it is the end of threats in those place, Said the deputy information minister.

Hon Abdillahi went on to say “I urge both the America and British to reconsider their recent stance on the security of the country and we ask our friends to share any information they have and which we are not aware of so that we can act on it, what they should be doing is to strengthen the existing cooperation on security issues such as sharing of intelligence,.

The minister also confirmed that they have in their custody people who were arrested in the past few days who are suspected to be sympathetic to Islamist militia, although it is too early to say what ongoing investigation will produce  I would  like to reiterate our willingness to work with regional and international partners on security related  matters .

Lastly the deputy information minister had this to say” Us far as we are concerned the security status of the country is normal and I want to reassure all foreigners in the country that their safety is guaranteed.

Goth M Goth



Somaliland seems to be an orphan among African nations for two decades


The realization of duties is very significant often to standardize for the services delivered in a good quality and reliable levels. The government has different agencies and units that involved in very huge and serious tasks which are the heart of the governmental systematically operations always and deserve quite energetic and competent individuals to be engaged this area in order to increase the better services of the government mainly security and peace for both national and international levels.

There must be competitive and challenge in terms of work capability and also capacity to select the right people in the right positions elsewhere in the governmental departments to avoid monopoly and backing someone who is too weak to remain in office where unable to handle the work properly and creating many shambolic of duties which general populations are not totally happy how this is managed or dealt with negligence and unprofessionalism that may not secure the better role or assignments to accomplish in a brilliant way of intentions.

Somaliland has been recently on the eyes of the western especially Britain government that releases information and some concerns related terrorism issues in the region, even though the source of this information is unclear and Somaliland Government hundred percent denied the existence of that source, Somaliland still prepares to redouble and strengthen terrorism combat to ensure international communities the fully stability, peace and prosperity in the fragile, unrecognized nation that seems to be an orphan among the African nations or the world for a period of 22 years that looks the world both turned ear/eye deaf or blind to unfairly and indecisively.

Somaliland nation one hand often receives very hostile attacks from different areas weather neighbouring countries of having senseless jealousy and envy towards Somaliland sovereignty as a free independent country joins straight away to the African nations or international communities, on the other hand, Somalia is still chasing Somaliland wrongly and bulling back to remain the former catastrophic union that left one million Somaliland people dead for the result of political domination and severe oppression of 21 years of suffering.

No way of a new marriage takes place between the two republics of Italian and Britain colonies again. Because Somaliland people is still treating the wounds and trauma of the past that resulted every house of Somaliland nation lost the loved ones of their families with dictatorship and pressure of many faces including tribal issues and geographical reasons, Somaliland nation do not have any grudge to their brothers of Somalia, but determined to manage their own interest of peace living and independent enjoyment for the rest of their life. Due to Somaliland request from the international communities, it is important to listen and study the demand of Somaliland nation that has been the only priority agenda of this nation for the last two decades.

Somaliland is still and often too strong to continue securing that rays of hope of which world communities one day convince the right entitlement of Somaliland to generous recognition, although Somaliland does not believe that any recognition is missing from them, as they recognized themselves and work together as nation that implemented the whole governmental procedures by fulfilling and putting in place everything that nation of Somaliland needs to have fully and clearly.


Abdilahi John



Somali court: Jail for rape victim, reporter


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A Mogadishu court on Tuesday handed down one-year prison sentences to a woman who said she was raped by security forces and a reporter who interviewed her. The judges decided the woman falsely claimed she was raped and had insulted the government.

The judges based their decision on medical evidence that the woman was not raped, said the court’s top official, Ahmed Aden Farah. Farah said the woman’s prison term would be delayed so she could care for her young child.

Rights groups have decried the case as politically motivated because the woman had accused security forces of the assault. Rape is reported to be rampant in Mogadishu, where tens of thousands of people who fled last year’s famine live in poorly protected camps. Government troops are often blamed.

The charges and resulting sentences may result in even fewer victims of sexual assault coming forward to report attacks in conservative Somalia, rights groups fear.

“The court’s decision to convict an alleged rape victim and journalist who interviewed her is a terrible miscarriage of justice and sends a chilling signal to victims of sexual assault in Somalia,” said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The case was built on groundless charges and serious due process violations and should have been thrown out. The government should swiftly move to exonerate and release the defendants.”

The alleged rape victim was charged with insulting a government body, inducing false evidence, simulating a criminal offense and making a false accusation. Freelance journalist Abdiaziz Abdinur was charged with insulting a government body and inducing the woman to give false evidence. Three others charged in the case, including the woman’s husband, were acquitted Tuesday.

