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Somaliland: After the Famine


By Murugi Murekio, MEDAIR

“In 2011, there was a lot of famine, a lot of diseases,” begins Medair care group Community Promoter Aisha Mohammed.  “In the Kosaar Health Centre there were a lot of malnourished children.”

The United Nations (U.N.) declared famine in the Horn of Africa in July 2011. Four months later, in November, Khadar Ibrahim delivered daughter Oba Ismail.

“Five months after delivering my daughter in the hospital, she contracted pneumonia. I took her to the hospital and she was treated,” begins Khadar.

In April 2012, the FSNAU classified the nutrition situation of the displaced population (IDP) in Burao as very critical. Six-month-old Oba was among the affected.

“Oba was not breastfeeding well. She had difficulties latching onto my breast. I had to express the milk from my breast into a cup and feed her from it,” says Khadar.

Then Oba contracted diarrhoea–a huge blow to her already weakened body.

As part of their weekly routine, Medair care group Community promoter Aisha Mohammed and volunteer Cibaado Dhinbiil visited families, among them Khadar’s in Kosaar IDP camp.

The care group model uses community volunteers to deliver health, nutrition, and hygiene messages to their communities. Volunteers screen children for malnutrition and make follow-up visits to children enrolled in the Medair nutrition programmes.

“After assessment, we gave Khadar some oral rehydration solution to give Oba for the diarrhoea,” says volunteer Cibaado Dhinbiil.

Three days later they returned for a follow-up visit. Oba was much worse.

“They advised me to take Oba to the Kosaar Health Centre for treatment and malnutrition screening,” says Khadar. “At the health centre Oba was diagnosed as severely malnourished with persistent diarrhoea. She was referred to the Burao Hospital Stabilisation Centre (SC), (which Medair supports).”

Oba remained at the SC for two months before being referred back to the Medair outpatient therapeutic programme (OTP) at the Kosaar Health Centre. After three months of ongoing treatment for severe acute malnutrition, Oba is currently receiving treatment for her moderate acute malnutrition.

Thanks to Care group promoters and volunteers, mothers like Khadar in 15 locations across Burao and its surroundings are receiving life-saving health, nutrition, and hygiene messages.

According to Care group Promoter Aisha, she and her team of 15 volunteers visit pregnant women and monitor them until they go into labour, deliver in hospital, and bring their baby home.

“Each of the 15 volunteers supports 15 households. Together we support a total 225 households in this camp,” she says.

Using an illustrated book provided by Medair, the volunteers “educate pregnant women and mothers about the importance of antenatal clinics, immunisation, and nutrition during pregnancy,” Aisha says.

The health and nutrition messages in the book are mainly illustrations, as most of the volunteers and their neighbours are illiterate.

Volunteers are selected by the community and trained by Medair in key health, nutrition, and hygiene messages.

They are also able to screen children and pregnant and breastfeeding women for malnutrition and refer them to Medair-supported nutrition programmes. The volunteers are a support network within the community, passing on valuable knowledge in a culturally appropriate way to their peers.

“It is so encouraging to hear stories like Khadar’s. This is what the care group is about: neighbours looking out for each other. It proves that saving lives starts in the community, by the community,” says Medair Health Project Manager, Fabienne Ray.

Six months on, Oba is gregarious, happy, and healthy.

“My child was very sick. The Medair volunteers came and advised me what to do. This programme saved her life,” says a smiling Khadar while cuddling Oba in her arms.

Though one in five children under age five years of age in Burao still experiences some form of malnutrition, Medair has seen an improvement in the overall nutritional status of children and pregnant and lactating women, notes Medair Health and Nutrition Advisor Natalie Page.

“The general nutrition situation has improved in Medair programming areas due to favourable October – December rains, but families must still continue to recover from the difficulties experienced earlier this year,” concludes Natalie.


Medair’s work in Somalia/Somaliland is supported by Swiss Solidarity, the E.C. Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, the United States Agency for International Development, Woord en Daad, Help a Child, EO Metterdaad, UNICEF, the World Food Programme, and private donations from Medair supporters.

