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The strong Taiwan and Somaliland partnership


Somaliland is a de facto sovereign state that is not recognized by the international community. Somaliland President Muse Bihi has established a foreign policy strategy based on the development of Hargeisa’s relations with Taipei, meeting Taiwan’s willingness to become strong allies in a “complicated environment.”

Bihi’s stance became crystal clear in 2020, when he rejected an offer from then-Chinese ambassador to Somalia Qin Jian (覃儉) to establish a Chinese liaison office in Somaliland on the condition it halted its diplomatic relationship with Taiwan. He stressed the need to strengthen bilateral ties with Taipei instead of becoming part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which aimed to develop infrastructure in return for a country’s unfavorable stance regarding Taiwan’s sovereignty and efforts to have a primary role in the international arena.

This position was followed-up by the establishment of the “Republic of Somaliland Representative Office in Taiwan,” the largest diplomatic mission of Hargeisa in East Asia. Its name speaks volumes of the two nations’ intention to use “official” and “formal” terms avoided by countries that are worried about possible retaliation from China.

“Both sides are motivated by a spirit of mutual assistance that will never expose any harm whatsoever to the interests of other countries, but rather contributes to international peace and regional economic activities,” Bihi has said.

Since then, the relationship between Hargeisa and Taipei has improved and the two are discussin several areas of common interest. It signals the parties’ willingness to engage in economic, commercial, diplomatic and political matters.

One important sector of common interest is fisheries and coastal zones. Somaliland Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Development Rabi Mohamed in February visited Taiwan to strengthen links on marine and ocean issues. In particular, they are to explore the potential for support, knowledge sharing and collaborative initiatives aimed at maximizing the socioeconomic benefits of marine resources while maintaining long-term viability.

Another strategic area is energy, given Taiwan’s desire to become increasingly independent from China and Somaliland’s compromise in terms of oil exploitation. The first meeting, which took place last year, laid the foundations for cooperation in exploration, exploitation, training and technical expertise, as Somaliland identifies Taiwan as “a partner to cooperate with in oil development.” Somaliland Minister of Energy and Minerals Abdi Abdillahi Farar this year also visited Taiwan to boost cooperation and discuss potential Taiwanese investments in the field.

Taiwan is increasingly contributing to Somaliland’s efforts in protecting and fostering a “safe and democratic environment.” For example, Taiwan donated about US$2 million to Somaliland in support of its presidential and political party elections next month. There is also a line of continuity, considering the financial support Taiwan provided in the previous parliamentary and civic elections in 2021.

The relationship between the two nations continues to show a high level of mutual trust and readiness for further development to secure a future that safeguards the countries’ established democratic institutional structure and strengthens its foundations.

Taiwan’s role could be extremely beneficial to achieving this purpose, given its efforts toward reaching high standards of democracy and rule of law. Somaliland, which is ranked as the only “partly free” state in the Horn of Africa on Freedom House’s “political rights and civil liberty rankings,” wants to follow in the footsteps of its Asian ally. That proves how Taiwan can help in economic and political issues.

Michele Maresca is an analyst at the online international law journal Il Caffe Geopolitico.

Eritrea, Egypt and Somalia cement ‘axis against Ethiopia’


Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki (R) has been holding talks with his Egyptian counterpart Abdul Fattah al-Sisi (C) and Somalia’s Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (L) in Asmara. Eritrean Information Ministry

Thursday October 10, 2024
By Teklemariam Bekit

The leaders of Egypt, Somalia and Eritrea – countries which all have strained relations with Ethiopia – have been meeting in the Eritrean capital, Asmara.

An Eritrean statement wrapping up the summit made reference to “respect for the sovereignty… and territorial integrity of the countries in the region”.

This could be taken as a pointed reference to landlocked Ethiopia’s ambitions for access to a sea port, but the country was not specifically mentioned.

A recent diplomatic disagreement has pushed Somalia into closer ties with Egypt and Eritrea, both of which have long-standing disputes with Ethiopia.

There have been fears that the growing tension could spill over into some sort of conflict.

“This is an axis against [Ethiopian capital] Addis Ababa,” Hassan Khannenje, director of the Horn International Institute for Strategic Studies, told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme.

“I think it’s an attempt to bring the hate together in trying to increase pressure against Addis Ababa.”

