Decades have gone by and Somali’s have seen many presidents promise to restore the countries pride and beauty it once had, they have come and gone: no change has been made. The only hopeful’s we see is Somaliland but again, the recognition they desperately need isn’t coming any time soon. Somali’s sometimes ask themselves, ‘’how did we get this low?’’
I’m writing this article to inform you on one of the main problems that got Somali’s ‘’this low’’. Unless they understand this problem, identify & defeat it, they will never be able to leave this current mess the enemy has created for them.
You are probably wondering ‘’who is this enemy?’’ and some wouldn’t be surprised when I say this, but many might. The enemy to put it quite simply is, ETHIOPIA. This first started when Siad Barre and his army clashed with Ethiopia in the war of Ogaden 1977. And how have they ruined Somalia? Dividing us and arming us against one another. The British and Italian colonists did this very efficiently during colonization, but the Ethiopians continued this till the bloody pulp. Some Somali’s believe Ethiopia, Britain and Italy are and was the friends, but not all friends are truthful, like Nelson Mandela himself said ‘’Today’s friend can be Tomorrows enemy.’’
Smart people would usually ask when questioning a murder ‘’who will benefit from this?’’ so let’s switch it around and put this in Somalia’s case. Who will benefit or is interested in the everlasting obliteration of Somalia? Many would say U.S.A or UK, mainly the western powers, but not in this case.
Meles Zenawi, one of the greatest strategists of the 21st Century. A rebel leader at 27, he toppled the Ethiopian regime at that time. Ethiopia’s main enemy for a while, but Meles knew the potential powerhouse of East Africa was Somalia to his East. He would effectively turn the Somali’s against each other by arming each clan rebellion group to fight against each other, and once one was winning, he would reduce the arms for that group and increase weapons for this enemy, do you see where I am going with this? Sheikh Sharif, former President of Somalia suffered horribly at the hands of Meles Zenawi who consistently armed rebellions in Somalia to continue the destruction they had been causing.
When Siad Barre had the people of Somalia turning against him and creating Clan based rebel groups, such as the S.N.M (Somali National Movement), U.S.C (United Somali Congress), SSDF (Somali Salvation Democratic Front), S.P.M (Somali Patriotic Movement) and S.D.F (Somali Democratic Front) did you ever stop and think who were supplying them with weapons to rebel? Well if you did I believe I have the answer, if you look closely when they were ready to strike back against the Red Berets (Faqqash Army) they had regrouped in Ethiopia and consumed weapons in Ethiopia. So there you go, Ethiopia & Meles Zenawi
were happily giving weapons to the Somali rebel groups practically saying ‘’there you go, go out and there and ruin Somalia for me’’ and that’s exactly what they did.
The enemy simply wants to divide the Somali people and destruct them, the sooner the Somali’s realise, the better. It is never too late for the Somali’s to unite and decide their future together, not Ethiopia or any Western power. Another factor in the destruction of Somalia is the international jihadists who were kicked out of Iraq and Afghanistan and are trying to settle in Somalia. These people are changing the mindset of Somali’s and we have already seen the influences they have caused in Somalia and Puntland. Car suicide bombings and killing of men who do not follow orders of other men and then blaming it on the religion is NOT what Somali’s do or use to do. They are a cancer who brainwashing the Somali youth and spreading there unrealistic ideology, trying to kill of Somalia.
Ethiopia wants the complete collapse of Somalia and the evidence is there. They want Somalia to be split into small states; you can see Somaliland and Puntland can’t you? While Ethiopia is claiming to help the TFG and help Somalia, they also recognise the separatist region of Somaliland. Ethiopia even recognises Somaliland’s passport. You see the problem there? Ethiopia was once in talks with Somaliland over the use of port Berbera, whilst it was running away from Djibouti port because of the raised taxation and fees on Ethiopian products being passed through Djiboutian ports. Remember that both Djiboutians and Somalilanders are Somali’s; do you see the division there?
Once Somali’s wake up, the better. The sacred land of Somalia was fought for by the likes of Sayyid Abdille Hassan who led the Dervish Somali’s. Somali’s have weakened themselves to the Ethiopians who have forever wanted Somali’s to be at their knees. I’ve said this in many of my other articles but Tribalism and Tribes need to be discarded from the Somali culture. Tribalism is really disruptive and has no interest of the Somali people. If you didn’t know, clan systems were actually set up for the Nomads and have no place in the urban setting of Somalia.
If this shambles continues, Somalia will soon be run by the UN and the people will be so weak to stand up for themselves, Ethiopians and Kenyans will be forced to take control of areas. The Ethiopian population is increasing more than ever and it is predicted that by 2025, Ethiopia will have 125 million people. It’s vital that Ethiopia has as much as water as it can and if Somalia continues to crumble like this, they will look to the Juba and Shebelle rivers and no Somali man will say a thing about that because they simply cannot do anything about it. It’s a sad and devastating reality Somali’s will all face if this continue so it is pivotal that Somali’s wake up as soon as possible.
Allin Nuh
It breaks my heart to see Somalis have failed, lets hope we do not fail as muslims. Why can we not accept each others whatever we support, whoever we support. Why can Somalia not listen to Somaliland wishes? Why can Somaliland not listen to Khaatumo state wishes? May Allah swt help us all muslims to understand each others and accept each others.
khatumoseeg is a terrorist group seeking to undermine the integrity of the sovereign state of somaliland and our military must turn these rats into mince pies once and for all
It's other way around. but slow person like you it's very hard to explain.
Well said brother. I can’t say it better than that.