This feature was produced with resources gathered by Medair field and headquarters staff. The views expressed herein are those solely of Medair and should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of any other organisation.


Photo Captions

Photo: Community Promoter Aisha Mohammed educating Khadar Ibrahim, an 18-year-old mother of three, in Koosar, Burao. This is part of Medair Somalia/Somaliland Care Group, a community-based model that delivers health, nutrition, and hygiene messages at household level and targets caregivers of children under five years and women of childbearing age. © Medair/Murugi Murekio.

Somaliland’s Foreign Policy: Fearless, Forward-thinking and Far-reaching


By |Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr |UK|


At a time of rising hostility, animosity and jealousy towards the existence of our nation aimed earnestly at destabilization and destruction of our home country, a government with guts, determination and daring instinct is vital for defending the dignity and sovereignty of its people. As we are aware, our country is surrounded by geographically precarious, volatile and hate-breeding environment. In this ever-changing and unpredictable geo-political issues as well as global economic, security and diplomatic challenges, a solid and well thought foreign policy is vital for a young and yet unrecognised country, like Somaliland Republic. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has underlined that our country has not only been successful in maintaining its record as a bastion of peace and stability in a volatile region, but has also been a reliable partner to the international community in the prevention of spill over from the instability in the Horn of Africa. 


The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Somaliland Republic, Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar has clarified and convinced to the world that our country’s rules and governance are based upon and derived from the ideals that are believed in and lived by our people; which are peace, stability and democracy. It was noteworthy to see the brilliant way and most convenient approach in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland Republic has acted and operated in relation to the security relevant issues and developments of the recent weeks whereby the UK and USA governments have revised travel advice for the Somaliland Republic.


Somaliland’s foreign policy emphasises the importance and the added-value of the Somaliland Republic for the international community and especially for the neighbouring countries in the region regarding safety and security relevant issues in one hand. On the other hand, this policy highlights Somaliland’s democratic achievements and experiences that will serve as an example and provide useful lessons for all other African countries to learn and would certainly serve as a model in enhancing stability, democracy and development in the Horn of Africa.


Somaliland’s transnational foreign policy is based upon self-confidence, the trust in their own abilities and skills. This policy is guided by a new modern and profound knowledge on international diplomatic affairs. Unlike its predecessor, this policy remains involved to all major diplomatic fronts without any compromise upon the sovereignty and integrity of Somaliland Republic. Constructive approaches, broad public consultation, breaking through the diplomatic barriers, reshaping the aloof and cautious policy and what formerly was regarded as a diplomatic taboo are the face-defining that make the Somaliland’s foreign policy so unique and special.



The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Somaliland Republic Dr. Mohamed Abdillahi Omar has beyond every doubt demonstrated throughout his diplomatic skills and sustained achievements a belief in a constructive policy of engagement in international issues for peace, democracy and security relevant issues. Through his exemplary actions and profound diplomatic vision, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has put an end to all the pessimistic voices and false impression circulated by Somaliland’s enemies, inside and outside the country.


The present Somaliland Foreign Policy is absolutely well equipped for the changes, needs, obstacles & geo-political challenges facing Somaliland’s people today in the Horn of African Region and beyond.

In a very short time, the Government of President Ahmed Silaanyo’s Foreign Policy has transformed our country from a completely withdrawn and lonely country into a globally respected partner for peace, stability and democracy.


Yes indeed, the majority of Somaliland people and the rest of the world are commonly united and agree to acknowledge and appreciate the commendable foreign policy of the Republic of Somaliland which is Fearless, Forward-thinking and Far-reaching policy.


May ALLAH (SXWT) protect the true and genuine patriot!


By |Architectural-Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh |Hussein Deyr |UK|

Somaliland: Siilaanyo should Tackle Cameron; Tickle, Trick or Treat


Throughout their history, the people of Togdheer Region of Somaliland have been known for their tricks and tickling language.  The Prime minster of Great Britain, The Right Honorable David Cameron seems to be a bit reluctant in the case of Somaliland and its long over-due recognition as a Sovereign State, separate from the Sick-bed Patient Somalia.

