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Somalia:The Somali Political class and the struggle over the Form of Government for Somalia


The political conflict in Somalia is no longer characterised as a conflict between clans vying for the presidency. The conflict is over the form of government Somalia would adopt to be become a viable state again. There are many factors that contributed to this transformation. One of them is the international community’s renewed interest in and commitment to helping Somalis to end the ‘failed state’ status of their country. Another factor is the threat of transnational Islamist movements in Somalia. This essay argues that clan narratives form the undercurrent t of an intractable political conflict. What makes large-scale, inter-clan conflict less likely in many parts of South-central Somalia for now is  the presence of African Peacekeeping troops.

The former armed opposition fronts that brought to an end the military dictatorship in 1991 shared no post-dictatorship political goals. After successive attempts at reconciliation conferences, two transitional administrations were formed before the  current Somali Federal Government based , in theory, on  federalism, had come into existence in 2012.  Twenty two years after the overthrow of the military dictatorship in Somalia   the political class in Somalia are divided on not only how federalism would be applied but how power would be exercised at the centre as well.

The political conflict is centred on two forms of government – federalism and centralised unitary state, and one political goal, secession. The proponents of federalism have   in common with proponents of centralised unitary state the goal to  safeguard the political unity and  territorial integrity Somalia.

Unlike the 1990s political conflict the current political conflict is shaped by individual experiences of the three groups of supporters for federal Somalia, a centralised unitary state, and secession (Somaliland).

Somalis share the bitter experience of living under a military dictatorship and being let down by armed opposition movements that squandered the opportunity to put Somalia on the road to democracy again. Somaliland’s desire to secede from Somalia is partly based on the human rights violations against supporters of the former armed opposition outfit (Somali National Movement) and the destruction of northern towns by the former Somali Army after Somali National Movement (SNM) forces captured Burao (Burco)  and Hargeisa in May 1988.

There was contradiction in the manner the military dictatorship   had dealt with armed opposition groups. It viewed each opposition group as a political platform for one clan and yet the regime indiscriminately targeted clans whose political leaders formed opposition movements based outside Somalia. Arbitrary detention, torture and extra-judicial killing turned out to be measures that alienated clans and swelled the ranks of armed opposition groups. Since SNM was the   most organised opposition group to wage a war against the regime inside Somalia, clans and sub-clans in districts thought to be traditional supporters of SNM suffered at the hands of the government troops. More than 100,000 people sought refuge in Ethiopia in 1988. Those experiences form some of the core arguments of proponents of secession. Somaliland has held three two presidential elections and have political parties but the case for secession has weaknesses (see table 1.)

Proponents of federalism cite post-1991 massacres and dispossessing of thousands of people in Mogadishu for sharing clan affiliation with the late dictator Mohamed Siyad Barre. Puntland, the major proponent of federalism, was formed in 1998, “ as a choice between… secession  [ in the North]   and …civil war in the South.”[1] Fifteen years after the establishment of Puntand, the regional administration   created Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission (TPEC) ahead of local elections to be held in June.  Many people view the Puntland model as a recipe for clan-based regional administrations.

Supporters of a Somalia based on centralised unitary state hail from powerful clans traditionally associated with Mogadishu and  have not   experimented with  self-rule  in the form of a regional administration after state collapse.    Warlords ruled Mogadishu and neighbouring regions for fifteen years until the Union of Islamic Courts defeated the Alliance for Counterterrorism formed by a group of warlords in an attempt to rebrand themselves to keep their grip on Mogadishu and nearby regions.


Supporters of centralised unitary state, federalism and secession live or control in 16 of Somalia’s 18 regions. Roughly 89% of Somalis are divided into three groups in disagreement over the political future of Somalia. In other words the three groups are three of the five major clans under the new power-sharing arrangement ( Hawiye, Dir and Darod). The other two clans are Digil iyo Mirifle and the Fifth clan (formerly  0.50 clan). This does not  mean Digil iyo Mirife and the Fifth Clan have no political aspirations. Mogadishu-based centralism proponents use seat of the government and associated advantages as an organising principle for centralised unitary state; Puntland and Somaliland  supporters use their self-rule achievements as organising principles  and bulwark against a centralism-based government. This makes federalism and secession proponents an alliance of convenience.



Table 1: Inter-clan struggle over Somalia’s political future

Form of government/political goal Support base Weaknesses 


Centralised unitary state Mogadishu ·         Concentrates  power at the centre·         Empowers  clans at the centre

·         Marginalises clans at the periphery

·         Susceptible to emergence of dictatorship

·         Ignores post-1991 bottom up administrations

Federalism Puntland ·         Entrenches interests of powerful clans·         Marginalises minority clans

·         Promotes clan identity at the expense of citizenship

Indepedence Somaliland ·         Lacks broad-based support  of all clans in ex-British Somaliland·         Misuses the principle of sovereignty and colonial borders as justifications for secession


In Understanding  the Somalia Conflagration , Professor Afyare  Elmi argues that  reestablishment of “the coercive capacity of the state” will lead to peace. Such an emphasis “will shift the agenda of the Somalia debate from organizing peace conferences to building the capacity of the state.”[2] For a country to function a strong a state is vital. The question is :  does the goal of ‘re-establishing the coercive capacity of the state’ come before  or  after helping Somalis to agree on a viable form of government for their country  as a part of  genuine political reconciliation?  Somalis have coined a verb: dowladee  meaning “ Of clans) to act like or pretend to be a government)”. It shows the extent to which Somalis are disillusioned with coercive power of the state and liken it to a property waiting to be looted. If , as Rothberg argued, the  raison d’être  of the  nation-state is to give, among other public political goods,  security of persons and property[3], the pre- and post-1991 Somali state has failed to deliver the goods.

