Part I: Rise of the Ethiopian Chee-Hippo Generation in 2014 In my first weekly commentary of 2013, I declared that year to be the “Year of Ethiopia’s Cheetah (young) Generation”. It was a great year for Ethiopia’s Cheetahs. I declare 2014...
Hargeisa, 14 July 2009  - Transport delays from Djibouti have led the World Food Programme (WFP) to begin diverting vessels carrying food assistance to the Port of Sudan and the Port of Berbera in Somaliland, where trucks will transport...
Hargeisa, 29 June 2009 (Somalilandcurrent)-- Ethiopian Airlines has officially delegated Noble Travel Agency to carry out their flight bookings in Somaliland. The agency will have exclusive access to Ethiopian Airlines 1.95 million passenger database and cliets would be able to make bookings...
Hargeisa, Jun 29, 2009 (Somalilandcurrent) -- World refugee day took place in Somaliland on June 20th at the Ethiopian refugee center. The celebration proceedings were opened by Somaliland Vice Minister of Resettlement, Mr Abdilhamid Garad who said, “I am...
A scorpion once tried to cross the river Nile. He approached several animals, asking if he could ride on their backs. None of them dared trust him, and they all refused.Finally, an old sheep agreed because the scorpion said...
ONLF Press Release: Response to A False Accusation The claim by the website, Somalilandpress, which fabricated baseless allegation that ONLF fighters killed several civilian traders from Hargeisa, is not based on facts. The concocted story continues further to say that...
Mogadishu (Somalilandcurrent)- Ethiopia's Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, has said his country is ready to once again deploy its troops in Somalia if Islamist groups manage to overthrow the Somali president. Mr. Zenawe said his government has strengthened security along...
Gashamo, 23 June 2009 - A group of ONLF rebels killed two and seriously wounded several others when they ambushed a civilian convey carrying khaat from the town of Danod to Gashamo in Ethiopia's Somali region. Both victims are...