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What we are waiting for? The dilemma facing the Isaq community in Ethiopia


The Liyu police (special police force) of the Ethiopian Somali regional administration on Feb 6, 2013 killed a civilian named Mohamed Qowdhen Abdi in the vicinity of Farah Liban within Harshin Zone. This is the same area where Liyu police murdered a number of civilians earlier (September 2012).

According to the news coming from the area, the victim Mohamed Qowdhen Abdi was driving a truck coming from Harta Sheikh town and going to Harshin town. He was stopped at Farah Liban area by the Liyu police led by two officers and they were driving a donated district ambulance vehicle. Since the Liyu police highest officers are directly are related to the president of Ethiopian Somali region Mr. Abdi Mohamoud Omar , these two officers were not the exception. They opened fire and shot the driver at close range without any question and the driver passed away. They realized who the person was they open fire on him and killed.
Although the government did not speak about the incident the news we are getting from the area added that the two officers left the place after they killed the victim and later the body was transported to Harshin where he was buried.

It was on September 11, 2012 ,when Liyu police killed 12 civilians, one female and eleven males, in the vicinity of Elmi Hirsi within Harshin Zone and they massacred more than 23 people in Gashamo district in March 16 and 17. 2012. All killings in these in two districts happened simply because the people belong to Isaq clan. Moreover, the regional government sponsored liyu police openly side with Ogaden clan whenever there is a clan conflict. Historically, Somali clans inhabiting Ethiopian Somali regional state are pastoralists. Due to scarcity of water and grazing, there had been clan sporadic conflict in this regional state. However, this clan conflict has now taken a new dimension. tHe liyu police trained and funded by the local and federal government has openly taken side with the conflict and participated in the clan conflict. it has been reported a not long time ago that the liyu police kidnapped and arrest 57 Isaq Somali pastoralists from small village known as Lanqeerta and took them to jijiga after a conflict occurred between two Somali clans . These 57 innocent pastoralists and their family were taken to court accused of foreigners, anti peace elements and whatever they thought would secure their conviction and charged them in Somali regional court. These 57 people were convicted and sentenced to imprisonments that range from 5 years to 20 years. They were not given any opportunity to defend themselves in court of law. The regional and federal state constitutions, guarantee the provision of defence lawyer for anyone accused of rigorous imprisonment. However, in contrary to the rule, these people were convicted within one week. it would be impossible to convict more than 50 people within a week unless it is a kangaroo court. where no due process of law exist.

The Isaq community in Ethiopia has always lived with all Ethiopia in peace and friendship. this community is well known throughout Ethiopia for their respect for the other people and the peace and tranquillity they have succeeded to maintain in the area they inhabit. Currently, they Somali regional government has unpacked a strategic plan to evict the Isaq Ethiopian Somali from their ancestral land. According to information coming from the grassroots, there are many projected funded by the European, American and world bank and other international institutions which are being used by the regional government to evict the Isaq people from their ancestral land. We have no objection in the development of the regional state and settlement of the former pastoralist community to lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, it would not be acceptable if this noble program is used for the purpose of land expansion and conquering from the Isaq land.

It is open secret that the liyu police is harassing not only Isaq community in Ethiopia but also all Ethiopian regardless of their ethnic background. In the past Jijiga has been a multicultural town. But today it is being turned into one ethnic town. if you are from ogaden clan , you would be given full opportunity. People, who born and brought up in this town, are abandoning it in drove, scared by what is going in it. It is impossible to go around in the town without being stopped by the liyu police and militia. Nobody would be asked if you are murdered arrested and tortured. In the pretext of war against terrorism and security alliance, the western governments that in the past solicited the federal government for the respect of human rights and human dignity have recently shown some inclination to train even the notorious liyu police which are accused of murder, rape, torture, illegal detention, and many criminal activities. It should be noted here that the western interest would be much more jeopardised if they blindly support a special police force that have been involved in causing all heinous crime against brother, sister, father, mother, uncle and many more it is not possible to enumerate in this short article. The world has reached where a human right violation in remote part of the world would affect another part of the world.