Why bantu and habashi not listen Somali wishes also? Why Maroco can not listen west sahara , Malia not listen Tuareg wishes? Everbody has to respect colonial border even it is not fair and Somaliland was a country and Majority just reclaim their lost sovergnity nothing more nothing less . Beside author seem confused as he accept well Djibouti sovergnity ( ''remember djiboutian and somalilander are somali'') and not for Somaliland becoz of ''Somali division''lol. Original Somaliweyn is just reduced between Somaliland and Somalia now , maybe white star in blue flag should be reduced on 2 side too. Kkkkkk
Even though Somaliland never was a country I respect their wishes. Those borders were made by white people. As much a I do not like breaking up Somalia into pieces but if that means peace for all Somalis than So be it.
are u sure we werent a country? what was the 5 days between 26/6/60 – 1/7/60 then eh? i suggest u do ur research lmao
Those 5 days was for south Somalia to get their Referendum from Italia. Which British Somaliland never asked to Great Brattain. British Somaliland though lets become one with italian Somaliland instead waiting for 5 yrs for Referendum. Stop chewing grass like a cow and do your research.
Is that zoomalian history? Kkkkkk
Somaliaqueen. I believe you still denying something. SoMaliland was a existing country before your country and it is an existing country till now on. And it will be in the future. But thank you for respecting our wishes.
This person brain is sitting on ice. there's no other way to explain it
Stop abusing Bantus and taking banuji lands oh and yeah Xamar belongs to Xamari people who have no power today and are afraid to speak their minds!
Abgaal and Mj President since 1960 is not going to fix Somalia!
you people blame everybody else but yourselves. i can see why africa is not going nowhere
yep you're right but do not belittle the role of other actor in somalia destiny !! Everything is not black or white.
The sam stragies that Meles used and others, are the same strategy used by those before them.
We need to go back and learn about histry, cause it repeats itself.
Study the fall of the muslim empire at the Hand of the Tatar or how Andalous after being muslim for 500y turn christian.
to somaliqueen…walaal, in fact somaliland was a country for 6 days….i dont understand why you people
just google it…we got our independence from britan in Juin 26 and then the south got it on july 1.
in fact their union was never done properly.
we made a big mistake and we will never do the same mistake.
abou khatuuma wish if they want to join wallaweyn we should let them…..
please dont say that somaliland was never a country it simply a lie or you don't know
Hassan qaldaan Jab jab!!
Very interesting article but kind of messy in the construction !
Anyway in my opinion the main culprits in the case of somalia are:
number one : the somalis themselves
number two : Regional player such as ethiopia and kenya
number three : Global player like the US, russia and of course Uk and italy !
number four : the late regime of syad barre.
Ps : in order to be impartial in the Afweyne case i will quote one famous Somaliland born scholar Prof Samatar about the Late regime :
"The legacy of syad regime can be divided in 3 part : One very good, one bloody and another one more classic ".
Meles was a lion of modern time like syad in the past ! I'm very obsessed about the similarity in their legacy :
A strong and power hungry regime with no respect for life value but on the other hand their reign was
marked by a long period of stability and economic growth. And to finish we can also say that they both leave very powerful achievement behind them.
reading this beautiful article has actually broke me heart into pieces. It saddens me to see somali people killing each other for no good reason and @Abdiwahab enjoying the suffering of the somali people.
why can't @Abdiwahab see the fact that Ethiopia is an enemy?
what will @Abdiwahab gain of the division and the separation of somalia other than pleasing the Ethiopians?
You want to suck arab and african bantu di$k, they hate so get real you bantu loving trash
keep barking over the net while I am impregnating your woman lol
@ PuntlandGezzer
I bet you impregnate your sisters, your mum, your brothers, even your dad, and this is while at the same time the Bantus are giving it into your ass! So sick Daroods!
@hussein… It's staggering to see you calling someone sick, while you went even further than him by including a mother and father etc. Clearly you have no respect for you parents. And if anyone is sick, believe me it is you. So do seek help as soon as possible you retarded imbecile.
I am just explaining what happens to Darood kids. I have lots of respect for parents. It is just Darood people are very sick people. My neighbour is Darood and he shagged his daughters and boys, HIS OWN KIDS!!. SICK PEOPLE !
How can you do that unless you are very very sick people. Daroods are perverts and have no respect for their own kids. That is why when Daroods grow up they talk like Ayanled, Faruuro, Butt Land! ..Sick People! I am telling you!! Disgusting ! ..aakhaas
kaboon candho minute ago you were telling people to go english classes and you wrote this what a joke hehehehehehe!!!
sahra aka kinsi candho
take those classes
kaboooooooooooooon, maybe you do, crazzy single mother.
Mr puntlander
Where were you when your uncle and his minion uncles and cousins were killing and torturing the rest of the Somalis? Did you have the heart to feel sorry for them or did you and your tribal minions try to do something about it at that time? To this day you still deny what was caused by your uncles tribal government and yet again you are here reasoning that you have a heart for Somalis. Nothing getd solved in this world nowadays unless the past is brought to account. You just sound like a hypocrite here dude.smell the the coffee please.
Do not wonder why Abdiwahab enjoys the suffering of our people or why he cannot see the fact that Ethiopia is an enemy of Somalia because he is an Ethiopian masquerading as a Somali himself. Knowing this fact now, you can understand what Abdiwahab will gain of the division and the separation of somalia into feuding clans.
If you read my comments elsewhere you will see that Abdiwahab is not the only Abyssinian making hateful comments in this website to sow seeds of discord among Somali people. The other Abyssinians who post in these articles are Jaarso (also known as Hornid), Ahmed, Kaboon and many others. Just ignore them because unlike some misguided clanish separatists who will seek help from anyone regardless, you and I know why these Ethiopians do what they do. It seems that the Ethiopian spy office in Hargeisa is working double shift these days to carry out its mission.