Now, that Silanyo is going to meet The Right Honorable Prime minister, in London, he should unleash Tickling Diplomacy, tackle him, or treat him with one of those famous Foxy Tricks.

A story is in order to illustrate the point.

The Power of Tickling Language

One day in the summer of 1975, during the reign of Dictator Idi Amin Dada, Uncle Abduljibaar Muuse-Dheere and I, happened to have finished our business in the Ugandan capital of Kampala at about 5:00pm and wanting to go back home to Soroti in Eastern Uganda.

We were not driving and we did not want to be bussing from one city to another throughout the night. We decided to take the 7-seat Peugeot Matatu (Bush taxi) from Kampala to Jinja, stay in Jinja for the night. Then take another taxi, next day from Jinja to Tororo, then to Mbale and from there to Soroti.

At that time, ordinary Ugandans were still awash with cash from Idi Amin?s African Economic War  aka Project Blundering Wealthy Uganda Asians. Demand for any service or product exceeded the supply and it was almost impossible to find an Intercity Peugeot Taxi in Kampala after 5:00 pm.

When we came to the taxi park, we realized that there is no any taxi and there is over hundred people who have formed queue lines by tribe.  Worse, we were not foreigners who did not belong to any local tribe, nor did we speak any of the Ugandan native languages.

As we stood there pondering what to do, Uncle Abduljabar shouted: Hurrah!, here comes Abdi Bihi, and we will certainly be the first to board any Matatu that comes in.  When I saw Abdi Bihi, I thought, Uncle Abduljabar must lost his mind for Abdi Bihi happened to be a short slender guy  of less 100 lbs, dressed in  brown shirt and a Somali lungi (Ma?awis) hanging on his loins lifted mid-thigh high, the way a Somali herder lifts it when on the tracks of his lost camels.

From the way he carried himself, I knew that Abdi Bihi?s mind is still in the bushes around Burao. I Guessed right away that Abdi Bihi does not speak Swahili, English or any native Ugandan language, but he possess the kind of bravery and innate problem solving capabilities common to the people of Burao.

At that moment, one Matatu pulled in. Over 20 people from driver?s tribe lined up behind it. But Abdi Bihi, bold and brazen, went straight to the driver’s door, pulled away the driver to a distance of 20 feet tickling him all the way long. Seemingly never ever touched or tickled that way, the driver fell in thunderous spasmodic laughter.

When the ticking finally stopped and the driver regained his consciousness/composure, Bihi  instructed him with hand motion to let us into the taxi. We were the first two of the 6 lucky passengers (4 from driver?s tribe).

The Somali people, in general, have been historically known to be bold and brave problem solvers, with some of their skills often attributed to the wild animals they are associated with, which may be relatively more numerous or more or less tamed/befriended in the region of the country they come from.

During Somaliland?s 20 years as a sovereign state, separate from Somalia, we never have had a problem with a British Prime Minister, due to the political ingenuity of our past presidents and their four-legged friends. Abdirahman Tuure sought wise counsel from Waraabe Qowdhama. Egal went to Wagar or Golis Mountain when faced with a tough decision, while Riyaale was rumored to pay night visits to Shar-laga-Nadi Mountain near Borama to get the Twig of Transformation.

The recent success of Somalia?s President Hassan Gurguurte with the British Prime can hardly be explained with anything other than the powerful and blinding effects of Buulo-burde spell.

So it time for Silaanyo to try tickling language, or the famous foxy tricks on the Right Honorable David Cameron which may surprisingly undo Hassan Gurguurta´s Buulo Burde spell.