The incident forced a Diaspora group that hail from the area to go to Ethiopia to do fact finding mission and to bring to justice the culprits of these crime. The Diaspora group arrived in Addis Ababa on December 6, 2012 and headed to the region where killing incidents happened to do fact finding mission. This diaspora group travelled throughout the whole Isaq inhabited area and compiled a ten pages report so that the regional state would look at the problems this community encounter and find solutions. This report has attempted to comprise many issues the community has raised. However, the report was condensed into four main topics and many issues were not included. Issues presented in this report have not yet been met. The question one asks is until when the Isaq community sit back and simply beg the regional government for his mercy. To the opinion of the writer of this article it is high time we seek our rights. The only way we could achieve this is by uniting ourselves and joining other Somali people marginalised by the current Somali regional state government misguided policies. Many Somali community in Ethiopia are being excluded from taking part in the development in the regional state. For example, the regional government has 18 bureau heads; however, only 4 are non-ogaden. The regional state’s president is from ogaden. The vice president is also from the same clan. The third person who head the regional security and behind all these human rights violation is from a closely related clan.

On the other hand, the president of the Ethiopian Somali Regional administration Abdi Mohamoud Omar called to meet with elders and leaders from the region the day after 12 and 23 people were killed in Harshin and Gashamo districts respectively  and at both meetings he promised that he would take solve the problem. Never the less, the problems the Isaq community were asking in the past to stop and they are asking at the moment is continue an unabated.  The last incident that happened in the regional state is occurring on daily basis all over the Isaq inhabited area. There is no hope that it would stop in the near future. Then the logical question what should isaq community do to avert these problems. Unity is the only means we could overcome the trickery the regional government is using to divide us and exterminate us individually. Dictators and fascist governments have this feature in the past. For example, if you take the Nazi Hitler regime, it attempted to extinct the Jewish community from the German occupied land simply because of the blood of the Israelite people. They had not committed any other crime against. The holocaust happened in the watch of the world. The current extermination in the Somali regional state is a mini holocaust. People should not be give impunity for the crime they committed against humanity wherever it happened. Otherwise the people would have patience and they would come out in their drove to demand their rights. Silence is not acceptance and patience has a limit.

By Haud land

Somaliland Independent Reinsurance, after the Western Interfere and provoke, mediates and exaggerated uncertainty


Formerly the British Somaliland Protectorate, shortly after gaining independence on June 26, 1960, British Somaliland merged with Italian Somaliland on July 1 of that year to form Somalia. The prime minister of British Somaliland, Muhammad Ibrahim Egal, became a minister in the new republic of Somalia. He became Prime Minister in 1967 but was deposed in a coup in 1969. The coup elevated General Muhammed Said Barre to power. Siad Barre instituted a Marxist regime, and became a close ally of the Soviet Union.


Although initially enthusiastic about forming a union with Italian Somaliland, the euphoria quickly changed to disenchantment as many in the north-west of Somalia felt increasingly marginalized in government and other sectors of society.  While the authoritarian government of Said Barre was becoming increasingly unpopular with Somalis, nowhere was the regime more resented than in the north-west.


Following an unsuccessful attempt by Somalia to capture the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia in 1977, Somalis from the north-west (primarily the Issaq clan) living in the United Kingdom formed the Somali National Movement in 1981. The SNM was one of a growing number of groups which aimed to topple Siad Barre. In 1988, the Siad Barre regime committed massacres against the people of Somaliland, which were among the events that led to the Somali Civil War. The war left the economic and military infrastructure severely damaged. After the collapse of the central government in 1991, the local government, led by the Somali National Movement (SNM), declared independence from the rest of Somalia on 18 May of the same year.


Since then, the territory has been governed by an administration of the  as the Republic of Somaliland which  maintains informal ties with me foreign governments, who have sent delegations toHargeisa so Ethiopia also maintains a trade office in the region, EU also have sent  representatives, African Union, However, Somaliland? Self-proclaimed independence is accepted by the vote of the people of Somaliland and they will never tolerated anybody who try to change their needs, whether the so called United Nations, or USA, etc, interferer or not. By the way the principle of the independent is come from the needs of the people and it will remain forever, no matter what others need or thinking, the change is up to the Somalilanders.




Abdirahman Ismail <buuni





Whatever pros and cons of the resultant effects of the US/UK security travel alerts may be argued out to be, the one truthful factor to have come out of the whole saga has been a blessing in disguise for SL.

