By Goth Mohamed Goth The Somaliland Ministry of planning technical team met their Ethiopian counterparts in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian Capital. The two sides discussed ways of enhancing technical cooperation between the two countries’ various governmental institutions. Agreed Action points of both...
Al Mariam's Commentaries June 9, 2015 Today, Dennis Hastert, the former Republican Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1999-2007) and lobbyist appears in U.S. federal court for arraignment (enter a plea of guilty or not guilty) on charges that...
By Goth Mohamed Goth The visiting members of the Oromo Traditional council and Somaliland Traditional elders on Wednesday held a joint conference at the Ambassador Hotel, Hargeisa, in which they issued a joint communique in which they declare the strengthening...
Posted in Al Mariam's Commentaries By almariam Author’s Note: In this commentary, I try to explain to my readers why on the eve of PM Abiy Ahmed’s stellar first year anniversary there is so much political white noise in Ethiopia. There is a campaign of...
Somaliland has increased its presence on the international stage by wading to the current standoff between Egypt and Ethiopia over the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam along the Blue Nile, arguing that the impasse can be amicably solved...
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in the Ethiopian capital on Tuesday for a two-day visit in the last leg of his 4-nation Africa tour. Lavrov also visited Egypt, the Republic of the Congo, and Uganda as part of his...
Somaliland representative to Ethiopia Ahmed Hassan Egal said that the Berbera Corridor Project would be launched at the end of February aiming to play role in handling Ethiopia’s ever-increasing import-export shipment. Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, the ambassador stated that...
By almariam Commencement speeches given by political leaders often tend to be partisan, contentious and controversial. The politician will often seek to use the opportunity to defend or promote policy, respond to critics or announce an initiative. After President Barack Obama...
Addis Ababa, June 27, 2024 -The Prime Minister’s Office advised the public to be wary of false content currently circulating online in relation to a Memorandum of Understanding with Somaliland. Official communications on local, regional and international affairs are disseminated...
By almariam  “Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.” –Mahatma Gandhi In the end, they always fall…I don’t know how many times I...