@hassan habr awal
In May 1960, the British Government stated that it would be prepared to grant independence to the then protectorate of British Somaliland, with the intention that the territory would unite with the Italian-administered Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland). The Legislative Council of British Somaliland passed a resolution in April 1960 requesting independence and union with the Trust Territory of Somalia, which was scheduled to gain independence on 1 July that year. The legislative councils of both territories agreed to this proposal following a joint conference in Mogadishu.[19]
On June 26, 1960, the former British Somaliland protectorate briefly obtained independence as the State of Somaliland, with the Trust Territory of Somalia following suit five days later. Later the same week, on July 1, 1960, the two territories united as planned to form the Somali Republic.[1][2]
So the only reason British Government gave Somaliland independence is, if they would unite with the Italian-administered Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland) otherwise Somaliland would never get independence and had to wait for 5 years.
Hassan feel free to correct me if im wrong but plz become not like Abdiwahab.
Seems you are good at twisting history. Kkkkk whether you twist history or not we are at present tense dear and Somaliland belongs to us we are the ones who are deciding our destiny.
Samir Iyo imaaan dear we are out of the so called union period, and we are not taking anyone’s bs our fate has been decided.
Please think of your zoomalia and how you can help them come back to humanity.
Truth hurts but it’s what it is at the end of the
day. Sorry.
Newsflash Mellon, you can not change or twist history's. Its one thing Somaliland wants to become own country fair enough but sorry to break the news Somaliland was never a country cuz
''the British Government stated that it would be prepared to grant independence to the then protectorate of British Somaliland, with the intention that the territory would unite with the Italian-administered Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland)''
is it so hard to understand or for that matters to read?????????? If you do not believe me fine that's your right but go to google type british Somaliland and you will see all details.
Look the person you answering back to how she's writing Somalia .
I know sis but even the lost ones we have to give them a chance otherwise I would have given up on all Somalis long time ago.
It is utterly mind boggling to re-read the diatribe of the constant regurgitation that emanates from every Orpheus of Zomalia Diaspora refugees.
LOGIC 101:
If in 1960 2-Sovereign states formed a Union named = Somali republic.
If in 18 May 1991 one of the States re declares it's independence from the Failed union and proclaims and re asserts it;s sovereignty over it's original territory = Somaliland republic.
By Shear deduction there is one legitimate Sovereign state = Somaliland republic as a product of the Wishes of it's Majority.
One illegitimate Notion states of Somalia-Italia in Situ awaiting Re-Independence. Unfortunately the Majority are as yet undecided on How to reclaim their State of Somalia-italia currently under occupation by Amisom, Kenya and Ethiopia.
Rather then cry go and fix your country and liberate it from Foreign invasion!!!
I've never seen someone who claims to know the history of Somalia. and gets so many times wrong he must think that ever individual who visits this website cannot read or is a clueless because what he puts out here is out right lies folks you've to understand something we all are entitled to our opinion but what we're not entitled to is our facts but this person is making up as he goes alone that's disturbing the least not mention how he's commenting about every article whether it's about Somaliland or not on top of that what's shocking is sensitive nature of is character he likes to dish dirty but he's doesn't have the courage to take it another word he's a coward with electronic device and unlimited time.
Accept your faith as part of the failure!
You are in that faith with me and every other Somali so it's not me who's having acceptance problem it's you but what else is there to say then usual utter disaster mental deranged confuse soul call Buuxiye.
Good artical but not soo good. the author mention somalia and ethiopia problem started 1977 it's wrong to say that their conflict began wayback 100 years ago. we all know ethiopia will do anything to destabilize somalia this is nothing knew. but the question is who to blame current condition somalia in today?
– Epidemic Tribe problem.
– No real leadership.
– No vision or Aim
– No sense of nationalisim for them everthing is tribe.
– current addmin in mogadishu the worst of all, somalis are more divided than ever now.
It's all bluffing and PR when keep blaming a country you knew since childhood they were the real Enemy of somali society.
Agree with ali.
Mr Ali, you made here my freind very valid point.
So instead of fixing your country you blame Ethiopians. Stop blaming Ethiopians, Kenyans, Americans, British, isreali, Russian , Chinese , Japanese for ever single thing in your country.
do you even have a country
The only people who are responsible for the failure of Somalia are Somalis; billions of dollars worth of fish are stolen by foreigners from the very long Somali coast every year and our children die of starvation. Men who were worthless the day Somalia ceased to exist as a country have become billionaires and bank owners. Others have sold the planes of Somali Airlines to foreigners. Some families have been exporting Somali bananas for the last twenty years and enriched themselves. Some Somalis have dismantled more than 60 factories owned by the country including the Berbera Cement Factory to Ethiopia and Sudan. Others have taken over national factories such as Las Qorey Fish Factory and made it their family business. What did we do as a people when all this happened? The answer is nothing. We did what do best – each Somali tribe fought with the tribe next door.
We have a beautiful country but we squabble about everything because nomads can not differentiate between a tribal traditional well and a country.
As the Arab proverb goes 'God created all nations, then he created Somali people and then he laughed".
''God created all nations, then he created Somali people and then he laughed" lool wooow Arabs are pure racist. I think the Somali qabilism is one of the longest and endless tribal and clan conflicts that have ever taken place in Africa. God help us all
well said.
Always using Ethiopia as as a scapegoat smdh Talking about non existent unity. Just look at how much folks hate Somaliland on this site alone and you wonder why sh yte cant get done. Stop hating us, stop blaming Ethiopia for every damn thing and get your sh y te together.
No one hates somaliland folks or i may say isaq, it's all in your little brain. infact there is more internal hate between habaroos than external one.
That’s your wish dear. As the Arabic proverb goes me and my brother against my uncles and me and my uncles son against the enermy. Remember here you are the hating enermy.
Issaq are the somali Jews whalahi ! They still claim that everybody hate them 20 years after !