Ahmed M. Adam (Doobbaje)

E-mail: Ahmedm.adam@yahoo.com

Only the elected President of Somaliland H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud Silanyo has the official mandate to represent the people at international Negotiations


To: His Excellent the RT Hon William Hague


Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs


Foreign and Commonwealth Office


King Charles Street






Telephone: 020 7008 1500


Generic Email format: firstname.surname@fco.gsi.gov.uk


Twitter: @WilliamJHague


SUBJECT: Only the elected President of Somaliland H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud Silanyo has the official mandate to represent the people at international Negotiations


Dear Minister


We, the undersigned, the pro-democratic movement in Somaliland, comprising human rights and civil society organizations, operating under several non-governmental national level umbrellas and networks wish to express our gratitude to the people and government of the United Kingdom for their lions share in support towards developing our country’s education, health, security, livelihoods and democratization process for the last 20 years.


Your excellency, as you are aware the democratization process that has ensued in Somaliland over the years has not only facilitated the availability of a government led by an elected head of state but has become a good example of democratic principles within Africa and the Islamic world.


The elected presidents have further enable the country to secure its boarders, ensure the safety of its citizens but has also enable the active participation of somaliland in international efforts to eliminate terrorism and piracy in the Horn region. This has been accomplished with the assistance and partnership with neighbouring governments of Djibouti, Ethiopia and Yemen as well as with various international governments and organizations.


The enactment by parliament of various bills that has legalized the government’s involvement in stabilizing the Horn of Africa region is testimony to the commitment of the 4.5 million Somalilanders towards sustaining peace, security as well as the democratic principles.


To this effect, Honourable Minister, the Somaliland Civil Society groups wish to inform that only the elected President of Somaliland H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud Silanyo has the official mandate to represent the people at international Negotiations.


In view of this fact we wish to inform that the people of Somaliland are against the on-going trend where an unelected president of the neighbouring Somalia is undertaking negotiations and speaking on their behalf.


Minister, Somaliland though unrecognized internationally is a sovereign nation that pulled out of its fateful union with Somalia, a union it entered after your government granted independence on 26th June 1960.


On the other hand the Somaliland Civil Society groups is saddened by the recent travel ban and poor security alert for Somaliland issued by your ministry which we believe is not factual considering the evidence on the ground.


Despite its negative impact internationally, the alert is an extra vigilance wake up call for our government as related to its protection of expatriates, citizens and deterrence against terrorists.


Your Excellency, we urge the international community and more specifically the United Kingdom to continue their support to our country and accord it the respect and dignity it deserves.


Finally, we wish to inform the world that the people of Somaliland have full confidence in their elected president H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud Silanyo and his administration.


Sincerely yours,


Mr Suleiman Ismail Bulale




Horn Africa Human Rights Watch Committee


CC: Hon Ban Ki Moon,


UN General Secretary,


New York


CC: Mr John Kerry


Secretary of state, US State Department,


Washington DC

Somaliland: Stop potentially perilous misunderstanding


It is a fact that we have weathered many a storm in our national politics, security and social fabrics for the past two decades or so.
It is also a fact that quite unbecoming, potentially perilous and fractiously dangerous misunderstandings is in the aura of our political environs once again.
Going by what is daily seen in our public media, the situation needs to be controlled forthwith.
It is, of course, our hope, wish and liking that minds, words and actions of good tidings that are guided with wisdom, will and should prevail.
This should not be a mere wishful thinking, but in essence, damage control must be made immediately.
It needs no reminding that this column perpetually reiterates that the land, people and nation of Somaliland have their aspirations already charted out.
These aspirations which inadvently concerns about what all our lives and those of our posterity entails, hence are of course, something that MUST/NOT be jolted, swayed or curtailed at any cost. To do so would be obliterate the whole future of a people.
We call upon the whole officialdom to bring back sanity and reassurance to public issues swiftly.
All arms of the state should be diligent and true to their duties.
No person has a right to pep up political temperatures by injecting words tailored to wash down the drains all that we have fought, suffered and persevered for painstakingly.
Let the ugly trends in our media stop forthwith.
It is perturbing that the traditional leaders and the Guurti members are sitting by the sidelines as people are treated virulent words in the electronic media both in print and audio/visual.
We have a government in place and its officials should be more responsible such that unbinding leaks should not be flashed around.
Similarly the opposition groups should be constructive in their critics and not worsen the situation even more.
As for the recent unprecedented mass transfers of regional chiefs, we support the President, for that is what governance entails all about.
The changes will help increase transparency; instill diligence and uproot tribalism in the public sector.
The precise acts and senses of responsibility within all echelons of officialdom would thus increase for the better.
We hope that all will join hands and suppress any seen and unseen forces of darkness.
Let us support the government to achieve our goals.


