We have as Somalilanders in the Diaspora not out of absolute choice have supported our country through difficult times with our finances, suggestions, proposals and prayers. We did so out of our empathy to a nation so greater such as ours. We will continue in that support because we are people who understand the importance of voting and in collective consensus about a party that we want to be govern by it with full view of the facts.
Today I urge you children of Somaliland in the Diaspora to continue in your remarkable journey of support with respect to financing of our electoral commission because it needs our funding to complete its democratic task of delivering free and fair elections, and I strongly believe that adequate funding in all probability brings proper results that takes place in Somaliland.
We have a duty under God to ensure that we serve our people and country in our respective places across the globe.
In that respect we can have an enviable position on matters of national identity and pride. We will understand unambiguously our position in the world.
Long live Somaliland
A Note from zealot Somalilander in South Africa
Saeed Furaa
E-mail: somalilandjournalist@gmail.com


  1. The ball is in President hands, he has to call for meeting of all stock holders of Somaliland especially, the opposition parties in order for this crisises to be solved then we will proudely invove which ever way we can.

  2. Asalamu Allaikum,

    Please accept my sincere thanks for your letter to Somali Landers in Diaspora.
    I concur with this petition letter in Somaliland Diaspora to prop up their country through difficulty times. I trust that they will devote their life to save Somaliland By any means.

    Best wishes and keep up the good work Mr: Saeed Furaa

    Hargeisa, Somaliland

  3. I wellcome this letter greatly, as they say there is no place like home. Somalilanders in the diaspora are needed in everyway. They need to support the people and make sure their children learn what Somaliland means, we all need eachother. I as Somalilander living in the UK and currently visiting our country I am proud to see the hardwork of the Somaliland people the general puplic, their determination to better themselves and the country let us keep up this and do more to continue our support.

  4. Great Saed that's true. I really appreciated your article. keep up the spirit and surely u will succeed ur stuggle IA.

    Best wishes

  5. Warmest greetings to the true daughters and sons of our great nation. Truly, it is so touching to read notes from fellow citizens like Saeed Fura

    thank you bro, keep writing to change the world