Talking about holocaust when 1.5 millions somali died since the collapse of the somali republic !
Qabil and holocaust thats all they know !
why are you copying my comment about daroods few articles ago. Daroods are the somali jews, they are parasites who live on hawiye and issaq success.most intelligent and richest Somalis are issaq, daroods have been crying for the last 300 years since their thief Sh.darood stole shoes from a mosque in Yemen.
That are your masters respect……………..
stop commenting you filthy animal.
Ayanle Jews are the only human that Quran talks about again and again and they are well known people. I respect Jews. but I think you are idiot.
Folks, how many times do I have to tell you that the ills and ailments of Somalia,NFD,k/5aad,
or even Somaliland and Djibouti, do not come from Ethiopia,Kenya or Eritrea, but purely come
from the Somalis themselves. I don't agree with the young Author that Ethiopia is principally
responsible for the troubles and unsettling crisis of the Somalis in general terms.
Think again folks and stop puting your failures on other countries. BTW Somaliland is a different
ball game and the Author should characterize his writings to explain where the main causes of the somalis failures deepens always in disarray?
MOHAMED how many times do we have to tell you that stop advertizing Ethiopia. we know our neighbors but that doesn't mean that we haven't done considerable amount of damage to our self we recognized that sir therefore where you get in terrible with us is when you plain simple ignorant the facts and start absolving them all the meddling they have been doing in one hundred years and more so we don't expect to you understand or appreciated the difficulty Somalis have to over come. but really we do want you to stop convince us what we know not to be true because it's imperative for all Somalis people to know where we from where we at where we going where we need to be and who we can count on it in the future and who we need to watch out so this never ever happens again I guess it's too much to asking none Somalis to fully understand our concern.
Am not getting what you mean here. Can some please translate.
LOL the person that it was meant for it understood well and I have no intention to engage with you so if anyone need to translate to anything is you for the long incoherent comment you just put out and not to mention how insulting to anyone who has a decent bone inside their body got it.
at somali queen.
so you answer yes somaliland was a country for about 6 days before going to south.
and britan never told somaliland to join the south actually they were against it.
thos days italy was an ex fashist country.
just like south yemen got their independence from britan with out condition of join the north yemen.
we somalilanders used to believe in somaliweyn.
so please don't play with words, alot somalis cant admit it. somaliland was a country and our union with wallawyen was a big mistake.
britan never killed soo many somalilanders but the wallaweyn have done it
you are still somalis but we will join the south
like i say i support if khatuumo want to be part of magadisho. we should let them go
only people of SSC are allowed to join south if they want but land Will stay under legal Somaliland territory. Otherwise Issaq have the rigth also to reclaim their area in Djibouti,Ethiopia and NFD. African country is not built on qabil basis but on colonial border so harti in SL should respect majority choice as they do in Ethiopia and Kenya. Let's make referendum under IC supervision for all people of former british protectorate like civilized people once for all. By the way why wallanweyn and faqash never reclaim Djibouti?
Hornid..don't you know that Somalia has many isaaqi (SSNM) tribes more than ssc
demog/geogwise, why you limit the Isaaqi to DJibouti,NFD,K/5aad only. Almost the majority of
the Somalia DIR are Isaaqi not say least about the dissidents?
You still live something call somaliland region MYTH. nothern somalia not somaliland never become OFFICIALLY independent 1960 even five minutes. the british told whole nothern somalia inhabitant your free, 1 july 1960 north join the, when i checked UN archives data base to see if there is country call "somaliland" existed from 26/6/1960 to 29/7/1960 the data base showes nothing.
My be your mind workes differently keep repeating, why Djibouti somalia never claim back? the is simple answer most somalis they see Djibouti not pure somali infact they related to AFAR folks. let nothern somalia have referendum khaatumo and Awdal will remain somalia the rest can wonder around in the bushes.
Mustafa ur are so illogical and hater as real faqash. But we need more people like u who fuel hate between Somaliland and Somalia. Carry on to claim Somaliland never exist, referendum should be made on qabil basis and not as usual on nation basis , Djibouti is afar while they are minority and this country Will always be ruled by somalis beside keep in mind somalilander don t see too Koonfur as pure somali as u get bantu and other people not real somali, brief close eyes on two other somali region which are occupied by bantus and habashi and only focus to SL, then u can be sure u provide great service to Somaliland as distance become more and more wide from zoomalia! Kkkk
you can't handle the true. and what's this obsession you having with bantu clan?is there more than meets the eye? if so what happen? do you care to discuss? we're good listeners and we will give you the floor don't be shy.
Amisom will still be in charge of Security in Moqadishu when the 2-STATE dialogue process concludes: The potential outcomes are as follows:
1. Reunion.
2. Status quo.
3. Independence of 2-Sovereign states.
REUNION: The situation as it stands Somaliland regained it's independence from the failed Union in 1991 and has plotted it's own political path ever since. Therefore it is impossible to envisage another UNION or a REUNION of Somaliland & Somalia without first and foremost giving both STATE an equal platform as 2 equal states establishing their future relations. The main reason the 1960Union failed was primarily due to the inequality of distribution of power and wealth between the United states. It is therefore not feasible to ever expect a REUNION unless there are 2 equal states in dialogue who are able to formulate their future relations in a manner beneficial to both parties. Me and you both know that the scenario is far from the ideal conditions needed to discuss a reunion and it is my solemn believe that a REUNION is made an impossibility by the shear fact that only 2-independent and IC recognized states can discuss a REUNION. It is easy to believe that the 1960Union can simply be continued where it was left off in 1991 and we are versed enough to also understand the reason why it is impossible to do so as this would negate the 93% Majority Vote cast by the population of Somaliland prior to re-declaration of Full independence and their subsequent 22year independent political trajectory. ONLY 2-Independent Sovereign Nations can ever make the decision to form a REUNION.