Somaliland:President Silanyo and his Entourage arrive in the UK


The plane carrying Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud (Silanyo and his delegation today arrived at the Heathrow Airport, UK.

President Silanyo and his delegation flew from the Nairobi the Kenyan capital were he had met with American Government representatives earlier this week and was welcomed by thousands of somalilanders living in London, UK government officials and Somaliland Government officials.

The Somaliland leader speaking to the cheering crowds who had gathered at the Heathrow to welcome him said,”our commitment safeguarding peace and security in the horn of Africa, both government and people of Somaliland stand shoulder in shoulder in countering any domestic threat or foreign, this can be seen in our impeccable record in fighting both piracy and terrorism”, said President Silanyo.

President Silanyo is expected to meet with high level British officials to discuss the upcoming talks between Somaliland and Somalia which are due to be held in the coming May and also to find ways to get rid of any potential risks which may eminent from Somaliland or neighboring countries.

Notable among Somaliland officials who were waiting to receive the President and delegation at Heathrow international airport were the Attorney General of Somaliland Hon Hassan Ahmed Aden, Somaliland Ambassador Hon Kayser Abdillahi Mohamed, the chairman of Somaliland Diaspora Agency in the UK Dr. Abdurrahman Ubahle and the Somaliland deputy Ambassador Hon Dahir Tukale.

Those accompanying President Silanyo on his visit were, the first lady Amina Jirde, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Abdillahi Mohamed Omer, Minister of national Planning Dr. Sacad Ali Shire and the director of Somaliland National Television Mr. Khadar Ali Gaas among others.

Goth M Goth


Somaliland: Ethiopian Border Guards have Shot and Injured 2 Somaliland Custom Agents


Ethiopian Border Guards have shot and injured two Somaliland policemen based in the border town of Wajaale who had earlier today unsuspectingly strayed into the Ethiopian side of the border.

It has been reported that the Ethiopians borders guards fired upon the two Somaliland policemen after they mistook a car they were driving to be of would smugglers contraband goods into that country.

The injured policemen and a third who was riding in the same vehicle but escaped unhurt were seconded to the Wajaale customs office were on a routine patrol tracking would be smugglers, when themselves were mistakenly thought be smugglers by the Ethiopians borders guards who are known for their zero tolerance for anyone who deals in trafficking contraband goods into that country.

One of the injured policemen Mr. Hussein Dahir sustained  injures below his Knee while the other Mr. Abdirashid Mohamed Mahmoud had a bullet lodged into his thigh area.

The Vehicle which the injured policemen were travelling in was impounded by the Ethiopian border guards but the after consulting with Somaliland authorities the injured policemen were released and they are currently undergoing medical treatment at Gabeliy general hospital.

The incident at the Wajaale border is the first of its kind and the matter is currently under investigation.

Goth M Goth

Somaliland:Yemeni Owned Fishing Trawler Sinks off Somaliland Western Coast


A Yemeni owned fishing trawler has sunk off the western coast of Somaliland a fortnight ago.

Rear Admiral Ahmed Aw Osman who is in charge of Somaliland marine forces confirmed the sinking of the Yemeni owned fishing trawler a fortnight ago near the western port of Maydh on Wednesday at about 5:30 pm.

Somaliland marines rescued the all 5 man crew on board the trawler after they received the distress call made by the Yemenis which came at a critical time.

The commander of Somaliland marine forces ,said” If the crew of the sunken trawler had sent the distress call earlier something would have been done to safe the vessel and the two motor boats on board ,he also lauded the marines who took part in the rescue mission for their diligence in executing their duties.