Liban Ahmad





Somalia:Only The Strong Survive


June 25, 2013: Despite the security gains during the last few years, Somalia isn’t safe. It is safer, especially if you are armed or have bodyguards. But if you are unarmed, you are still in danger, especially if you are a foreigner (and seen to have a lot more worth stealing). Too many Somalis are armed and many of those are also deliberately dangerous. It is also dangerous for Somalis, especially if they are journalists or Christians. Al Shabaab gunmen seek out both and often murder them in public. This sort of thing, and the continued presence of some al Shabaab men (and lots more bandits and larceny minded Somali men with guns) is discouraging many of the half million refugees in Kenyan camps from returning home.

The government is pleading with foreign governments (especially Britain and the U.S.) to let up on new banking regulations that cut off cash transfers to Somali money transfer services that will not or cannot comply with new rules meant to halt the use of these firms to move money for terrorists and other criminals. About a quarter of the Somali GDP comes from these transfers from Somalis outside the country.

The piracy problem off Somalia has declined so much in the last two years that in 2012 there was actually more pirate activity off West Africa. Over the last five years Nigeria (and neighboring countries) have seen a steady growth in piracy incidents. Last year ships containing 966 sailors were attacked off West Africa while off Somalia only 851 sailors were threatened. Nigerian pirates rarely try to ransom ships but instead prefer to loot them. This sometimes includes meeting with another (pirate controlled) ship to transfer cargo (bulk or oil) at sea. That sort of thing rarely happens off Somalia.

The fighting in Jubaland continues, with lots of gunfire and few casualties. It is mainly about who will control the port of Kismayo, which is the second largest in Somalia and a cash cow for whoever controls it. Local clans cannot agree on who will get what and that has turned Kismayo into an occasional battleground.

June 23, 2013: The Somali government warned foreign fishing boats that if they don’t apply for, and pay for fishing permits, their boats will be subject to seizure in Somali waters and the crews will be arrested until fines are paid. The government has been trying to create a new coast guard for work like this. Foreigners fear that the new permit system will turn into another extortion scam.

June 22, 2013: In the south (Lower Juba) a new peacekeeper base (manned by Sierra Leone troops) was attacked with RPGs and gunfire. There were no casualties and Al Shabaab took responsibility.

June 21, 2013: Two al Shabaab factions are fighting each other in central Somalia (near the town of Hudur, capital of the Bakool region). Al Shabbab has controlled Hudur on and off for over five years. A local militia was supposed to provide security but these fellows are often intimidated when large groups of heavily armed al Shabaab men roll into town. The government has been working with the militia to improve their effectiveness.  Meanwhile, the local al Shabaab forces have been taking a beating and now different factions are fighting each other.

In northern Kenya two Somali clans have been fighting in and around a refugee camp for the last few days. This has left at least 16 dead and two dozen wounded. The fighting was apparently over a several issues that have caused retaliatory attacks and growing violence between the Garre and Degodia clans over the last few months.

June 20, 2013: In northern Kenya police seized a truck seeking to enter Somalia while carrying 27 tons of chemicals, some of them used in making explosives for terrorists. The shipment had recently arrived in the Kenyan port of Mombasa and may have been legitimate. Police are still investigating.

In Brava (220 kilometers down the coast from Mogadishu) at least six al Shabaab men died as two Islamic terrorist factions fought each other outside the town. Over the last two years al Shabaab has lost control of nearly all towns they once occupied and lived off, forcing the remaining Islamic terrorists out into the countryside where there was a lot less to steal.

June 19, 2013: In Mogadishu al Shabaab gunmen attacked a UN compound, leaving 14 dead and dozens wounded.

June 17, 2013: In the Kenyan port city of Mombasa police raided a house believed to be occupied by Islamic terrorists. Two men found there fired at the cops and were killed during a brief gun battle. The two dead men were believed to be members of al Shabaab and responsible for some recent terrorist activity in the area.

June 15, 2013: In Wanlaweyn (90 kilometers inland from Mogadishu) seven were killed and 12 wounded when a bomb went off in a tea shop popular with soldiers. Most of the casualties were civilians.

June 14, 2013: In the southern port city of Kismayo at least ten people have died from clan violence over the last few days.


By Strategy Pages

Somalia:The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to Somalia, including Somaliland.


The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to Somalia, including Somaliland. Any British nationals in Somalia should leave.

There is a high threat from terrorism, including kidnapping, throughout Somalia, including Somaliland. Terrorist groups have made threats against westerners and those working for western organisations. The FCO believes that there is a constant threat of terrorist attack in Mogadishu. The FCO also believes that terrorists continue to plan attacks against westerners in Somaliland.

Terrorist attacks could be indiscriminate, including in crowded places, high-profile events, events involving government officials and in places frequented by foreigners. See Terrorism.

Piracy is a significant threat in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. There is also a high threat of maritime terrorism in the territorial and international waters off Somalia. See Sea travel.

All areas across Somalia are suffering food shortages resulting in the displacement of thousands of Somali people. See Local Travel.

The FCO is unable to provide consular assistance in Somalia. See British representation. Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.

Print entire guide

Source :FCO

In Somalia, UN Mine Action’s Bax Gives Info to US, Travels Armed with Denel, Whistleblowers Tell ICP


By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

UNITED NATIONS, June 22 – In Somalia the UN Mine Action Service is passing along genetic information from bombings to US intelligence agencies, in a move some say has endangered the lives of UN personnel.

In the wake of the deadly attack on the UN compound in Mogadishu, among the victims were three employees of South African state owned arms manufacturer Denel.

At the UN in New York, Inner City Press asked UN Security Council president Mark Lyall Grant (video here from Minute 4:30) then UN spokesman Eduardo Del Buey about Denel.

The UN replied to Inner City Press, “Regarding your question at noon about the contractors killed in Mogadishu on Wednesday, we can confirm that the three contractors were employed by MECHEM, a demining company based in South Africa.”

Now Inner City Press has exclusively been provided by whistleblowers with detailed complaints about the UN Mine Action Service’s David Bax, including that he shares both genetic information and physical evidence from bombings with American intelligence services, including through shadow private military contractor Bancroft Global Development.