A photograph released by Eritrea in the wake of the meeting shows President Isaias Afwerki clasping hands with his counterparts from Egypt, Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, and Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

Why Ethiopia is so alarmed by an Egypt-Somalia alliance

A statement said the three men had “agreed to… enhance the Somali state institutions to confront various internal and external challenges and to enable the Somali National Federal Army to confront terrorism in all is forms”.

This was Sisi’s first visit to Asmara, while the Somali president had already been three times this year.

Ethiopia has for years been a staunch backer of the government in Mogadishu in its fight against al-Qaeda-linked militant group al-Shabab.
But Somalia is furious that Ethiopia signed a preliminary deal at the beginning of this year with the self-declared republic of Somaliland to lease a section of its coastline. Somalia sees Somaliland as part of its territory.

Meanwhile, Addis Ababa and Cairo have been at loggerheads for more than a decade over Ethiopia’s construction of a vast hydroelectric dam on the River Nile. Egypt sees this as a possible threat to the volume of water flowing down the river, which it relies on.

Last month, an Egyptian ship delivered a significant consignment of military equipment to Somalia. This came after two Egyptian military planes landed in the Somalia capital with arms and ammunition in August.

In 2018, it was hoped that the fractions relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea, which followed the bloody border war two decades earlier, were over.

It was then that Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed a “declaration of peace and friendship” with Eritrea.

The agreement won him the Nobel Peace Prize the following year.

But ties between the Horn of Africa neighbours again deteriorated following the end of the two-year civil war in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, which borders Eritrea.

Asmara had been an ally of the Ethiopian government in that conflict but has been lukewarm about the accord that ended the fighting in November 2022.

Relations were further aggravated by Abiy’s pronouncement last year that his country wanted to secure access to a port on the Red Sea.

Police serve the community with justice and equality, says Police Chief


The Chief Commander of the National Police Force Major General Mohamed Aden Saqai Dabagale has said that the Somaliland police force stands for justice and equality to serve the community.

He gave the expression as he presided over the graduation of traffic law enforcements officers and the induction of a further new fifth batch in a bid of upping the proficiency skills of the officers in the sector.

The training was in the form of Technology Science; he also opened a training for new members who will be taught the rules of road safety.

Commander Dabagale said, “I congratulate the police forces that graduated from this training, and those before them.”

He noted that people who are educated and skilled were better than those who are not hence would be able to go about their jobs more professionally.

He urged the traffic law enforcement policemen to be as diligent as their chores demand and to be just in the dispensation of their duties as per regulations.

He noted that the police stations and the roads are where the forces constantly interact with the populace hence they ought to build public rapport appropriately.

The police chief pointed out that poor driving skills, un-serviced vehicles and bad road conditions are the three major culprits that are agents of causative accidents.

He directed the officers to play by the book and uphold equality as they go about their duties hence see to it that the rules and regulations are adhered to by vehicles plying the roads, “such that unnecessary accidents may be put in check”.

Somaliland: Local government chiefs confer on disaster management in Borama


The mayors of Boorama, Hargeisa, Berbera, Gabilay, Zeyla, Salahlay, Balligubadle, Baki and Lug-haya held a meeting to discuss issues pertaining to natural disasters and ways of combating them.

The two day meeting is being held in Borame, Awdal region.

The conference is an annual one usually organized by the local government authorities association, HAL-KASAL in association with the help of the international organization VNG as a partner which also ponders on the issues of local government development in the country.

The mayor of Boorama, and the governor of Awdal region, expounded in their speeches the importance of the meeting as they welcomed the mayors to the town.

“It is a great joy for us as a region that today the disaster management conference is held in the capital of Awdal region. I very much welcome you to discuss issues related to natural disasters”, said the mayor.

The director of Hal-Kasal Khalid Abdirahman explained the purpose of the meeting and said, “We have held a disaster management meeting for the project that we are in charge of Dan-Hadaag, which works in five districts, and we are supported by the VNG Organization and the local government association of Holland, whose representative is here with us, we will continue this meeting for two days”.

The representative of the VNG organization, on his part said, “Disasters are something that always exists and need to be managed, raise awareness in the community and inform the districts where we have worked. I hope that a lot has changed with the impact of these efforts. We are always ready to work closely with the districts of the country”.

Somaliland: President inaugurates new mounted drill rig truck acquired by HWA


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi, cut the ribbon on a new rig purchased by Hargeisa Water Agency (HWA).