Goth M Goth

Somali Telecoms Sector Must Fast-track Interconnectivity


In a talk this week at Oxford University, CEO of Dahabshiil Abdirashid Duale called for faster progress towards interconnectivity in the Somali territories’ burgeoning telecoms sector. The event brought together leading researchers and practitioners to focus on the growing take-up of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among Somalis, and to discuss how innovation in those industries can nurture growth and development.
During his talk, titled “ICTs, Innovation and Regulation in the Somali Territories”, Mr Duale pointed to the remarkable expansion of the Somali telecoms sector and stressed the need for further interconnection between networks.
Telecoms has been one of the Somali economy’s major growth areas since the collapse of central government in 1991, with many companies emerging to fill the void left by the single state-owned provider that had previously served the market. Thanks to a combination of strong demand and light regulation the new operators thrived. Stiff competition between them has resulted in telecoms services that are among the cheapest and most reliable in the region.
Dahabshiil, the Somali territories’ largest private employer and one of Africa’s leading remittance businesses, entered the telecoms sector with the acquisition of Somtel: a dynamic, fast-growing firm specialising in advanced mobile technology. The move was representative of a broad regional trend of money transfer companies – alert to the synergies between the two industries – becoming increasingly involved in mobile.
As the number of providers grew, so too did the need for an interconnectivity agreement between them. Calls between networks were impossible and it was common for a Somali mobile user to have four or five different SIM cards. In a government-brokered deal, a handful of companies began to open their networks up to competitors’ customers, beginning a process of integration that has made it easier for Somalis to keep in touch.
Commenting on the need to build on this progress, Mr Duale said: “While important steps have been taken there is still much to do to tie the sector together for the benefit of consumers.
“The wider rewards are there for the taking. There are more than two million mobile subscriptions in the Somali territories and ordinary people are now enjoying the advantages of being connected with each other and with the outside world.”
“The spread of telecoms has been hugely empowering: enabling businesspeople, investors and aid workers to do more with existing resources. From traders checking market prices to doctors giving remote consultation, the penetration of mobile and internet services has had an extremely positive impact on Somali life.”
The manner of the Somali telecoms boom is in many ways characteristic of the way the territories have lived on their wits for the last 22 years. Innovative, freewheeling commerce has flourished in the absence of regulation – fuelling development and raising living standards. Livestock, money transfer, energy and construction have all seen astonishing growth thanks in part to inflows of financial and human capital from the diaspora. As the political and security situation in Mogadishu continues to improve, tech-savvy entrepreneurs are returning – bringing their skills and knowledge with them.
Mr Duale concluded: “It is this entrepreneurial flair that has sustained the Somali people through many challenges.
“Good governance is needed for us to reach the next phase of economic maturity, and the need for agreement on mobile networks is a clear example of where regulation and regulators have a role to play. But in the interests of retaining that innovative, pioneering spirit it is vital that we refrain from overregulation.
“It is my hope that as the region continues to stabilise, the way will be open for a policy environment that complements rather than stifles business growth, and harnesses it for the benefit of ordinary Somalis.”
SOURCE Dahabshiil

Somaliland :Fisheries Minister Attends Conference on Piracy Held in France


Somaliland Minister of Fisheries and Marine resources Hon Abdilahi Jama Osman (Geel-Jire) was among those attending an international conference aimed at problems faced with world seas which was organized by Marine forces of European countries Euro-marine 2 days conference.

The head Somaliland office to France Ali Ismail Hassan was there to receive the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Hon Abdilahi Jama Osman (Geel-Jire) resources upon his arrival in Paris, It is the first time that Somaliland was invited and attended such an international conference.

The subject high on the agenda of the conference was how to evaluate the impact of threat posed by piracy in world seas and how to the combat the ever present danger.

It also focused on preventive measures to be put in place in order to secure the safety of international waters against any risks posed by piracy threats.

Somaliland government is known for being one of the nations in the frontline when it comes to combating piracy and has an important role to play in assisting European marine’s forces in combating the problem.

Somaliland is currently hosting more than a few dozen Prisoners who were caught engaging in piracy related Activities in an ultra-modern jail constructed by the UN Funds.

Goth M Goth