Yes, a blessing in disguise for good riddance that brought all together in togetherness and in unison, reiterate their nationhood, solidarity and vowing to stand by as vigilantes to uphold the peaceful stability cherished. It rekindled the country’s resolve, pepping it up.

This may be one reason that has coaxed the superpowers to rethink their decision by pledging to review them.

True, the contrast between SL and elsewhere is the resolve of the masses as concerns their aspirations.

Historically, what we have gone through has not been witnessed elsewhere before (here). Planes lifting off the same town to bomb it!

Or, a handful of rag tag rebel force mauling a battle hardened, fully armored and formidable national army.

Or better still, rising from the ruins to put together a nation with unmatched democratic success in the region -the first to use biometric system in the whole continent.

All in all, despite our past being self explanatory both by implicitly and explicitly, the vows taken by the people to vouch for their security, social and political rights should have reminded the superpowers on arbitrary decisions on emotive issues.

Just as the Head of State just reiterated in the UK last week, the quest of the country’s aspirations would continue hence SL would never give in to whims against her interests.

It has to be understood that the slated future talks between the former Somalia entities has to continue in the envisioned civilized system and surrounding.

We support the president in maintaining that the talks should not be hindered in any way.

It is our utmost belief and understanding that SL is here to stay and no patriot would be daunted by any way wards.


Investors ready to pump billions of dollars into calm Somaliland


As Somalia starts to emerge from instability and chaos, 20 years of relative peace and stability are starting to pay dividends for its close neighbor Somaliland.

This November, it struck its first major oil deal since seceding from Somalia in 1991. Anglo-Turkish company Genel Energy received its license from the Somaliland government in early November to explore and develop oil and gas reserves after pledging almost $40 million for exploration activities.

The independent oil and gas exploration and production company has become the first foreign investor to commit a significant amount of capital to the country’s energy sector, after initial investigations demonstrated numerous oil seeps Confirming a working hydrocarbon system, a statement from Genel said.

Genel Energy, headed by erstwhile BP CEO Tony Hayward, is due to start exploration before the end of the year.

The driving force of this Horn of Africa nation’s economy has traditionally been livestock. With a livestock population that triples the 3.5 million civilian populations, the livestock trade generates up to 65 per cent of the country’s GDP, Somaliland’s Minister of Planning Saad Shire said.

With a limited national budget of $120 million the Somaliland government is now starting to receive much-needed revenue from foreign private investors to support its development.

ALSO READ: Hope grows in a post-transition Somalia

Somaliland’s oil and gas reserves attracted the attention of other giant energy companies such as South African-based Ophir Energy, Jacka Resources Ltd of Australia, and Petrosoma Ltd, a subsidiary of British-based Prime Resources ? all of whom announced their readiness to invest.

Somaliland has suffered from not being internationally recognized for the past 21 years. Its unconfirmed legal identity has hindered its economic prospects of a  few insurance companies have been prepared to insure foreign investors here. Subsequently, investors have tended to regard Somaliland as an economic leper.

For these reasons, the country has also been ineligible for financial support from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. However, in 2012 Somaliland’s private sector started to progress against the odds.

At the beginning of the year, the first UK-Somaliland investment conference was held to stimulate bilateral trade recognition. And a $17 million Coca Cola plant launched in May by a Djibouti conglomerate made it the largest private investment in Somaliland since 1991.

Investors are seeing Coca Cola?s decision to have an operation in the region as a positive statement about the country’s stable business climate.

Somaliland’s Berbera port is also expected to attract major investment in the coming years. Built originally by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the port currently serves as a major gateway for the country’s livestock exports. There is huge potential for it to be a juncture for oil and gas exports coming out of landlocked countries like Ethiopia.

The port manager, Ali Omar Mohamed, is enthusiastic about the potential of expanding the port to make it a regional trading hub between Africa and the Middle East.

We are strategically located  ,Berbera is located in a maritime lane 30,000 ships pass by our port every year from Europe, the Middle East and Asia. We can develop Berbera into a major port like Singapore with container terminals, free zones, oil refineries, and services related to maritime business, Shire said.