The ceremony of the event was held at the headquarters of the Hargeisa Water Agency which was also attended by some members of the cabinet, parliamentarians, management of the water agency, businessmen, traditional leaders and other guests.

The manager of the water agency in Hargeisa Mr. Mohamed Ali Darood, explained that the new rig that the agency bought has enabled it to do away with the ones that they used to rent or lease from the private sectors.

He said that this rig is capable of drilling a well of up to 600 meters depth costing $500,000.

Somaliland: President hails the private sector for catalyzing development


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi, praised the roles and duties of the private sector in the country whose corporations and companies services in the community has been without doubt outstanding.

The Head of State was addressing an event at the Hargeisa Water Agency in which the water resource suppliers managed to acquire a mounted drill rig truck that casted a half a million USD.

He said the operations and implementations of their plans have been quite exemplary.

“As for implementation of their programmes, general performances of their duties, urgency or swiftness in dispensations, and overall accountability development and associated progress the world over has been based on the fledgling of the private sector especially in the last seven decades”, said the President.

He said such gigantic steps taken towards the direction has been enabled by subsidizing and workers reaping remunerated dividends on top of their normal salaries hence their morale get boosted.

This, he said, is what has propelled the progress markedly witnessed and seen in China and other major nations as the US.

Their people are mobilized towards a cause and subsidized, he said.

He pointed out that they elect people of integrity to run such boards overseeing them in such a manner that achievements are realized with ample dividends through impeccable monitoring and oversight mechanisms.

On the same note the Head of State noted that most nations globally has not been able to fully fund or avail basic needs and amenities for their subjects hence disappointing them.

He however hailed the local private sector for the monumental achievements that they have done in a short period as the country was being reconstructed.

He pointed out that with the absence of a tangible banking system, and total lack of the insurance industry, the local entrepreneurs have been able to establish formidable international standard corporations with some of them being world leaders especially in the cyber world.

Somaliland: Uphold and safeguard peaceful stability, Speaker Suleiman urges as senate goes for recess


The Speaker of the Somaliland Senate, the GUURTI,  Hon. Suleiman Mohamud Adan, has urged the nation to strengthen the country’s safety and security as the nation is about to go to polls in early November.

The Speaker also announced the GUURTI will take recess for a couple of months and reopen on the 21st of December.

He said, “The country is entering the election process, and I urge the honorable members work towards the safeguarding and maintaining of the national peaceful stability and solidarity”.

On the other hand, Speaker Suleiman asked the chairpersons of the sub-committees of the council to submit the reports in their hands, and hand them over to the general secretary of the council Abdinasir Adan Beegsi.

Unknown number persons arranged in Court for Wrongful possession of Voters cards


By Jama Ayaanle Feyte

A number of persons were arraigned before the Maroodi Jeh regional court in Hargeisa for illegal possiecion of 150 identification and voters cards.

The alleged accused persons were accused of wrongfully conning rural residents of their identification and voter cards with a promise of handing them food rations.

The accused persons were planning to use the voters card in the upcoming elections for rigging the outcome.

The court should issue tough penalties for such heinous crimes meant to derail the Somaliland democratization process.

Somaliland Opposition leaders embark on meet the People Tour of Eastern Regions


By Jama Ayaanle Feyte

Mr.  Abdirahaman Mohamed Abdillahi “Irro” and Mr. Hersi Haji Ali, the Chairman of Somaliland National Party “WADDANI” were accompanied by top party officials have embarked on met the people tour which will cover the eastern regions of Somaliland (Sahil, Tofdheer, Sool and Sanaag )ahead of the upcoming campaigns.

The opposition leaders during the meet the people tour held various the meeting and holding discussions with Somaliland citizens, party supporters and Regional Heads, and leaders of the business community on working collectively for the betterment of the nation.

The Presidential candidate of the oppostion “WADDANI” party, Mr.Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi Irro and the chairman of the Hirsi party Ali Haji Hassan visited the command of the Somaliland National Army in the town of OOG.

The Commander Officer in Charge of Somaliland army in the Eastern Region, General Ali Barre and other officers welcomed the Presidential candidate to the command.

The Presidential Candidate and the officers of the National Army held a meeting behind closed doors at the headquarters, and the commanders gave the candidate a brief information about their work.

