Interpeace and the European center for Electoral support haveI nterpeace and ECES form partnership to support democratisation processes in Somali Region established a new partnership to reinforce support to electoral commissions in Somalia and Somaliland on their democratisation processes. For almost...
10 February 2016 Latest updates: – Terrorism section - on 2 February 2016 there was an explosion on a Daallo Airlines flight to Djibouti from Mogadishu and in January there was a major terror attacks at Lido beach in Mogadishu;...
A bilateral agreement between the government of Taiwan, the local government of Hargeisa and the Ministry of Transport and Road Development of Somaliland has been signed for the upgrading construction of the road from Hargeisa Airport to Mohamud Ahmed...
By Goth Mohamed Goth In a press statement issued by Col. Abdi Cabdilahi Hassan (Abdi Dheere), the Somaliland Defence Forces spokesperson in regard to the unprovoked attack by Puntland Forces in east Sanaag region stated as follows:- The newly appointed Mayor...
Hargeisa needs ten bridges, however it uses two bridges, one of them was built 70 years ago and is located in the heart of the city and is the most used and now it is about to collapse no...
Hargeysa (Somalilandpress)- Ciidamada Booliska Somaliland ayaa rasaas oodada kaga qaaday, kuna kala kaxeeyay boqolaal ka mid ah dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Hargeysa, kuwaasoo ka gadoodsanaa Inqilaabkii shalay ay ciidamadu ku qabsadeen xarunta Golaha Barlamaanka, iyada oo maanta ciidamada Golaha...
Kenya has a big role to play in Somaliland’s economic development if local investors venture in the Horn of Africa nation. Somaliland’s Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation Minister Yasin Mohammed Hiir has encouraged Kenyan investors to take advantage of the...
The Energy Commission decries the haphazard manner that electricity power lines have been connected. The energy agency, the authorities of the Maaroodi-jeh region and representatives of the companies that provide electricity services in the capital of Hargeisa held a meeting...
Hargeisa, 16 February 2016 - The Somaliland Government wishes to categorically refute the false allegations made in a recent article in Kenyan media that claims it supports Al-Shabaab in any way, shape or form. The article that is entirely...
The most successful British track athlete in modern Olympics history and a European & World record holder in multiple events, Mo Farah celebrates his 37th birthday. Born on this day in 1983, Mo Farah is the most decorated athlete...