STATUS QUO: Those who fathom the inevitability of the forth coming dissolution of the 1960Union who rather delay and stall the 2-STATE dialogue to prolong the conflicts in the HORN as their only means of sustain the delusion of a long dead 1960UNION. We can be forgiven for having empathy with such minds however their fantasy and personal desires leave little scope for resolution and redress to all those who did not benefit from the 1960UNION nor do they show any consideration to all those that have been made to suffer for the grand dream of a United Somali-Horn of Africa. The past 22 years have been manipulated by "so called somali leaders" that have accepted Zero-Sum gain solution that have only exasperated the suffering of all somali people and their neighbors. We and the world simply looked on and continue to look on however this 2-STATE dialogue has drawn a fine aline in that no more will the 1960UNION simply be maintain for the sake of a few sentimental old fools safe guarded by Amisom troops. Somali-Republic is nor more and Amisom is testament to the permanence of it's departure.
INDEPENDENCE: Somaliland's independence dates 26-Jun-1960 and re-independence 18-May-1991… Somalia's independence 01-Jul-1960 & re-independence xx-xx-201x. Where Somaliland seeks Recognition of it's 1991 re-independence, Somalia will also receive it's re-independence once the failed 1960Union is dissolved amicably. Somaliland has endevoured to reassert authority and governance within it's 1960 pre-Union borders and the only barrier has and is Somalia's lack of willingness or inability to exert authority within it's own pre-Union borders. Somalia's failures continue to threaten the stability of Somaliland and it's reclaimed sovereignty. That which destroyed the 1960Union was the inequality of distribution of power and wealth across the the 2-United states. Today that same inequality continues when the state of Somalia continues to claim ownership of Somaliland, denies the 93% Majority vote of Somalilanders to reclaim their sovereignty, Neglects the democratic right of the people of Somaliland to pursue a political path that is beneficial to them and Somalia's Government continues to have a GOD-COMPLEX where they believe a government chosen by 271People in Moqadishu alone has greater relevance and authority then a government chose by a 1man 1vote system across 90% of Somaliland.
From the perspective of the World community REUNION & STAUS QUO will prolong the Horn of Africa conflicts however 2-STATE solution is the path to peace and good governance to solve the issue of PIRACY, TERRORISM and POVERTY prevention.
The Somaliland & Somalia UK dialogue process must conclude with 2-equal sovereign STATES that can continue to pursue joint peace and development efforts for the people of their respective Nations and their neighbors. East African droughts are becoming a permanent reality and as their effects continue to intensify both governments have a greater task ahead of them to coexist to overcome the natural threats that have taken millions of lives.
Amisom will still be in charge of Security in Moqadishu when the 2-STATE dialogue process concludes: The potential outcomes are as follows:
1. Reunion.
2. Status quo.
3. Independence of 2-Sovereign states.
REUNION: The situation as it stands Somaliland regained it's independence from the failed Union in 1991 and has plotted it's own political path ever since. Therefore it is impossible to envisage another UNION or a REUNION of Somaliland & Somalia without first and foremost giving both STATE an equal platform as 2 equal states establishing their future relations. The main reason the 1960Union failed was primarily due to the inequality of distribution of power and wealth between the United states. It is therefore not feasible to ever expect a REUNION unless there are 2 equal states in dialogue who are able to formulate their future relations in a manner beneficial to both parties. Me and you both know that the scenario is far from the ideal conditions needed to discuss a reunion and it is my solemn believe that a REUNION is made an impossibility by the shear fact that only 2-independent and IC recognized states can discuss a REUNION. It is easy to believe that the 1960Union can simply be continued where it was left off in 1991 and we are versed enough to also understand the reason why it is impossible to do so as this would negate the 93% Majority Vote cast by the population of Somaliland prior to re-declaration of Full independence and their subsequent 22year independent political trajectory. ONLY 2-Independent Sovereign Nations can ever make the decision to form a REUNION.
STATUS QUO: Those who fathom the inevitability of the forth coming dissolution of the 1960Union who rather delay and stall the 2-STATE dialogue to prolong the conflicts in the HORN as their only means of sustain the delusion of a long dead 1960UNION. We can be forgiven for having empathy with such minds however their fantasy and personal desires leave little scope for resolution and redress to all those who did not benefit from the 1960UNION nor do they show any consideration to all those that have been made to suffer for the grand dream of a United Somali-Horn of Africa. The past 22 years have been manipulated by "so called somali leaders" that have accepted Zero-Sum gain solution that have only exasperated the suffering of all somali people and their neighbors. We and the world simply looked on and continue to look on however this 2-STATE dialogue has drawn a fine aline in that no more will the 1960UNION simply be maintain for the sake of a few sentimental old fools safe guarded by Amisom troops. Somali-Republic is nor more and Amisom is testament to the permanence of it's departure.
INDEPENDENCE: Somaliland's independence dates 26-Jun-1960 and re-independence 18-May-1991… Somalia's independence 01-Jul-1960 & re-independence xx-xx-201x. Where Somaliland seeks Recognition of it's 1991 re-independence, Somalia will also receive it's re-independence once the failed 1960Union is dissolved amicably. Somaliland has endevoured to reassert authority and governance within it's 1960 pre-Union borders and the only barrier has and is Somalia's lack of willingness or inability to exert authority within it's own pre-Union borders. Somalia's failures continue to threaten the stability of Somaliland and it's reclaimed sovereignty. That which destroyed the 1960Union was the inequality of distribution of power and wealth across the the 2-United states. Today that same inequality continues when the state of Somalia continues to claim ownership of Somaliland, denies the 93% Majority vote of Somalilanders to reclaim their sovereignty, Neglects the democratic right of the people of Somaliland to pursue a political path that is beneficial to them and Somalia's Government continues to have a GOD-COMPLEX where they believe a government chosen by 271People in Moqadishu alone has greater relevance and authority then a government chose by a 1man 1vote system across 90% of Somaliland.