According to the whistleblowers, this combined with Bax and “his” Denel contractors traveling armed around Mogadishu leads to a perception that they and the UN have taken sides, and helps to make them a target.

Earlier this month Inner City Press reported that the UN Development Program, involved with UNMAS and Bax, was soliciting private security services for the UN Common Compounds in Somaliland. While the Request for Proposal said these services would be unarmed, Inner City Press put questions to the UN that have yet to be answered.

The UN has told Inner City Press that while it does employee private military contractors, for example in Iraq, it is in an unarmed capacity. So why would Bax and the Denel / Mechem contractors be going around Mogadishu armed?

There are other complaints and questions about Bax and UNMAS in Mogadishu which Inner City Press has put to the Director of UNMAS Agnes Marcaillou and to Dmitri Titov of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations.  DPKO’s chief Herve Ladsous has said he will not answer Inner City Press’ questions. These three are aware of the complaints.

Other questions to UN envoy to Mogadishu Nicholas Kay have gone unanswered. So too has a request for confirmation or denial sent to the e-mail address Bax listed for an April 2013 UN Mine Action conference.

But the UN should answer about allegedly providing information to US intelligence services, about how South African Bax, pictured here with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, hired the South African state firm Denel, and why they go around armed.

Here (above) is Bax at right with Ban as well as Qatar’s Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser and his then chief of staff Mutlaq M. Al-Qahtani. by UN Photo, Mark Garten; genetic evidence and Bancroft not shown

The whistleblowers describe Bax as “ruling over” the UN compound, abusing his power to decide who gets which accommodation and job, and even controlling and profiting from the sale of liquor in the UN compound’s bar.

They describe a grisly video of this weeks bomb attack and its victims that Bax made and screened in this UN bar. They conclude, “he’s going to get us all killed.” What will the UN’s Herve Ladsous, the head of the Mine Action Service and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon do?

Source: Inner city press


Somalia to sign the Cotonou Agreement


The EU will accept the request of the Federal Republic of Somalia to accede to the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement (“Cotonou Agreement”), was decided at the last foreign affairs Council of the European Union the Union, held on 27-28 May in Brussels.
This will be the position to be presented by the EU at the the upcoming ACP-EU Council of Ministers to be held in Brussels on 6/7 June.

Until now, Somalia was not a signatory of the Cotonou Agreement, as it did not have the necessary functioning institutions to sign and ratify it. In this conditions, access to resources for development finance cooperation under the 10th European Development Fund (period 2008-2013) has been granted to Somalia by the ACP-EU Council of Ministers1 under article 93.6 of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, which provides with support that concerned especially institution-building and economic and social development activities.
The Cotonou Agreement was signed in Cotonou on 23 June and revised in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005. It is the most comprehensive partnership agreement between developing countries and the EU.

Source: Council of the EU

Somalia: So She Listened


Fate of Somali government affairs has taken a sharp turn towards deeper, dysfunctional, darker and bottomless hole; instead of cultivating collaboration with fallow brothers and sisters in just short time they managed to further divide the country, alienate dissent voices, marginalizing women, coming of age youths targeted and branded as Al shabaab, while constructing closer ties with foreign interests at expense of our nation and our people in dreadful times.  As mother, daughter, and sister my heart rhythms beats faster, my blood pressures raises, can’t stomach the sight of another lifeless young, forthcoming Somali man body slouched in obscure way in somewhere in this world, whether is Mogadishu, Toronto, or unknown shorelines .

You see Mr. President, as a mother of  a teen age daughter, and so many of her peers chances for potential life partners is forever decreasing, they will be the first generation of Somali off springs that will pay dearly mistakes of their fathers for long time to come. There is no young Somali men left that is not susceptible to this national travesty, they are hunted like prey, accused of every imaginable crime, and whether they actually committed or not they are regarded as potential criminals. They are branded like animals with names that describe them in worst possible scenario and starts with; Somali gangs, terrorists, Islamist, extremist, pirates, Al shabaab, and the naming keep growing while their predator’s ambition is reaching closer and closer. These youths deserve better treatment, a lending ear for their pains, as they have been abandoned, isolated, suffered and now slaughtered instead of extending helping hand we are killing them by tons.

They are the cohorts that their living fathers and uncles betrayed them, and left them to fetch for themselves in hostile world. According to Joseph Levine, of University Massachusetts Amherst three strategies to deal with resistance are “expulsion, occupation and institutional marginalization.” All of three factors are present in your administration, the question is what your intentions are?

Somali women have been paying heavy casualties in this new path way led by western nations and with all their constant struggle against oppressive ways of our patriarchal society, irrelevant religious ideologies and now we face international ANG’s/interests disguised as humanitarian entities. The will teach about female genital mutilation, how to be assertive, against rape, and essence how to be a women.  We need to break away from this vicious circle breathes dependency, fosters division among equals, and eventually destroys legacy of our ancestors. You have to dig deeper and reflect the tactics and strategies that westerns employ to stretch the division among us in order to further their war profit ways.

Eisenhower couldn’t been more  right Industrial Military Complex, since then the got bolder, stronger, hungrier, and ferociously seeking new ways to make profit and we us a nation become the latest casualty, only if we allow ourselves ensuing this harmful road.

Your first colossal mistake was to appoint governor of Somali National Bank, to a known hustler, and low level spy to a position that requires integrity, loyalty, expertise and above all a person that places interest of nation above any foreign interest. You will not get it under his command, his loyalty is with entities’ who support him, cultivated him during his fictitious  consulting job to then Somali transitional government during his stay in Kenya and finally managed secure for himself to acquire this position against hundreds of more suited Somali nationals. His shining reference for the position is working with then mayor and councillor Marion Barry, and t time for inauguration for his former pupil just got charged for accepting gifts from two city contractors.