All of the defendants denied the charges in court. Abdinur’s lawyer said he would appeal.

Farah, the court official, noted while reading the verdict that Abdinur admitted that he had interviewed the victim. But Abdinur never published a story in relation to the interview. Farah said the court also found the reporter guilty of visiting a man’s home without his permission.

The United Nations special representative on sexual violence, Zainab Hawa Bangura, said this month that the Somali government’s approach to the case “does not serve the interest of justice; it only serves to criminalize victims and undermine freedom of expression for the press.”

Rights group say the arrests were linked to an increase in media attention given to the high levels of rape and other sexual violence in Somalia, including attacks allegedly committed by security forces. On Jan. 6, Universal TV, a Somali television station, reported that armed men in police uniform had raped a young woman. The same day Al Jazeera published an article which described rape by security forces in camps for internally displaced people in Mogadishu.

Bakele said the case was a politically motivated attempt to blame and silence those who report on “the pervasive problem of sexual violence by Somali security forces.”

The husband, another man and another woman were charged with assisting the alleged rape victim to evade investigation and assisting her to secure a profit for the rape allegation, charges that indicated the government believed there was a conspiracy to discredit it and somehow acquire financial gain, Human Rights Watch said previously.

The Somali capital has moved past the violence that engulfed Mogadishu for much of the last two decades. In a sign of its progress, the United States this month officially recognized the country for the first time in two decades. The U.S. hadn’t recognized a Somali government since warlords toppled dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.

Despite the progress, Somali government institutions remain weak and corrupt, and the government relies heavily on the security provided by 17,000 African Union troops in the country.

Source: AP


Somaliland:President Silanyo Reshuffles Regional Governors


Somaliland President H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud (Silanyo) has issued a Presidential Decree # JSL/M/XERM/249-1568/022013 reshuffling all regional governors.
Presidential circulation stated as follows:
In accordance with Somaliland constitution Act #90 and Act 110, I do hereby announce as of today 4/2/2013 the reshuffling of all regional governors with immediate effect.
The Changes are as follows:
1. Hon Mohamed Mahmoud Ali previously the governor of Sool region as the new governor of Maroodi Jeeh Region.
2. Hon Ahmed Omar Haji Abdillahi(Harmaji) previously the governor of Maroodi Jeeh region as the new governor of Togdheer region.
3. Hon Mohamed Farah Aden as the new governor of Sool region.
4. Hon Abdoo Ahmed Aayer Previously the governor Togdheer as the new governor of Awdal region.
5. Hon Yusuf Ibrahim Geedi previously governor of Oodweyne as the new governor of Gabiley region.
6. Hon Ahmed Muhumed Geele (Dacar) as the new governor of Sanaag region.
7. Hon Jamal Hussien Hurre Previously of Hawd region as the new governor Oodweyne region.
8. Hon Abdullah Farah Maydhane as the new governor of Selel region.
9. Hon Ibrahim Hassan Ali previously of Saraar region as the new governor of Hawd.
10. Hon Ahmed Ali Nur previously of Gabiley region as the new governor of Saraar.
Lastly, Hon Ahmed Hadi Sadci previously the governor Awdal region has been relieved of his duties with immediate effect.
Meanwhile President Silanyo has appointed two new managing directors to head governmental agencies while sacking former heads this was announced in Presidential decree # JSL/M/XERM/249-1574/022013.
President Silanyo has named two new managing directors
1. Mr. Yusuf Osman Garas as the new head of Food Commission Agency (FCA) which will now hence forth operate under the ministry of national planning.
2. Prof. Hassan Ali Osman as the new head of Somaliland Road Authority (SRA)
While relieving, Mr.Mohamed Dahir Ahmed and Mr. Abdiwahid Abdikadir of their duties as heads of Food Commission Agency and Somaliland Road Authority (SRA) with immediate effect.
Goth M Goth

Somaliland:3 Somaliland Nationals working for UNFPA have been abducted by Khatumoo Militiamen


Three men working with the UN have been kidnapped by Khatuumo militiamen in Sool region and are now been for held for the second straight day.

The workers were part of the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA )team conducting censors on the local population in remote of part taleeh district were kidnapped at gun point by Khatuumo militiamen.

UNPFA workers all men of Somali together with unspecified number of guards who were part of their security detail after they were overpowered by the Khatuumo militiamen who outnumbered the guards.

One of the kidnapped men who were allowed to speak to a websites sympathetic to the Khatuumoist had this to say “I am part of a joint UNFPA-Somaliland team who work for the ministry of national planning.

The militiamen have not yet revealed the where they are holding their captives neither their demands.

Goth M Goth
