By Mike Mamo It is just over a year since the Oromo uprising of 2014 – 2018 help topple TPLF’s predatorystate. The eventual transition of the uprising into a nationwide resistance and its ability to inspire a team of internal...
By Ahmed Abdi European Parliament opened hearing about the Ogaden Human Rights violations and the Ethiopian prisons in Addis Ababa. The hearing,which was invited to participate in the Ogaden whistle-blower ,Abdullahi Hussein, and Swedish Journalist,Martin Schibbye,was held on April 2nd by...
Ethiopia, whose energy needs are constantly growing, remains dependent on Djibouti’s infrastructure policies – and keeps demanding more. But the announced extension of the port of Horizon could be compromised by another project: the Damerjog petrochemical complex. Djibouti’s business landscape...
The newly appointed Ethiopian representative to Somaliland has set foot in Hargeisa, the capital. Amb. Saed Abdilahi Jibril arrived at Egal airport on last Sunday. Senior officials at the ministry of foreign affairs & international cooperation received the Ethiopian envoy...
Barely settled in office as President of Ethiopia’s Somali State, Mustafa Omar ‘Cagjar’ makes the greatest possible diplomatic blunder by referring to Somaliland as one of many places terrorists are hatching plots to harm Ethiopia and his region. “There those...
Addis Ababa - House of People's Representatives (HPR) Peace and Foreign Relations Standing Committee Chairperson Dima Negewo said that implementing the Ethio-Somalil and MoU is important for the development and security of the region. Highlighting the deeply intertwined histories and...
Somali people march against the Ethiopia-Somaliland port deal at the Yarisow stadium in Mogadishu, Somalia January 3, 2024. REUTERS/Feisal Omar/File Photo  By Giulia Paravicini July 1 (Reuters) - Turkey has begun mediating talks between Somalia and Ethiopia over a port deal...
Ethiopia says it has started the next phase of filling a controversial mega-dam on the Nile River, Egyptian authorities said Monday, raising tensions ahead of an upcoming UN Security Council on the issue. Egypt said the move was "a violation...
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Hon. Dr. Isse Keyd Mohamud together with the Deputy Minister Hon. Rooda Jama Elmi and the Director General of the Ministry Mr. Ahmed Abokor Mohamed held a press conference in his...
Ethiopia and Ethiopians the symbol of Africa and Black Race are blessed by God on the Holy Bible and HolyQuran. "Reverend" Obama who was "ordained" yesterday in Charleston, South Carolina memorial service for  nine devoted Christians who were murdered...