Second allowing war profiteers and private security companies “rent cops” to provide security services for a sovereign nation its undeniably ludicrous notion and a threat to undermine rebuilding of our armed force. You may recall Navy Seal Chris Kyle, who referred himself as greatest sharp shooter for shooting 160 Iraq’s and eventually met his fate when he got shot by fellow veteran in his shooting range farm. Your policy invites this sort of characters. Flash back in our history our people, in July 8, 1497, Vasco Da Gama starts his voyage to India, finally arrives city of Calicut May 20, 1498 and one most interesting sight was Somali business conducting their affair with likeminded business men. That is way before establishment of Caribbean colonies and host of all other nations our people were pioneers and now we subjected to daily humiliations brought and produced by our own its simply an acceptable.

Third, African Union, UN, IGAD, UNISOM and UNSOM have no place nor right to impose authority to our sovereignty nor do they have right to shape our destiny. The fact that your administration is not demanding this entities to train Somali youths as peace keepers to other nations, so we can be equal partners in the safety of our region stuns me. All we are witness day in day out you men and their foreign mercenaries’ indiscriminately killing our children. In short period of time we really did manage to attract all this unwanted entities by simply discrediting our heritage, discourteous to our religion and turning against each other for scraps, what an insult to our ancestors. UN is an outdated, out of touch, irrelevant entity, an extension of American foreign policy and oppressive tool for war profiteers and capitalist who consider themselves as trustees of our nation’s wealth have no place interfering Somali affairs. This extermination we are witnessing is forever engraved our minds and might be in this side or the other side these executioners and their silent participants will eventually meet their fate. Whether our commander of chief has autonomy and authority lead our struggling nation is not clear in your administration and it’s crucial to address whose command we are fallowing.

Nothing is new in their quest for pilfering our natural resources, it’s only the second coming first one as we all recall materialised when then the Fascist Governor Cesare Maria Da Vecchi and his colonial government  confiscated Somalia’s  agricultural in large scale with projects resembling partnership but in fact  colonial project, Societa Agricola Italo-Somalia (SAIS). As for your newly founded scavengers friends it might be wiser to inform that they are not going to get away with their outsourcing contracts, take over port and the national airport. Their agreement with your administration is not only illegal but point-blank a treason against our nation’s sovereignty, and will be nullified by the Somali people since it transpired under foreign occupation.

By continuing this treachery path of aligning with occupiers against your own, as your predecessor did will grantee you spot for sellout African leader’s booth camp, at Massachusetts Boston, African Presidential Archives & Research Centre. In nature there are two types of dogs, one that requires a leash and lab dogs that always gratefully docile; while the one with the leash is in captivity still retains a plentiful unpredictable power that the master always respect. For the name of our religion and the sake our people rid of the title “Sheik,” since a recipient of this honor will not dare to address his fellow citizens to Islamist terrorist at least not in the Islam’s code of conduct nor is  he side with enemy of his people.

Muna Mimi


Somalia: Al-Shabaab militants claim three Britons dead after bomb attack on UN compound


Twenty killed during gun battle with Somali militants as staff try to flee to secure bunker

The United Nations’ gradual, peaceful return to Somalia was shattered this morning as a truck full of explosives was detonated at the front gates of its compound in the capital, Mogadishu.

Less than a month after declaring the end of the transition period in the East African country and reinforcing its mission, the UN came under sustained attack from Islamist militants al-Shabaab.

After an explosion, seven gunmen, from what the al-Qa’ida affiliate calls its “martyrdom brigade”, ran into the compound. A battle lasting more than an hour ensued, as African Union peacekeepers and security guards fought the militants. At least 20 people were killed, including the seven terrorists and four of the security forces. Most of the UN staff inside found shelter in a secure bunker within the building, but not everyone made it.

“There was not very much time to get into the safe area,” said UN spokesman Ben Parker, who warned there may be news of more casualties.

The initial blast sprayed shrapnel and masonry across a busy street, killing at least five civilians and wounding many more. Inside the compound, reports suggested that two South African de-mining experts, as well as a Kenyan and a Somali member of UN staff were among at least 20 dead. A Somali government official said all seven attackers had been killed.

Throughout the assault, a Twitter account purporting to represent the Somali militants gave live commentary, claiming that the attackers had killed 16 UN workers, including three Britons, two Kenyans and a South African. The Foreign Office is investigating reports of British casualties.

Survivors were evacuated to the Amisom military base only a few metres away, which is the closest that Mogadishu has to a green zone.

The attack comes after a prolonged period of optimism during which Britain reopened its embassy in Mogadishu and the new President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, was fêted at a London donors conference in May.

Earlier this month the UN declared the end of a troubled eight-year political transition in Somalia and appointed former British ambassador, Nick Kay, as special envoy. Speaking last night, he said that the attack would not prompt the organisation to withdraw from the nation: “The UN is here to help and we are here to stay.”

Mr Kay condemned the attack on the humanitarian and development workers: “This was an act of blatant terrorism and a desperate attempt to knock Somalia off its path of recovery and peace-building,” he said. President Mohamud called al-Shabaab a “disgrace” to Somalia last night but insisted his country had “turned a corner”.

Much has been made of the first Somali President to be elected since the collapse of the central government and the descent into civil war in 1991. That conflict was sustained by stockpiles of arms left over from the Cold War and topped up by various foreign governments including the US, which backed the corrupt and ineffective Transitional Federal Government that was dismantled last year.

However, the new Somali leader was selected, not elected. He was chosen by a new tranche of unelected MPs after days of clan-based political horse-trading in a deeply flawed process last September. The fact that the former university dean and civil rights activist was an improvement on his predecessor, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, was an almost accidental outcome.

The security gains made since al-Shabaab left Mogadishu at the height of a terrible famine two years ago are constantly threatened. Last month a car bomb was rammed into a convoy of Qatari officials travelling with Somalia’s Interior Minister.

Neither the minister nor the visitors were hurt, but 11 bystanders were killed. A fortnight previously gunmen stormed the Supreme Court complex, killing at least 30 people and fighting gun battles with police and soldiers.