The Presidential Hopeful handed over a donation of 100 sheeps and 32 camels to the army commander in the eastern region. In this visit, the candidate was also accompanied by the deputy chairpersons of the WADDANI party and members of the House of Representatives of Somaliland.

Mr.  Abdirahaman Mohamed Abdillahi “Irro” speaking to residents of Garadag and Waridad districts said, “Our vision is a united Somaliland, assured of its place in the world, as a sovereign, peaceful, prosperous and democratic nation.

He added that, “Together, with internal cohesion and perseverance, we can achieve international recognition. Self-determination is an inalienable right of the people of Somaliland. Key overarching goals of this manifesto are our unwavering quest for recognition and our commitment to sustaining peace. Together, with internal cohesion and perseverance, we can achieve international recognition. Self-determination is an inalienable right of the people of Somaliland. Key overarching goals of this manifesto are our unwavering quest for recognition and our commitment to sustaining peace.

The Presidential hopeful and his delegation are headed to Sanaag region, whereby his expected to meet with party supporters and Regional Heads, and leaders of the business fraternity and the community at large.

Ethiopia has signed a memorandum of understanding with Somaliland based on mutual benefits- Pres Selassie


Ethiopia Intensifies Efforts to Secure Alternative Port, Access To Sea Through Principle of Give and Take

Ethiopia’s newly appointed President Taye Atske Selassie has reaffirmed the country’s unwavering commitment to securing alternative port and access to sea through the principle of give and take.

The joint session of the 6th year and 4th tenure of the House of Peoples’ Representatives and the House of Federation opened this afternoon.

The joint session has appointed Ambassador Taye Atske Silassie as president of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

In his address to the joint session of the House of Peoples’ Representatives and House of Federation, President Taye explained the plans of the government for this Ethiopian Fiscal Year in all aspects of the country.

President Taye in his speech highlighted Ethiopia’s efforts to secure alternative ports and access to the sea through a give-and-take approach.

Ethiopia’s efforts in this regard will continue unabated, employing a strategic approach that prioritizes mutual benefit and cooperation, he said.

President Taye further outlined the government’s ambitious plans to strengthen Ethiopia’s position on the global stage.

He highlighted the importance of forging strong alliances and partnerships, particularly with nations possessing maritime capabilities.

The president explained that the efforts Ethiopia began in pursuit of port and sea access using this alternative approach have been strengthened and will proceed in strong manner.

He also mentioned that the work to strengthen and increase the number of Ethiopia’s allies and partners is being conducted with great attention.

In the diplomatic field, he emphasized the continued work to strengthen bilateral relations with neighboring countries to safeguard national interests.

He also highlighted the importance of peace and security issues, regional integration, economic matters, and shared benefits achieved through ongoing cooperation.

Ethiopia has signed MoU agreement with Somaliland, establishing a foundation for the effort to secure port and access to the sea through the principle of give and Take, the president pointed out.

He also mentioned about the numerous activities underway to prevent unnecessary diplomatic friction occurred due to the MoU and counter the campaign being carried out to tarnish the image of the country.

The President reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to maintaining and strengthening its cooperative relationships with neighboring countries to ensure shared development and prosperity.

He also stressed Ethiopia’s role in securing peace in the Horn of Africa, especially in addressing the conflict in Sudan.

Ethiopia has been exerting successful efforts to enhance its ties with countries in the Horn of Africa with a view to safeguard its interest, he noted.

Furthermore, the president mentioned Ethiopia’s clear and consistent diplomatic efforts to ensure peace and security in the region, and its active participation in creating lasting stability in the Horn of Africa.

In terms of bilateral relations, Taye expressed confidence in Ethiopia’s ability to build strong ties with nations that have political, military, and economic capabilities in the gulf nations.

Ethiopia’s full membership in BRICS is also seen as a significant development, giving the country balanced relations and access to various advantages.

Ethiopia’s diplomatic engagement within BRICS and other global platforms demonstrates its growing influence and commitment to regional and international cooperation.

The newly appointed President highlighted Ethiopia’s ongoing efforts to strengthen strategic alliances and create new partnerships.

Ethiopia will continue its collaboration with the African Union and international organizations, maintaining a focus on deepening ties with its allies and partners.

Lastly, he reaffirmed that Ethiopia’s diplomatic and cooperative efforts to broaden its circle of friends and allies will continue to be a priority.