The political crisis in Mogadishu sparked by the kidnapping and murder of National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) cyber-expert Ikran Tahlil Farah continues. To recap the last few days: After Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble fired NISA head Fahad Yasin, whom many...
An In-Depth Review of what Genel Energy Signing the Farm-Out with CPC Corp Means to Somaliland's Oil Industry. We will highlight the various possible challenges, benefits, and opportunities associated with the potential Drilling of crude Oil in Somaliland. Preface Hold your...
By Dr. Mohamud M. Uluso Finally, on April 14, 2022, the Somali people and the international partners of Somalia breathed a sigh of relief on witnessing the swearing in of the selected/elected members of the 11th Federal Parliament (FP) after one...
By recognizing Somaliland, America can reduce its reliance on Djibouti and strengthen its position in the critical East Africa region. by Alexander Jelloian China is making too many friends. Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have shown that they are...
Five weeks ago on 18th May 2023, the nation of Somaliland happily celebrated the 32nd anniversary of re-asserting its independence which marked the end of Greater Somalia Dream. This week on June 26, Somaliland is commemorating its 63rd anniversary of Independence which...
Somalis march against the Ethiopia-Somaliland port deal at Yarisow stadium in Mogadishu on January 3, 2024 By Abdifatah Ismael Tahir On January 1, 2024, Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, and Somaliland's President, Muse Bihi, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)...
Addis Abeba – Relations between Ethiopia and Somalia have gone through at least two major episodic moments since the coming into 2018. The first is related to the tripartite agreement between Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia, and its short-lived euphoria. As...
By Liban Obsiye Ever since President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s first visit to Somalia in 2011, when he was Turkey’s prime minister, the relations between Somalia and Turkey has blossomed and strengthened. The two countries started regular high-level discussions, exchange of...
Somaliland is not an entity which was born after the disintegration of the Siad Barre dictatorship.  In pre-historic times it was known as the land of Punt.  Many, including recently Ethiopia, lay claim to that legendary name.  However, two...
Although Somaliland’s political system incorporates both traditional elements and modern, political structures, it is mostly divided and fought over clan lines, and the two, main political parties represent a specific clan or a coalition of clans and sub-clans. “One of...