Source:The Independent



MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Seven al-Qaida-linked gunmen detonated a pick-up truck rigged with explosives at the gate of the U.N. compound in Somalia’s capital Wednesday, launching a bombs-and-gunfire assault that saw militants pour into the complex, killing at least nine people, including three foreigners, officials said.

The seven al-Shabab militants were from what the militia called its martyrdom, or suicide, brigade. They all died in the assault, an official said, bringing the overall death toll to at least 16.

The attack comes only six months after the United Nations expanded its presence in Mogadishu, where it had kept only a small operation because Islamic insurgents had controlled much of the capital until being pushed out in an offensive in 2011.

Al-Shabab said on its Twitter feed shortly after the 11:30 a.m. attack began that its fighters “are now in control of the entire compound and the battle is still ongoing.”

African Union and Somali security forces responded and took control of the compound by 12:30 p.m. The U.N. staff who sought refuge in the compound’s secure bunker then were evacuated to the secure military base and airport complex across the street, said Ben Parker, a spokesman for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia.

Two South Africans from the company Denel Mechem who were doing demining work for the U.N. died in the attack, said Vuyelwa Qinga, a spokeswoman for Denel, a manufacturer of defense equipment.

A U.N. official who insisted on anonymity because he was not an official spokesman said he believed two U.N. personnel from Kenya and Somalia were also killed.

“There was not very much time to get into the safe area,” said Parker.

The top U.N. official on Somalia, Nicholas Kay, also works out of the building but was not inside the compound when it was attacked. Kay said he was shocked and horrified by the attack.

“The United Nations Common Compound houses U.N. personnel working on humanitarian and development issues for the Somali people. This was an act of blatant terrorism and a desperate attempt to knock Somalia off its path of recovery and peace building,” said Kay.

A U.N. statement said it was verifying its casualty numbers. “There are certainly some injured and most likely worse,” it said.

Speaking to the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson called the attack outrageous and said the U.N. remains committed to achieving peace and keeping Somalia on its path to recovery.

At 11:30 a.m. the compound was rocked by the car bomb blast that blew down the compound’s front gate. At least two other blasts followed, Parker said.

Dozens of staff from U.N. humanitarian and development agencies were in the compound and many were moved to the secure bunker, he said.

Mohamed Ali, an ambulance driver, said he transported five dead civilian bodies and 10 people who were wounded.

An Associated Press reporter who went inside the U.N. compound after the battle saw two dead bodies of what appeared to be al-Shabab attackers wearing Somali military uniforms. An official said seven attackers died in total.

The compound’s interior walls were scarred with bullet marks.

Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon said he is appalled that “our friends and partners” at the U.N. who are carrying out humanitarian activities would be the victims “of such barbaric violence.” An African Union official, Mahamet Saleh Annadif, condemned the “cowardly” attack and sent condolences “to those who had lost loved ones.”

The U.N. has had only a small presence in Mogadishu in recent years. In December, though, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon touched down in Mogadishu wearing a bullet proof jacket to announce a return of the U.N.’s political office to the seaside capital.

The attacked compound just across the street from the secure airport complex, where U.N.-backed African Union military forces are based. The U.N. compound is used by agencies like UNICEF, WHO and UNDP.

Mogadishu fell into anarchy in 1991 and is just beginning to move past years of sustained conflict. The U.N. and foreign embassies were absent from Mogadishu for close to two decades.

African Union forces pushed al-Shabab out of Mogadishu in August 2011, meaning residents didn’t have to live through daily battles for the first time in years. An international presence slowly began to return and the U.N. began the process of moving its personnel from the nearby capital of Nairobi, Kenya, back to Mogadishu, a process that has accelerated in recent weeks.

International embassies – from Turkey and Britain, for example – followed. Wednesday’s attack underscores the fragile security situation and will force the U.N. and embassies to review their safety plans and decide if they have enough defenses to withstand a sustained al-Shabab assault.

Fadumo Hussein, a shopkeeper who was sitting inside her shop near the scene of the attack, described a narrow escape.

“It started with an earsplitting explosion, followed by heavy gunfire,” she said, showing holes made by bullets on her shop. “I crouched and then crawled like an animal. I am very lucky. It was a shocking moment.”

Straziuso reported from Nairobi, Kenya. Edith M. Lederer contributed from the United Nations.


CPJ:Violence, jail, threats force journalists into exile


CPJ launches 2012-2013 Journalists in Exile special report


New York, June 19, 2013-Fifty-five journalists from 21 countries fled their homes due to violence, imprisonment, and death threats in the past year, according to a new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists.

The annual survey, marking World Refugee Day on June 20, spotlights the plight of journalists who have been forced into exile from some of the world’s most repressive nations and have received assistance from CPJ over the last 12 months. The top countries driving out journalists were Iran and Somalia, followed by Ethiopia, Syria, and Eritrea, among others.

“Journalists all over the world are being forced from their homes to escape persecution, imprisonment and sometimes even death,” said María Salazar Ferro, CPJ Journalist Assistance Program coordinator. “When journalists flee, their absence often weakens the besieged media community already struggling to provide insightful reporting about sensitive issues.”


Journalists assisted by CPJ consistently cited fear of violence as the top reason for fleeing. The most deadly country for journalists in 2012 was Syria, where at least 28 were killed for their work, according to CPJ research. Violence was also acute in Mexico, where reporters are faced with intimidation and death threats if they do not self-censor, and in East Africa, where CPJ supported 18 exiles fleeing since May 31, 2012. In Eritrea, Africa’s worst jailer of journalists, many who fled had been unlawfully imprisoned without charge or trial. Journalists also face imprisonment in Iran, where authorities cracked down on freedom of speech ahead of elections.

Those who do manage to escape violence, intimidation, and jail in their home countries do not necessarily find an easier life in exile. Many are unable to secure entry visas, and it can take up to two years to register for asylum. As refugees they are often stigmatized, and can face the very same threats they fled from in the first place. Even when journalists are able to successfully build a new life in a new country, they pay a psychological toll. Only about one-fifth of exiled journalists are able to resume work in their field. “Forced exile can wreck journalists’ lives, as well as the lives of their families,” Salazar Ferro said.