From the perspective of the World community REUNION & STAUS QUO will prolong the Horn of Africa conflicts however 2-STATE solution is the path to peace and good governance to solve the issue of PIRACY, TERRORISM and POVERTY prevention.
The Somaliland & Somalia UK dialogue process must conclude with 2-equal sovereign STATES that can continue to pursue joint peace and development efforts for the people of their respective Nations and their neighbors. East African droughts are becoming a permanent reality and as their effects continue to intensify both governments have a greater task ahead of them to coexist to overcome the natural threats that have taken millions of lives.
No need to reply
Hoodo or Gobaad have apparently collected her little thoughts for a while and finally landed as the sphinxes (SNM) that soared to the sky that she usually talks about. The only thing that is new in her comment this time is that she is copying the Abyssinian "Kaboom" to call Somalia "Zoomaliya". Somalis everywhere are known to tend a lot of goats, sheep, cattle and camels. If that will make us a zoo keepers, so be it.
You are right Sahra. Gobaad's regurgitated spiteful comment about Somali people is not worth a reply.
Friend trruth hurts sorry. Take my word zoo animals are living better than your fellow citizens if you have seen a zoo anywhere apart from zoomalia.
Zoomalia is the new cyber name for your for god and Saken country and it has been around for some time now it you are not that savy on cyber terms get educated.
Be a man and accept your self inflected misfortunes , destruction and misery and stop accusing others who are loosing their lifes by helping in saving the life’s of your primitive kinds.
If the truth hurts, I know for sure that you did not look in the mirror any time in your life; when you call any Somali a "Zoomali" and equate them to lower primates, you are calling yourself exactly that and demean all of us as people. I will tell you what also hurts Gobaad; reading your two incoherant lines that you repeat so often which are riddled with incorrect spelling and words that really do not exist such as "illusionism".
Gobaad, unlike Sahra I have known you long enogh not to expect that you will come up with more than your unacceptable insults of your fellow Somali brothern and sisters. If Somalis live in conditions worse than those of zoo animals you are sitting in the first pen because as I write this comment because your Somaliland (sic.,) is part and parcel of the zoo thus far. Where are my bananas?
Read 'as I write this comment your Somaliland (sic.,) …'
Typical zoomalian mentality is what you are demonstrating here. By Attacking me with this vengeance actually was something I was expecting from you zoomalians for just briefing you on the facts.
I Very well understand for a 40 plus years old zoomalian you happens to get a refugee status somewhere in the west and then goes to school for his or her initial schooling and gets full of him self like if he is rocket scientist and specially of stinky fagash decent like you.
If you can’t comprehend what you are read, Well then there is nothing I can do for you Mr fagash keep on scapegoating on issues like spelling etc.
I will also ask you kindly to keep on dreaming with your gobaad, but am whom I am and the list I would ask for is a compliment or acknowledgement from a stinky fagash like you imbecile.
If at all the facts I gave you drove you nuts then am sorry. Facts are facts and zoomalians are what they are, destined for (stone age )is probably the right word for this inhumane primates.
Mr sacker once again the destruction of your country came from your own stupidity and low iq of your animal species stop blaming others for your idiosyncratic self inflected destructions. Get it and get It now and stop trying to bring down the progressives ones like Somaliland in your destruction camps.
20,000 Ugandians, Burundians, Nigerians, Sierra leones, Djiboutians, Kenyas and Ethiopians are all creating a NEW NATION in Moqadishu. Perhaps the FUTURE Capital of AU.
I think it is time to give all Amisom citizenship and give them each 4-wives. Hopefully in 20years time they will breed a NEW Mixed blood that is free of the racist attitude in Moqadishu.
All those Bantu country are more succesful than you little area ! iS THAT WHY YOU MAD BRO' ?
Somali are still arrogant while they're on their knee lol !
Only 40% of isaaq support secession, we the majority of isaaq backs reunion.
And sadly, that 40% is louder than the rest, which makes it seem that majority of Is@@qs support secession. Which is not. Buuxeey and the likes of him on this web are all part of the 40%.
lol I am Isse and i wanna keep my tiny country Djibouti. I am also Darood and i like sleeping with Habashi and bantus so get F…with BS somalinimo kkk
I am darood and 98% of daroods want to be issaq and we are extremely jealous of issaqs.
yea, not realy…… stop making silly comment do thing useful…….
This article is subjective, Yes Ethiopia look it's interest, Somaliland looks it's interest whetever time it take, Somaliland can not do the same 1960 mistake, but Somaliland needs to have their own destiny and future with their hand, I wish we had Somaliweyn but Somaliweyn(Greater Somalia Project failed). I disagree extremism is factor of de-estebalising somalia rather than a symptom filled political vacuum which exist in Somalia. There is a lot of things wrong in Somaliland need to look again which if has not been addressed will be the same as Somalia or worst.
The dangeous issue is that during the current government in Somaliland had revived tribilisms and president was good example in a way he dealt with elections or managing the countary despite he had alot of experience but he can not contain his tripe which i feel he hostage for it.
I don't care who takes Somalia.
I don't care about the regional countries and their interest.
I don't care about Jubaland or any other region in Somalia.
But I care about Somaliland's interest and its interest is independence and I know for certain without out or with AK47, it will remian so. This is a decision not from the West or from anyone else but it is from the majority of the people who live in Somaliland.
I can see the issue of Somaliland gives some people the respite to forget about their depressed conditions for a moment so they rather spend their energies on it instead of their own govt.
