Hargeisa -The ruling Kulmiye party has shot down and scoffed at the malicious reports on its policies peddled by a local Somaliland newspaper that is published in the local vernacular, Foore, terming it as baseless lies. In a press statement...
When it comes to nationhood nothing, repeat- completely nothing, comes thereabout in qualms. In other words Somaliland, her essence, her viability, her aspirations or whatever short or long term issues that pertain to her integrity, has got to (and must)...
By Mekki Elmograbi The summit of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) scheduled from 20-31 March, 2015 has started in Addis Ababa at AU Headquarters. The first activities of summit are the 34th COMESA policy organ meetings and...
Hargeysa Cultural Center, Saturday 21 March, 2015 – 19.00-21.30 Event Language: Somali and English Redsea Cultural Foundation is delighted to host a talk on “updates on Advanced Research on Somali Language and Literature” by Dr Martin Orwin, School of Oriental and...
  The United Nations General Assembly meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has declared March 22nd as World Water Day (WWD). This important day was first proposed on Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development....
    SONG for SHEIKH ASHIR to the memory of Sheikh Ashir Maadoow Mahad; and to Mohammed Haji Mukhtar   If I could have sat, At the feet of the sheikh of my choice – It would have been those of Sheikh Ashir. If I should ever...
19 March 2015 Today, the EU and UNHABITAT marked the closure of the SECIL project with a ceremony highlighting tjobs and basic urban services the project has created for the Mogadishu’s residents over the past 3.5 years. With a total support...
Al Jazeera has condemned a claim by President Sisi that its journalists are activists rather than impartial observers. The network has also strongly defended its coverage of an airstrike by Egypt in Libya last month, after Sisi said it had...
Event: Film screening Language: English Title: LIFE IS WAITING: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara - A film by:  Iara Lee, 2015 Venue: Hargeysa Cultural Center - Time: Thursday 19 March, 2015. 19.30 Forty years after its people were promised freedom by departing...
By Goth Mohamed Goth Hargeisa -Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation Hon Mohamed Bihi Yunis during his diplomatic tour to neighboring countries had a series of meetings with diplomats representing regional countries and international community blamed the federal...