To help journalists reach safe destinations, regain stability, and earn a living, CPJ’s Journalist Assistance Program works with other organizations to optimize advocacy and logistical and financial support.




CPJ is an independent, nonprofit organization that works to safeguard press freedom worldwide.


Somalia: Hope of New Era



Brief History of Somalia

It is incredible, if l inform you this  proclamation, that Somalia tribes are not actuality, the way established, and arranging know, were as their olden times are very elongated, and the fathers that they originated from are very short occasion, my deem is Somali tribe are alliance, while brothers are perhaps, and save way for the side of wealthy keeping, and land demarcations, for examples, the previous  history life-size tribes was dominated to the undersized tribes, and took their camels and land,  that is rationale of small tribes to unite the big clans, thus  finally turn into their brothers. I have a lot of details & findings, but we shall split another special case will concern these area, l hope the best, let me say some thin about their written history. The land of the Somali people, much   of it arid and inhospitable, has for thousands of years been close to civilization and international trade. To the north, just across the Gulf of Aden, is Saba, the land of the legendary Queen of Sheba and the earliest part of Arabia to prosper. To the west is Ethiopia, where the kingdom of Askum is established by the 5th century BC.    

 In the event the year 1960 brings independence to both the British and Italian colonies, in June and July respectively. They decide to merge as the Somali Republic, more usually known as Somalia. The French colony has to wait until 1977 before becoming independent as Djibouti.
From the start a major political theme in independent Somalia is the need to reunite with three large Somali groups trapped in other states – in French Somalia, in Ethiopia (the annexed Ogaden and Haud regions) and in northern Kenya. 

Failure to make any progress on this issue is largely due to western support for Ethiopia and Kenya, which causes Somalia to look to the Soviet Union for military aid. Nevertheless the Somali government manages to maintain a fairly neutral stance in international affairs during the 1960s – a position which changes dramatically after 1969. 

The winning party in the first elections of the new republic is the SYL or Somali Youth League, formed originally to campaign for independence within British Somaliland. Elections in March 1969 bring the party a larger majority. It is becoming increasingly authoritarian in its rule until – in October of this same year – a policeman assassinates the president, Muhammad Egal.
A few days later, in a mounting political crisis, the commander of the army, Mohamed Siad Barre, seizes power, and he becomes the new president of Somalia.

After the collapsed of Somali Government

In the result of this disaster guerrilla groups, clan-based and local, are formed in and around Somalia with the intention of toppling Siad’s repressive and centralizing the Ziyad, Barreh. By 1988 the result is full-scale civil war, resulting in the overthrow of Siad in 1991.

The conflict destroys Somalia’s crops during 1992 and brings widespread famine. Food flown in by international agencies is looted by the warring militias. By December 1992 the situation is such that the UN actively intervenes, sending a force of 35,000 troops in Operation Restore Hope.
The UN briefly calms the situation, persuading fifteen warring groups to convene in Addis Ababa in January 1993 for peace and disarmament talks. These seem at first to make progress, but the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate. In March 1994 American and European units in the UN force withdraw, finding the level of casualties unacceptable. Troops from African countries and the Indian subcontinent remain in situ.

During the rest of the decade the situation gets worse rather than better. From late 1994 the capital, Mogadishu, is divided between the two most powerful of the warring factions. In each a leader declares he the president of the nation and organizes a supposedly national government. In March 1995 the remaining UN forces are evacuated from the coast under the protection of an international flotilla.

After the collapse the central government of Somalia, it faced a lot disaster between the Somalia societies and impacted of the neighboring countries, was as the citizens lost for their identity and spread the world, for the sake of saving, and survivors. Most of the movements filed, for their vision and mission to accepted for their goals, while the SNM declining independent of new state, after 30 years.

SNM, announced the last declaration after captured the tree regions, and watched what is going on the Somalia and the coming future, they took and do for the latest years, self-appointment government and still the world not recognized, who have not yet, expectation for the International society and hegemony powers, they respect for the last time the national asset, they will continue remaining days of their life.

Other hand there is a lot of states cracked in Somalia, after the cave in the central government in Somalia, like the Punt land, Galmudug, and new insights.

Somali faced a king organized cases during the warlords , started  after the Somalia filed and tribes treated together, faced more mortality and desolate of the life, Somalia have not yet well institutional building and dependence from the world, thus steel they are under the international keeping and recognitions targets .

Somalia New Foreign policy:

According to the rules and pillars of Somalia foreign policy, not fully  systematic way and fallows similar to standards in the world, we know every country have national interest,  and keep  continue for the aims of national assets  and deeply tooted what is the expectations , this is the one of the major disaster of Somalia foreign policy. novel era of Somali strategy are pending to the most horrible satiations, that give the humankind new signal and require more cautiously for the supporting of Somalia new army system, which is more than their needs, tribe arming, another un-relevant, so that there is new cooperation of outskirts tribes, towards the new hostility, like the talks. 

Somali country depends on the international community. Fallow up the international rules and regulation, while they add very nature points in the world, and realization of the bridging the De-factious and De-juries.

Somalia  needs the  institutional building, Islamic country whom well building and develop human resource and out-sourcing for the pillars of governments to care about Somalia, while the world  reached most  of other bounders, and gifted them self’s to practices political participation .

One of the most problems faced Somalia is luck of foreign policy strategic and formulation of new way according the new tap and talks between the Somalia other far states and entities.