I can see some people are trying hard to blur the distinction between Somalia and Somaliland. Well, that is the best tactic that they can come up with it seems.
Somalia has many people to care about, your carelessness would change nothing! With regards to SL Independence, forget it, you will never smell it even. Aspire the best future for your children and work for the unity of Somalia, go with the time, think forward not backward, the faqash army will never come back to Hargeisa to bombard you, as things will be different in the new Somalia.
you are the one who have been brain washed by Ethiopian.
why I hate you sxb? I live among your people and married a woman from your clan.
Your DAD abused you sexually! So sick thes Daroods ! Only Darood men would shag their own kids! Sick sick people !!!!
here we go again ! another kid left by his darood father ! seriously Darood are too sexy and seductive !
@Ayanle @PuntlandGeezer
more like Daroods are perverts, they shag their own kids! Look my neigbour is Darood, Dad molested daughters and sons ..disgusting people ! I can tell you had same experience from the way you and Butt Land and so-called president Faruuro talks !!
Awdalland and Khaatumo should negotiate about their unity, and no need to discuss with cows
@ Faruuro and butt Land abused darrod kid
Go and Die ! Because your Dad molested you ! Your ass is messed up by Faruuro the d**k sucker!
Sorry mean I don’t know. Correcton
Folks, don't pay much attention to Puntlandgeezer(PIS), the guy is a mad cap..when he fails in
politics he uses his genital see this fellow has too many dirty tactics. lol.
Awdalland and Khaatumo should negotiate about their unity, and no need to discuss with cows
Somalia unity is the only road towards peace.
we daroods are too jealous of issaqs in order to be in a civilized union.
@Ayanle @PuntlandGeezer
Daroods are perverts, they shag their own kids! Look my neigbour is Darood, Dad molested daughters and sons ..disgusting people ! I can tell you had same experience from the way you and Butt Land and so-called president Faruuro talks !!
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The destruction of Somalia is simply because of tribalism.
The only reason Ethiopia the West Kenya etc are getting away with their aggression is because we're letting them and reading the comments tells me after 20+ years we can still be manipulated maybe even more easier.
What a shame we could of easily been the richest and most strongest superpower of Africa but instead choose to fight one another over crumbs.
I am just explaining what happens to Darood kids. I have lots of respect for parents. It is just Darood people are very sick people. My neighbour is Darood and he shagged his daughters and boys, HIS OWN KIDS!!. SICK PEOPLE !
How can you do that unless you are very very sick people. Daroods are perverts and have no respect for their own kids. That is why when Daroods grow up they talk like Ayanled, Faruuro, Butt Land! ..Sick People! I am telling you!! Disgusting !
Maybe your parent shagging own KIDS……………………………………..
You must be living somewhere in the Arabian gulf to talk about the misfortune of the kids you mention here. The concept you are talking about is foreign to most Somalis except maybe to Alshabab fundamentalists and their foreign Jihadists and some of those Somalis who live in the oil rich Arabia. Please watch your language and if you do not have anything useful that can further the debate, cease and desist.
@Kaboon, Abdiwahab, Ahmed and Jarso,
Go to Ethiopian Report to post your nasty divisive comment. It is sad day when naked Abyssinian savages divide Somali people along clan lines. You can fool some people sometime but you can not mask the stench of the day old teff. Get a life.
first if you a married to isack why are always talking about? its showing how sick you are, no class.
bro shame on you talking abt daarod like that, there is sick people in every tribe.
dont put your self in keyse and puntlgzr he is not even daarod….he is hawiyeh
Please don't isolate yourself from other somalis just because we don't recognize your delusional British white trash colonial village.
Somalia belongs to you as well, don't just spend your entire lives back and forward in Hargeisa, burco iyo berbera there are some nice places to visit in somalia especially bari, gaalkacyo, xamar, marka afgooye etc.
The enemies basically the (Ethiopian) and their stooges SNM that's feeding you nothing but lies have to hate your fellow somalis brothers and sisters.
I don't wish any bad for somaliland because I love somali people regardless of their tribal background.
I have be married to a beautiful Issaq woman for three years since relocating to Hargeisa from london and I have three Pure beautiful somali kids and hopefully one day I see meself as the mayor of Hargeisa.
Why didn't you marry darood woman. Are darood women ugly?
ask siilaanyo father that question.
We need to find a new home one among the stars to find true peace.
For a Somalilander, Buuxiye is too well informed about southern Somalia. For most of those from northern Somalia, any southern point beyond Las Anod is Wanlawayne. If you observe Buuxiye's comments, he knows the name of every tribe in Southern Somalia including the extinct ones. How is that possible?
It is obvious that Buuxiye grew up in southern Somalia and he did never set a foot in northern Somalia. He probably lives in a foreign country and is only defending what he calls Somaliland (sic.) on tribal grounds. May be the man and his family experienced a particular bad trauma in southern Somalia and they were uprooted from their property and from the only home they know. Only Buuxiye knows what happened. Buuxiye's is very angry man. The man is far more angrier than any other Somali I including the most radical separatist from northern Somalia. Buuxiye wishes that the rest of Somali territories including Djibouti be colonized by Kenya and Ethiopia so that he can have his little country in the triangle betweenf Burao, Hargeisa and Berbera.
Buuxiye, temper your anger brother. We are all Somalis and one people after all regardless any grievances between us.
c.mon you know Buuxiye is too professional for all of us, why not admit gestapo?
Wonderful Ali .Fictional stories with hateful disgusting attitude toward to Somali people and nauseating two state thing he's always running around with it and not to mention those long comments that show more his mental deterioration that's taking place than anything else so I come to this conclusion this guy is in need of help and all this is a cry for help ti's just my two little sense nothing more'
Character assassination is performed on individuals who pose a strategically devastating offensive on the constipated minds of Zomalia's Ugali eating dayusbaro community.
