To: Congressman Donald Payne, Chairman Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health 2310 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, District of Columbia 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman, Somaliland Forum thanks you greatly for your genuine concern for the suffering people of Somalia. As Somalia’s neighbor, Somaliland...
Somali MPs, chased from their houses in Mogadishu, unable to find a secure den to convene meetings or venture into the streets, flee in droves. Some escape to Kenya; others, to North America and Europe. But a small group...
Minneapolis, Jul 10 2009  -- Executive Director Hussein Samatar is a recipient of the 2009 Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal’s Minority Business Awards for his leadership with the African Development Center. He was recognized with other top minority business owners,...
Hargeisa, 9 July 2009  - Somalilandpress reporter, Mr. Abdiqani Baynah along with another journalist from Qarannews Hasan Keefkeef have been beaten and briefly detained by the police in Hargeisa this evening. The two journalists were detained while preparing a...
To help Ayaan, or see more details about her please visit: HELP AYAAN Hargeisa, 8 July 2009 -- I would like to speak to you about the case of Ayaan Osman, a child who was shot in the face when she...
HARGEISA, July 8 2009 -- Authorities in Somalia's self-declared republic of Somaliland are worried about a bad harvest and potential livelihood crisis for poor agro-pastoralists. Abdikader Jibril Tukale, director-general of Somaliland’s Ministry of Agriculture, told IRIN: "We are very worried...
Zeila, Jul 7, 2009 -- Five Somaliland nationals have reportedly been detained by Yemeni forces on Monday in a serious standoff between Yemen and the Republic of Somaliland. A source in Somaliland's capital said that Yemeni forces took the five...
By Hodan Keyse Hassan On the 13th of June, Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (Silanyo) arrived in Stockholm and right away gave an inspiring speech to hundreds of Somalilanders that were waiting for his arrival to Sweden. Before he held his speech,...
Hargeisa, 5 June 2009-- The Somaliland parliament asked the Foreign Minister, Mr. Abdillahi Mohamed Dualeh to appear in the house for questioning about the latest developments in Somaliland's foreign policy. The chairman of the Foreign Affairs sub-committee issued a letter...
British Rule In Somaliland Is Ended The Times Monday, June 27, 1960 Independence Day Celebrations HARGEISA, Somaliland, June 26, 1960 (Reuter): British rule ended here at midnight last night as fireworks and singing crowds heralded the Independence of Somaliland. Celebrations...