Most of the stake holders of Somalia foreign policy was not clear that, they were participated and did whole their suggestions was acceptable, otherwise this can be  wise case study in different sides

The enduring hostility between the Somalia and other states in the world is not an exceptional case in modern Somali diplomatic history. Contrary to other great neighboring countries in the 20th century, such as Ethiopia & Kenya, it seems to take the Somalia States much longer time to formally accept some of the more undesirable outcomes of history. In fact, during 20th century, the Somalia became involved in several bilateral relations characterized by protracted antagonism short of war. The Somalia was the last major disaster to establish diplomatic relations with the international community. The Somalia. I-Governments refused for 22 years to recognize the Somalia peace building from the international community on the grounds that the world lord routinely violated accepted norms of international behavior. The Somalia only very reluctantly came to terms with the de facto realities of the international supports, but knows whole things are very rational end different after the crisis reach the world

Somalia is  new theory,(constant failure theory) the only  governments have international recognition with luck of internal credit, that means still the Somali government have national inters keeping, but most of the leaders are direct from the international community,  the question is it suitable of local context, difference of the Somali former  leaders and  the newly elected president Hassan are the only is the applicability  of the time, so we need to  confide what is going on the world and internal realization .

Somalia have had belongings, access to control, keep policy formulation and do still observance their security, so that means Somali needed first to build the decision making institutions and, show national inters for the sake, of earnings Somalia is not still mature, not yet fully doing the plan to survive their capacity, firstly Somalia filed for the sake of luck respect national interest with showing power to the international community

Somalia Society selected to keep the relation of the international keeping again the international interest but the question is Somalia; is it possible to reach whole the Somalia with a troops, and international support.

One of the important things are the  Somali governments attract to the Somali society,  is new era of peace keeping and journeys of the world in largest way and keep the Somali relations. The purpose Somalia Foreign Policy is to secure the national interest in dealings with foreign nations, regional organizations and international bodies. This has been done through its three long-established pillars, namely: 1) promoting national security; 2) enhancing economic diplomacy; and 3) protecting the rights and welfare of Somalia overseas. In terms of a practical work program, this must mean advancing under these three pillars the national development and good government objectives of the administration of President.

Somalia program will follow from an assessment, where the country stands today the lowest consultative programs. What corresponding actions and must take in foreign affairs such as: What is the current international environment that Somalia must confront? What is the best way to engage in order to obtain the greatest advantages for the country and the people? How the sociality does mobilize international cooperation overseas to promote our primordial goal of nation-building at home?

The road maps of the talks another reconciliations in Somalia people,  did formally and started  before one year, were as the debate was very sensitive, l was at that time  Hargeisa, whole the people were looking the even protocol , that means Somaliland peoples respected the success for their vision and auxiliary thing form their initial points.

The Somalia government expecting to fallow their strategic plan and development of their countries, while Somalia Society seeking the unity of Somalia, one of the most things which can be seems very difficult and need more effort, are the way of sharing same resource, the government of Somalia selected the on tribe road map, there is two thing witch Somalia will table

The front of the mediators, and the establishments of the conferences 

1.      When the  Somalia search again the reconsolidations of the tribes in Somalia and be part the conferences, that means it is depend-on the way accept other countries whom believes, they are not  fraction of Somalia like the Djibouti, and others,  are the motors of the conflicts

2.      Somalia searches and requested the rebuild the offices, and develop the resource areas well building the tribe system and develops with connected for the world society, without recognition most from too local populations.

Somalia has no capacity for their internal satiations and security, at the same time, access to keep their role.

This small country in horn Africa is city with middle of seas, needs the realization of national keeping, and waiting the international community, running very hard, that means there is solutions but Mr., president there is a lot hostility in Somalia be care full to look back what is happened a year’s pasted, every tribe have interest, but your interest is to success (good governance).  Upholding in tribe system, It was very tiny things and bad culture

The Actors of the Somalia foreign policy 

Every country in the world determine their foreign policy a lot institutions who seems are applicable, then doing national interest and keep facts of their ground, but the actors are very important.

Somalia are not different the international standards, and the developed structure in the world, which is standard. But there is no well institutions can work functional con convince the structure of the international relations, in order to check the coming are the actors of foreign policy

1.      Ministry of forging policy: this is the bridge and the only actor which leads the international relations and keeps the strategic of foreign policy, most of them they do and implement realization of foreign policy.

2.      Intelligence institution: this sector most the time,  they do collect the data and gathering information in different sectors and collaborate , to analysis what is going g the national interest not only the security but they do anticipate  the coming factors, natural disasters, covert, and overt, predictions. While Somalia are still walking not running.

3.      Parliament committee: every country must be establish and specific committee, concerning and busy the actions of external environment, this committee are the art of decision making and improved the tactics of foreign policy while the most look the errors and facilitating the national inters, on behalf of their representatives

4.      Very wise groups: this is groups are the inters group, like the private sectors, because of foreign policy mostly reaches and impact the economic growth and diplomats, non-state actors like the civil society, as the international bodies be a  part of foreign policy theories

5.       Diplomatic engagements : political missions in foreign countries, diplomatic persons  are the wheels can bus and compress the ham some foreign and cam make the best regardless of your country in good conduct and newly relations, but the Somalia still zero truck of diplomat relations.

6.      Finally the head of state; president have the last decision and the monitor of foreign policy. He watches and build the formations of the foreign policy toward the external in terms of political, economical and military, while he charged the errors and other vital of the game gaining.


Somalia & New States (seems adversity   relations)  

 One of the most catastrophic will face the new government are the creating a lot of states with the hand of the  governments institutions, because Somalia have no a legs to condense many states but it is easy to the society to rise up and construct their states, in order to that let me to define what is the federal. Definitions of federal Pertaining to or of the nature of a union of states under a centre government distinct from the individual governments of the separate states, as in federal government; federal system.