The following image is the fufu we are running away from since 1991:…
Firstly, I would like to thank all those who read my article. I am watching everyone's comments and learning things I never knew which is always good. Long Live Somali's, whether we are from Somaliland or Somalia.
well done brotha, such a beautiful article.
There is no siilland.
guys, all your doing is Fadhi-ku dirir, nothing more, Somalia still remains ONE, All that needs to be said. mohahaha
stop dreaming princess and play with ur pony
Lol abdi not bad. Hope Amirah follow ur good advise.!
I thank to the writer, this is fact and time ticking, unless something is done, Somalia's children will cry one day for being mistreated and oppressed by occupiers in their soil. People of Somalia need to be different from their ancestors who fall into the submission for the sake of hating fellow Somali (just what going on today) to pass their land to others. Unity is power and obviously division is weakness.
People of Somalia need to stop blaming other for their miseries, rather they need to stand together and fix their problem.
Alshabab is not only the enemy of Somalis, but they are the enemy of Allah and man kinds. They must be stopped.
Iam telling reer qaldaan to cease their dream of clan country. It wont happen, we will not allow that to happen.
Midnimada Soomaaliya waa muqadis
get off ur ugandan tank u darood crackhead
Walanweyn and faqash are funny. Somaliland is gone so as for NFD , Somali galbeed and Djibouti. No more BS somalinimo love, unity. Focus in ur mess zoomalia ruled by bantu and habashi.
I have one thing to say about Sayid M.AbuDuli Hassan…
He retired in a Christian country of Ethiopia after all his marauder campaigns and after making sure he many the Harti the Langaabs of Darood.
So i guess he did us all a favor may we see another in our live time.
Take your medication cuz your not concentrating striaght. sayid abdula hassan he fought to liberate all somalis from the colonizers while your kin working with the colonizres. he retired his homeland somali galbeed. also Harti is the largest single sub clan Darood Jaberti Ismail.
MAD-MULAH's achievements:
– Pushed thousands of Ciise Mahamoud MJs of the cliffs of EYL.
– Dragged Dhulbahante into so many wars they became Laangaabs.
– Mulah's oldest son made sure Haile Salasi supported the awarding of the kilil to ethiopia in the 1940-50ies.
– MAD-Mulah died in hiding in Ethiopia and was given the peasant's burial in an unmarked grave.
I have no reason to hate him, i do not now him but i do find him an amusing character considering his current Worshipers and how he should actually be perceived!!!
well,well, Sayid mohamed abdul hassan his is well know freemom fighter all around the world. his struggle it's in UN archive. your kin have done anything accept wiping british asses.
@ Feel tire
that was honest, I like that. Unlike some pro S/landers who want independence yet don't want to acknowledge that there are issues that would need to be addressed before such a thing could happened.
Now with that said, I'd like to take this moment and give a little advice to my secessionist brothers and sisters. It's not the world or the rest of Somalia you need to convince, it's your fellow Somalilanders. If you treat them equally and with respect and make your government more inclusive. It would then be simple as asking the U.N to help and hold referendum, you might wondering why on the last part but the answer is simple, no would be able to dispute it.
My personal opinion is that the majority of people will say No, but if they said Yes, I would say congratulation brothers and sisters, and may you have success in your future.
But then again with khaatumo state already claiming to be not part of S/land, and with murmurs of Awdal State, is it too late.
Somali of Djibouti make a lot of money with habashi through their modern port while SL and S lose precious time by hating each other.Djiboutian always tell me that they are peaceful becoz they benefit from no Darood living there. Where Darood live , hate and war is never far.Allemagan faqash get a life!
You did not still answer my question of how Imi has become a Somali Ethiopian region and a Christian country. Could you explain how and when your Somaliland (sic.) region lost Haud and Reserve area to the Abyssinians and Haile Selassie? It is obvious that you would rather falsely attack Sayid Mohamed's personality instead of addressing the gaping holes in your confused claims and tall stories.
Keep spitting poison and hate at your Somali brothern and sisters while you ignore the agony of your folks in Harshin & Gashamo even today. That is pathetic my friend!.
Have forgot taking your medication.
> When Sayid adula hassan tried to land berbera there was already british and their servant your kins.
> He didn't Murder Dhuluz or Mj, They were fighting to liberate somalia from your masters the british.
> He did not skin anyone accept the occupiers and their servant butlers.
> Sayid hassan never throw anyone from cliff it's all in your diluted little tiny brain.
> Sayid mohamed abdula hassan rest in peace his soul dead his hometown IMAY in westren somalia ethiopia with his chin high. the british nor anyone kill him.
LOOL Guys take it easy on Buuxiye, that is just his opinions nothing more.
@belo Buuxiye, this is the part where you post your facts. Little something called fact-checking. You may have heard of it. Oh, that's right you have none. You make completely false stories and you expect the rest of us to believe it? .
You make BS claims, expect to back them up mayn.
LOOL so what if he married to Dhulba women unless there was a law that said not to.hmmn and FYI he married only two women, his mom was Dhulbhante, he was born and bred in caro Dhulbahante. get that. to my understanding the only reason you're against this great man simply coz he wasn't your clan.
we can always agree to disagree however, there is no denying the fact that he was a great man and the vast majority of Somalis see him as a HERO regardless of their tribe.
check it out this video, it might change your perspectives
We are messing around with clans-Superior and inferior, while the guerrillas are blindly trying determe our future behind closed doors!!! we are good for nothing, little is enough for us , we missing the elephant while running after the rabbit, we look for the dot, but miss the wider picture. I am hopeful we shall protect our existence and unite behind our flag in the near future insha allah.