By muse ahmed



Since the landmark mass reshuffling of the regional administration, several of the governors have been hilariously welcomed to and at their new stations, heralding a new wave of sense belonging and nationalism pride in the governance, by both officials and members of the public.

In a move tailored to combat and nip tribalism by the bud, the unanimous voice of assent by the mainstream public show support for the move by the President almost a fortnight ago.

When the former Marodi-jeh (Hargeisa) governor Mr. Ahmed Omar Abdillahi (Hamarje) was handing over office to former Sool governor Mr. Mohammed Mohamud Ali (Jeeniyare) the former quipped, “My sense of being in my backyard will now be overlapped by a new sense that would instill diligence in me”.

In other words Mr. Hamarji meant that he would not dillydally anymore for as a national (regional) leader; more would be expected of him than before.

True to his words, the hitherto wider goal posts would now be narrowed hence higher standards of performances would be expected of them all.

Given the rousing welcome Mr. Hamarji received at the outskirts of Burao, even before he takes over his new saddle, shows the sense of nation-hood and is a veiled bar of performance raised higher.

So far, Mr. Abdo Ahmed Ayar (formerly of Togdeer) has taken over assumption of Awdal regional portfolio from the former Mr. Ahmed Abdi Sid’i.

The new Hawd RG Mr. Ibrahim Hassan Ali has taken over office from the former occupier Mr. Jamal Hussein Hurre who has been transferred to Daad Madeed (Odweine). Mr. Ibrahim was transferred from Saraar.

Following the manner in which regional traditional leaders, departmental coordinators and various guests showed in their attendances, and reflected in speeches, at all the handing over ceremonies, a new sense of belonging and objectiveness gashed countrywide in a new wave of anti-tribalism and nationalism.

The reshuffle was both unprecedented and a milestone of a new mark in public duty.

Just as the RGs are expected to be justifiably duty bound, so would their performance be more scrutinized than hitherto.



Somaliland: Fishermen in Saylac and Lughaya Equipped with Fishing Gear


The Director General in the ministry of Fisheries’ and marine resources Hon Mohamed Elmi Ilkacase Has distributed fishing gear in form of nets, fishhooks, and motor engines to fishermen in Lughaya and Saylac both in salal region.

During the handing over ceremony of the fishing equipment to the Mayor of Saylac Hon Saleban  Idle Barkhadle  thanked the director general  and the Somaliland Red Crescent for generous donation which will benefit  youth in Salal region by creating much needed employment.

After accessing the potential of developing fishing activates in the country starting in Saylac ,Bulhar and Berbera  we found that the infrastructure that supports commercial fishing to be almost non- excitant  in this coastal areas hence  with the need to develop  this sector, that’s why we are trying our best  to equip local fishermen  with  this gear ,Hon Ilkase stated.

Hon Ilkase further said “with little or no suitable infrastructure in the three major ports of the country to support commercial fishing, much is needed to be done to develop this sector so as to realize the full potential of utilizing this natural resource.

The Director General of Fisheries said that it was time to develop sustainable fisheries management strategies, and a secure share of fish to individual fishermen, co-operatives, Facilities for fishing communities for their exclusive use in our coastal areas.

Goth M Goth




The last phase of the re-carpeting, re-habilitating and modernization of the EgalInternationalAirport has begun.

The disclosure was made yesterday by the Minister of Aviation Hon. Mohamud Hashi Abdi in a press conference held at his office.

The Minister who was flanked by his Director General Mr. Ahmed Dalal Farah said that he was happy that both public and private media fraternity were at hand to witness the beginning of the works on the last construction phase of overhauling the airport to the tremendous facelift.

“The solid works going both at the prioritized Hargeisa and Berbera airports is a great plus for the nation”, said Hon. Hashi.

He said that despite a minor setback at Berbera airport perimeter fencing, the work would continue as soon as some sighted mine explosives damped there were cleared.

In an apparent retort to the recent UCID allegations of misappropriation of funds, the minister was dismayed that distracters “tend to blabber about issues without verifying them”.

He said, “When people should talk then they should speak truth”.

He said that it was disheartening to see baseless allegations peddled that were far from factual evidence hence without any gradients of truths.

On his part, Mr. Farah gave a history of the airport which was commissioned back in 1958

Works are expected to be completed by June this year.


