WASHINGTON (Somalilandpress) -- The leader of Somaliland's main opposition Kulmiye Party arrived in Washington on Friday for talks with Somaliland community in the US...
HARGEISA -- Three men from Somaliland who, ever since they were young dreamed of building a helicopter have designed and built their own helicopter...
HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) -- Security forces in Somalia's northern breakaway enclave of Somaliland said on Saturday they had foiled an attack on a mosque in...

A night to Remember

(SomalilandPress)-It was sunset and my memory strong-willed to participate one of the beautiful nights of presenting books organized by Hargeisa Readers Club. This...
(SomalilandPress)One of the most visible leaders of an Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist militia in Somalia spent a year in Toronto ingratiating himself into the Somali...
HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) -- The Somaliland Presidential spokesman, Mr Saed Adani Moge  issued a press release on Monday endorsing a government reshuffle that saw nine...
HARGEISA (SomalilandPress) -- School enrollment has risen sharply in Somalia's self-declared independent region of Somaliland since 1991, raising the literacy rate from 20 percent...
Hargeisa, 28 December 2009 (Somalilandpress) -- Pakistan’s Adviser on Consular Affairs between Foreign  Affairs and  Diplomatic Missions, Mr Shafiq Ahmed Qureshi has sent a...
Bia Lounge, 45 -47 Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham B10 OJU Refugee Advice Group in partnership with Kayd Somali Arts and Culture, and...
Hargeysa (Somalilandpress)- Wefti ka socda dalka Kenya oo ka kooban todoba xubnood, oo uu hoggaaminayo guddoomiye xigeenka Baarlamaanka Kenya Faarax Maxalin, ayaa maanta ka...