By Paul Goldsmith And Abdi Umar Nairobi, Jun 30 2009 — Naturally, threats to bring down glassy skyscrapers and demands that Kenya withdraw security forces patrolling the border evoke public alarm. Sometimes an ostensibly negative and emotionally charged development can flip over...
Why we are not orienting social change thoughts? Our early history we were rural society and moving towards where rain falls after a period we immediately change urban society although some remain their stage we changes our camels to cars...
Hargeisa, 27 June 2009 (Somalilandcurrent) - Somaliland scored 4.5 in the numerical index rating, with 1 representing the most respect and 7 the least respect; ranked Somaliland as the 144th world’s political and civil rights-respecting country out of 208...
Hargeisa, 24 June 2009  - Recently, Media and Outreach Coordinator for the State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs Greg Garland held online question and answer discussion entitled ‘Is there hope for Somalia?’. The discussion was very much civilized and...
Hargeisa, 23 June 2009  - It is a certain phenomenon once something evil generates; over a time, it goes through black-white evolutions__ that radically could change the cultural, social and psychological compositions of a population over successive generations. Somalia...
Hargeisa, 23 June 2009  - One day in high school while at lunch, I sat down with a group of friends who were having a conversation about a new guy that had just transferred to our school. “Did you meet...
I have read Mr zakaria Farah’s article on and I can’t help responding to it. Before I proceed any further, I would like to say that Zakaria is entitled to express his opinion on how Somalia should be and...
Mogadishu, 21 June 2009 (Somalilandcurrent) - One of the website owned by Somali's Islamists extremist revealed the name and the photos of the suicide bomber who killed Somalia's National Security Minister last week in Beletwein. Al-shabab an extremist Islamic...
Hargeisa, 16 May 2009 - The arrival of BCIMR commercial bank in Somaliland is a great indicator of how fast the region is progressing economically, socially and politically as a bank that is a subsidiary of a major international...