Somaliland: Finance Minister Goes for the Top Post


The Minister of finance Hon Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale has announced his desire to via for the chairmanship for the ruling party(KULMIYE) in the upcoming party convention today during a luncheon held at Hotel Mansoor, Hargeisa.

The meeting which was attended by almost all sub clans heads, intellectual, Elders and youth belonging to the Sacad Muse clan who had gathered at the Hotel Mansoor after been invited by Finance minister Hon Abdiaziz Mohamed Samaale  who declared his intention to run for the party’s leadership in the upcoming KULMIYE Party convention.

Most of those who had gathered mainly at the luncheon from Sacad Muse Clan Pledged to support the Finance Minister at the party convention, this dashing the hopes of the current chairman Muse Bihi who also comes from the same Sacad Muse Clan and who was seen as party’s favorite in the next Presidential race .

In another development today the current Chairman of Kulmiye Hon Muse Bihi also met with the same power brokers his fellow clansman had met earlier today at the Hotel Mansoor to present his case to his fellow clansmen.

People in Hargeisa are looking forward to the much anticipated ruling party convention, with the finance minister announcing his candidacy in the race for the party’s leadership.

Goth M Goth



Somalia: Blast on beachfront restaurant kills 1


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — A Somali police officer says a car bomb detonated by remote control has killed one person and wounded two others in Somalia’s capital.

Mohamed Hassan said Saturday the explosion took place in the parking area of a popular beachfront restaurant in the Lido area of Mogadishu frequented by Somali officials and city residents. The restaurant called Lido Seafood was opened last year following the ouster of al-Qaida-linked militants from the seaside capital.

Hassan says the blast also destroyed cars. The attack was likely carried out by al-Shabab, a group of Islamic extremist rebels who have been fighting the Somali government for nearly six years. Africa Union forces pushed the al-Qaida-affiliated group out of Mogadishu in August 2011 but the rebels continue to carry out attacks in the capital.

Source : Associated Press

Somaliland: Recognition or Reunification


From 18 May 1991 when Somaliland announced its independence from the rest of Somalia, numerous achievements have been accomplished. Democracy, economy, security, health, education, infrastructure, trade and other social services have been improved as well.
When the people returned to their homes at the end of the holocaust war between SNM and Somali military government led by Siyad Barre, shelters, schools, hospitals, roads as well as other buildings in major Somaliland cities were completely destroyed. Everything was started from bottom.
Security strengthening has been given the first priority because Somaliland located in unstable region. Police, military, courts, police stations, jails and all relevant branches were set up. Soon the government managed to stabilize and maintain peace in the majority of the country.
Even though most of the educational facilities were missing, the students were taught under trees by using empty milk cans as chairs. The education improved day after day; at the moment there are countless schools and universities. There are also tangible improvements in health and infrastructure.
Somaliland held several free and fair elections which many nations have failed to hold successfully. All in all Somaliland built good governance and showed the world that it is ready to fulfill any condition which can be a barrier in order to become an independent state recognized by international community.
One year ago, Somaliland started negotiations with the transitional federal government of Somalia, and it is expected that those negotiations will be continuous. Starting talks with Somalia doesn’t mean that Somaliland step down its decision. Somaliland will be an existed independent nation for ever, even though any diplomatic recognition is not achieved. Somaliland has its own constitution, while 97% of its people voted YES during the referendum held in 2001.
This decision doesn’t concern or depend on one person, rather it’s a decision made by whole nation, so any change of this decision won’t be easy. Somaliland will attain its goal one day and they are ready to be patient even if it lasts centuries.
Near future Somaliland will be a member of UN, AU, IGAD, Arab League and all other national, international and intergovernmental unions and institutions. Somaliland has precise vision which has no ambiguity. There is nowhere to return, in other words any reunification is not possible.
Last but not least let me quote one of the most valuable speech addressed by the former foreign minister of Somaliland Dr. Edna Adam Ismail. She said “The people of Somaliland have no intention of reuniting with that failed state (Somalia). And who in their right minds would want to unite with Alshabab, pirates, terrorists and warlords. It cannot happen, it will not happen, it must not happen because that will be a loss to the international community”
Muhumed Mohamed M. Baadil (Khadar)