The two elected president in Jubba-Land are the images shows the scarcity of peace management and tribe classifications directing Somali government, while the leaders of small states visited to the neighboring countries , without pass through  the Somali government, over again it is new disorder of Somali foreign policy. Mechanism of new Somali mission in Mogadishu, from the UN assistance in to Somalia could care and take a alert step to the Somali mission, otherwise your hands will lead the new blood in Somalia society thus the this vibrant culture and against traditional that  you mentioned, needs more care about that, not only a words, but read and ride the car of road map in Somalia otherwise Somalia will acting  to the same satiations March 1994 American and European units in the UN force withdraw, finding the level of casualties unacceptable . The conflict between  other federal entities like the news system of jubba-land can be divert the new tribe system and classification among the government, while the Somali governments still building the national entities and well recognize the world it means the hope restoration of Somalia going on the romantic areas, but Somalia must carefully the coming steps and fallow up

1.      Somalia must focus on the institutional building and evolve

2.      Well connection al the enemy of Somalia and turn from the hostility to the peace

3.      Make and build the relations for the world with bases the historical background

4.      Somalia must respect the culture, slam system for the sake of the our society

5.      The new leaders of Somalia must be away the tribe system

6.      Recreation of the leader for their former bad input to the good output.

 I am not looking for an alternative; you can’t find the solution of a problem

In the solution of another problem rose at another moment by other people.

You see, what I want to do is not the history of solutions, and that’s the reason

Why I don’t accept the word alternative. My point is not that everything is

Bad, but that everything is dangerous, then we always have something to do. So that there is al lot of states in Somalia subsist as rank of states, like the Shebelle state, the governments was not talk about that, yet l cant understanding the reason, others are less than the stats, it means un constitutional, for Example (Galmudug state) it is remarkable, that the new state of jubba-Land, should be respect the new constitutions of Somalia, but the government are favor to look in healthy eyes! While every Somali are the anther rules and regulations, there for, the Somalia privileged are enough to him for the impartiality leading.   

Somalia know fallows the flat mode in the first airplanes of peace, while the leaders do not have still the good and suitable roads to drive an new car, rose up hope of local people, I am sure the Diaspora and other watchers from the world now seems well anticipation, the local context are not defends the road map, it is kind of feeling that they resourced what they are surveillance. They need new construct, fall down from the peace airplanes to the cross roads and turn from the airplane to a car.

What are the big Goals expecting as of Somalia New Government (the leaders)?

Many Somalis are believes that the country going on a lot of contradictions goals, while the most are believes  the tribe interest can easy rear, and other immersive sources, but it is different, let  them to check the best pillars that the Somalia native society waiting , are the following:

·         Well-functioning government

·         Sound business environment

·         Equitable distribution of resources

·         Acceptance of the rights of others

·         Good relations with neighbors

·         Free flow of information

·         High levels of education

·         Low levels of corruption

After four years this is the indictors whole the Somali society will measure for this and conduct what you was done Mr. President.


  The national constitutions lays out the    basic way in which the government is to operate it was passed on June 23, 2012, after several days of deliberation between Somali federal and regional politicians. To come into effect, the constitution must be ratified by the new parliament. Under the new constitution, Somalia, now officially known as the Federal    Republic of Somalia, is a federation.

Who Is The Owner Of Somalia?

The youth, women’s and big segments of Somalia’s society (not tribes) are looking what is going on the world and the case of Somalia, were as they expecting for their national interest whom they decided before 40 years ago, most of the leadership was announced and give highly level of the society Expectation and meaning of the Somalia society are the independent form the colonial and past bad leaderships.

The hope of the Somalia population are deeply growing before years for the sake of in quest of  maturity and pace development, after a years and talks starts most of them they become very density.

According to the Somali society one of the greets and major problems faces in the last century was luck of leadership. That is not means the future will b e continue like that.


In conclusion

Somali people are extremely grown-up, while this argument most of the community in this global can be seems against the talks are similar that. Because the thousands of years that Somali society lives in this world have not had about big chart of conflicts, except for the last twenty years, and the reason can go different sides, not only the Somali society but the world was a part of it.

One of deepest things in Somali society impacted was the tribe system, and the satiation still running the same way awhile there is a small criticism that earnings it is hidden, we cannot say, that the government directed tribe conclusion and they sharing with awful background.

Leaders, society, businessmen, and other stake holders Somalia needs cooperation from the roots, and crash whole the sociality, but not the international community only, alliances of tribes, and disarmed of specific tribes, that is the new misleading for these weak Somali people again, it is the time to build Somali Governments, have same equity and equality, not only Somalia tribes but this I favor table whole the world. If Somali continue know the first-rate way, it is hope of restorations, and build the Somali of new renewable flag, with a   common government.

It is warning and alert that Somalia go back the new era of war, will reach again the lowest and baldest richest of poor, the new hope of Somalia cant seems easy, while this is the best opportunity in Somali population, and holy occasion, be concerned, Somalia not needs any classifications, play them again new games.! We trust that you realized these feeble populations; it is black era, that we can see and watched it. So, was remarkable & labeled  to the Somali leaders, not only the king maker, from the after colonial and the end of death,  the foot of destruction  are  the  open door, and possible any time to occur, can be operable unforgettable, not only the government, thus whole Somali cream of the crop.

Mr., President, the attentions of tribes are the toxin effects in your vision, and it is the possessions of the past, blacked the Somalia society. Attentive the Somali tribes cant dominates together, this is the things again misinform the earlier Somali governments.

Your government’s needs and fine to you, recognitions from the local context, not the international community simply, that you should act in justice way, recognize every segment, and keep same equality, forget about your tribes hostility to other tribes, and chasing the damnations, in concision of the success and other bad historical actions I hope so, we are not expecting you.

Make sure the foots you are fallowing are the belongings did Sharif’s Government, so it is very important to counsel with him, I am definite the road of your won from him, things you are doing are what he prepared, and inherent from that activity they done, thanks to him, he was not busty the Tribe invites, but he was build Somali alliances.

Somalia needs to erect the assets, and makes it very secure, free from corruptions, the aims contain to look very far regions before to get the near one, maybe it is certain issues, glad to see gradually intensification the government and systematic way. Thousands of Somali citizens, whom ready and offerings, are looking for you.

The end, Somalia needs, professionalization   of military, security, economic empowerment with making the source institutions, and the coordination maps of the government, by means of the running same distance the consultations of the rich mended people.

The thing seems very observant signals.On the one hand, Somalia there is the growing interest in popular culture and its international dimension.



Hassan Abdi Shire
